Викладання лижного спорту у вищих навчальних закладах спортивного профілю з урахуванням спортивної спеціалізації студентів

Визначення особливостей морфо-функціональних та рухових якостей студентів. Аналіз рівня загальної фізичної підготовленості першокурсників. Розроблення методики навчання техніці лижного спорту. Дослідження особливостей класичного та ковзанярського стилю.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 12.07.2015
Размер файла 829,7 K

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Ключевые слова: дисциплина «Лыжный спорт», методика обучения, спортивная специализация, физическая подготовленность, техника передвижения.


Sidorova T.V. Teaching of skiing sport in higher educational establishments of sporting type taking into account sporting specialization of students. - Manuscript.

Thesis on conferring the degree of Candidate of Physical Education and Sport on speciality 24.00.02 - Physical culture of different groups of population. - Kharkiv State Physical Culture Academy, Kharkiv, 2010.

Thesis is devoted to study the problem of perfection of method of teaching of discipline «Skiing» taking into account anthropometric, functional indexes and development of physical skills of students of different sporting specializations. In dissertation the level of development of physical skills, to physical preparedness, anthropometric and functional indexes of the state of students is determined. The results of researches enabled forming educational groups of high-performance: speed-power qualities (gymnastics, weightlifting, single combat), endurance (track-and-field (running events), swimming) and coordination (winter sports (figure-skating, freestyle skiing, snowboarding), football, sporting games, sporting dances), that enabled to individualize an educational process of skiing. Efficiency of method of teaching students specializing in other than skiing of higher educational establishments of sporting type is experimentally well-proven, which takes into account sporting specialization of students, level of development of motor qualities, that enables high-quality mastering of technique of movement on pattens in accordance with the credit-module teaching. The main results of the investigation are inculcated in practice of the institutions of high education of sporting type.

Key words: discipline «Skiing», teaching method, sporting specialization, physical preparedness, technique of movement.

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