Професійно-прикладна фізична підготовка учнів з церебральним паралічем в професійно-технічних закладах освіти

Теоретико-методичні передумови використання професійно-прикладної фізичної підготовки учнів вищого професійного училища з церебральним паралічем. Особливості змісту та методики занять спортом з інвалідами. Експериментальне обґрунтування програми.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 22.06.2014
Размер файла 43,6 K

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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

Ключевые слова: профессионально-прикладная физическая подготовка, подростки с церебральным параличом, общая физическая подготовка, профессионально-важные физические качества, средства физического воспитания.

Kovin'ko Mukhailo Stepanovuch

Professional-applied physical preparation of pupils with Cerebral Palsy consequences in vocational schools. - Manuscript.

The thesis for searching Candidate of Science in Physical Education and Sport scientific degree in specialty 24.00.02 - Physical culture, physical education of different population groups. - L'viv State Institute of Physical Education, L'viv, 2002.

The object of research - professional-applied physical preparation of disabled persons studied in vocational schools.

The subject of research - the process of professional-applied physical preparation of pupils with Cerebral Palsy consequences conditioned by the peculiarities of future professional activities.

The aim of research - the perfection of physical and professional preparedness of CP children.

The methods of research - scientific literature analysis, questionairing, pedagogical experiment, anthropometry, professional-applied qualities testing, pupils school results analysis, mathematics statistics methods.

The thesis is dedicated to the problem of professional-applied physical preparation of pupils with Cerebral Palsy consequences. The peculiarities of physical development, cardio-vascular and respiration systems functional states of 16 - 17 aged CP teenagers have been revealed. The program and methods of professional-applied physical preparation for CP persons have been worked out. To solve the main task it has been studied the peculiarities of professional education of CP teenagers, the specific of their physical education, the methods and forms of physical activities. Having analyzed the dynamics of significant physical qualities, physical ability to work and moving activities of the experimental group pupils it has been revealed the worked-out program effectiveness and its positive practical effect.

The results of the research have been inculcated in educational process in L'viv Higher Vocational School №57, Boruslav Specialized School №2 and in the department of physical rehabilitation of L'viv State Institute of Physical Education.

Key words: professional-applied physical preparation, Cerebral Palsy teenagers, professional significant qualities, general physical preparation.

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