Organization of student aligned training in the system of higher education in Kazakhstan

Study of the problems of organizing the training in the system of higher education in Kazakhstan based on the implementation of the principles of the Bologna Declaration. Determination of learning factors, oriented on the personality of students.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 28.12.2017
Размер файла 20,2 K

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Rimma Masyrova

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor

Eurasian Technological University

Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty

Victoria Savelyeva

Teacher master student of the 1st course PHD

Eurasian Technological University

Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty


In article reveals the problem of the organization of student aligned training in system of higher education in Kazakhstan on the basis of introduction of the principles of the Bologna declaration. The scientific article interested for a wide range of researchers, teachers, doctoral candidates, undergraduates, bachelors of pedagogical educational institutions, teachers of schools, workers of system of professional education.

Keywords: academic policy, Bologna Process, the higher education, student aligned training learning education student personality


У статті розкрита проблема організації навчання студентів за системою вищої освіти в Казахстані на основі впровадження принципів Болонської декларації. Виявлено основний фактор навчання, орієнтований на особистість того, хто навчається, який має чітко окреслену структуру. З'ясовано його зміст, до складу якого включено ряд компонентів, зокрема компонент набуття навичок діяльності, інтерес до творчості, нетрадиційні евристичні види роботи, формування ціннісних орієнтацій щодо створення новацій у контексті реалізації Болонських принципів у Європейському просторі вищої освіти.

Ключові слова: академічна політика, Болонський процес, вища освіта, навчання студентів.

Problem definition

In the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "Third modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness" (on January 31, 2017) is emphasized that is necessary for improvement of quality of the human capital: "First of all has to change the role of education system". Our task - to make education of the central link for new model of economic growth. Training programs need to aim at development of abilities of critical thinking and skills of independent search information [1].

These tasks demand search of new ways of training of competitive experts in the higher educational institutions (HEI) entering into the European Space of the Higher Education (ESHE) as they bear responsibility for introduction of the principles of the Bologna declaration.

Bologna Process exposed to revision of postulate because of processes of globalization and updating of tendencies by EPVO and there are following changes in it:

- creation of EPVO;

- consolidation of training at an extent of all life;

- change of an educational paradigm to student aligned training;

- wide use of results of training and development of new types of training and teaching.

Recent research and analysis of publications:

- conceptual provisions in the theory and practice of higher professional education (А.А. Verbitsky, Т.М. Davidenko, V.V. Davidov, I.F. Isaev, P.I. Pidkasisty, V.A. Slastenin, L.M. Fridman and others);

- researches of professional education and training of specialists in HEI (S.Ya. Batishev, V.P. Bespalko, K.Ya. Vazina, M.I. Dyachenko, T.V. Kydryavceva, N.D. Hmel, M.R. Masirova and others);

-The concept of student aligned training in the university education (G.V. Andreeva, I.V. Nosko, L.A. Vitvitskaya, N.V. Drozdova).

The analysis of researches shows that despite the carried-out work on improvement of contents and improvement of quality of training of specialists, there are contradictions in system of higher education in Kazakhstan:

- Relevance of student aligned training and domination of traditional approaches to the organization of training of students;

- need of the organization in educational process taking into account a-level education system and lack of special training of teachers of university for realization of new functions and roles at implementation of student aligned training;

- annual release tens of thousands of young people with diplomas about the higher education and employment of graduates in the specialty.

Permission of noted contradictions refreshes a research problem, which consists in statement of the purpose - to study experience of design, and the organization of student aligned training in system of higher education in Kazakhstan.

Main part

Student aligned training is the fundamental principle of the Bologna reforms in the higher education which assumes the shift of accents in educational process from teaching (as the main role of the faculty in "broadcast" of knowledge) on the doctrine as vigorous educational activity of the student [2]. Shift of emphasis on the results of education connected with achievements of the specific student unlike the purposes which are attribute of process of design of the educational program does the student by the central figure of educational process, and his interests and educational requirements - a basis for formation of the educational program [3]. At such training, the student finds big independence in the choice of ways of development of a training material.

