Features of formation of students professional identity psychologists during training at university
The issue of self-determination of students-psychologists in the professional field while learning in the University. Determining the psychological and social component of the phenomenon. Analysis of skills needed for professional self-determination.
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Дата добавления | 02.12.2017 |
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Features of formation of students professional identity psychologists during training at university
O. Grinchencko
The problem of self-determination of students-psychologists in pro-fessional sphere of life, which appears to them during education at the university. Objectified Cheney psychological and social components of this phenomenon and the role and importance of the learning process in its formation. The analysis of professional skills necessary for professional self-determination of students suggests that aspiration-opment attention to this problem will significantly increase the effectiveness of the shape-consciousness and development of the future professional.
Keywords: professional self, identity, image professional, scope and development. self determination professional psychological
О. М. Грінченко
У статті розглядається проблема самовизначення студентів-психологів у професійній сфері життя. Визначено психологічні і соціальні складники самовизначення, а також роль і значення навчального процесу в його формуванні. Проведений аналіз професійних якостей, необхідних для професійного самовизначення студентів, дозволяє зробити висновок про те, що посилення уваги до цієї проблеми може значно підвищити ефективність процесу формування та розвитку самосвідомості майбутнього професіонала.
Ключові слова: професійне самовизначення, самосвідомість, образ професіонала, сфери діяльності, розвиток.
О. Н. Гринченко
В статье рассматривается проблема самоопределения студентов-психологов в профессиональной сфере жизни. Определены психологические и социальные составляющие самоопределения, а также роль и значение учебного процесса в его формировании. Проведенный анализ профессиональных качеств, необходимых для профессионального самоопределения студентов, позволяет сделать вывод о том, что усиление внимания к этой проблеме способно значительно повысить эффективность процесса формирования и развития самосознания будущего профессионала.
Ключевые слова: профессиональное самоопределение, самосознание, образ профессионала, сферы деятельности, развитие.
Problem definition and its relevance. The problem of professional selfdetermination of young people, their ideas about professional manner is extremely important. Professional self-determination of the person is a long and complex process, covering a considerable period of life. Its effectiveness is usually determined by the degree of consistency of psychological possibilities of man with the content and requirements of the professional activities, as well as the formation of personality in the ability to adapt to the changing socioeconomic conditions in connection with a device of his professional career. The process involves the development of professional self-consciousness, the formation of value orientations, modeling their future, building standards in the form of the ideal image of a professional. Personal self-determination of human development occurs on the basis of socially developed ideas about ideals, norms of behavior and activity.
Analysis of scientific works on the problem. Issues related to the phenomenon of professional identity, seen in the writings of scholars: L. Vygotskij, O. Leontyev V. Stolin, S. Pantileev, I. Kon, R. Berns, K. Rogers, E. Erickson. Such scientists as P. Shhedrovickij, A. Maslow, K. Jaspers have linked self-determination with the work.
Representation of main material. Profession psychologist refers to those occupations where personal qualities are tools for professional work, where the individual psychologist determines the result of its interaction with other people. Therefore, the formation of psychology students not only knowledge and skills required for the job, but also certain personal qualities, will help to achieve maximum results in learning, and this in turn will help to achieve good results in the future professional activity.
Modern higher education system acquires the character of a student-centered learning in which comes to the fore personal development, rather than learning, namely the qualitative transformation of all mental spheres of consciousness, not the formation of knowledge and skills. True personal development this is primarily self-development, not determined by external influences and internal position of the man himself. Becoming the subject of selfdevelopment is only possible if there is a basic, fundamental conditions increasing the level of consciousness.
Special role in the development of man as the subject of labor plays a formation of professional identity. Professional identity is seen as a process and the result of self-awareness in the professional sphere, purposeful regulation on this basis of their behavior, activities and relationships. Its structure consists of:
• awareness of the rules, the right to perform professional activities;
• formation of professional credo;
• identification with some professional standard;
• other self-assessment, professional referent in human beings;
• self-esteem, which highlighted the cognitive aspect, self-awareness, their activities and the emotional aspect.
Thus, self-awareness the process of self-awareness, their qualities, needs and motivations; a special structural component of personality, which is expressed in the ability to secrete himself from the surrounding reality as a kind of reality.
