The development of pedagogical education in Poland: socio-political and socio-economic background

The genesis of pedagogical education in Poland. Analysis of the impact of socio-political and economic factors on its formation and development in independent Poland. Characteristics of pedagogical education at various stages of historical development.

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Дата добавления 02.12.2017
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Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

The development of pedagogical education in poland: socio-political and socio-economic background

Yuliya V. Hryshchuk senior researcher of Osvitology Lab


The article examines the genesis of pedagogical education in Poland; analyzed the impact of socio-political and socio-economic factors on the formation and development of pedagogical education in independent Poland; identified key trends and characteristics of pedagogical education in Poland at various stages of historical development.

Keywords: education science; pedagogical education; teacher training; magisterium.

Introduction. Pedagogical education in Poland as a social institution was discovered through the influence of socio-economic and socio-political transformations and evolved in response to changes in social organization of life at different stages of historical development (Polish Kingdom (1025-1569), Rzeczpospolita (1569-1795), three divisions of Rzeczpospolita (1772, 1793, 1795), The First World War (1914-1918), Second Rzeczpospolita (1918-1939), The Second World War (1939-1945), Polish People's Republic (1945-1989), restoration of the democratic government, EU accession (2004)).

The development of pedagogical education in Poland, the stages of its modernization investigated as Ukrainian (K. Binnytska, A. Vasylyuk, M. Havran, E. Gromov, T. Krystopchuk, S. Kogut, B. Pasichnyk, L. Pol'ova, V. Majboroda, S. Karychkovska, S. Derkach, N. Sheverun, V. Chychuk etc.) and foreign (T. Levovytskyy, R. Leppert, E. Liaska, S. Meshalskyy, Ya. Moritz, R. Musketa, E. Neroba, V. Ocon', M. Rotskyy, I. Shempruh, B. Shliverskyy, S. Jasinski etc.) scientists.

Research of historically conditioned socio-political and socio-economic transformation in Poland will help identify features of the development of pedagogical education in the country.

The purpose of the article - to analyze the impact of socio-political and socioeconomic factors on the formation and the development of pedagogical education in the independent Poland.

The main researches. The first signs of the educational system in Poland date from the end of XI century. The decision of the IV Ecumenical Lateran Council (1215) introduced a system of church Catholic education [5, 120]. The first school of this kind appears in Cracow (1090), Poznan (1153), Plock (1206) and Wroclaw (1212). By the end of the XIII century in Poland functioned 13 cathedral and 14 monastery schools.

With the strengthening of the political, economic and administrative authority in Poland on the verge XIII - XIV century, consolidation of its position in Europe there was need for a scientific center for training apparatus of state power and national identity formation. Absence of the University in the country prevented the preparation of teachers and other personnel required to the state that develops and slowed down the process of Christianization of the pagan territories prevented the expansion of international relations. The ideology of the university and its overall concept was approved with Pope Urban the V, who in 1363 approved the construction of the Krakow University (Studium Generale). The end of the XV century marked the flowering of scientific and educational activities in Krakow University (faculties of law, medicine, liberal arts, theology).

In the middle of the XVI century, thanks to the development of church schools around % male population of Poland were written, could read and count. In 1519, Yang Lyutranskyy opens in Poznan the Academy of humanistic type available to all social groups. The aim of the Academy was to prepare younger generation to public life, continued humanistic tradition, which appear in the study of Latin, grammar, poetics, rhetoric and Greek. In 1564 Cardinal S. Houzyus invites Jesuits, who believing themselves the vanguard of a belligerent church, not only monopolized education, but also tried to conquer political power in the country. At the beginning of XVII century fifty-one Jesuit Colleges of 20 thousands students functioned in Poland. By the time of the liquidation the order (till 1773) the number of colleges increased to 66, 417 professors were taught there [7, 115]. XVIII century marked the modernization of the whole system of education in Poland.

