Формування професіоналізму у студентів вищих музичних навчальних закладів в процесі методичної підготовки

Педагогічні умови і методики формування професіоналізму у студентів вищих музичних навчальних закладів при вивчення курсу "Методика навчання гри на музичному інструменті". Критерії та рівні сформованості професіоналізму викладача музичних дисциплін.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 29.08.2015
Размер файла 39,8 K

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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

Ключевые слова: профессионализм, профессионализм преподавателя музыкальных дисциплин, самореализация, художественно-педагогическая деятельность, методическая подготовка.

Lysakova I.V. Musical higher education institutions students' professionalism formation in a process of methodical preparation. - Manuscript.

Thesis for awarding the scientific degree of the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in the speciality 13.0004 - Theory and methods of professional education. - M.P. Dragomanov National pedagogical university. - Kyiv, 2008.

The researches of professionalism take an important place among actually scientific problems. It's connecting with development of the akmeology. In sphere of music art the notion “professionalism” use for characteristics of musician's activity, but it's haven't function of scientific terms.

The summarizing link of professional formation is concentrated in building up of professionalism. Research of specialized literature shows that professionalism is an integrative quality of a personality that reveals itself in professional activity and provides stable and high results as well as self-realization in the process. Professionalism as a quality of a personality is subject to formation. This process requires task-oriented educational guidance and the present research is aimed at finding its optimum ways and means. Professionalism is inseparably linked with self-realization of a subject of professional activity. Self-realization means the ability to objectify all richness of inward life of a personality in a specific type of activity. In the sphere of personality-oriented paradigm of education this aspect of formation is highly actual. Necessity for pedagogical professionalism formation of musician are determine of the contradiction between achievement the highest degree in future professional activity and want of conditions for it's on contemporary high music education system.

The source and the ground for professionalism formation is the professional activity every type of which has its specific features. Professionalism is formed in the occupation framework of a specialist that has its own task, means and product. Pedagogical professionalism of musician can't be separated from subject sphere where it is being realized, i.e. from the musician's professional specialty. Professionalism of a musical subject's teacher can be determined as integrative quality of a personality that shows up in musical artistic and teaching activity as ability to carry this activity out successfully, to reach stable and positive results on the basis of the indicated activity subjects' self-realization. Professionalism's realization there by means of implementing optimum algorithms of professional tasks' solution that base on successful realization of correctly described goals through quality solutions of artistic and technological tasks and using correcting measures.

The thesis determines the professionalism of a musical subject's teacher structure. It comprises three components: descriptive and constructive, professional and procedure, controlling and correcting. The criteria of professionalism development of a musical higher education institutions students' are deduced from the structure. This is formation measure of 1) Ability to carry out prognostication-diagnostic activity, 2) Ability to carry out education and performance activity express-analysis and regulation of a student on lesson, 3) Ability to evaluate student's educational and performance activity results on the background of total amount estimation of teacher's and student's activities, and also 4) Volume and profoundness of knowledge in possession of a specialist that comprise theoretical base of artistic and educational activity. There were three professionalism formation levels of musical higher education institutions students' distinguished in the process of experimental work: high (self-realization) level, medium (normative) level, low (adaptation) level. The thesis proves the contents of experimental work, which in the core has the step-by-step formation of necessary qualities of students.

The conception idea of formation experiment is: professionalism, as an achievement of highest results on activity and creative self-realization of personality, is correlated with some psychological traits (purpose's management, professional reflection, art emphatic). Development of these traits is condition of future successful evolution of a musical subject's teacher. A formation experiment included the following steps: orientation and motivation step, reflexive and transformation step, training and adaptation step, evaluation and consolidation step. The thesis proved that professionalism's formation of a musical higher education institutions students' takes place if the following teaching conditions are observed: stimulation of professional and teaching intention of future specialists, individual approach to students, formation of reflexive environment, independence stimulation. Mechanism of the formation experiment realization is based on shifting of the accent to personality development of a future specialist, creating conditions for them to establish their own artistic and teaching activity style on condition of activization of psychological mechanisms of personal objective setting, artistic empathy and professional reflexion. The suggested method effectiveness revealed itself in the dynamics of musical higher education institutions students' professionalism of a musical subject's teacher formation level. The practically importance: the results of this research can use in course “Method of piano teaching” for renovating of programs, for student's evaluating and self-evaluating by means of criterions, indexes and formation levels of professionalism of a musical subject's teacher.

Key words: professionalism, professionalism of a musical subject's teacher, self-realization, artistic-pedagogical activity, methodical preparation.

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