Theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem on future specialist's self-consciousness

Self-consciousness is a dynamic historical formation that takes place at different levels and forms. Components of a future specialist’s selfconsciousness are determined by the functional components of a future psychologist’s self-consciousness.

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Дата добавления 12.04.2018
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Theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem on future specialist's self-consciousness

L.A. Onufriieva


In the result of the study it is found that self-consciousness is a dynamic historical formation that takes place at different levels and in different forms. It is stated that the central mental process of adolescence is the development of self-consciousness. It is found that the negative "Me-concept" of boy's personality is characterized by isolation, insecurity, low self-control, increased anxiety, emotional sensibility, low self-esteem. The study revealed that the main determinant of personality's "Me-concept" formation is communicating with friends, beloved person and parents. It is shown that one of the essential features of mental development of the student's personality is self-consciousness formation, reflected in the differentiation of its internal structure, complexity of semantic content. It is established that self-consciousness development occurs on the following directions: the content differentiation of "Me" - image; the nature of self-esteem significantly changes; the functional role of value orientations in the system of behavior regulation and activities and their content also change. It is found out that value orientations lose stimulatory function and get the basis of motivation in different areas of communication and activities.

It is shown that disorders in the regulatory process of selfconsciousness development, being an important factor of disadaptation, are personality-based factors which become obstacles to effective adaptation and personality development, provide human life with conflict personality-based meaning and become the basis for the emergence of various forms of deviant behavior in the student age. There are distinguished the following components of a future specialist's selfconsciousness: cognitive, emotional and evaluative, behavioral and activity; their contents are determined by the functional components of a future psychologist's self-consciousness.

Key words: self-consciousness, development, future specialist, student age, value orientations, self-consciousness components, "Me-con - cept", personality, mental process.

В результаті дослідження з'ясовано, що самосвідомість - це динамічне історичне утворення, яке виступає на різних рівнях і в різних формах. Констатовано, що центральний психічний процес юнацького віку - розвиток самосвідомості. З'ясовано, що негативна "Я-концепція" особистості юнака характеризується замкнутістю, невпевненістю, низьким самоконтролем, підвищеною тривожністю, емоційною чуттєвістю, заниженою самооцінкою. У результаті дослідження виявлено, що основними детермінантами формування "Я-концепції" особистості є спілкування з друзями, коханою людиною та батьками. Показано, що однією із суттєвих ознак психічного розвитку особистості студентського віку є подальше становлення самосвідомості, що виявляється у диференціації його внутрішньої структури, ускладненні змістового наповнення. Встановлено, що розвиток самосвідомості загалом відбувається за такими основними напрямками: змістовна диференціація образу "Я"; суттєво змінюється характер самооцінки; змінюється функціональна роль ціннісних орієнтацій у системі регуляції поведінки і діяльності та їх змістовне наповнення. З'ясовано, що ціннісні орієнтації втрачають безпосередньо стимулюючу функцію і набувають значення смислоутворюю - чого підґрунтя мотивації у різних сферах спілкування та діяльності. Показано, що порушення у нормативному процесі розвитку самосвідомості, які є важливим фактором виникнення дезадаптації, виступають в якості особистісних факторів, які стають перешкодами на шляху ефективної адаптації і розвитку особистості, надають життю людини конфліктного особистісного смислу та стають підґрунтям виникнення різних форм девіантної поведінки у студентському віці. Виділено такі складові самосвідомості майбутнього фахівця - пізнавальний, емоційно-оціночний, поведінково-діяльнісний, зміст яких визначають функціональні складові самосвідомості майбутнього психолога.

Ключові слова: самосвідомість, розвиток, майбутній фахівець, студентський вік, ціннісні орієнтації, складові самосвідомості, "Я-концепція", особистість, психічний процес.

