Соціально-педагогічні умови надання допомоги засудженим похилого віку у виправній колонії

Особливості поведінки засуджених похилого віку. Розкриття проблеми надання їм допомоги у педагогічній теорії, практиці та обґрунтування умов. Розробка та впровадження у діяльність виправних установ методики надання соціально-педагогічної допомоги.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 30.07.2014
Размер файла 56,9 K

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In research the given description of condemned sear and yellow leaf after motivational types. The state of problem in its historical development is analysed. First in theory it is grounded and developed technology of correction of condemned sear and yellow leaf in the conditions of imprisonment. For forming of social conduct the method of the use of the emotionally enriched situations and facilities of religious education is offered.

Coming concretely-historical terms which were folded on Ukraine from, and also taking into account measures existing in a world concord on realization of the positive influencing on condemned with intention of them resotsyalyzatsyy and prevention of the repeated crime, it is possible to assert that exactly maintenance of a new krymynal'no-pravovoy doctrine will act deciding part not only in determination of accents of policy of the state in relation to criminals but also in attitude toward her of international concord.

Key words: penytentsyarnaya gerontology, resotsyalyzatsyya, correction, correction, social conduct, emotionally enriched situations, help condemned sear and yellow leaf, correctional colony.

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