Методична система навчання технічних дисциплін генеральних конструкторів у післядипломній підготовці

Розробка і експериментальна перевірка результативності основних положень комплексно-інноваційної методичної системи навчання технічних дисциплін генеральних конструкторів у післядипломній підготовці. Упровадження розробленої методики в навчальний процес.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 20.07.2015
Размер файла 42,6 K

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Ключевые слова: методическая система; обучение техническим дисциплинам; генеральные конструкторы; концепция последипломной подготовки; отраслевое образование; оптимизация; фундаментализация; формирование элементов учебного процесса; педагогические технологии.


Shandyba О.V. Methodical system of instruction of chief designers in engineering subjects during postgraduate training. - the Manuscript.

The dissertation for scientific degree of the candidate of pedagogical sciences in the speciality 13.00.02 - the theory and method of studies (technical disciplines). - Ukrainian Engineering-Pedagogical Academy. - Kharkiv, 2010.

In the thesis the theoretical justification, development and experimental verification of effectiveness of main provisions of innovative methodical system of instruction of a spare of chief designers engineering disciplines in during postgraduate training is conducted. The procedure bases on application of effective pedagogical technologies, a new contents of fundamentalized engineering disciplines, the optimised methods and forms of teaching of a stuff simultaneously scientific - practical activities on building of innovative projects of the highest industrial levels. Thus the pedagogical system is placed in innovative - investment medium which dynamically variates in the form of a torrent. The indicated system is adjusted with characteristics of metasystems and inter-systems. For the purpose of extremely effective results the system is complexly optimised on frames and arguments at all hierarchic levels. The indicated is attained at the expense of building of models of common nature - system and mental activity complex, and their subsequent concrete definition, in particular, by the concept of postgraduate training of a spare of chief designers in system of branch education. This concept provides implementation of training process in organisation of new type - the Academy of the chief designers having characteristics adjusted with common and branch education systems. The frame of innovatively - methodical system takes into consideration the need of keeping of requirements to knowledge and skills of engineering disciplines to a spare of chief designers, and it is also oriented on application of new structurization of a contents of engineering disciplines, complex procedure of instruction and differentiated pedagogical technologies.

Keywords: methodical system; instruction of engineering disciplines; chief designer; concept of postgraduate training preparations; branch education; optimization; fundamentalization; creation of units of training process; pedagogical technologies.

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