В результате исследования установлено, что самосознание - это динамическое историческое образование, выступает на различных уровнях и в различных формах. Констатировано, что центральный психический процесс юношеского возраста - развитие самосознания. Выяснено, что негативная "Я-концепция" личности юноши характеризуется замкнутостью, неуверенностью, низким самоконтролем, повышенной тревожностью, эмоциональной чувственностью, заниженной самооценкой. В результате исследования выявлено, что основными детерминантами формирования "Я-концепции" личности является общение с друзьями, любимым человеком и родителями. Показано, что одним из существенных признаков психического развития личности студенческого возраста является дальнейшее становление самосознания, оказывается в дифференциации его внутренней структуры, осложнении содержательного наполнения. Установлено, что развитие самосознания в целом происходит по следующим основным направлениям: содержательная дифференциация образа "Я"; существенно меняется характер самооценки; меняется функциональная роль ценностных ориентаций в системе регуляции поведения и деятельности и их содержательное наполнение. Выяснено, что ценностные ориентации теряют непосредственно стимулирующую функцию и приобретают значение смыслообразующих основы мотивации в различных сферах общения и деятельности. Показано, что нарушения в нормативном процессе развития самосознания, которые являются важным фактором возникновения дезадаптации, выступают в качестве личностных факторов, которые становятся препятствиями на пути эффективной адаптации и развития личности, придают жизни человека конфликтного личностного смысла и становятся основой возникновения различных форм девиантного поведения в студенческом возрасте. Выделены следующие составляющие самосознания будущего специалиста - познавательная, эмоционально-оценочная, поведенчески-деятельностная, содержание которых определяют функциональные составляющие самосознания будущего психолога.

Ключевые слова: самосознание, развитие, будущий специалист, студенческий возраст, ценностные ориентации, составляющие самосознания, "Я-концепция", личность, психический процесс.

The formulation of the problem

A human consciousness is focused not only on the external objects display; it can be directed to self-discovery (inner world, activities). The human awareness of himself/herself is called self-consciousness. Self-consciousness is the human ability to understand himself/herself, personal "Me", his/her needs, interests, values, his/her life and its meaning, personal behavior and experiences. Self-consciousness enables to understand actions, feelings, thoughts, motives, the place in society. Its object is the personality. It appears as the subject as well as the object of cognition. A human realizes him/herself as an individual reality separate from nature and other people. A man acquires some knowledge about himself through self-cognition.

Student age is the most important period of self-consciousness development and self-appraisal, manifested in recognizing personal individuality and uniqueness, behavior motives and activities. The students' professional self-determination is at the final stage. All this makes special work not only possible but necessary to manage the process of self-consciousness of the student.

Self-consciousness characterizes a certain level of a student's self-determination: the realization of life goals and making plans related to self-realization in a professional field, the awareness of personal professional intentions, capabilities, abilities, talents, the awareness of requirements, accompanying activities. Self-consciousness is influenced by the environment and professional activities. The mastering professional knowledge, skills, taking part at different types of practice, making goals and ideals in the activities serve an effective condition for student's development at the stage of training.

The study of self-consciousness is conditioned by the interest in the mechanisms of human mental life. A comprehensive systematic study of self-consciousness provides the opportunity to expand theoretical information on its formation and functioning. Knowing these mechanisms helps to understand the inner life of the personality, interests, peculiarities of the way of life, the process of self-assessment and self-presentation, allows to explain the phenomenon of social desirability and its impact on interpersonal relationships. Solving this problem requires the implementation of psychological and pedagogical studies that would reveal patterns of human development as a whole personality, the formation of social attitudes, values and so on.

The aim of our work is to make theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem on future specialist's self-consciousness.

The main material research

In recent decades, the attention of researchers is put to the problem of finding mechanisms and patterns of self-consciousness formation. General problems of self-consciousness have taken an important place in the theory of psychology through the works of R. Burns, W. James, I.S. Kon, K. Rogers, S.L. Rubinstein, V.V. Stolin, I.I. Chesnokova, T. Shybutani, C. Jung, V.O. Yadova and others.

There are several approaches to definition of essence and structure of self-consciousness, and some its individual components have been the subject of numerous studies, both in foreign and domestic psychology. The works of domestic and foreign psychologists (N.Y. Ankudinova, V.H. Asieiev, A.A. Bodaliov, L.I. Bozhovych, Y.A. Bondarenko, V.P. Levkovych, H.I. Lipkina, P.R. Chamata, R. Burns, K. Blaha, M. Shebek, A. Vallon) present theoretical aspects of correlation and interaction of internal and external factors of the formation of consciousness and selfconsciousness of personality, the genesis of self-consciousness, its components.

The focus of consciousness can be directed at the subject, at his personal activities, his inner world. The human cognition of himself/herself in psychology got the status of a special phenomenon - self-consciousness.

The development of self-consciousness, definition of personal "Me", personality-based characteristics are very important for improving emotional well-being in the process of life, for the proper organization of relationships with other people.

Self-consciousness as an important structural component of personality is the internal mechanism through which a man is able not only to perceive consciously the effects of the environment, but also independently to determine the extent and nature of the activities. As a result, people not only can reflect the world, but learn the inner world, to experience it.

