Підготовка молоді до самостійного трудового життя у діяльності молодіжних об`єднань на західноукраїнських землях (20-30-і роки ХХ століття)

Особливості підготовки молоді до самостійного трудового життя у діяльності молодіжних об’єднань на західноукраїнських землях в першій половині ХХ століття. Визначення можливостей використання позитивних ідей цього досвіду у діяльності сучасних об’єднань.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 29.08.2015
Размер файла 53,5 K

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The practical activities of Ukrainian, Polish and Jewish youth organizations in the sphere of preparation of youth for self-dependent active life are investigated. The contents and forms of preparation of youth for self-dependent active life through the activities of youth organizations as the subject of professional training and working education are investigated and analysed.

The efficient forms of working education at that time were: working actions of social and useful character; working camps; the creation of the model farms, experimental agricultural fields; excursions to learn progressive methods of production; exhibitions of progressive experience; start cooperative enterprises and workshops; the rent of land for agricultural works. The effective forms of professional training were: programs of agricultural level education; training groups and sections, professional training courses, schools of professional education, evening (professional) universities.

The execution of working education and professional training through the activities of youth organizations in Western Ukrainian regions in 20-30 of the XX century is considered as: 1) social and pedagogical phenomenon which had a positive influence on the process of formation of system of youth's professional training; 2) a form of sharing and mastering of social and working experience, cultural wealth and preparation of youth for self-dependent active life; 3) a self-motivated process of formation of creative, industrious personality and his/her professional formation.

The activities of youth organizations in Western Ukrainian regions in 20-30 of the XX century are considered as the unique social and pedagogical phenomenon owing to which there were realized not only the tasks of formation of national self-consciousness among young people and its cultural level but the tasks of working education and professional training.

Here are determined the possibilities of creative application of historical and pedagogical experience of youth organizations' activities in 20-30 of the XX century for self-dependent active life of youth. The materials, the principal statements of the thesis and the conclusions can be used for writing the manuals of history of pedagogy, the history of youth organizations, preparing educational and methodical literature for the leaders of youth organizations.

Key words: youth organization, orientations and forms of youth organizations' activity, working education, professional training, preparation of youth for self-dependent active life.

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