Формування навичок сприйняття хорового багатоголосся у студентів вузів культури на заняттях з сольфеджіо

Особливості формування навичок сприйняття багатоголосного співу хору на заняттях з сольфеджіо. Методика виховання особистісних якостей сприйняття музикальної фактури. Створення особливих умов для професійної підготовки майбутнього диригента-хормейстера.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 05.01.2014
Размер файла 41,0 K

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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата педагогических наук по специальности 13.00.02 - теория и методика обучения музыки и музыкального воспитания. - Киевский национальный университет культуры и искусств, Киев, 1999.

В работе исследованы особенности формирования навыков восприятия хорового многоголосия у студентов институтов культуры на занятиях сольфеджио. В диссертации теоретически обоснована и експериментально апробирована методика формирования навыков восприятия хорового многоголосия у студентов института культуры на занятиях сольфеджио. Раскрыты сущность и особенности восприятия хоровой многоголосной музыки, обозначены и систематизированы структурные компоненты восприятия хорового многоголосия, а также личностные качества студентов, которые непосредственно влияют на продуктивность формирования навыков восприятия хорового многоголосия. Доказано, что взаимодействие структурных компонентов с развитыми личностными качествами обеспечивает полноценное восприятие многоголосной хоровой фактуры. Единство компонентной структуры навыков восприятия хорового многоголосия активизирует целостный процесс и положительно влияет на их формирование.

Ключевые слова: формирование профессиональных навыков, музыкально-теоретические знания, процесс восприятия хорового многоголосия, структурные компоненты восприятия, личностные качества воспринимаемого.


Perminova S. A. Formation skills of perception of choral polyphonic singing for students of institutes of culture on solfeggio classes. Manuscript.

Dissertation for the candidate of pedagogic sciences degree in specialization 13.00.02 - theory of music and methods of its teaching and up-

bringing.- Kiev National University of Culture and Arts - Kiev, 1999.

In this scientific work peculiarities of formation skills of perception of choral polyphonic singing for students of institutes of culture on solfeggio classes.

By this research work one proves that skills of perception of choral polyphonic singing are a system of regular processes, which provide accomplishing of necessary actions, which are automazed components of actions, which formulate in the process of this activity.

Skills of perception of polyphonic singing are a part of professional activity of conductor, as well as their formation and development are necessary conditions for mastering skills of future specialists of fine arts.

Formation skills of perception of choral polyphonic singing is viewed as a process, which is characterised by a great amount of components and their interaction: development of good ear for music (melodically, harmonically, polyphonic), metre-rhythmic ear, musical memory, musical-ear shows, musical experience.

Methods of formation skills of perception of choral polyphonic singing for students of institutes of culture for solfeggio classes are well-grounded and experimentally proved in the dissertation. Nature and peculiarities of perception of choral polyphonic music are revealed, as well as structural components of choral polyphonic singing are defined and systemised, and personal characteristics of students which influence on productivity of formation skills of perception of polyphonic singing . It is proved that interaction of structural components with different personal characteristics guarantees of full value perception of polyphonic choral structure. Absence of any of the components of perception of choral polyphonic singing breaks psychological-pedagogic chain of the process and has a negative influence on its formation.

Worked out and used system of study-differential exercises and creative tasks in solfeggio course is a very important pedagogic condition of formation skills of perception of polyphonic singing and favours active mastering of musical-theoretical knowledge and practical skills of students. It is studied that in the process of perception appear not only musical associations but also take place some thinking activities of transformation of presented music. Polyphonic singing is a basis of creative process as an innovative one for providing skills of perception of choral polyphonic singing for students of conductor-choral specialisation in solfeggio classes.

Using of active methods in studying process/problem studying, individual planning of practical classes, individual approach guarantees mastering and development of personal skills of students, which reveals in self-analysis, self-organisation, self-mastering as well as improvement emotional characteristics of students - stability, wish of students to have a high productivity of creative activity, following the plan of work and self-control.

It is proved that conductor's studying exercises and creative tasks depend much on a studying process: consequences of using in a course a solfeggio system of exercises and tasks, which project components of professional choral activity; usage of different choral material / national must take the first place/, collected with taking in account individual skills of students/ their theoretical knowledge, level of perception of choral polyphonic singing/; self-check of practical tasks and using of active methods during the studying process.

Key words: formation of professional skills, musical-theoretical knowledge, process of perception of polyphonic singing, structural components of perception, personal characteristics.

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