Педагогічні основи професійної адаптації студентів-економістів засобами новітніх інформаційних технологій

Опис та сутність педагогічних основ професійної адаптації студентів-економістів. Особливості ефективного навчання іноземної мови для професійного спілкування, використання та значення комп’ютерних дисциплін під час підготовки майбутніх економістів.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 29.08.2015
Размер файла 50,1 K

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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

We have defined the role and place of the subject “Foreign language'' in the context of providing the professional adaptation of the future economists. Therefore, we have studied the possibilities of the foreign language teaching integration in the process of the future economists training. For obtaining and mastering of deep and professionally required knowledge, highly-developed skills of work in the sphere of information technologies, motivation for further self-education a steady connection of enterprise activity and the training process is necessary. Such a connection allows to improve the educational curriculum and to prepare efficient specialists required by an enterprise.

To realize this approach we have developed and experimentally researched the usage of the textbook, «An Economy Insight», corresponding to the direction of this research in the process of students-economists professional adaptation.

We have determined and theoretically substantiated the components of professional adaptation formation: motivating, professional, integral, informative. The criteria and indexes of this process have been defined: purposive, special training, foreign communicative competence, computer skills development. On the basis of these criteria we have distinguished three levels of professional adaptation: fundamental, intermediate and higher. The fundamental level of professional adaptability characterizes the specialist's education on general economics, the knowledge of basic principles and objective laws of economics, mastering the basis of professional communication. The intermediate level of professional adaptability covers the conscious understanding of its content, easy apprehension of information from different sources (including authentic) with its following analysis and interpretation in the way of solving the professional tasks. The higher level of professional adaptability requires an easy orientation in particular professional questions of practical character, ability to detailed analysis of the situation, full conformity with the functions of professional activity and specific requirements of the position.

The model of the students-economists professional adaptation has been developed. This model includes: the society's order, directive documents, methods and means of teaching, criteria and levels of formed professional adaptation, the result and the complex of pedagogical conditions (using new information technologies; introduction of innovational teachers' activity; consideration of students-economists professional adaptation stages; using integral approach to learning economic sciences and skillful work with a computer). Its effectiveness has been substantiated theoretically and corroborated experimentally.

The results of the analysis of the experiment in the experimental and control groups have shown, that the level of professionally important qualities formation in the experimental group is higher than in control group.

The experiment results have confirmed the validity of the put forward hypothesis and testified about high efficiency of the scientific and practical recommendations, worked out by the author. They made it possible to use the offered methodology for effectiveness increase of students' professional adaptation at higher economic educational establishments.

Key words: professional adaptation, new information technologies, integration, future economists, pedagogical conditions of professional adaptation, foreign language.

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