Формування професійної майстерності вчителя в системі педагогічної освіти Англії та Уельсу

Історико-соціальні передумови становлення сучасної системи професійної підготовки вчителів в Англії та Уельсі. Досвід організаційно-методичного забезпечення процесу формування педагогічної майстерності майбутнього вчителя в системі англійської освіти.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 12.02.2014
Размер файла 47,4 K

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Кищенко Ю.В. Формирование профессионального мастерства учителя в системе педагогического образования Англии и Уэльса. - Рукопись.

Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата педагогических наук по специальности 13.00.04 - теория и методика профессионального образования. - Институт педагогики и психологии профессионального образования АПН Украины, Киев, 2000.

Исследование посвящено проблеме формирования и развития профессионального мастерства учителя в системе непрерывного педагогического образования Англии и Уэльса. Выяснены историко-социальные предпосылки становления современной системы профессиональной подготовки учителей в Англии и Уэльсе, проанализированы её структурно-организационные особенности. Осуществлён сравнительный анализ концепций педагогического мастерства в английской и отечественной педагогике в контексте осмысления новых требований к подготовке учителя для школы ХХІ в.

Раскрыта сущность, содержание и организационные основы педагогической практики, показана её роль в формировании профессионального мастерства будущего учителя в Англии и Уэльсе. Обобщён опыт организационно-методического обеспечения процесса формирования педагогического мастерства будущего учителя и охарактеризованы возможности развития педагогического мастерства работающих учителей Англии и Уэльса.

Ключевые слова: профессиональное мастерство, профессиональная подготовка, система высшего и последипломного педагогического образования, методы и формы обучения, педагогическая практика, общеевропейское образовательное пространство.

The summary

Kishchenko Y.V. Formation of teachers' professional skills in the teacher training system of England and Wales. - Manuscript.

Scientific thesis for the degree of the Candidate of Pedagogical Science in speciality 13.00.04. - Theory and Methodology of Professional Education. - The Institute of Pedagogics and Psychology of Vocational Training at Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2000.

The thesis is devoted to the problem of formation and development of teachers' professional skills in the teacher training system of England and Wales. The author has given historical premises for the formation of the modern teacher training system. It has been found that teacher education in England has deep traditional roots. Its development was progressing in the closest connection with professional teacher training, the improvement of which was stipulated by social and cultural demands of society. It has been investigated that the modern English model of teacher training which has its center in school (school-based teacher education) became possible as the result of evolution of the teacher education system of England and Wales. On the one hand, it preserves its cultural and pedagogical traditions (pedagogical apprenticeship and mentorship, partnership between universities and schools), while on the other hand, it is changing, meeting the demands of modern society, school and learning youth.

The research shows that a very important role in the formation of new social demands to the teacher professional skills is played by the introduction of the European educational dimensions into the system of education in England and Wales. A stress is made on the opportunity for student-teachers to take part in joint European research projects, to use the facilities of modern means of mass communication (distant study, e-mail, internet).

Investigation of the English scientific literature has proved that the concept of the teacher skilfulness is described with the help of different but notionally close terms: skilful teaching, effective teaching, performance-based teaching, artistic teaching, competent teaching, quality teaching. On this basis it was possible to define common ideas and differences in the modern approaches to the phenomenon of the teacher professional skilfulness as well as to the ways of its formation in English and Ukrainian education. The conclusion has confirmed the idea of conceptual reorientation in favour of integration as common tendency in the professional teacher training development in the world's pedagogical area. The new direction of researches in education is connected with substantiating the leading role of practical knowledge in the professional teacher training.

The analysis is given to the valuable contribution of English scientists to the development of ideas concerning pedagogical mentorship. The mentor in the modern English school is treated as a highly proficient teacher. The process of initiating mentorship into the system of teacher education possesses a great potential of stimulating and motivating means which promote the professional development of the both categories: young teachers and their mentors.

It has been stated that a certain achievement of the English theory and practice is the creation of flexible curricula that make it possible to study educational theory according to two levels: on Level 1 (the basic training) the theory is connected mainly with practical knowledge; on Level 2 (in-service training) the theory is connected with knowledge in methodology. The contents of definite educational curricula (BEd secondary, BEd primary, PGCE secondary, PGCE primary) and their thorough examination have lead to the conclusion that they orientate students towards a high level of pedagogical activity when the teacher themselves defines objects, contents and technologies of their own professional work.

The analysis is given to the organization and structure of the modern higher and postgraduate teacher training as the bases for formation of professional teacher skills, their criteria and main components in modern English pedagogics are defined.

It is shown that teacher education is a complex dynamic system, contents, forms and methods of work at every stage of teachers' professional skills formation being revealed. The author has carried out the analysis of the school experience procedure within the mechanism of the future teacher's training, has exposed its objects, structure and contents. It has been found that the main aim of school experience lies in its task to be a source of knowledge about the real educational process, to visualize theoretical knowledge. School experience involves partial adaptation of the student-teacher to the conditions of a real school. The whole process is built in accordance with the principle of a gradual complication of tasks.

The main tendencies, influencing the aims and contents of teacher education, have been thoroughly investigated. They reveal themselves in qualitatively new demands to the level of teacher training in the context of the common European educational space in the environment of multinational Europe. In the course of this research the analysis is given to the structure and activity of the postgraduate system of education, its main objectives and directions being exposed. All patterns and forms of the in-set system may be classified as external (special centers for teachers), internal (seminars at schools) and individual (self-education).

Critical comprehension of the results of this research gives the possibility of their creative use in organization of professional teacher training in teacher training institutions and universities of Ukraine.

Key words: professional skills, professional training, system of higher and postgraduate teacher training, methods and forms of education, school experience, common European educational space.

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