The task of reforming the current system of education was entrusted to the Educational Commission of Polish Crown and the Grand Lithuanian principality (1773) - the public authority in whose jurisdiction included: allocation of funding educational development of legal acts, school management, identification of areas of educational activities, training teachers, preparation of educational and methodological materials [9]. The mission of reforming was to create a system of civic education to be able to change the mentality of the Polish nobility and to create her deep understanding of the need for political reform. Educational Commission codified all regulations governing the structure of the school system, curriculum and teachers' responsibilities. The acts of Educational Commission secured the Krakow Academy (the center of science and teacher training) status of the Main School of the Crown, which were subordinate to all schools of Polish- Lithuanian Commonwealth . Attention of the commission was focused on the developing of the guidelines that meet the ideology of the Enlightenment. Should be noted that G. Pyramovych's work «Obligations of the teacher» gets widespread popularity at the time and it refers to the Polish classical pedagogical literature.

On development of education in Poland at the end of XVIII - mid XIX century influenced not only political events specific to Europe as a whole, but the prospects for economic development of these lands. In the first half of the XIX century in the Kingdom of Poland annexed by Russia after the Congress of Vienna, the formation of the educational system was influenced by trends in the economic development of the Kingdom and its staffing requirements [5, 132]. Educational policy pursued by active participants of Educational Commission - S. Potockii, a pupil of Collegium Nobilium, a supporter of implementation of philosophy of the Enlightenment and its humanitarian social ideas, and S. Stashytsem, author of a combination of education with the economic needs of the country, focused on the development of basic of education and transformation of public school on the foundation of education system. The School Act in 1808 defines legal and organizational principles of elementary education. All urban children aged 6 years and rural aged 8 years were required to go to elementary aged 11-12 school regardless of religion. In 1819 in the Kingdom of Poland 851 elementary school are operated where 21 091 students were engaged [8, 64].

The system of education in the Kingdom led the University of Warsaw, (it was created by decree of Alexander the I in 1816), and a number of higher institutions (technical, medical and legal) whose appearance is due to the rapid development of industry and the demand for qualified people. Secondary school according to the law in 1839 became available exclusively for children of nobility, officials and bourgeoisie and passed under the authority of the central government in St. Petersburg. The School Act in 1851 made a total unification of Polish and Russian schools. Training programs were united, the structure of secondary schools was identical.

Development of education in the Kingdom of Poland in the second half of the XIX century occurred under the influence of a number of factors - Russia's defeat in the Crimean War (1853-1856), the loss of international and domestic prestige, increase revolutionary situation within the empire, which led to the softening of national oppression and liberalization of relations in the Kingdom as a way of preventing another revolutionary upheaval among the Polish population. Attention of the teachers of that period was focused on the discussions about the functions and tasks of the individual parts of the school system, the role of the teacher, meaning after-school upbringing.

The adopted in 1862 the Law on public upbringing in the Kingdom of Poland reflects the progressive trends of educational policy of European countries. It was about the accessibility of secondary education, the expansion of the network of professional schools and restoration of higher education. The Law was turning the Polish school national character, provided its autonomy, abolished order to unify the system of education in the Kingdom and the Russian Empire, increased social status of rural teachers [5, 134-135].

The development of the Polish school in the second half of the XIX century on the territory annexed to Austria, came under the influence of political change the cause of which was the defeat of Austria in the Austro-German War (1866). Maintaining unity of the monarchy required internal reforms that would provide autonomy captured people, including in education. As a result the Law on national language teaching in national and secondary schools was adopted (1867).

In the early twentieth century science teaching center in the Kingdom of Poland was Warsaw, where it was continued to develop the ideas of the era of Warsaw positivism, organize contacts with the European pedagogical ideas, opened new areas of educational research based on modern methodology. A great contribution to the development of pedagogy and psychology belongs to Ya. David (1859-1914), who studied the factors of mental development of the child («Child Mental resources», 1896), the development of intelligence («Intelligence, will and ability to work», 1911), the problem of primary education («The Science of things», 1892) and methodological foundations of pedagogy («The essence of experimental pedagogy», 1912) and the personality of the teacher and his training («About the soul of a teacher», 1912).

After the government manifesto of November 21, 1918 and the law of June 4, 1920 the formation of a national system of schooling began, its functioning was to provide a system of teachers' pedagogical education. Its formation was carried out in the development of the legal framework and completed in the prewar years, based on school law of March 11, 1932. Training the teachers took over the state, although the case remained under the influence of the church and the conservative parties [6, 30-31]. It was formed the professional solidarity of teachers, prestige of the profession was increased.

