Opportunities of the course in history of the middle ages in the formation of students’ civic competence

The possibilities of history course of the Middle Ages in the formation of civil competence of students are considered. The resources that can be used in the formation of cognitive, axiological and procedural components of civil competence are analyzed.

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Дата добавления 28.12.2017
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I.V. Pobiedash,

a teacher of the SCS-№1 in Snovsk, Chernigiv region

The article deals with opportunities of the course in history of the Middle Ages in the formation of students' civic competence. The resources that can be used in the formation of cognitive, axiological and procedural components of civic competence are analysed in the curriculum's content. Civic knowledge on a medieval society, medieval states, their policy and inhabitants' rights and freedoms of that period etc. are separated and analysed for the formation of the cognitive component. Opportunities which reflect the value of people's rights and freedoms, the value of God, the value of freedom and independence of people and states, a positive attitude to a state as a condition of people's achievements, a positive attitude to the uniqueness of the Middle Ages are distinguished for the formation of the axiological component in the curriculum's content. The curriculum puts forward the skills which provide the ability for students to orient in the public life, to identify various aspects of civic life using works of culture, art and other sources of the Middle Ages.

Keywords: the curriculum of the course in history of the Middle Ages; civic competence; cognitive, axiological and procedural components of civic competence.

Побєдаш І.В. Можливості курсу історії середніх віків у формуванні громадянської компетентності учнів

У статті розглядаються можливості курсу історії середніх віків у формуванні громадянської компетентності учнів. У змісті програми аналізуються ресурси, які можна використати у формуванні когнітивної, аксіологічної та діяльнісної складових громадянської компетентності. Для формування когнітивної складової виокремлюються та аналізуються громадянознавчі знання про середньовічне суспільство, середньовічні держави, тогочасну політику, права і свободи мешканців тощо. Для формування аксіологічної складової у змісті програми виділяються ресурси, що відображають цінність прав і свобод людини, цінність Бога, цінність свободи і незалежності народів і держав, позитивне ставлення до держави як умови досягнень народів, позитивне ставлення до унікальності Середньовіччя. Із запропонованих програмою умінь використовуються ті, що забезпечують здатність орієнтуватись у суспільно-політичному житті, ідентифікувати різні аспекти громадянського життя за творами культури, мистецтва та іншими джерелами Середньовіччя.

Ключові слова: програма курсу історії середніх віків; громадянська компетентність; когнітивна, аксіологічна, діяльнісна складові компетентності.

Победаш И.В. Возможности курса истории средних веков в формировании гражданской компетентности учащихся

В статье рассматриваются возможности курса истории средних веков в формировании гражданской компетентности учащихся. В содержании программы анализируются ресурсы, которые можно использовать в формировании когнитивной, аксиологической и процедурной составляющих гражданской компетентности. Для формирования когнитивної составляющей выделяются знания про средневековое общество, государство, политику, права и свободы жителей. Для формирования аксиологической составляющей анализируются ценность прав и свобод людей, ценность Бога, свободы и независимости народов, позитивное отношение к государству как условию достижений народов, позитивное отношение к уникальности Середневековья. Из предложенных программой умений используются те, что обеспечивают способность ориентироваться в общественно-политической жизни, идентифицировать разные аспекты гражданской жизни по произведениям культуры, искусства и другими источниками Середневековья.

Ключевые слова: программа курса истории средних веков; гражданская компетентность; когнитивная, аксиологическая, деятельная составляющие компетентности.

Problem statement. The integration into the world educational standard determines the necessity to coordinate school historical education with modern public demands. Such public changes as democratization and changes in life make actual the ability of a pupil to orient in the public life of the country, to possess basic knowledge and master new one. The variety of communication and different influences demand the skills to adopt in the public life which depend upon the ability to perceive everything that is better in other countries, to adopt their practices and achievements [1, c. 6, 7, 9 13].

Using the content of the course in the world history in general and the history of the Middle Ages in particular is important for carrying out the task of the formation of pupils' civic competence: getting competence such as the ability to perceive valuable attitudes on the basis of social and individual experience of different peoples, the ability to obtain procedural knowledge thanks to the medieval history of various countries. It is essential for pupils' challenges to live in the global environment from the point of view of the universality of competence (despite a country, an age and the role in the life).

Analysis of recent research and publications. Research papers by the national scholars P. Verbyts'ka, I. Moroz, P. Moroz Y Oleksin O. Pometun T. Smahina, etc. are devoted to various aspects of civic competence. The problem of the place and the role of the textbook in the process of implementation of the competent approach are presented in the scientific publications by V. Vlasov, O. Lokshyna, Y. Maliyenko, T. Matseykiv, P. Moroz, O. Pometun ,etc.[2; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8].

However, there haven't been enough research papers that would enlighten the analysis of opportunities of the course in the history of the Middle Ages in the formation of students' civic competence and would propose an experimental methodology of its formation so far. The timeliness of the topic lies in the necessity of using the potential of the course in the history of the Middle Ages in the process of formation of students' civic competence at basic school.