The development of self-consciousness is the result of overcoming a variety of challenges, find solutions to problem situations, resolution of contradictions in life. Thus, among the most important sources of development of consciousness of students in the first place should be called the formation of their subject position, during which the finding personal meaning and self-knowledge.
High school graduates should possess characteristics such as a high level of professional education, highly developed intellect, creativity, knowledge of the latest techniques and technologies in their respective fields, the desire for self-education, ability to work independently, high adaptability. All these qualities are formed successfully if the student is an active participant in the process of education.
One of the ways of development of consciousness in the process of teaching and professional support is the personal and professional development of psychology students. Personal and professional development of psychology in higher education a gradual and dynamic process of entering students into the profession. It includes the following personal cycles:
¦ adaptation to the education system, professional way of thinking and mode of action;
¦ identification of the student with the requirements and standards of professional activity;
¦ creative self-development and self-realization in the implementation of their professional roles and functions.
¦ during training at the university foundations are laid and develop personal values, professional identity and those personal and professional qualities that ensure competent performance of professional activities.
We have studied these components of professional identity (such us life priorities, views himself desired activity) among senior students majoring in psychology of Department of pedagogy and psychology of social system management in National technical university “Kharkiv polytechnic Institute”. The results are shown below:
What do I want?
¦ Professional and career plans (organization of professional activity) 69%
¦ Material plans (implementation in family relations) 24%
¦ Functional autonomy (subjective plans) 7%
Picture 1. Students ideas of what they want
In psychological terms of professional identity begins with human representations of what he wants, what sphere of life for it is most important.
As seen in Picture 1 the largest number of students, namely 69 percent, intend to implement in the future in the professional field and in their life plans include building a successful career. This means that they have an idea about the kind of activities they will do after graduation. They feel the strength and interest to improve the knowledge obtained during training in the practice of professional activities. The fact that the number of these students constitute the large majority says that the training at the institute gave them the opportunity to generate ideas about choosing their professional direction at the proper level.
24 percent of the subjects give preference to the achievement of wealth at the end of the institute. However, this does not mean that they reach these goals in a professional field in its immediate specialty. People belonging to this category, attach flexible traits allows you to adapt to changing trends in the labor market and find profitable ways of earning. This is not a disadvantage, and may also indicate that they have a high enough prerequisites for creating upeshnoy professional career.
And only 7 percent of the subjects put of paramount importance their personal hobbies and interests that are not always related to education. These people are different are not yet fully formed manner awareness of itself and its role in the world. They are in search of their vocation and as yet unformed sledsvie have an image of himself as a profession.
If you try to determine the total number of people with ideas about their future career and unite the respondents from the first and second groups can get almost complete group of graduates who after graduation have a good chance to find a job and build a successful career.
The next component of professional consciousness is the idea of who he is.
Who I am?
Professional self identity is a complex phenomenon that involves the presentation of a person about himself. We offered students to evaluate and rank the severity of their specified competencies required in the work of a psychologist. As seen in Picture 2 the results have the following meaning:
Picture 2. Students ideas about themselves
28 percent of the respondents (which is most) identified the most peculiar to itself such as the quality of empathy. This means that such people are very sensitive to emotional experiences of others. They are able to empathize and support. Empathy is one of the most important qualities of a psychologist, because without empathy to help people is almost impossible. The fact that students have this quality speaks about the effectiveness of their preparation for future careers.
The ability to empathize with other people is inextricably linked with the following quality extraversion. It is therefore not surprising that the second significant as an expression of future psychologists (21 percent) is just that. Extraversion is characterized by an interest in the outside world, responsiveness and willingness to accept the people around them, willing to interact with them. Accordingly, such a quality all been determined as a rule of collective human nature a strong tendency to altruism, which is the essential qualities for a psychologist.
However, some of these qualities is not enough to do the job of a psychologist at the proper level. An indispensable feature is the level of erudition and knowledge in the professional sphere. Therefore, the third trait is educated and is 17 percent.
