Organizational and pedagogical conditions of professionally significant qualities of specialists in the field of information security in the study of disciplines of natural cycle

The requirements for training the future information security specialists in higher education institutions. Organizational and teaching conditions of developing significant personal qualities of professionals. Theory of inventive problem solving.

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Organizational and pedagogical conditions of professionally significant qualities of specialists in the field of information security in the study of disciplines of natural cycle

By Stanley N. Roscoe

Volume 1, Human Factors History Monograph Series

Series Editor: Steven M. Casey

Published by the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society


In modern conditions a comprehensive reconstruction of all spheres of public life arises fundamentally new requirements for training future information security professionals in higher education institutions, which differ not only in a high level of professional skills, but also in a harmoniously developed interests, in ability to continuously improve the educational level and react to changes in life.

Keywords: Professionally significant qualities, organizational and pedagogical conditions, Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TIPS), Algorithm of Inventive Problem Solving (AIPS).


Successful developing professionally significant qualities of prospective specialists on information security need special conditions for their education. Under significant professional qualities in information security field we understand individual personal features and abilities being actualized on the professional assignments level, level of behavior and during socialization of an individual, and which contribute to progress in professional activities.

By influencing on students in order to improve their academic records or develop creative thinking, creativity, and organization of their creativeness one should remember that results of pedagogical influence differentiate depending on person's individual features, as teaching process is mainly interaction between teacher and students, and not activities of a teacher alone. This, in turn, needs definition and implementation of teaching conditions being proper to target goals.

Literature analysis shows the lack of terminological unity on definition "teaching conditions", which results in a wide range of definitions for this notion, under which according to Stanley N. Roscoe, both circumstances and context, phenomena, factors (primal causes), methods and purported results, directions, and intensions etc. are considered. However, majority of authors associates implementation of teaching conditions with effectiveness or performance of teaching process. Teaching Stanley N. Roscoe, TD. (2000), "Pedagogical conditions of professional training in the system of agro-industrial complex conditions are circumstances influencing the unified efficacious teaching process of specialist's professional education, mediating individual's activity, group of people; "circumstance influencing on developing of students' professional and personal qualities". Teaching condition is the context or circumstance influencing (accelerating or decelerating) on establishing and development of pedagogical phenomena, processes, systems, personal qualities etc, provided by relevant factors; due to implementation of teaching conditions the professional education efficiency moves from opportunities to reality; teaching conditions are provided by a certain pattern.

Therefore, in aspect of our study teaching conditions are circumstances influencing on developing of person's significant professional qualities and providing its efficiency. Generally, on the basis of scientists' psychological and pedagogic revisions on this issue teaching conditions for organizing students' creativeness in the course of study in higher educational establishments were defined as the context, circumstances and organizational patterns subordinating the development of students' professional and personal qualities to target goal of creating new ideas and ways to solve technical issues occurred, as well as contributing to cooperation and cocreativity with students; implementation of these conditions provides better efficiency of prospective specialists' professional study as a level of their achieving training goals in comparison with educational standards' demands.

Unfortunately, today, as results of some studies show, level of knowledge and skills acquired in the course of science disciplines' study does not meet current requirements proposed by higher technical educational establishments (HTEA).

Observing first-year students of the educational program 6. 170103 "Information security management" showed underachievement; lack of activity and their independence in frames of cognitive activity; low level of creative potential development; lack of stable motivation for independent work, creative activities; unpreparedness to use their knowledge in the course of practices. It means that not enough attention was paid to developing of significant professional qualities.


While searching for teaching conditions of developing professionally significant qualities in the HTEA we felt compelled to pay attention to the students' age. According to Stanley N. Roscoe, early adulthood and juvenility are the periods of individual's life characterized by complete development of action structure, when action may be made just for the sake of it, and action does not contribute to achievement of other goal.

Creativity of human being from juvenility to masterpieces of mature genius is the display of individual's spiritual abilities and demonstration of unlimited human features.

Creativity and action are the principals for the most rational study of human creativity nature, as well as its progress on the way to personal maturity. If human considers one's life as creativity, it fills his every moment with behavioral sense. Performing an action, human establishes creative situation of self-development, self-creation, where essential elements of his ego are constructed.

