Lexicographical culture as a component of professional competence of primary school teacher

The concept of training quality of school teacher. The structure of his lexicographic competence. The knowledge of computer technology as a background for mastering electronic lexicography, introduction of information resources in professional activity.

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T.I. Krehno, L.V. Belkina

The place and lexicographical competence of future primary school teacher as an important component of overall professional and pedagogical competence is considered in the article.

Keywords: lexicographic culture, lexicographic competence, learning, higher education, vocational training, professional competence.

УДК 378:81'374


Крехно Т.І., Бєлкіна Л.В., Комунальний заклад "Харківська гуманітарно-педагогічна академія" Харківської обласної ради, кафедра іноземної філології.

У статті розглянуто місце та значення лексикографічної компетентності майбутнього вчителя початкових класів як важливого складника загальної професійно-педагогічної компетенції.

Ключові слова: лексикографічна культура, лексикографічна компетентність, процес навчання, вища школа, професійна освіта, професійна компетенція.


Крехно Т.И., Белкина Л.В.

В статье рассмотрены место и значение лексикографической компетентности будущего учителя начальных классов как важной составляющей общей профессионально-педагогической компетенции.

Ключевые слова: лексикографическая культура, лексикографическая компетентность, процесс обучения, высшая школа, профессиональное образование, профессиональная компетенция.


Raising of the problem. The priority of the National Strategy for the Development of Education is upgrading of its structure, content and organization on the basis of competence approach. Competence approach directs the educational process on the formation of fully trained specialist, highly cultured humanistic personality who is able to think critically, make decisions, analyze his professional activity, identify ways of its improvement, evaluate social processes and find his own place and role in them. The conceptual basis of modern higher education is to develop personal qualities that would allow the graduate to solve professional and social problems in the new environment of dynamic development of society. So, research on training and education of specialists in different areas of training based on competency approach is now an actual scientific problem.

Analysis of the last researches and publications in which the decision of this problem is founded. Great value for the theory and practice of formation of language, speech and technical competencies are the results of general and applied scientific research, domestic linguists and scientists engaged in didactics W. Bader, A. Belyaev, M. Vashulenka, E. Goloborodko, A. Goroshkina, T. Donchenko, A. Zagnitko, S. Karaman, T. Ladyzhenskaya, L. Macko, V. Melnychayka, G. Onkovych, L. Palamar, M. Pentylyuk, K. Plysko, M. Plusch, I. Homyak and others. In the branch of vocational and educational training of primary school teachers in the field of domestic scientific search recent decades there were the issues of formation of professional, ethical, information, methodological and mathematical, language, speech, methodological and technological competences (N. Gluzman, L. Koval, A. Kolomiets, O. Nikulochkina, L. Petukhov, S. Ratovska, U. Telpuhovska, H. Tkachuk, V. Usaty, A. Homa, L. Khoruzha etc.). Lexicographic culture as a component of professional competence of teachers was not still the subject of scientific psychological and educational research. However lexicographical competence of a primary school teacher is able to provide a solid foundation for the formation of systems of other competencies to promote the development of high- quality individual graduate who is ready for his occupation. Lexicographic competence provides encyclopedic knowledge, linguistic and various types of electronic reference books and skills to work with them, requirement to use the dictionary for the purpose of self-promoting, formation of a large part of competencies and competencies identified in the higher education sector, the accumulation of basic knowledge of all the sciences, forming of ideas about cause-effect relationships of scientific categories and concepts, skills to acquire information, organize it, and critically reflect upon, ability to learn, to think systemically, the formation of research skills, computer skills, ability to quality of written and oral communication in their mother tongue.

Formulation of the aims of the article. The purpose of the article is to find a place of the lexicographic component in the overall system of formation of primary school teachers' professional competence.

Exposition of the basic material of research

In public documents, which regulate the training of the specialists in high school, the notion of competence includes theoretical knowledge of a particular academic branch, the ability to apply this knowledge in specific situations quickly and practically, as well as spiritual values generated as an integral part of perception and way of life with others in a social context (responsible national worldview and way of living together in society).

Professional competence in a particular subject area is provided by the following components: social and personal competence, general scientific, instrumental professional (general professional and specialized professional). The means of formation of this system is a set of competencies. Formed complex level of competencies ensures the individual's overall competence. Competence in the standards of higher education is understood as a body of knowledge and experience in a specific type of activity that will ensure the implementation of function, and ensures individual's competence in a particular subject area.