Profession psychologist costly moral strength. Empathy and extraversion may not be as constantly sharpened. Psychologist needs rest to replenish strength and energy. For a good work professionals needs a good supply of energy, which would allow effectively carry out their duties and inspire others. As we can see, this view is inherent in 15 percent of the subjects.
Almost equal importance are the qualities of tact and self-confidence (6 and 5 per cent respectively). Quality data are needed in the work of the psychologist because he must be courteous and gentle when interacting with people not to disturb their mental state. However, to help people not less important to be firm and confident and that you are doing.
The identity of a professional psychologist should include all of these qualities, but it is equally important to be able to combine them correctly and exercise.
Finally, from the consideration of personal and professionally important qualities proceed directly to the selection of a particular professional orientation psychology students.
As seen in Picture 1 the largest number of psychology students (21 percent) in the future wouфld like to see himself HR (human resources) manager or work as a psychologist in the organization. Currently open a lot of companies and organizations. Therefore, there is an increasing demand for professionals in this field. That this is caused by increased interest of people to work in areas such as: recruitment, his adaptation, assessment, training, motivation, compensation and benefits, corporate culture, and others. Often, the employees of this profile also combine and responsibilities of business coaches. The necessary professional qualities correspond to the qualities that should be formed by psychologists graduates: pronounced organizational abilities, high communication skills, presentable appearance, welldelivered speech. Job requirements for the individual professionals are quite high and corresponds to the level of payment. Therefore, the work in this field is quite popular now.
The number of respondents who prefer to work with fewer social interactions is 21 percent. These people prefer to work in private practice and in the fields of psychotherapy and psycho-correction techniques that belong to different schools of modern psychology. In our country this area of work is quite new and is becoming popular. It is not surprising that the work in this direction is desired priority.
Previous sphere is close to the next area of work, which was chosen by 11 percent of respondents private activity. This choice is motivated by the desire to pursue an independent activities.
8 percent want to continue working with children and be school psychologists. This choice is motivated by love for children and desire to help the younger generation. However, these are not wanting very much like what we see. Unfortunately this is due to economic factors low pay specialist this profile. However, as we remember psychologists to some extent inherent altruism, so willing to work school psychologist there.
Slightly smaller number 6 percent want to continue the scientific activities of the psychologist. Being a scientist, researcher not financially profitable. However, many people are really fascinated by science and psychology are ready to further develop the favorite destination or create a new one.
And the smallest number of respondents chose this line of work as a volunteer 3 percent. For these people, this work is the possibility of additional practice psychological counseling or psychotherapy, and charitable mission, an important social function, gratuitous service to the profession. The value of such workers is becoming increasingly important in today's world.
To know what we need to improve the quality of quality for future career of the students should be clearly generated image of the profession. In other words, they need development of a professional identity. Based on the results of the study can say with confidence that the subjects psychology students have adequate representation of the profession, and personal qualities necessary for its implementation.
Personal and professional development of psychology in high school depends on the social conditions of education, upbringing, education, particularly the organization of the educational process in high school (his target-oriented focus, the subject-activity-related educational technology, particularly the educational developing environment), personal potential (motivation, value and professional components of personality) student.
One of the ways of development of consciousness in the process of teaching and professional support is the personal and professional development of psychology students. Personality psychology student is treated as the subject of cognition, development, professional practice and communication, and personal and professional development psychologist depends on the social conditions of training, characteristics of the organization of the pedagogical process in higher education.
The findings. To ensure the transition from student learning activities to professional psychologist should be designed such form community of students, professors, psychologists be realized their joint venture ("educational and professional community" and "educational and professional cooperation").
In the educational and professional community formed the subject of professional activity, and in educational and professional future collaboration psychologist is able to join the professional experience, open its objectivity, providing entry in the student activity and lets you play back the appropriate form of professional activity.
All this suggests the need for a science-based program personal and professional development of psychology and its implementation in high school practice. Means of implementation of the program: training of professional self-determination; training goal setting; training personal development: assertiveness training, communication training training leadership skills; classes to optimize the socio-psychological climate of the student group. All of the above technologies are aimed at developing students' psychology of the following characteristics: the level of subjective control; communication and organizational skills; reflexive abilities; value orientations; learning motivation, self-image as a professional.
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