Therefore, one may conclude, that efficiency of science process depends on the teaching conditions contributing to students' expression of independence and cognitive activity, as well as their progress in mental development to the fullest extent. In other words, the question raises, what the studying process should be to reach success in development of both students' mental activity and development of their actions.

Analyzing literature on problem of establishing significant professional qualities and own experience helped firstly to define teaching conditions contributing to successful developing of prospective specialists' significant professional skills on information security of higher technical educational establishments in the course of science disciplines' study. First one was defined as establishment of motivational attitude to students' creative activities because of conviction, interest development, establishment of connection, life and prospective professional activities. We will make out our case as followed. Motivation as psychological phenomenon is defined differently. In one case it is defined as combination of factors supporting and directing, in other words defining the behavior (K. Madsen); in other case as a combination of motives; in third case as intention causing the activity of a body and orientation which defines it. Moreover, motivation is considered as the process of psychological regulation for specific activity; as the process of motive's influence, as mechanism defining occurrence, direction and implementation of specific activity forms; as aggregative system of processes responsible for intention and activities. Scientist Stanley N. Roscoe considers motivation being a dynamic process of motive establishment (as a base of action), according to Steven M. Casey, motivation is the process of establishing intention of action or activity.

Moreover, survey of Steven M. Casey pursued among the HTEE students on the issue of motivation showed the following results. Leading motives were chosen ones of "professional" and "personal prestige", less important were "pragmatic" (obtain a diploma) and "informative" ones. However, role of dominative motives was changing depending on educational courses. Indeed, during the first year of education the "professional" motive prevailed, the second year is characterized with the "personal prestige" one, third and fourth year showed both of these motives, fourth had also "pragmatic" one. In most cases the "professional" and "informative" motives influence on the achievements of study. Pragmatic motives are usually typical of remedial students.

Importance of understanding structure for educational motivation is especially shown in the professional education process. Therefore, the survey of А.О. Rean (General Studies in technical schools 1990) showed no difference on chosen profession among A-students and remedial students. Other dependencies were received in case the emphasis was put on achievements in specific subjects and production practice. The difference on relation to profession became essential in interests of students from first group, namely A-students. Similar data was received after the study of student's motivation sphere in frames of education. Such results were caused by conviction of the majority of students that General Studies do not move closer, but away from acquiring significant professional knowledge and skills (it's no coincidence, that a lot of students are sent down during the first year of education, when these disciplines are taught).

It is typically of motivation factor for educational achievement appearing to be more crucial than factor of intelligence. Education achievements do not show the tight and authentic connection with the students' intelligence, while strong" and "wea " students differentiate by the level of educational motivation. First ones are soft on studying profession on the high level, oriented to get robust professional knowledge and practical skills. Second ones have mostly exterior motivators in the motive structure: to avoid condemnation, not to be punished for bad achievements, not to lose scholarship etc. Realizing high priority of the educational motive for educational achievements led to developing of motivation provision principle in frames of educational process. One should achieving the high level of intellectual acemphasize, that tivity to enable creative solving of different issues, is possible for individuals with certain motivation and moral aspects.

Orientation on self-affirmation, competition, avoidance of failures becomes obstacle on the way to creativity even in case of significant intellectual potential. One of the similar obstacles appears to be intellectual inactivity as low level of intellectual activities, caused mainly by peculiarities of education expressed in improper orientation of intellectual skills, negative attitude to mental tension, using by-pass routes in solving intellectual issues. Indicators of intellectual inactivity are negative attitude to any activity connected with brainwork; lack of initiative in frames of intellectual activities (from public protest to obedient accuracy); cessation of mental activities (work) due to the lack of significant support, avoidance of intellectual tension, lack of "intellectual surprise" and low working efficiency in frames of these activities. Causes of intellectual inactivity are different and in some cases supposed to be connected rather with disadvantages of education, than with some development disorders.

Understanding causes and demonstration of intellectual inactivity helps to diagnose intellectually inactive individual and take relevant measures to establish its intellectual activity.

The survey of Steven M. Casey showed that a high positive motivation may play the compensative factor role in cases of low special skills, in other words the character of educational motivation, its energy level and structure are important factors of successful study and activity.

