Виховна спрямованість змісту букварів в українських школах Закарпаття (друга половина ХІХ - кінець ХХ століття)

Функції змісту букварів для шкіл на різних етапах українського букваротворення досліджуваного періоду в Закарпатському регіоні. Реалізація змісту українських букварів як засобу формування загальнолюдських цінностей молодших школярів у сучасних умовах.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.09.2013
Размер файла 42,6 K

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Fizeshi O.Y. Educative Aim of ABC-book Contents in Ukrainian Schods of Zakarpattia (the second half of the XIX century - the end of the XX century). - A manuscript.

Dissertation for receiving the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences degree, specialty 13.00.01 - General Pedagogics and the History of Pedagogics. - The Prykarpatsky University named after Vasyl Stefanyk, Ivano-Frankivsk, 2004.

The dissertation under consideration is devoted to problems of education of six-years old first-formers by means of school primer's books educative aim contents. Main frends of ABC-books educative contents of the second half of the nineteenth - the end of the twentieth century are researched and studied in the given thesis. These leading tendencies were used in Zakarpattia's Ukrainian schools. En presented work main principles and directions of education are defined. Thet were reflected in Ukrainian ABC-books contents in Zakarpattia region during the domination of Austro-Hungary (the second half of the nineteenth century), Czeshoslovakian period (the first hall of the twentieth century), soviet period (the second half of the twentieth century) and modern Ukrainian school primers ABC-books. Selection and structural principles of modern textbooks contents on teaching to read and write are well - founded in thesis. Methods of using educative traditions of the past are suggested here in reference to the choice of ABC-book educative contents in modern school. The opportunities of utilization the educative direction of the school primer in the formation of generally human, national and civic values of the first-formers caused by goal-oriented pedagogical influence are described in this work. Approbation results of our research are presented here as well.

Main principles of the dissertation are reflected in seven individual publications.

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