Self-consciousness is a person's realization of his/her actions, feelings, thoughts, motives, interests, position in the society. The human feelings of personal body, movements, actions play an essential role in self-consciousness formation.

According to I.I. Chesnokova self-consciousness is a set of mental processes which help the individual to recognize himself as a subject of activities, and his view of himself develops as "Me-image" [12].

V.H. Maralov considers self-consciousness as Me-activities in the image of the subject of knowledge (or the creation) of Me-image ("Me-concept"), where in turn the image of Me, being included in the structure of Me as the subject, performs self-regulatory functions [17].

It is important to distinguish two things in the definitions of self-consciousness: firstly, it is emphasized that self-consciousness is a property of the personality as a social being, and secondly, it is specified that the object of self-consciousness is a human who realizes the various aspects of his mental activities [8].

The personality perceives oneself as a sustainable object, and it requires the internal integrity, constancy of the personality, which regardless of the existing situations are able to become the same. A human sense of uniqueness is supported by the continuity of experiences in time: he/she remembers the past, experiences the present, hope for the future. The continuity of such experiences enables a person to integrate himself into a unity.

self consciousness psychologist future

The main function of self-consciousness is to make the motives and results of actions available to the person and allow him/her to understand what he/she really is, and evaluate himself/herself. A desire to protect the uniqueness from the threat of neglecting arises as a special function - protective. A little different is the formulation of the self-consciousnes presented in the works of B. H. Ananiev and his disciples. In their opinion, the leading function of self-consciousness is self-regulation of personality's behavior [8, p.35].

L.S. Vyhotskyi, studying the problem of the structure of selfconsciousness, distinguishes six directions that characterize its structure:

the accumulation of knowledge about oneself, increasing of their coherence and validity;

deepening of knowledge about oneself;

psychological trend (a gradual transition to the ideas of personal internal world), integration (personal awareness as a single unity);

awareness of personal identity;

the development of internal moral criteria when evaluating oneself, personality, which is borrowed from objective culture; the development of individual peculiarities of the processes of self-consciousness [10, p.39].

The structure of self-consciousness by L.S. Vyhotskyi depends on the social environment a person belongs to [6].

I.I. Chesnokova considers self-consciousness as a unity of 3 components: a) cognition (self-knowledge); b) emotional-value attitude (self-attitude); c) activities-volitional self-regulation of personality's behavior.

The process of accumulation of knowledge about oneself does not lead to the ultimate, absolute knowledge, but does knowledge to be more and more appropriate [1].

The most consistent concept of self-consciousness is formed by V.V. Stolin. In accordance with the three types of activity, he identified three levels in the development of self-consciousness: organic, individual and personality-based.

The first of the mechanisms of self-consciousness is the capacity for understanding mental phenomena. According to V. V. Stolin, the basis of awareness is the fragmentation, i. e. the ability of the person to allocate from environment the events he/she perceives and distinguishes the object from the environment ("I see it") and, he/she perceives and distinguishes the object from the environment with visible signs ("I see what I see"), and a self-position of the observer ("I treat what I see"). This ability allows the person to realize himself/herself, other people, i. e. to distinguish phenomenal "Me". A child in interaction with the environment manifests itself;

in other words, the current "Me" contributes to the formation of phenomenal "Me" or "Self-concept".

The main mechanism of personality's self-consciousness formation is the phenomena of subjective assimilation and differentiation. V. V. Stolin distinguishes the following phenomena:

taking the perspective of another to oneself (direct or indirect assimilation of someone else's point of view);

direct or indirect parents' compulsion of the child as the ways of child's learning (estimates, norms, standards, behaviours, etc.);

the parents' dictation of values, standards to a child;

the system of control over the child;

the system of intercomplement relations (system of transactions by E. Berne);

the family identity, i. e. the involvement of the child in the real family relationships.

The effect of these mechanisms helps to answer the question "what is in the heart of the "Me-concept" [11].

According to I.I. Chesnokova, the development of selfconsciousness is a process, which provides the person's perception of the numerous images of oneself in various situations and combining these images into a single unity - the imagination, and then the understanding of personal "Me". In this process, the generalized "Me-image" is formed [12, p.76].

V.S. Merlin considers the self-consciousness to be developed throughout the individual's life under the influence of numerous social influences. In the dynamics self-consciousness is represented by four stages of development:

1) perceiving of the differences of oneself from the world;

2) perceiving of "Me" as the subject of activities;

3) perceiving of mental characteristics, emotional self-esteem;

4) social and moral self-esteem, self-respect, which is formed on the basis of experience of communication and activities [9].