General competence of primary school teacher is provided by the appropriate level of knowledge and skills in the following types of production activity:

1) protection of children's life and health;

2) education;

3) training;

4) didactic and methodical;

5) social and educational;

6) value-orientation;

7) professional and personal self-improvement.

Lexicographical activity of students in the study of language and professionally designed courses is appealed to streamline and optimize the formation of all these components.

Formation of lexicographical competence is closely linked with the element of professional training of primary school teachers as information competence. Theoretical knowledge of computer technology and programming skills is a background for mastering electronic lexicography, the use of electronic dictionaries in the process of self-education, introduction of information and communication resources in professional activities. Modern computer lexicography has significant benefits. Ukrainian electronic dictionaries are an original work as: electronic system of the Ukrainian language "Dictionaries of Ukraine", Dictionary of symbolic models in morphemic structure of a word, Dictionary of affix morphemes in the Ukrainian language, computer units of text "Ukrainian national housing", "Housing Ukrainian language" and others and printing scanned reference source (eleven volumes Academic Dictionary of the Ukrainian language, spelling, phraseological dictionaries, dictionaries of synonyms, antonyms, translated, foreign words, word usage, Anglicisms etc.).

Formed skill to expand constantly lexical and grammatical minimum, using informative databases and navigation systems, the ability to use the electronic dictionary in order to optimize professional communication in the process of producing their own text and understanding other people's speech are the qualification requirements for elementary school teacher, described in the characteristic of educational qualification Bachelor and MA degrees in primary education and provided content appropriate educational and professional programs.

The ability to use a computer as a tool for learning activities of students, to design and use electronic didactic material, to shape students' computer literacy elements in order to familiarize them with modern ways of obtaining information is declared in educational qualification characteristic BA and MA degrees in primary education. Therefore, it is necessary to include system of the linguistic, information and methodological information on the formation of the younger pupils' motivation, needs and skills to use the online help resources to address the educational and communicative tasks into the curriculum of the future teacher. In the context of this necessity, it is important to train future professionals to develop computer training lexicographical programs and electronic dictionaries, adapted to the users of primary school age. lexicographic competence school teacher

As mentioned above, the structure of lexicographic competence of elementary school teacher provides methodological component. Dictionaries are powerful teaching and didactic potential as it is an effective means of solving educational, developmental, social, educational, value-orientation tasks of primary level education. Methodological knowledge of the future specialist provides primarily lexicographical organization of schoolchildren in context of text creative skills. As stated in the educational qualification characteristic of a graduate by specialty with a degree in primary education, teachers should "based on knowledge of the text and structure to prepare for writing different types stories, descriptions reasons to be able to shape students' skills and stylistic skills, to implement them in the practice of speech through interviews, observation, synonymous replacement grammatical means, using dictionaries"[1]. System of methodical preparation should focus on students' willingness to form knowledge about the types and functions of dictionaries, their role in the process of designing and editing; improving the abilities of students chosen didactic material from dictionaries to ensure language development students develop vocabulary and stylistic, vocabulary and grammatical exercises. Drawing on techniques of search lexicographical material analysis of entries, the study of linguistic facts dictionary, comparative analysis of different sources of reference, the student should be able to solve specific tasks prescribed by curriculum requirements, including enriching vocabulary and activate students vocabulary, form the ability to use synonymous, antonymic couples painted expressive vocabulary, phraseology units, metaphorical expressions follow the rules of language, learning techniques disclosure lexical meaning, prevent errors in spoken and written language, improve ability to distribute the sentence and choose the exact style appropriate language tools and more. Formation lexicographic competence in primary school children in general curriculum contributes to the development of quick information search skills, rational planning learning activities, cognitive activity and independence. The application of linguistic and encyclopedic dictionaries is an important method of teaching and in other academic subjects: reading, mathematics, science, health basics, arts, music. Students must be able to model students' lexicographic activities in the context of teaching these courses.