Establishing motivational attitude to creative activities of a student, teacher practically develops his readiness, predisposition to perceive future events and actions in frames of a specific pattern providing consistent character of relevant activity, serving as main reasonable selected human activity. However, the problem lies in a complete dissimilarity of motive and motivating, or of their particular correspondence.

First of all, a student may not fully understand the nature of main factor being a reason to perform certain action. For example, in case of free choice of occupation (profession, sport, and amateur group) the main argument for majority of people is whether they like it or not. And this "like" is a proper reason for a human to make a decision. People mostly do not care, why do they like exactly this occupation, and no other. Therefore, the main factor specifying the direction of human activity remains open.

Secondly, a reason to perform certain action may be distorted by an individual in order to look in his own eyes and eyes of others as immoral, weak willed individual etc. According to V. Merlin, such motives are not conscious enough, as an individual does not realize well, what he needs.

Practically all human beings have an ability to be interested in achieving success and being concerned due to failures. But an individual tended to manage either the motive of achieving success, or the motive of avoiding failure. Surveys in this field showed, that people motivated to success give advantage to goals being of medium or higher difficulty; these goals insignificantly exceeded results having been already achieved. People motivated to failure are prone to extreme choices, some of them unrealistically underrate, other overrate their target goals.

In situation of relaxation, when motivational importance of the situation is low, examined individuals tended to choose goals towards more complicated ones in order to avoid failure; but if motivational importance is high, such goals tend to move towards easy assignments.

We assume that establishment of positive motivational attitude towards creative activities may be provided by convincing students in possibility of achieving assignments suggested by them. And achievements of their creative activity depend on emotional context being developed during the study.

Analyzing works of educators and psychologists we concluded, that emotions doubly influence on students' study: on the one hand they (positive emotions) regulate behavior and mentality, reinforce the motive, assess, mobilize, stabilize, regulate group differentiation etc.; on the other hand, they (negative emotions) deactivate, weaken the motive.

One should notice that help and support of teacher are important for a student not only during the search for decision in difficult "emotional" situation, but also while developing ways of reaction aimed to avoid negative situations. Emotional environment in which individual fulfill his potential by expressing certain emotions and having impact on other participant (participants) of these relationships also contributes to solving tasks mentioned above. In frameworks of positive emotional environment, it becomes possible to solve the following tasks:

- to unveil personal reserves of inner activity, ability of self-expression and self-cognition;

- to improve one's mood, arouse the interest in study, to understand the subject of the study;

- to calm or allay anxiety, physical or intellectual tension, to renew inwardness and reserves;

- to correct relationships, overcome difficulties in behavior, education which students have while communicating with coevals, teachers etc.

One should note the survey of Bartlett, F. C., who pays serious attention to creation of emotiogenic situations during classes, which enable to study the peculiarities of emotional regulation for educational activities. Understanding emotiogenic situations of the educational circumstances, actualizing students' emotions in varying degrees, the author considers them as the result of collision between something the student really needs and opportunities of their satisfaction for the time being. In teaching process emotiogenic situations are distinctly observed on the level of analyzing so called problem and educational situations, thus emphasizing upon their direct link to conditions for establishing necessary cognitive activities. Scientist A.M. Lutoshkin distinguishes a range of most typical emotiogenic situations: competition, situation of success-failure, psychorole situations, musical and psychological situations, color and psychological situations, situations of new, transitional emotiogenic situations etc, which, as we assume, shall contribute to improvement of understanding educational materials.

The scientist also distinguishes emotions which students experience on the different stages of educational process: for instance, on the first stage while students acquire themselves with the new topic they usually experience surprise, interest or speculation; while examining and learning the subject matter - curiosity, interest; by revision and use of acquired knowledge - enthusiasm, interest, and it is true to every student not depending on their achievements.

Therefore, in frames of educational activities one may distinguish situations, which according to their emotiogenic effect are connected firstly with the content of didactic materials; secondly, with organizational conditions and individual peculiarities of emotional response being typical of students and teacher.

First ones (main) depend significantly on didactic materials' representation on different stages of educational activities. Other ones (related) are results of individual spontaneous actions performed by teacher and students.