Both domestic and foreign psychologists consider the development of self-consciousness to be involved in the process of personality formation and therefore it is one of the components of the personality.

Self-consciousness can be a process as well as a result of activities. As a result the system of "Me-images" is distinguished: "Me" real, i. e. a set of ideas about oneself in the present, "Me" ideal, which would like to be, "Me" past, i. e. a set of ideas about the past, "Me" future, i. e. a set of ideas about oneself in the future [13].

The human understanding of the object's properties and relations, significance for oneself and society makes the conditions for the actualization of the social and psychological mechanisms of a targeted interaction development. The subject of awareness is intellectual, emotional activities aimed at self-cognition, that is internal information, which allows us to understand why a person chooses a certain way of behavior in interaction with society. We are talking about self-consciousness, which provides a choice of activities, behavior, the formation of life style [4, p.48].

Unlike consciousness, self-consciousness is focused on the person's understanding of actions, feelings, thoughts, motives, interests, personal position in society. If consciousness is knowledge about the other, self-consciousness is a man's knowledge about himself. If the consciousness is focused on the objective world, the object of consciousness is the personality. In the self-consciousness it performs as a subject as well as an object of knowledge.

The object of self-consciousness is a personality that simultaneously gets to know and is known, evaluates and is evaluated. The structure of self-consciousness includes self-knowledge, selfesteem, self-control.

Self-knowledge is always mediated by the reflection of the external world, presented in joint activities and communication with other people.

The self-knowledge is the process of the subject's self-cognition, cognition of personal activities, internal mental content [12].

The self-knowledge depends on the conditions and possibilities of objective reality. Limited social contacts and relationships, the inability to receive feedback retard self-knowledge. However a personality can be aware of his/her actions but cannot know the essence of personal "Me". A very important component in the structure of self-consciousness is self-esteem.

Self-esteem is the personality's assessment of himself/herself, his/her qualities, life opportunities, attitudes of others to himself and his place among them. It is an important regulator of individual behavior, the relationship with the social environment, criticality, demands to oneself and others [15].

Self-esteem affects the way of social contacts and group relations formation, their duration and effectiveness. In social psychology self-assessment and assessment by others are linked, which gives grounds to assert that self-esteem is an evaluation of people, adopted by a personality as personal behavior program. With the ability to self-assessment a person acquires the ability to direct and control the actions independently, to educate and improve oneself.

The assessment contributes to the correct choice of tactics and behavior in the group. According to the differences between the level of aspiration and actual abilities (inadequate self-esteem) the individual begins to assess himself incorrectly, which predetermines his inappropriate behavior in the group. This results in emotional breakdowns, excessive anxiety, which negatively affect group relations [2, p.74].

A personality's self-esteem, being a dynamic formation, varies in accordance with the level of social well-being of the individual. High self-esteem contributes to personal development, self-assertion in society and the structure of group relations. Low self-esteem prevents individual growth, retards the realization of individuality, produces complexes that complicate the relationship. For example, there is an inferiority complex - exaggerated sense of personal weakness and failure; the complex of exaggeration - the tendency to exaggerate physical, intellectual, social qualities and abilities. Self-esteem is associated with the phenomena of false consensus that means the tendency to overestimate the prevalence of any opinion, undesirable or ineffective behavior; the false uniqueness - the tendency to underestimate the importance of skills and desirable or effective behavior.

One of the levels of self-consciousness development is selfcontrol.

Self-control is conscious, volitional control over mental life and behavior in accordance with the "Me-features", mentality, values and meanings, motivational and cognitive spheres.

The ability to self-control is determined by the requirements of society to the behavior of the individual and involves the ability of the individual as an active subject to be get to know and control the situation. The level of self-control is an indicator of the maturity and culture of the personality.

Self-consciousness is associated with the capacity for reflection. Reflection is the individual's awareness how he/she is perceived and evaluated by other individuals or community; it is a kind of knowledge, in which the subject becomes the object of his observation; the analysis of personal mental state.

From the point of view of social psychology, reflection is a form of subject's awareness of how he/she is perceived and evaluated by other people and groups. This implies six positions: the subject, who he is in reality; the subject, how he sees himself; the subject, as he is seemed by others, and the same three positions, but from the point of view of another subject [3, p.27].