After the Second World War in the training of teachers (1945-1947) it was preserved pre-war system, the main training base were universities and teaching high school. Changes in the content of teacher training were not significant. The legislative framework were only modified laws of the interwar period [3, 12-13].

Due to the shortage of teaching staff the government liberalized the requirements for the qualification of teachers of the comprehensive secondary schools, opening access to educational activities, the so-called transition period, persons, who do not have relevant education. In 1946 were created 3-year State Pedagogical Institutes (Wyzsza szkola pedagogiczna), their task was to train teachers for basic (podstawowych) schools. Educational courses for graduates of high schools and high schools (since 1945), the state teachers' courses (since 1946), teaching classes (since 1951), the district commission (since 1945) teaching lyceums (since 1951) played an important role in teachers training [6]. In 1970 the gradual liquidation of teachers studies began, which ended in 1972. Instead, they created three-year teachers' higher schools, which in 1973-74 were transformed into higher pedagogical schools. Higher pedagogical school was to continue development of future teachers and combined task of training and education teaching staff to conduct research work, meet social and economic needs of the country and scientific progress. Higher education institutions should become the centers of improvement and teacher training. The learning process is based on the principles of integration of didactics, research, creative and practical activities.

Positive trends in the 70s of the twentieth century, in economy and education unfortunately were unstable [1, 180-181]. Economic problems in the industry, led to the establishment of trade union «Solidarity», part of which was the «Teachers' Solidarity» - which was established in 1980. In Poland, the development of the system of pedagogical education in the early 80's was characterized by a process of regression. The economic crisis in the country caused a shortage of teaching staff (almost 100 thousand teachers quit their job).

In the 1981-82 academic years was held regular reorganization of higher education in Poland, which was predicted as a result of the introduction of educational institutes 5-year course of study, which operates on the current day. It was began training in three pedagogical specialties: school pedagogy, pedagogy of trustees, cultural and educational pedagogy. An important legal basis of the 1982 is Map of the teacher (Karta nauczyciela), amended on December 6, 2007, which regulates the position of the professional teachers.

Beginning 90 years of the twentieth century is a period of social and economic crises and transformation of Polish society. An important result of «reforming structure » the system of teacher training in higher pedagogical educational establishments were changes in the forms of financing this institutions. In 1990 it was officially allowed to create private higher pedagogical schools - private schools [1, 183]. Law «About school higher education» on September 12, 1990, provided the opportunity to enter the public universities in payment for the provision of certain educational services (correspondence and evening education and postgraduate training). After the collapse of the socialist system in the education system in Poland is the reorientation the educational standards in industrialized countries in Europe. The main results of the 1999 reforms are: development of a new national curriculum, decentralization of the educational system, the emergence of new types of educational institutions, changes in the examination system and principles of educational content [2, 15].

At the beginning of XXI century Poland joined the Bologna and Bruges-Copenhagen processes and entered the European Union (EU considerable amount of money goes to the financing of education and science), implemented at the state level strategic objectives, which is a reflection of European politics of education.

The introduction of the Bologna system in Poland primarily carried out in order to raise the level of education of universities and improve their competitiveness [4]. To achieve this goal towards the Bologna agreement Poland took a number of steps, including: introduced the use of the Diploma Supplement in wide practice (it includes information on the skills acquired during training); developed a two-tier system of education; in assessing student achievement using the system introduced ECTS; popularized promote mobility of Polish students (mainly within the framework of Erasmus); a State Accreditation Committee (PKA) is created, which is responsible agency for quality education in Polish universities.

The integration of Poland into Euro-Atlantic and European structures meet the latest requirements of modern national and European history, and is an essential event in the process of global integration and globalization [1, 183]. In the European Union, Poland seeking to take place leading country firmly defending their national interests. Higher pedagogical education are developing in this direction.

Conclusions. At various stages of development of the country various institutions for training teachers were operated. They had a common goal and were an important part of the educational system in the country. However, they had significant differences in levels, contents and structural and organizational forms of pedagogical education. Methodological principles of socio-economic conditions and legal framework of their operation at different historical stages had their own specifics.

Evolution of the pedagogical education in Poland took place under the influence of a combination of cultural and national traditions and complex set of socio-political, socieconomic, internal and external factors.

pedagogical education poland economic

Список використаних джерел

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