Observation of classes by leading teachers as well as the study of the teachersovators' experience (on the diagnosis stage of our experiment) showed wide range of tools to influence on the emotional sphere of students. Theoretically they may be classified into two groups: methods aimed to promptly correct students' negative emotions, as well as methods intensifying emotiogenic effect of didactic materials' content introduced. Systematization of these methods includes:

1) methods to correct emotions on a prompt basis: expressive; intonation pattern; contact pattern; confidential; sports break; memory switchers; encouraging ones etc.;

2) methods intensifying emotiogenic effect of didactic materials' content: preparing of didactic material adjusted for significant goals providing development of success in case of learning; based on obvious emotiogenic signals etc.; use of different games; improvised socio-dramatic commentaries; musical influences etc.

Therefore, considering the influence of specific emotions on students' activities, we may conclude that positive emotions in case of intelligent management on the part of teacher have constructive influence during the classes; correspondingly, negative emotions have a destructive impact on students during the classes, and thus affect the achievements. The scientist Bartlett, F. C. also emphasizes upon the leading role of a teacher in achieving success in different occupations by the students, as by influencing on students' emotional sphere he causes their emotional activity, manages and corrects students' activities, establishes conditions providing for students the status of interaction subject.

As far as establishing motivational attitude to creative activity stimulates the process of creating new ideas and methods of solving issues of technical nature due to positive emotions' influence, this in turn generates interest to professional activities resulting in development of students' professional and personal qualities. Therefore, one may assume that due to establishment of motivational attitude to creative activities, the higher efficiency of future specialists' professional education may be provided; this condition fully corresponds to the definition of term "teaching conditions for creative activities' organization".

Therefore, first teaching condition we admitted is establishment of motivational attitude to students' creative activities.

As a second teaching condition we chose implementation of mutual activities with students being transformed in co-creativity. Let's prove this condition.

As we already mentioned, rational organization of educational process based on principles of didactic emotional interaction helps to establish necessary conditions for developing creative individuality both of teacher and student. For this interaction is shown in relationships, communication, influence, dominative style of relationships, one may distinguish basing on behavior style analysis four styles of didactic emotional interaction, among them, in our opinion, emotional and personal style being the most interesting one; it is performed if teacher takes a line of cooperation characterized by active and positive style of relationships, interest to students, optimism and mutual confidence in terms of communications, based on covering the area of cooperative creative activities.

Foundations of such interaction are laid on teacher's understanding the personality of each student. А teacher typically has an equal, soulful attitude to students, empathy, calm, positive behavior pattern, fixed and static tone of communication, patience. By this type of interaction, a student believes that a teacher is ready to help him, his requirements are justified. Other styles, especially emotional-selected, emotional-situational and emotional-negative do not contribute to organization of students' creative activities according to surveys; therefore, they are not observed in our study.

Communication plays a crucial role in development and fulfillment of individual's creative potential. Scientists assume that 99 % of meaningful ideas appear as electric spark after "contacting" other people opinions, the rest (1 %) of ideas emerge in inspiration moments (insight), experienced on a roundabout basis, but out of the same source. Activity itself includes rational necessity of individuals to communicate in form of sharing knowledge, experience, and results of activities, in other words sharing everything supposed to fill the inner world of an individual and specify the abundance of their personal experience. In this sense we may speak about a real co-creativity.

Humanistic education specifies the establishment of moral and friendly relations in all links of public and state hierarchy as one of the most important factor. Therefore, we consider the following peculiarities of teaching to be worked out until they reach the level of real cooperation relationships in frameworks of education aimed to achieve high results:

- establishing the atmosphere of mutual confidence, respect, bilateral aid and benevolence, high mutual exactingness, general care of each other and preservation of care during the whole educational process and professional activities;

- establishing common goals and interests, which would update own ones and bring the "tomorrow" joy to everyone;

- bilateral and acceptable technology of mutual and independent activities including mutual regulation, self-control and control in frameworks of group coma aging system aimed to perform individual activities and group activities of educational and scientific nature, which lay foundations for system of high level knowledge acquiring;

- having high culture of cognitive activities, forecasting educational activities and students' behavior in frames of creative independence of each individual;

- Skills to develop a system of managing and self-managing the educational process together with students;

- means, methods and forms of educating in frames of differential education;

- System for educating and developing an individual and a group in area of actual and perspective activities, which would provide the high culture of activities and behavior for everybody;

- establishing conditions for teacher's productive co-creativity with students.