A form of self-consciousness is a human cognition of personal dignity, that is a sense of personal worth as a personality. The confirmation and approval of the dignity contributes to the success of the personality in interaction with other people. A human understanding of personal dignity is one of the ways to get to know responsibility.

A man with a sense of dignity feels himself as individual reality, self-sufficient personality. People with a sense of personal dignity are happier, less neurotic, less addicted to drug and alcohol. Based on the analysis of these phenomena the concept of self-efficacy was grounded (A. Bandura) [17].

Self-efficacy is a sense of personal competence and efficiency. This feeling differs from self-respect and self-esteem. People with high self-efficacy are more persistent, less anxious, learn better and are not addicted to depression [5, p.82].

So, self-consciousness is an important factor in the formation and self-perfection of the individual in the structure of social relations. It is a complex mental process, the essence of which consists in the personality's perception of oneself in various situations of interaction with other people, understanding of oneself as a subject of actions, feelings, behavior, position in the society.

In recent years, a growing interest arises in the study of students as one of the defining stages of the life. It is important to understand what psychological mechanisms contribute to the development of active young person as a unique personality, to achieve control over life circumstances, to be active, productive and happy.

The study of students' age in modern psychology is presented in many works. However, there are large differences regarding the understanding of development in adolescence, boundaries, and main formations of this period of human life. According to many researchers the new formation at this age is identity. The identity is the result of self-consciousness and self-determination of personal "Me". The final product of the process of self-knowledge is a dynamic system of notions about oneself.

Firstly, let's consider the definitions of the terms "self - knowledge" and "self-esteem".

Self-consciousness is the realization and evaluation of a person's actions and their results, thoughts, feelings, moral character and interests, ideals and motives, the overall estimate of himself and his place in life.

Self-esteem is "a certain attitude to oneself: to the qualities, capabilities, physical (and spiritual) forces".

Self-esteem is a personal judgment about personal value expressed in the units peculiar to the individual.

So, self-esteem reflects the degree of development of the person's self-respect, feelings of self-worth and a positive attitude towards everything that is within the scope of "Me". Therefore, low self-esteem involves the rejection of oneself, self-denial, negative attitude to the personality.

In foreign literature, the differentiation of "knowledge about oneself - attitude to oneself" is most clearly studied by R Burns [2]. Defining "Me"-concept as the totality of all ideas about oneself, related to the assessment, Burns identifies two of its components:

a descriptive component, or "Me" image;

self-attitude to individual qualities - self-esteem and selfacceptance.

R. Burns distinguishes three points significant for the nature of self-consciousness:

the major role in the development of attitude to oneself is the degree of correspondence between images of real and ideal "Me", this line serves as an indicator of the level of development of the relationship of personality to himself;

the main mechanism of formation of the attitude to oneself is interiorization of relationships significant for others. In the process of social interaction the individual "applies" to himself the attitude of others, assimilates it, and the result of this process, the attitude to oneself is formed;

the individual forms an attitude to himself through the prism of his identity.

In general R. Burns defines self-attitude as the integral selfesteem, which is sustainable and is characterized by a different intensity depending on the context and the cognitive content of "Me" - image [12, p.78].

The main characteristic of self-attitude is the experience of success or failure. In contrast, self-acceptance is understood as a style of attitude to oneself or general life instruction arising on the basis of the matching of the image of the subject's "Me" in relation to the ideal "Me"-image. However, the primary is the feeling or experience. Thus, in particular K. Rogers believes that self-acceptance is accepting oneself as a whole, regardless of personal qualities, and self-esteem is the attitude to oneself as the bearer of certain properties.

The correlation can be positive (self-acceptance) and negative (rejection of oneself).

Self-acceptance is a positive attitude to oneself, unconditional acceptance of oneself with maintaining criticality. Self-acceptance is not narcissism or self-sufficiency. The acceptance of oneself, as what he/she is, is the basis for self-development, self-actualization, self-improvement.I. S. Kon [3] defines self-acceptance as the acceptance of oneself as a unique individuality, which is characterized by not only strengths, but weaknesses and shortcomings. He notes that all people are in need in a positive "Me"-image: negative attitude, rejection of personal "Me" is always experienced painful [7, p.65].

The second form of self-attitude is self-unacceptance which is characterized by a basic negative attitude to oneself, criticism of personal thoughts, actions, feeling of discomfort, uncertainty, hostility of qualities and properties.

