Формування готовності старшокласників до фермерської праці у навчально-виховному процесі сільської школи

Теоретичні основи формування готовності до фермерської праці у сільських школярів. Структура і зміст програми експериментального навчального курсу і виховних заходів. Оцінка психологічної готовності старшокласників до виконання головних функцій фермера.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 26.09.2013
Размер файла 45,3 K

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Kucheryavy A.O. Developing senior pupils' preparedness for farming labour in the educational process at village schools. - Manuscript.

The dissertation for obtaining a scientific degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, speciality 13.00.07. - Theory and Methods of Upbringing, Kherson State University. - Kherson, 2003.

The dissertation is devoted to the problem of objective connection between pedagogical basis and professional self-determination reflexions and developing village school senior pupils as future farmers. Taking into account the obtained results of the analysis of this problem from the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical points of view there have been proved correspondent preparedness of senior pupils. The research considers the psychological, mental and practical components of the preparedness structure, the model of the conceptual farmer specialist, principles of developing systematic and functional characteristics of farming activities are grounded. In the present thesis the approaches to the planning and content of educational program and teaching methods, aimed at developing all components needed for being a specialist, are studied. The system, methods and pedagogical conditions of preparedness of senior pupils for farming and experimental levels aimed approach to have been analysed. Evaluation methods of preparedness of senior pupils for future labour have been worked out and tested.

Key words: reflexion of professional development of senior pupils, preparedness for farming, structure of preparedness, model of specialist in farming, system of preparing for farming.

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