One should notice, that co-creativity of teacher and students is not only a collective creative activity which enables the latter to use creative approach to educational and cognitive activities a teacher manages activities in a skillful manner, stepping up demands to creative position in the education process.

Therefore, by establishing necessary conditions for development of both teacher's and students' creative individuality, a rational organization of educational process based on principal of didactic interaction transposes the collective activities. training security specialist inventive

At the same time creative skills of each student's individuality are established and developed through cooperation and co-creativity, as it is a process of activities which enables to fulfill the potential of an individual. Therefore, one may assume that implementation of this condition provides the highest efficiency of prospective specialists' professional education, and ways of organizing student's activities aimed to establish the atmosphere of cooperation and co-creativity in the educational process completely correspond to the definition of term "teaching condition for organizing creative activities.

As a third teaching condition we specified solving tasks of invention nature by using methods of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TIPS), emphasizing by that the crucial importance of creative activities in developing individual's creativity being the leading factor to establish significant professional skills. Let's prove this opinion as followed. In our point of view, one of the main goals a talented teacher should achieve is teaching an individual to acquire, systemize and generate (create) new significant professional qualities independently. We assume that the best educational environment meeting these requirements is student's independent work aimed to teach students to think, work, search for and prove necessary materials independently, arrange, analyze, take responsibilities, establish a creative view on things, which helps a student to be ready for the stage of independent research work. The reason for this is that elements of creativity appear along with elements of reproduction in the structure of independent activities; these elements are significant rather because of the processes' beyond-standards-nature, and not due to novelty of results. Therefore, creative independent works have a great value, as students by doing these works may find original ways of solving cognitive tasks, not foreseen by a teacher.

According to specifics of HTEE professional activities E.Y. Golant specifies the following types of educational activities:

- Organizational and technical aimed to organize and solve tasks in a technical manner;

- Cognitive, which is connected with knowledge acquiring;

- Practical aimed to perform training assignments and apply one's knowledge in practice.

Observing these types of activities, the author classified three ways of independence development: organizational and technical independence; independence in the frameworks of cognitive activities; independence in practical activities.


Observe cognitive independence as a human ability to acquire information from different sources without exterior help.

A creative activity of HTEE students often takes form of invention and is connected with invention tasks solving being inaccessible without philosophical perception of reality and environment, as the inventor's scientific background plays a crucial role in creative activities. Possessing current scientific knowledge, last achievements of science is necessary condition for successful invention activities. Study of previous invention experience, understanding of predecessors' failures and successes is also of crucial importance.

To develop creative skills an inventor should constantly train, solving specific tasks and exercises of technical nature. One should also obtain good skills to specify technical task, understand it quickly, and update. After a certain technical task is analyzed, the most important stage of creative process - the stage of technical task solving shall begin. lt is a culmination point of technical creativity, its central link, where the certain "jump" occurs, in other words transition from something one can see to something being absent."

Everyone who is connected with invention activities should know special techniques and methods contributing to search for means of solution, and common techniques to solve creative technical tasks. TIPS is a science studying rational regularities of technical systems development, and developing the methodology (system of methods and techniques) to solve technical issues. Main mechanisms of the Theory of inventive Problem Solving (TIPS) are the invention tasks solving algorithm and system of standards for invention tasks solving. However, TIPS may not be effective in fields of science and technology characterized by lack of understanding physical entity of processes, or where rule of thumb prevails. Implementation of TIPS in practice needs significant time outlays in frames of invention activities in order to collect and analyze patent and information materials.

To use the TIPS effectively integral universal knowledge on the fundamental level is needed, which is not typical of traditional high education establishments' procedures. It seems to be the main obstacle for massive adoption of the TIPS. The scope of knowledge and level of conceptual understanding allow to asses interrelation quickly and on a complex basis, providing significant intensity of efficiency in comparison with solutions found by traditional means of experiments and failures without proper justification. Interestingly that this effective method may be widely used in other spheres of activities, for instance the TIPS may be considered as means to extend functional and physical analysis of the systems.

