Соціально-педагогічні умови реабілітації студентів з особливими потребами

Сутність і зміст поняття "соціально-педагогічна реабілітація", стан проблеми у педагогічній теорії і практиці. Розробка моделі і соціально-педагогічних умов реабілітації студентів з особливими потребами. Розробка методичних рекомендацій для викладачів.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 25.08.2014
Размер файла 55,6 K

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A thesis for a Candidate's of Science degree on specialty 13.00.05 - social pedagogics -The Institute of education problems, APS of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2006.

The thesis is devoted to the study of the process of socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of students with special needs in higher educational establishments, to the substantiation, creation and approbation of socio-pedagogical conditions of rehabilitation. Theoretical analysis of modern approaches to the decision of the rehabilitation problems was made, native and foreign experience of rehabilitation of students with special needs was analyzed, the existing problems in practical realization of invalids' rights on getting higher education were found, the readiness of higher educational establishments to inculcation of integrated education was studied.

Complex social, psychological, physical and pedagogical research among students with special needs was held. On its basis the model and socio- pedagogical conditions of rehabilitation were created, the structure of individual program was made more exact and rehabilitation methods were optimized.

According to the level of students' development in spheres of potential rehabilitation, the criteria, indicators and levels of socio-pedagogical rehabilitation were elaborated; the effectiveness of created socio-pedagogical conditions was checked up.

The attention was paid to the complex and interdisciplinary character of criteria, unity of procession and successful approaches as the reflection of dynamics of rehabilitation process. Achieved positive changes of rehabilitativeness certified the advantages of created socio-pedagogical conditions of rehabilitation of students with special needs.

Key words: socio-pedagogical rehabilitation, socio-pedagogical conditions of rehabilitation, rehabilitation model, rehabilitation methods, criteria, indicators and levels of socio-pedagogical rehabilitation, rehabilitativeness.

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