Праздник "Halloween" на уроке английского языка в 6А классе

Развитие практики речевой деятельности, активизация лексики на тему "Halloween" у учеников 6А класса в ходе урока английского языка. Пути повышения мотивации учащихся к изучению иностранного языка, интереса к истории и культуре страны изучаемого языка.

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Дата добавления 07.12.2014
Размер файла 125,8 K

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Праздник “Halloween” на уроке английского языка в 6А классе

Цели урока:


· развитие умения аудировать;

· активизация лексики по теме “Праздники”;

· развитие говорения (умения сообщать, объяснять, рассказывать);

· развитие навыков самостоятельной работы и работы в команде.


· приобретение знаний об истории и традициях Великобритании, связанных с праздником “Хэллоуин”;


· воспитание положительного отношения к культуре народа изучаемого языка;


· развитие творческих способностей учащихся;

· развитие умения общаться, а также таких черт характера как трудолюбие, целеустремленность, активность.


· провести практику речевой деятельности, активизировать лексику на тему “Halloween”, дать знания страноведческого характера;

· повысить мотивацию учащихся к изучению иностранного языка;

· развить творческую фантазию и инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности, а так же развития познавательных интересов учащихся;

· воспитывать у учащихся чувство уважения к истории к культуре страны изучаемого языка.

Оборудование: интерактивная доска или мультимедийный проектор, раздаточный материал, аудио материал “Halloween ”.

Ход урока

I. Введение в праздничную атмосферу:

P: - Good afternoon to you. Welcome to our Halloween party! Today is the 28th of October. In 3 days, on the 31st of October people in the USA, Great Britain and some other countries will celebrate a wonderful holiday - Halloween. In Britain it is a day for fun. There are always a lot of parties that night. Some people wear masks, others dress as ghosts and witches. Everybody is happy. At the parties both adults and children have fun, they play different merry games. Why don't we have a funny party today too?

P: - I hope we`ll have fun and get good spirit. My dear friends, firstly, Let`s start our Halloween holiday ! And let`s begin with a quiz. Answer to the questions and we`ll see what you know:

Spooky Halloween Quiz

1. When is Halloween celebrated? (on the 31st of October)

2. What traditions of Halloween do you know?

(going for “trick or treat”, having parties, telling scare stories, making jack-o`-lantern from a pumpkin, dressing up and wearing costumes, playing the games: pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey and bobbing for apples)

3. What are the colours of Halloween? (night and orange; black is the colour of night and Halloween is celebrated at night, orange is the colour of pumpkin, one of the symbols of the holiday)

4. What are the symbols of Halloween? (evil spirits like witches on broomsticks, black cats, werewolves, ghosts, goblins, skeletons, ghouls, mummies, spiders with cobwebs, scarecrows, vampires and etc; pumpkins, apples, nuts, scare stories …)

5. Who can walk through walls? (ghosts)

6. What do you need to keep vampires away?

A-garlic B-onion C-pepper (garlic)

7. In Scotland, what vegetable was traditionally carved into a jack-o`-lantern?

A-a watermelon B-a turnip C-a pumpkin (a turnip)

8. When are were wolves supposed to come out?

A-after midnight B-during a full moon C-on a Halloween night (during a full moon)

9. What does a witch use for transport?

A-a hat B-a broomstick C-a motorbike (a broomstick)

10. What do children say when they knock at the door at Halloween? (trick or treat)

11. The homeland of Halloween is Scotland. False.The homeland of Halloween is Ireland

12.The Halloween was celebrated for 6000 years. True. It is believed that Halloween has appeared in about 4000 BC, which means that Halloween has been over 6000 years.

13.The biggest pumpkin on Halloween weighed1446 pounds. True

The biggest pumpkin on Halloween presented weighed 1446 pounds (655.895 kilograms).

14.Angel is one of the most popular movie characters. False. Dracula - one of the most popular movie characters.

15.The main colors of Halloween are blue and yellow. False. Main colors of Halloween are orange and black.

16.The main symbol of Halloween is pumpkin with burning candle inside. True. The burning candle inside pumpkin protected people from ghosts, demons, spitits and others.

P: Do you know these words?

«Trick-or-treat» - «угощайте, а не то подшутим»

Jack-o'-lantern - фонарь

ghost -приведение

witch - ведьма

vampire -вампир

pumpkin - тыква

candle - свеча

turnip- репа


broom- метла

P: -Let's remember the past simple and past continuous. Here the workshits with the scary story, where you have to put the verbs in brackets into the past continuous or the past simple.

P: -Put the verbs in brackets into the past continuous or the past simple.

The text “ Scary story”.

It (to be) just before midnight on October 31st last year. Susan Lee (to drive) home after visiting her sister. The road was clear and she (to drive) carefully. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a young man (to step) out in front of her. He (to wear) a dark coloured raincoat and carrying a backpack. Susan (to step) hard on the brake pedal but it was too late. She (to get) out of the car but, to her surprise, there (to be) nobody there. While she (to look) under the car, she felt a cold wind on her face and a strange presence that (to send) shivers down her spine. She was still looking under her car when a lorry (to stop) behind her. The lorry driver, a middle-aged man, (to walk) up to her and asked her if she needed help to start her car so she (to tell) him what had happened. He (not to be) seem surprised when Susan told him about the young man. 'In October 1978, there (to be) a car accident on this road and a hitchhiker was fatally run over. You're not the first to have seen his ghost here', he (to say) in a mysterious tone.

P: -You are divided into 3 groups, let's play a game. Find all the Halloween related words in the puzzle below. You can find the words in horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines.

halloween урок английский язык

P:-Did you find all words? How many times can you find the word “boo”?

Do you know all the words from the puzzle? Let's make logical task. The competition “Who is who?” There're 4 witches. Their names are Abra, Wabra, Dabra and Cadabra. Guess who is who. Use the clues below.

Here 're four witches: Abra, Wabra, Dabra and Cadabra. Guess who is who. Use the clues below. 1. Dabra hasn't got a broom. 2. Wabra hasn't got a big hat. 3. Dabra and Abra haven't got long noses. 4. The fat witch isn't Cadabra. 5. Abra isn't standing next to Wabra.

And now we are going to guess the crossword.












The questions:

1.Halloween parties are great ___(fun)________.

2.Long before Halloween children_ (decorate)______ their houses and schools.

3.___(black)_____________cats are witches' best friends.

4.The English for “полночь”.(midnight)

5. A traditional Halloween vegetable.

6. You must be very_(careful)_______on the night of October 31.

7. The English for “тыква” (lantern)

8. The English for “приведение”(ghost)

9.The English for “летучая мышь”(bat)

10. Trick or ___(treat)_____!

11. Children like to play__(trick)__(s) on October 31.

12. Witches and demons are ___(supernatural)_____creatures.

IIV. Look! We've got an invitation from devil spirits. They invite us to their Halloween town. It's the song “ Halloween”. Why don't we sing this song? (Смотрят видео и поют песню)

IX. Homework. Write an invitation to your friend to the Halloween party and learn Halloween words.

X. Подведение итогов.

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