Формування у старшокласників готовності до вибору інженерно-технічних професій

Дослідження сутності поняття "готовність до вибору професії". Аналіз організаційно-педагогічних умов формування у старшокласників готовності до вибору інженерно-технічних професій у взаємодії загальноосвітніх та вищих технічних навчальних закладів.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 14.09.2014
Размер файла 45,0 K

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Ключові слова: інженерно-технічні професії, структура готовності до вибору професії, предметно-практичне середовище, профорієнтаційна робота.


Ковтуненко Н.А. Формирование у старшеклассников готовности к выбору инженерно-технических профессий. - Рукопись.

Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата педагогических наук по специальности 13.00.02 - теория и методика трудового обучения. - Институт профессионально-технического образования АПН Украины, Киев, 2007.

В диссертационной работе исследуются организационно-педагогические условия формирования готовности старшеклассников к выбору инженерно-технических профессий во взаимодействии средних общеобразовательных и высших учебных заведений.

На основе изучения состояния проблемы в психолого-педагогических исследованиях раскрыта структура и показатели готовности старшеклассников к выбору инженерно-технических профессий, осуществлена ее дифференциация по уровням сформированности, разработана методика их оценки.

Теоретически обоснованы и экспериментально проверены организационно-педагогические условия формирования готовности старшеклассников к выбору инженерно-технических профессий, к числу которых относятся: создание в структуре высшего учебного заведения формальной подструктуры, которая организовывала взаимодействие среднего общеобразовательного и высшего учебных заведений с целью решения комплекса педагогических проблем, связанных с формированием готовности старшеклассников к выбору будущей профессии и их подготовку к поступлению в ВУЗ; согласование содержания и методики преподавания общеобразовательных дисциплин, профилирующих для определенных специальностей ВУЗа; создание комплекса профориентационных мероприятий, направленных на формирование в учащихся структурных компонентов готовности к профессиям, по которым производит подготовку ВУЗ; образование условий для приобретения учащимися практического опыта, адекватного будущей профессиональной деятельности, в частности путем ознакомления с практическим применением знаний и умений по общеобразовательным дисциплинам в инженерно-технической деятельности.

Ключевые слова: инженерно-технические профессии, структура готовности к выбору профессии, предметно-практическая среда, профориентационная работа.


Kovtunenko N.A. Forming of readiness of senior pupils to the choice of technical-engineering professions. - Manuscript.

Dissertation on competition of graduate degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences in speciality 13.00.02 - theory and method of professional education. - Institute of Professional and technical education under Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2007.

In dissertation work the organizationally-pedagogical terms of forming of readiness of senior pupils are explored to the choice of technical-engineering professions in co-operation of middle general and higher educational establishments.

On the basis of study of the state of problem in psychological - pedagogical researches the structure and indexes of readiness of senior pupils is exposed to the choice of technical-engineering professions, its differentiation is carried out on the levels of formed; the method of their estimation is developed. The theoretical analysis of problem of forming of readiness of pupils to the choice of future profession allowed to set that the motivational-valued, cognitive, practical and self-appraisal components are included in the structure of such readiness. In accordance with objective conformities to the law of development of personality and under act of teaching and educational work of school these components develop, co-operate and provide to completion of school the certain level of readiness of senior pupil to the choice of future profession. The analysis of empiric materials of the establishing stage of pedagogical experiment allows to assert that for basic part of senior pupils (more than 70 %) participating in the experiment the low level of formed of readiness is characteristic to the choice of future profession.

The analysis of practice of preparation of pupils to the choice of profession allowed coming to conclusion about perspective of the use by its forms, as pre-university preparation of senior pupils. Pre-university preparation of senior pupils in times of the existence notedly evolved and presently is one of the most mass and widespread forms of preparation of pupils to the capture by professions requiring higher education. Her basic, in the context of problem of preparation to the choice of future profession, the primary orientation is failing on preparation of senior pupils to the receipt in an institute of higher, instead of on forming of readiness to the choice of the proper profession. Development of new forms of pre-university preparation, in particular creation of lyceums and specialized classes, created favorable organizational terms for the increase of efficiency of preparation of pupils to the choice of future profession in the process of joint teaching and educational work of middle general and higher educational establishments.

The theoretical analysis of problem allowed to expose the followings organizationally-pedagogical terms of joint work middle general and higher technical the educational establishments directed on forming of readiness of senior pupils to the choice of technical and engineering professions: creation in the institute of higher organizational structure, which organized co-operation middle general and higher educational establishments with the purpose of decision of complex of the pedagogical problems, related to forming of readiness of pupils to the choice of profession proper to the type of institute of higher; concordance of maintenance and teaching methods in the specialized classes of general disciplines, which are profiling for professions on which an institute of higher carries out preparation; realization of complex of professional orientation of the measures directed on forming in students structural components of readiness to the choice of the proper to the type of institute of higher of professions; conditioning for acquisition by the senior pupils of practical experience adequate to maintenance of professional activity of representatives of technical and engineering professions.

By the integrating element of in-practical environment in which vocational orientation work is carried out with senior pupils, there is an elective course „Your profession". The increase of efficiency of vocational orientation work supposes the use of wide spectrum of methods its activations under which purposeful pedagogical influence is understood on personality studying, which actualizes before him the problem of choice of future profession and determines the related to him activity above all things independent, directed on self-knowledge, acquaintance with world of professions, comparison of properties of personality with the requirements which a profession produces to the man.

Experimental job performances confirmed pedagogical efficiency of afore-named organizationally-pedagogical terms of forming of readiness of senior pupils to the choice of technical and engineering professions in the process of co-operation middle general to higher technical educational establishments.

Key words: technical and engineering professions, structure of readiness to the choice of profession, in-practical environment, vocational orientation work.

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