It is proven in practice that the TIPS allows to successfully solve tasks of any difficulty level arising in different spheres of production and everyday life. Moreover, the TIPS allows developing direction in thinking characterized by ability to analyze any problem, make system connections, determine contradictions, find solutions for them on the level of ideal, forecast possible ways of such decisions' development etc. Assuming that a student needs activity in frames of all educational links, especially by learning new information or means of action, the TIPS method may become the pattern of activities in the course of establishing future specialists' significant professional skills; this method is a prominent one in terms of educational process by establishing cognitive activity. It is the TIPS method which in our opinion sharpens the students' attention, makes their perception more oriented, makes them think intensively, seek the ways to apply their knowledge in practice, as only active thinking process may provide conscious and deep acquisition of knowledge by transforming them into convictions.

At the same time, it is impossible to develop significant professional skills of information security future specialists by studying HTEE scientific disciplines, involving them to solve invention tasks without having a certain knowledge base, without developing skills to make connections between objects, terms and scientific facts, without having skills to solve invention tasks of technical nature. Therefore, it becomes clear, that fruitful work in this direction needs a certain knowledge base to be established, which would found both on scientific and technical experience and on modern achievements, as well as establish skills to solve invention tasks on technical nature by means of specifically chosen exercises and the TIPS method.

Famous mathematicians and psychologists draw attention to similarities between creative ways of scientist-researcher and student-"researcher". Thus, French mathematician J. Adamar assumes that "... work of individual, who studies and tries to solve an exercise in algebra and geometry, and work of inventor in math differentiate only by degrees, levels - both works are similar in nature".

Creative thinking being one of the structural components of creative activities needs constant training. Developing this aspect among the students means to systematically and gradually inoculate the latter with acquired knowledge in the following types of intellectual activities:

- Skill to make observation with elements of generalization, to conduct experiment (including mathematical one) in order to develop situation contributing to preconceptual study;

- Skill to apply the main cognitive methods and main methods of science studied during the work process;

- skills for creative work in frames of interrelated tasks-issues area, deep studying of possible results from inventions proposed with due account for cognitive, psychological and age specific possibilities of students;

Systematic developing of students' critical thinking by using all favorable opportunities and keeping to sense of proportion. The so called "dynamic method" ("invention method" Polya, G) providing the use of tasks system including observation of different configurations obtained by means of geometric operations, analysis of new forms and their qualities, different qualities of figures, drawing of all figures which meet the relevant requirements, was taken as a basis of such educational type.

Therefore, if the independent research work of students on information security is considered as the implementation of its search and creative abilities in frames of tasks (subjects of research), then while searching for solution to the task a student examines it, tries to extract some consequences, elements (performs inductive search) and get the result. Moreover, on this stage of mental activity he speculates searching for answers on questions: have I already meet similar consequences, should I conduct an experiment, will some additional schemes help me, may the observation of some extreme cases suggest me any ideas, should I receive some hypothesis generalization by means of induction etc. As a result, the student comes up with a plan to solve this task ending by a proof. His further efforts are focused on searching for other features and other features proportions, their proofs which play a crucial role in scientific cognition. After being proved the speculation, hypothesis and other suggestions become scientific truth. There are two main methods of proof (direct and related), which are widely used in mathematics: - "first one is performed through causes resulting in certain features of phenomenon, and is usually called the direct method; second one is performed through ultimate causes - and mathematicians successfully use both of these methods. Thus, if causes contributing to certain feature of phenomenon are deeply concealed, and ultimate ones are more accessible to our understanding, then the reasonable solution to the issue needs related method on the other hand, the direct method is used, if it is possible to specify consequence by observing causes contributing to certain feature of the phenomenon".

Critical analysis of acquired information is an important link in various research works and consequence of human critical thinking development. It is clear, that the personality of a teacher plays a crucial role in process of personal development by future specialists on information security. From this point the issue of pedagogic creative activities was studied in due time by Bartlett, F. C. who arrived at the conclusion that only a high level of teaching skills may provide its creative nature.


