Система професійної підготовки фахівців соціальної сфери у Франції

Етапи становлення соціальної освіти Франції. Структурні компоненти, зміст та організація, напрями модернізації професійної підготовки фахівців соціальної сфери Франції. Можливості творчого використання ідей прогресивного досвіду підготовки фахівців.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.09.2015
Размер файла 51,6 K

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The dissertation is devoted to the investigation of social sphere specialists' professional training of France. The development's process of social workers' training of France has been characterized; the peculiarities of modern system of social workers' training have been revealed. The basic stages of development of social education of France are selected and described: initial, methodological, stabilizing, reformative, modernization. The author has characterized the activity's spheres (work with children and youth, family, invalids, old men, unemployed, immigrants), functions of social workers (basics and specials).

It has been examined multilevel social sphere specialists' professional training of France (primary, secondary, higher and postgraduate education). The main features of system of social sphere specialists' professional training have been characterized: integration of theory and practice, individual character of education, transversality, flexibility of the programs of professional training, integration of theoretical and practical components, module organization of process, priority of individual approach to the student, design of future professional activity in the process of studies, partner collaboration of educational establishments with social establishments. Preparation of specialists of social sphere is carried out in state and unstate to educational establishments of different types.

The content of professional training of differents specialties has been revealed (assistant of social service, specialized educator, animator, assistant of technician-animator on questions of young people and sport, technician-animator from the questions of folk education, leader of projects of animation and development, technical specialized educator, monitor-educator, educator of children of preschool age, helper in social life, medіator etc.)

The modernisation's tendencies of social workers' training of France have been characterized: introduction of procedure of confession of professional competence; strengthening of social partnership is between educational establishments which carry out preparation of social workers and social services, development of higher and postgraduate social workers training which foresees introduction of the two levels system of education: licence and master. First educational degree directed on determination of common direction and line of business of future specialist and conduces a licentiate to the receipt of degree, second a degree is completed the receipt of professional master's or master's researcher degree. The master researcher enables to prolong studies on the doctorals programs.

The comparative analysis of social workers' training of France and Ukraine has been conducted. Uniting for both countries is: multilevel character of the system of professional preparation of the proper specialists, principles of reorganization of the systems of higher education, community of educational disciplines, their maintenance. The distinguishing feature of domestic model of preparation of specialists of social sphere is predominating of disciplines of theoretical direction and insufficient attention to the special and practical preparation. On the basis of its results, the common and specific features of social work education have been defined. The possibilities of progressive ideas of the France experience of social sphere specialists' professional training in the educational establishments of Ukraine have been determined: introduction of the effective system of professional selection, expansion of range of specialities and specializations of specialists of social sphere, optimum combination of theoretical and practical components of professional training, preparation of leaders of practice, introduction of innovative technologies of studies, various forms of postgraduate education, preparation of doctors of social work, search of alternative possibilities of capture professional qualification in industry of social work.

Key words: social sphere specialiste, system of social sphere specialists' professional training of France, multilevel professional training, organisation and contents of professional training, modernisation of social sphere specialists' training.

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