For example, at the Eurasian Technological University (ETU) the educational program of specialties is under construction on the basis of the Academic policy, own educational trajectories of students, drawing up individual curricula, a lesson schedule variation, an independent set of the credits, free definition of the sequence of development of disciplines and the academic mobility.

The academic policy of ETU developed according to normative documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (MAUN RK) and includes:

- order of registration of students on visit educational occupation;

- carrying out current, intermediate check-up and intermediate certification;

- organizations of passing by students of all types practical;

- assessment knowledge of students;

- order of payment state grants to the students;

- translation rules, restoration, expel of students; final assessment and another.

Annually, for first-year student's classes given of orientation week for fast adaptation to student's life by university in a week prior to the beginning of academic year.

The academic Department together with department makes are planned "The schedule of orientation week" during which the following events:

- meetings with heads of university and curator, staff of Office of the registrar and library;

- acquaintance with university and its academic policy, code of honor of the student, regulations and instructions for use by library;

- visit of a lecture about the academic policy and technology of training;

- execution of the individual curriculum;

- registration in information network and receiving access to the educational portal;

- acquaintance with the schedule of educational process;

- acquaintance with activity of the student's creative organizations and circles and record on creative circles;

- acquaintance with activity of sports sections and record in sports sections.

Students on training in the educational program provide various discounts and privileges.

Discounts of the I category are provided to students - the orphans studying on full-time of 50% of training cost annually for the entire period of training, according to the decision of the commission on granting discounts on condition of good/excellent progress of the student.

Discounts of the II category provided by students' limited opportunities of the first and second groups, to the disabled people since the childhood studying on full-time of 30% of training cost annually for the entire period of training, according to the decision of the commission on granting privileges, on condition of good/excellent progress of the student.

Students of full-time courses following the results of uniform national testing provided discounts of the III category - the rector's grants, and complex testing based on certificates, without the fifth subject.

The students forming the academic policy of development of the educational program developed the package of documents:

- rules of credit technology of training in ETU;

- academic calendar;

- reference book guide;

- ethical code of the student;

- access to information on progress «Platonus»;

- registration educational achievement and another.

Realization of student aligned training provided by the educational programs of specialties:

1) development of the abilities through club of interests and a mug, sports sections;

2) opportunities to gain additional knowledge in a summer semester or summer school;

3) realization of the academic mobility when we find for them exchange programs: clearing or for reasonable price, or with our financial support;

4) work of curators with students on trajectories and assistance in employment;

5) search for students of temporary work, which students perform in non-study time.

Created necessary conditions for all-round development of the identity of the student, disclosure of his potential and creative self-realization, development of professional qualities at university. There are all necessary conditions for this purpose: library and the electronic reading room with Internet access, curators who give to students help in development of educational programs and increasing knowledge by the chosen profession, attraction to public life of university, a mug and sports sections. By results of the carried-out questioning satisfaction of students on rendering support to them makes 93%. The main source of educational information for students is the library of university equipped with necessary appliances and programs, providing teaching and educational process and scientific research, scientific, educational, educational and methodical literature and information.

Students (RWS) in general and at departments gave the special attention at university to the research work. Teachers of departments conduct continuous work on involvement of students to NIRS. The 78% of students participate in scientific student circles. More than 81% of students participate in work of an intra high school stage of the competition of student's scientific works announced by MAUN RK; republican and international conferences, competitions, the Olympic Games, round tables, etc., making oral messages, reports.

The 69% of bachelors 4 courses have 1-2 publications in magazines and collections of Materials of scientific and practical conferences. Diplomas, Diplomas, Certificates at conferences and forums RK and the neighboring countries, note their achievements in research work.

Departments beforehand provide to students full information on amount of elective disciplines and their short description through curators and "The catalog of elective disciplines". The choice of disciplines carried out with the obligatory accounting by the sequence of studying of disciplines. The student not to be register on discipline if in the previous semester he has not mastered a previous discipline this disciplines.

The student signs the created «Individual Curriculum of the Student» (ICS) in triplicate and it represented to the curator for coordination.