Formulation of the purposes of the article. The author puts forward an aim to analyse opportunities of the world history (the 7-th form) in the formation of pupils' civic competence. The attention is focused on such resources of the curriculum which can be used to develop and add in the experimental methodology of education.

Main body. The article analyses opportunities of the course in the world history (the Middle Ages) in the formation of pupils' civic competence. The subject of the analysis is an actual curriculum in world history for the seventh form. The resources of the curriculum are investigated in the succession of the civic competence structure. The opportunities of the course as far as the formation of cognitive, axiological and procedural components is concerned are taken into consideration. The analysis of the opportunities is carried out regarding the purposeful, systematic, integrative and procedural approaches in the formation of the civic competence. The sections of the curriculum analysed by the author are written in brackets.

Let's characterise opportunities of the formation of a cognitive component of the civic competence reasoning from such constituent elements of civic knowledge as civic aspects of historical facts, civic definitions of “society”, “power”, “state”, “policy”, “citizen”, civic ideas, etc. The curriculum material on the Middle Ages epoch gives an opportunity to continue work at the definition of “society”. Such definitions as “barbarians”, “The great transmigration of peoples”, which are included into the curriculum, reflect the aspects of the pre-state life of the Middle Ages people (Curriculum, Section I). At the same time the curriculum involves a new aspect of the definition of the “society”: the medieval structure of the society and strata division. The materials on knights' traditions, the life of peasants, town citizens, a Medieval town, a feudal castle, etc. (S. II) illustrate the social position of the strata. The definition of “varna” describes the peculiarity of the Indian society structure (S. V)[3].

The course in world history (the 7-th form) allows to continue forming the definition of “a state”. For example, the states of early Middle Ages such as the Frankish kingdom, Frankish and Byzantine Empires, Arab Caliphate are represented in the first section of the curriculum. The information on such rulers as Clovis, Charles the Great, Muhammad and also the definitions of “a barbarian kingdom” and “a caliphate” is included in the characteristic of the state. The curriculum broadens pupils' knowledge about the state with the help of adding the definition of “a strata monarchy” on the basis of the material on the formation of the Estate-representive monarchy authorities (a parliament, General States, Cortes and Seim). The rulers of the countries are represented by the English king Henry II Plantagenet, the French king Phillip IV the Handsome, The Holy Roman Emperors Otto I and Henry II. The curriculum includes pupils' knowledge on the Middle Ages areas and documents, the territorial disunity of the Holy Roman Empire and Italy (S. III). The knowledge about the Medieval state is extended by the complex of material on the Polish and Hungarian kingdoms, Novgorod Boyars' Republic and Moscow state. The definitions “Novgorod Boyars'Republic” and “veche” develop the characteristic of the Medieval state. The peculiarities of Moscow state are reflected in the definition “The Boyar Duma” and “Law Book”. The rulers of states were the Polish king Kasimir III, the Hungarian king Istvan I, the princes Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoi and Ivan III (S. V). The panorama of the medieval countries finishes with India, China and the Ottoman Empire. The definitions of “sultan” and “janissary” are necessary for the characteristic of the Ottoman Empire and Mehmed II was the ruler at that time. (S.VI)[3].

The Civic definition of “policy” is formed on the basis of information on medieval problems, the ways of their solving, success and failures of the rulers. For instance, Justinian's ruling and defense from enemies represent such a component of the policy of the Middle Ages as the defense from invaders. The prosperity and the breakdown of Arab Caliphate involve the learning of successful policy that contributed to the prosperity of the state (S. I). “Vikings' raids” and “crusades” are studied as medieval problems and the policy of the Medieval states was concentrated on them. The consolidation of kings' power is considered to be as a direction of the policy and “the Hundred Years's War illustrates its consolidation (S. III). The range of the medieval policy is extended by the struggle of Moscow rulers for their liberation from the Mongolian dependence, the formation and strengthening of their own state (S. VI). The creation of the Ottoman Empire continues the theme of conquering in the state policy, expanding areas and oppressing enslaved people (S.VI). Such a way of carrying out the policy as passing laws can be found in the curriculum, in the information about “Law Book” and “Golden Bull” (S. V, III)[3].

The next step of the analysis is the opportunities of the course in history of the Middle Ages in the formation of the axiological component of pupils' civic competence. The content of the curriculum permits to formulate the following elements of emotionally-valuable spheres of a personality: a positive attitude towards the achievements of the medieval states and unique medieval traditions; a positive attitude to historical leaders who served their peoples; the value of a state as a condition of prosperity and achievements of people, the value of God; the value of medieval uniqueness, etc.

The curriculum includes historical stories which convey the value of freedom, state independence for citizens of the Middle Ages. For example, it gives information on the struggle against Byzantine enemies; on Joan of Arc's deed in the war of France against England, on the formation of Spain as a kingdom in the Reconquest (S.II, III). Stories about the Battle of the Neva and the Battle of the Ice, which were the facts of the defence against Teutonic Knights-crusaders, represent the value of freedom and an independent state for their citizens in the medieval history of the countries in the Central and Eastern Europe. The honouring of the prince Alexander Nevskyi by the people as a defender against conquerors (S.V), information on the Battle of Kulikovo, Dmitry Donskoy, the formation of Moscow state demonstrate the struggle of Russian people for their liberation from Mongolian dependence (S. V)[3].

