озвиток силових якостей глухих підлітків у процесі фізичного виховання

Вікова динаміка фізичного розвитку і розвитку силових якостей глухих школярів 11-15 років. Розробка методики корекційно-оздоровчої роботи з розвитку силових якостей глухих підлітків у процесі фізичного виховання, визначення та оцінка її ефективності.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 22.10.2013
Размер файла 43,2 K

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In the dissertation the age dynamics of physical development, physical development in general as well as state of health of the deaf schoolchildren at the age of 11 - 15 have been specified; the following positions have been worked out: assessment criteria for the deaf schoolchildren of the 5-th - 9-th grades during their physical training lessons; the rules of assessment of the levels of both the highest static power development and dynamic “explosive” power development adjusted to strength dynamic endurance of the deaf teenagers at the age of 14 - 15; the techniques aimed at developing physical peculiarities of power among the deaf teenagers; the experimental physical training syllabus for the deaf teenagers aging from 14 to 15 (who study at special boarding school) has been experimentally tested; the didactic material that contributes to the development of movement abilities and skills acquired during the lessons oriented to the experimental syllabus has been presented.

Key words: correction, physical development, power quality, deaf teenagers, physical health, physical condition, physical training.

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