Інноваційні технології фізичного виховання студентів педагогічних університетів із застосуванням народних традицій

Апробація педагогічної моделі впровадження інноваційних технологій фізичного виховання студентів педагогічних університетів із застосуванням народних традицій. Оцінка сформованості в студентів когнітивного, мотиваційного і діяльнісного компонентів.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 29.10.2013
Размер файла 49,7 K

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Ключевые слова: инновационные технологии, физическое воспитание, народные традиции, казацкая система подготовки, казацкие единоборства, технологии спортивной подготовки.

Samoha R.A. The Innovative Technologies of Students' Physical Training in the Pedagogical Universities with the Application of Folk Traditions. - Manuscript.

Thesis on Acquiring the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Degree in Speciality 13.00.07.- Theory and Methods of Training.- Training Problems Institute of Pedagogical Sciences Academy, Kyiv, 2007.

The thesis is dedicated to the problems of applying physical training innovative technologies for the students of Pedagogical Universities with the use of folk traditions. The modern state of the problem was investigated in the theory and practice of the Physical Training chairs in the Pedagogical Universities; the essence of the phenomenon “Physical Training innovative Technologies” was defined; the criteria and indexes of forming these components of Physical Training among the students were determined; the role of folk traditions in the Physical Training of the students was discovered; the content, forms, methods and means of physical training innovative technologies were substantiated; the physical training innovative technologies for the students of Pedagogical Universities with the application of folk traditions were worked out and proved with experiments.

The efficiency of defined physical training components formation for the students of Pedagogical Universities was proved to be provided with the physical training innovative technologies with the application of folk tradition, connected with reviving Cossaks' system of hardening on the base of national kinds of wrestling.

Key words: innovative technologies, physical training, folk traditions, Cossaks' system of training, Cossaks' kinds of wrestling, sporting training technologies.

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