Професійно-мовленнєва підготовка педагога-нефілолога в умовах багатомовності

Проблеми формування умінь і навичок професійного спілкування. Теоретичні засади мовленнєвої підготовки педагога-нефілолога в умовах багатомовності. Методика навчання професійного російського мовлення студентів-нефілологів педагогічних спеціальностей.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.09.2015
Размер файла 45,6 K

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The author analysed the state of the given problem in Dniester territory conditions; defined the communicative content of teaching the professional speech in pedagogical non-philological sphere; worked out the criteria of professional speech training of educational specialists of non-philological faculties in polylingual conditions and pointed out four groups of skills according to the level of their development (high, sufficient, medium and low levels).

The suggested methods the foundation of which is the text-centered principle was worked out on the basis of the prognostic model of teaching which consists of four components: motive estimating, cognitive and content, activity qualified, practical and technological.

The main results of the research were applied in practice of professional speech training of educational specialists of non-philological faculties in polylingual conditions and in the curriculum of the course “The Principles of Professional Speech” in particular.

Key words: professional speech training of educational specialists of non-philological faculties; polylingual teaching sphere; prognostic model of professional speech training of educational specialists of non-philological faculties; text-centered unit of teaching.

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