The curriculum shows problems of the value of rights and freedoms for the citizens of the Middle Ages: for inhabitants of towns, representatives of strata and peoples. For instance, townspeople of Western Europe successfully fought for their rights against liege lords in the Middle Ages; the Spanish people at the head of Isabel and Ferdinand fought for their right to have an independent state against Moors for the liberation from the conquerors; Jan Hus and Hussites fought against restrictions of the rights of the Czeck people (S.II, III)[3].

The value of the state as a condition for the development of culture, achievements of peoples are represented in the materials about Byzantine culture and the Arab world. Stories about knight castles, medieval towns and also peculiarities of Roman and Gothic styles illustrate the value of historical uniqueness, a distinctive character of European Middle Ages. One can also find the value of God in the curriculum in the materials about the role of Christian church in the life of the society in the Middle Ages, about the peculiarities of the world perception, about Roman and Gothic castles (S. II, III,IV)[3].

Let's analyse some opportunities of the curriculum in the formation of the operative component of pupils' civic competence. The curriculum provides pupils with the formation of habits, skills and work methods which can be used for the acquisition of civic competence.

So, the complex of suggested skills can be applied for the formation of the definition “ a society”, for instance, the skills to explain and to use the definition “barbarians”, “The Great transmigration of peoples” and “strata”; the skills to define causes, the essence and consequences of the Great transmigration of peoples and the formation of a new structure of the society; the skills to describe medieval people; the skills to characterize the structure of a medieval society, the peculiarities of daily life and world perception of different strata of the society (S. I, II)[3].

The definition of “a state” deals such skills as to explain and to use the terms “a barbarian kingdom” and “a caliphate”; to show the areas of states on the map; to characterize Frankish and Byzantine Empires and Arab caliphate (S. I); to represent the definitions “a strata monarchy”, “a parliament”, “General States”, “a cortes”, “Seim” and “Golden Bull”. It is also broadened by European strata representative bodies of power: by explaining and applying the definition “veche”, “Novgorod Boyars' Republic”, “ The Boyar Duma” and “Law Book”, the ability to compare Novgorod republic and Moscow state (S. V). The curriculum includes the skills to show the areas of medieval India, China and The Ottoman Empire as far as eastern states are concerned and to explain and use the definitions “sultan” and “janissary” (S. VI)[3].

As to medieval “policy” such curriculum skills as to analyse properly the activities of famous people, the skills to define the main directions of the activities of certain historical personalities, to interpret and apply definitions “The Hundred Years' War”, “Golden Bull”, “Crusades” and “Vikings”, the skills to describe Vikings' raids and Crusades are included, too. One can continue the list of the skills for the formation of civic competence with the help of the ability to compare the historical development of England, France and Germany in the Middle Ages; the skills to explain and use the definitions “baskak”(“Mongol tax-gatherer”), “yarlyk”(the letter of the khans) and “Law Book”; to characterise the development of Polish and Hungarian kingdoms, Moscov state and Novgorod Republic; to analyse the activities of Muhammad II, etc. (S. I, III, V, VI)[3].

Such skills as to give examples of Frankish, Byzantine and Arab culture, the ability to value a contribution to the world spiritual heritage and describe cultural artefacts (S. II, IV, V, VI) are referred to the formation of Medieval values as the achievements of culture and cultural uniqueness. A valuable attitude to rights and freedoms is formed on the basis of the skills to introduce examples of townspeople successful struggle against seigneurs, to illustrate and use the definition “urban municipality”. Different positions in the society, differences in rights are set thanks to abilities to depict a medieval town, a feudal castle, traditions, every day life and the role of church. The skills to define peculiarities of world perception, to characterise the role of the Christian church in the life of the Middle Ages, the abilities to describe and compare medieval castles are directed to the formation of God's value (S. II, IV)[3].

Conclusion. Thus, the carried out analysis leads to the conclusion that the materials of the medieval countries make it possible to form a cognitive component namely the definitions of “a society”, “a state”, and “policy”. The realize a systematic approach to the formation of civic competence, a teacher can perfect both a universal component of the definitions and identify their medieval uniqueness. A teacher can develop skills to define civic definitions id est to form the ability to orient in the public life in the context of the procedural approach.

Facts on the struggle of peoples for independence, defense from conquerors, struggle of town inhabitants for their rights, facts on culture, etc. are displayed in the curriculum for the formation of the axiological component. This information conveys the variety of values of the medieval inhabitants, namely the value of freedom, independence, rights, cultural uniqueness of the Middle Ages, etc.

The author has worked out her experimental methodology of the formation of students' civic competence on the basis of the selected resources from the curriculum.

history student civic competence


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