Thus, acquiring all stages of research work establishes independence, autonomy and responsibility of the future specialists on information security; it becomes possible due to the TIPS method, which allows students to solve different creative tasks by using Algorithm of Inventive Problem Solving (AIPS), establishing new knowledge in spheres of science and technology, contributing to development of skills and features to solve invention tasks of technical nature. Obviously, by taking such measures to students we involve them in creative activities. Therefore, one may assume, that implementation of this teaching condition provides the higher efficiency of professional education for future specialists on information security. Thus, solving tasks of invention nature by applying the TIPS method contributes to developing of professional and personal qualities of an individual, as well as to teacher's cooperation and co-creativity with students; whereby students become able to generate new ideas and means to solve issue of technical nature, find successful solutions to this issue.


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  • Reading is the foundation on which academic skills of an individual are built. The importance of teaching reading. Developing reading skills and strategies. Stages of conducting reading and reading activities. Rules of training of the advanced readers.

    курсовая работа [36,2 K], добавлен 10.04.2012

  • Modern education system in the UK. Preschool education. The national curriculum. Theoretical and practical assignments. The possible scenarios for post-secondary education. Diploma of higher professional education. English schools and parents' committees.

    презентация [3,3 M], добавлен 05.06.2015

  • Process of learning a foreign language with from an early age. The main differences between the concepts of "second language" and "foreign language" by the conditions of the language environment. Distinguish different types of language proficiency.

    статья [17,3 K], добавлен 15.09.2014

  • Main part: Reading skills. A Writing Approach to–Reading Comprehension–Schema Theory in Action. The nature of foreign-language teaching. Vocabulary teaching techniques.

    курсовая работа [23,8 K], добавлен 05.12.2007

  • Direction of professional self - development. Features of emotional sphere. Personal qualities of the social teacher and teacher of self-knowledge. The concept of vital functions as a continuous process of goal-setting, operations and human behavior.

    презентация [2,5 M], добавлен 08.10.2016

  • Investigation of the main reasons English language jelly. Characteristics of the expansion content Total Physical Response; consideration of the basic pedagogical principles of its use in teaching language inostannomu junior and senior school age.

    курсовая работа [40,2 K], добавлен 21.02.2012

  • Studying the system of education in Britain and looking at from an objective point of view. Descriptions of English school syllabus, features of infant and junior schools. Analyzes the categories of comprehensive schools, private and higher education.

    презентация [886,2 K], добавлен 22.02.2012

  • The applied science model. The basic assumptions underlying this model. Received and experiential knowledge. Oldest form of professional education. The most advanced modern teaching strategies. Projects for the development of creative abilities.

    презентация [156,0 K], добавлен 09.03.2015

  • Principles of asr teсhnology. Performance and designissues in speech applications. Current trends in voise-interactive call. Difining and acquiring literacy in the age of information. Content-based instruction and literacy development.

    курсовая работа [107,9 K], добавлен 21.01.2008

  • The problem of linguistic abilities of a child. Goals and objectives of foreign language teaching preschoolers. Number of pupils in a group, the frequency, duration of sessions. The game as the leading method of teaching preschoolers. Learning vocabulary.

    курсовая работа [39,5 K], добавлен 26.06.2015

  • Effective reading is essential for success in acquiring a second language. Approaches to Teaching Reading Skills. The characteristic of methods of Teaching Reading to Learners. The Peculiarities of Reading Comprehension. Approaches to Correcting Mistakes.

    курсовая работа [60,1 K], добавлен 28.03.2012

  • Study the history of opening of the first grammar and boarding-schools. Description of monitorial system of education, when teacher teaches the monitors who then pass on their knowledge to the pupils. Analysis the most famous Universities in Britain.

    презентация [394,4 K], добавлен 29.11.2011

  • Disclosure of the concept of the game. Groups of games, developing intelligence, cognitive activity of the child. The classification of educational games in a foreign language. The use of games in the classroom teaching English as a means of improving.

    курсовая работа [88,5 K], добавлен 23.04.2012

  • The bases of teaching a foreign language. Effective methodology of teaching a foreign language as a second. Using project methods in teaching. The method of debate. The advantages of using games. Various effective ways of teaching a foreign language.

    курсовая работа [679,3 K], добавлен 21.01.2014

  • History of school education system in the USA. The role of school education in the USA. Organisation of educational process in American schools. Reforms and innovations in education that enable children to develop their potential as individuals.

    курсовая работа [326,6 K], добавлен 12.01.2016

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