Formation of the future teachers' readiness for professional and personal self-improvement, self-actualization motives of professional activities, professional self-training is provided in educational qualification characteristic of a graduate by specialty with a degree in primary education. This ability guarantees the effectiveness of educational activities throughout their lives. Lexicographic competence contributes to the intensification of psycho-pedagogical and methodological self-education,-stimulates the individual' general intellectual development, because the reference books is a reliable navigation in various branches of human knowledge, systematic source of scientific information, using dictionaries can navigate further elaboration of professionally important issues.

Ability to professional self-perfection has generalized nature as it has to be inherent to various specialists. The specific requirement to the specialist of specialty primary education is the diversity of knowledge, diversified theoretical and practical knowledge, general and instrumental competence within the disciplines, mathematics, natural sciences, humanitarian cycles. By providing intellectual, spiritual and physical development of children, the teacher should have basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology, biology, psychology, geography, physics, astronomy, culture, history, religion, arts, music, ballet, theater arts etc. Primary School Teacher should be aware of the need to add continuously and update his general knowledge and professional structures due to innovations in science, education, social life. In addition, the future specialist is to determine ways and means of correcting the volume and quality of knowledge according to production needs. If lexicographical competence is formed in the period of training in high school, the teacher will be equipped with a universal instrument of effective, efficient and rapid acquisition of knowledge.

Quality of training specialist at the modern stage includes not only scientific knowledge in a particular academic branch, but also the presence of a number of existing personal qualities such as spirituality, morality, humanity, tolerance, national and civic consciousness, understanding the need to subordinate their own professional activities in the public interest. The formation of personality is in the context of understanding the world and the formation of individual patterns of life. Obtaining knowledge about the world is through sensorimotor perception, empiricism, thinking, intuition, transcendence. Diverse information received by man's mental mechanisms is projected on unique individual experience, is combined with the world, is recoded using linguistic signs. As a result of this process a reality in the individual's mind appears as conceptualized and organized structure. An important additional channel of human knowledge is the system of dictionaries, dictionaries are in fact a panacea interpretation of reality, aphoristic expression, the universe in alphabetical order. Cultural, social, historical information is accumulated in lexicographical collections of linguistic units at different levels, dictionaries reflect the originality of the national outlook, generally recognized principles of coexistence in society, transfer nationally significant information from generation to generation. Specificity of lexicographical material as a means of cognition is that the represented structures of knowledge - theoretical, empirical, naive is the result of scientific interpretation and synthesis. Certain models of knowledge generated by the students of the natural cognitive activity can be compared, analyzed, understood and critically adjusted during lexicographical work. Correlation of the internal cognitive experience and knowledge structures represented in dictionaries optimizes mental functions of consciousness, stimulates systematic thinking. Therefore, formed lexicographical competence predetermines further individual's cognitive activity, determines socio-cultural model of its behavior, and defines the appropriate level of socio-cultural competence.

Forming of primary school children's understanding of the Ukrainian language as the product of the Ukrainian people's work, the relationship of the language to thinking, culture of the nation is provided by State standard of primary education. The solution of these tasks is made within the sociocultural linguistic content line component of the educational branch. Therefore, knowledge of ethnic dictionaries is important for the formation of professional competence of Primary School Teacher. Lexicographic work with linguistic reference books is an effective means of mastering signs culture of the native language and culture of their adequate interpretation of both students and primary school pupils. In accordance with the principle of conditionality of main direction in the study of the native language of its communicative function lexicographical work of sociocultural orientation should not be an end in itself, instead it should serve as an additional means of developing abilities to solve communication tasks.

Conclusion and prospects of the further survey

So, the formation of lexicographical competence is organically integrated into the process of formation of future primary school teacher's professional competence. Persistent motivation in learning achievements of Ukrainian dictionary heritage, ability to lexicographical work are basis and at the same time a means of formation of professional skills, abilities, and appropriate amount of knowledge. As it mentioned above development, scientific studies, defining of educational conditions and experimental verification of integrated methodical system of formation of students' lexicographical competence of higher educational establishments seems perspective task of professional linguistics.


1. Освітньо-кваліфікаційна характеристика бакалавра за спеціальністю 6.010100 Початкове навчання напряму підготовки 0101 педагогічна освіта. Кваліфікація 3310 вчитель початкової школи: галузевий стандарт вищої освіти / Розробн. Бондар В.І., Шапошнікова І.М., Каніщенко А.П., Страшко С. В. [та ін.]; за ред. Бондаря В.І. - К.: МОН України, 2006. - 57 с.

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