In the psychological literature along with the analysis of reasons for negative self-attitude there are described specific behavioral and verbal indicators of the self-rejection, that is, in our opinion, a significant practical value. Summarizing the experimental data, R. Burns distinguished kinds of negative attitude to oneself:

frequency of self-critical statements ("I will never be able to do");

negative expectations in a situation of competition ("I have no chance", "He's better than me");

critical attitude to the success of others ("He got lucky");

unwillingness to admit error or guilt ("I'm no to blame");

the tendency to emphasize the shortcomings of others, to pay attention to the mistakes of others [16].

Adequate or inadequate attitude to oneself leads either to harmony of the spirit, providing reasonable confidence, or to constant conflict, sometimes bringing a person to a neurotic state. The most adequate attitude to oneself is the highest level of self-esteem.

The lack of positive attitude towards people can facilitate the occurrence of manipulation when the others are perceived as not subjects, but as objects to achieve own goals. N. Sardzhveladze calls this type of relationships the subject-object attitude to people [7, p.12]. Others are considered as the objects of the consumer, instrumental, manipulative and utilitarian approach.

The manipulation may be based on selfishness, which becomes the basis of destructive communication. Selfish focus on the person and personal position is evident in the foregrounding of personal interests and goals to the detriment of the partner. The humiliation of partner gives some psychological benefit, as it helps to get a better look at his background. Egoists consider acceptable forms of aggressive behavior, they are vindictive. Broken social relations may be accompanied in relation to others with hostility, aggressiveness, potential conflict, cruelty, indifference and, in the worst situation, asocial behaviour. V. Kunitsyna wrote: "Aggressive behavior, aggressiveness as a personality trait brings to the communication features of destructiveness, divides people and keeps them in suspense, leaving behind a long trail of bitterness and discomfort" [14, p.408].

The structure of the generalized self-attitude can be presented by such concepts as "autosympathy", "self-respect", "self-interest" and "positive attitude of the other", giving it an internally differentiated character as well as qualitative uniqueness, being defined the most significant dimension of the macrostructure. High self-respect does not mean arrogance, such a person does not consider himself/herself better than others, and he simply believes in himself, and that he can overcome his own shortcomings. Low selfrespect, by contrast, involves feeling of inadequacy, inferiority, unworthiness, which makes a negative impact on mental well-being and social behavior of the subject. People with low self-respect are vulnerable and sensitive. They painfully react to criticism, laughter, suffer from failures at work. Many of them are shyness; they desire for privacy and suffer from it. Such people feel insecure. Low self-respect and communication difficulties reduce social activity of the subject, such persons take much less part in social life, in choosing a profession they avoid areas associated with the need to lead others, as well as involving the spirit of competition. Even putting a goal they don't hope for success. Self-knowledge as well as self-acceptance and self-attitude are considered as prerequisites for moral self-determination.

These processes are much more complicated and longer than the ordinary acts of introspection; they include the data of self-observations, but only as a primary material to be processed; a man gets information about himself/herself from self-observations, as well as from external sources - the objective results of personal actions, relationship to other people.


In the result of the study on the problem it is found that self-consciousness is a dynamic historical formation that takes place at different levels and in different forms. The central mental process of adolescence is the development of self-consciousness. The negative "Me-concept" of boy's personality is characterized by isolation, insecurity, low self-control, increased anxiety, emotional sensibility, low self-esteem. The study revealed that the main determinant of personality's "Me-concept" formation is communicating with friends, beloved person and parents. One of the essential features of mental development of the student's personality is self-consciousness formation, reflected in the differentiation of its internal structure, complexity of semantic content. The self-consciousness development occurs on the three directions. Firstly, it is the content differentiation of "Me"-image. Besides, students are able to differ "Me-real" and "Me-ideal". Secondly, the nature of self-esteem significantly changes. A significant portion of first-year students become capable to differentiated self-assessment according to different parameters. But the criteria of self-evaluation are poorly understood and, consequently, the adequacy of self-esteem suffers. Thirdly, the functional role of value orientations in the system of behavior regulation and activities and their content also change. Value orientations lose stimulatory function and get the basis of motivation in different areas of communication and activities.

The disorders in the regulatory process of self-consciousness development, being an important factor of disadaptation, are personality-based factors which become obstacles to effective adaptation and personality development, provide human life with conflict personality-based meaning and become the basis for the emergence of various forms of deviant behavior in the student age. Summing up the theoretical material we can distinguished the following components of a future specialist's self-consciousness: cognitive, emotional and evaluative, behavioral and activity; their contents are determined by the functional components of a future psychologist's self-consciousness.

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