The curator, at absence the remark “ signs IUPS, coordinates it at Office of the registrar and claims at the dean of Department of educational programs. After the statement one copy remains at the bachelor, the copy is transferred by the second to Office of the registrar for the organization intermediate “ to certification, and the third “ is stored in dean's office of educational programs and serves as a basis “ for control of performance and development of IUPS.

The analysis of researches of scientists shows that to student aligned training there corresponds the competence-based approach, which is actively participating in educational process where competence understood as complete system of values and personal qualities, knowledge, ability, skills and abilities of the student, the readiness for competent performance of future professional activity providing him [4, 5].

Demand of employers has increased for graduates of university.

For the purpose of development of student, aligned training teachers regularly, attend the corresponding scientific and methodical seminars and courses, which promote improvement of their pedagogical skill, development of front lines and most effective methods of the organization of educational process. Monitoring of quality of training includes holding sociological polls (questioning) among students, teachers and the staff of university. By results of the carried-out questioning, the analysis with conclusions and suggestions for improvement and efficiency of teaching and educational process and representation to the management of university for the decision and acceptance of the correcting actions for improvement of system.

For assessment of quality of training, the program of complex examination has developed criteria for evaluation of answers of students.

External assessment of quality of training carried out by the State certifying commission on check of educational activity of university and by results of national rating.

Assessment of quality of training of graduates carried out based on the analysis of results of final cross-disciplinary exam in the direction of preparation, protection of final qualification works and a demand of graduates. Results of a final assessment of graduates, and absence or existence of claims for quality of their preparation from consumers are defining at assessment of quality of training.

The analysis and assessment of educational success carried out by poll of graduates by department of monitoring of quality of training together with Department of educational programs. The system of ensuring quality of training of future experts is under construction because of domestic and international standards in the field of quality and includes a complex of internal and external mechanisms of assessment of quality of training of experts. At university the mechanism of internal assessment of quality and examination of the educational programs providing control of implementation of the curriculum and objectives, and feedback for their improvement operates. It is expressed in assessment of quality of educational programs from the management, certification of the faculty at the end of the academic year, and also questioning of students "The teacher eyes of students", complex check of residual knowledge after the winter and summer session. All this sets give an evident picture of quality of teaching and implementation of the curriculum. External mechanisms of personal level is questioning "The questionnaire of the employer".

Conclusion of a research

Thus, positivity of student aligned training in system of higher education:

- democratic form of government educational process;

- efficiency of functioning of HEI in the conditions of market economy;

- maximum accounting of interests and needs of students;

- academic mobility of students;

- involvement of employers to formation of educational programs;

- satisfaction of needs of employers;

- transition of training from the learn format (teaching) to the study format (learning);

- the role educational technologies “ in implementation of educational programs where the accent is transferred to knowledge - understanding - skills as a result of which integration competences, universal and professional are formed amplifies;

- vocational training of competitive experts for labor market.

The main backbone factor of student aligned training is not so much the knowledge acquisition component. But also a component of acquisition of ways of activity, interest in creativity, nonconventional, heuristic kinds of activity, formation of valuable orientations to creation new, existence of social installations on his realization, achievement of a goal and realization of the Bologna principles of the European space of the higher education.

Список літератури:

1. Послание Президента Республики Казахстан Н. Назарбаева народу Казахстана «Третья модернизация Казахстана: глобальная конкурентоспособность». - Астана, 31 января 2017 года. -

2. Реформирование высшего образования в Казахстане и Болонский процесс: информационные материалы для практических действий. - Алматы, 2009.

3. Масырова Р. Р. Инновации в среднем общем образовании Казахстана: анализ и тенденции развития: монография / Р. Р Масырова / - Алматы: Казахский государственный институт повышения квалификации женщин, 2008.

4. Дроздова Н. В. Компетентностный подход как новая парадигма студентоцентрированного образования / Н. В. Дроздова, А. П. Лобанов. - Минск: РИВШ, 2007.

5. Масырова Р. Р., Теория и практика формирования коммуникативной компетентности: монография / Р. Р Масырова, Ж. Н Бисенбаев / - Алматы, 2015 год.


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5. Masyrova R R., Bisenbayev Zh. N. Theory and practice of formation of communicative competence: Monograph. - Almaty, 2015.

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