Організаційно-адаптивне управління навчально-виховним процесом у загальноосвітніх школах-інтернатах

Розробка авторської моделі організаційно-адаптивного управління закладами інтернатного типу та системи семінарсько-тренінгових занять для забезпечення підготовки керівників шкіл-інтернатів. Суть компетентнісного підходу в навчально-виховному процесі.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 25.02.2015
Размер файла 44,3 K

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Ключевые слова: организация, адаптация, управление, учебно-воспитательный процесс, общеобразовательные школы-интернаты, система, иерархия, модель, критерии, компетентность, семинар-тренинг.

Tokaruk L. Organizational-adaptive directing of teaching-educational process in educational institutions of boarding-school type.

The dissertation is presented to obtain the scientific degree of the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Specialty 13.00.01 - "General pedagogy and the history of pedagogy". - Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko. - Kyiv. 2007.

The dissertation is focused on scientific consideration and experimental check of the model of the training courses for managers of educational institutions of a boarding school type to teach them to direct educational process in organizational-adaptive way. The training appeared to be rather efficient for graduates of boarding schools in accommodating to modern life. In the thesis, the contents and context of organizational-adaptive management of academic-educational process in boarding schools have been determined. The author confirms the evaluation criteria and factors of levels of readiness for professional managerial activity and represents the organizational-adaptive management model for boarding schools; the system of seminar-trainings for boarding schools' directors and administration. The content of competency approach of educational manager's professional training has been substantiated.

Key words: organization, adaptation, directing, teaching-educational process, educational institutions of boarding school type, system, hierarchy, model, criteria, competency, seminar-training.

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