Democratic education to prepare future pedagogues in pedagogical universities

Social need, problems and perspectives of the course "Foundations of Democracy" in pedagogical universities. Methodology of "democratic education" of future teachers in conditions of democratization of public relations and democratization of education.

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Дата добавления 10.05.2018
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Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute

Department of Organization and Monitoring of Educational Process, Licensing and Accreditation

Democratic education to prepare future pedagogues in pedagogical universities

Ph.D. Silagyiy I.M.

PhD, Associate Professor Marinets N.V.


The article analyses the social need, problems and prospects of introduction of the course «Fundamentals of Democracy» in pedagogical universities and the peculiarities of teaching democracy to future teachers.

The purpose of this article is to analyse the «democratic education» of future pedagogues in conditions of democratization of social relations and democratisation of education. In addition, apart from acquiring knowledge about modern democracy, its principles, ideals, values and practices, it studies the need for teaching democracy to students of pedagogical universities

Keywords: democratic education, pedagogue, pedagogical university, democratic values, civic competences, authoritarian «mentor», tolerance, humanism, process of socialisation, Internet-space, volunteering.


Проаналізовано соціальну потребу, проблеми та перспективи введення курсу «Основи демократії» у педагогічних університетах і особливості навчання демократії майбутніх педагогів.

Метою даної статті є аналіз «демократичної освіти» майбутніх педагогів в умовах демократизації суспільних відносин та демократизації освіти. Особливості навчання демократії студентів педагогічних університетів окрім здобуття знань про сучасну демократію, її принципи, ідеали, цінності та практики.

Ключові слова: демократична освіта, педагог, педагогічний університет, демократичні цінності, громадянські компетенції, авторитарний «ментор», толерантність, гуманізм, процес соціалізації, інтернет-простір, волонтерство.

The ability of citizens to rational decision-making and in general, to life as well as their participation in politics in a democracy is not formed spontaneously, but is acquired in the process of systematic assimilation of relevant knowledge and experience.

Democratic political education is based on the recognition of basic human values, especially freedom and dignity of every individual, their natural and inalienable rights. It helps the individual to adequately assess the relevant social system, understand their role and place in the state, as well as their rights and duties. Its main goal is to teach a person to adequately interpret the complex and contradictory world, represent and protect their interests, while respecting the interests and rights of others and collectively solve general problems.

Democratic, civic education as one of the foundations of civil society, along with giving citizens knowledge, competence, principles of tolerant existence and skills necessary for life in a democratically developed society, is able to provide substantial opposition to political destabilisation, confrontation and spreading due to the latter, of extremism thus securing the existence of the nation in a globalizing world [1, p. 14].

Of particular importance is the democratic political education in preparing future teachers who need not only to master the ability to live a full life in a democracy, but also reproduce this ability in relation to their pupils and students, creating conditions for the formation of a citizen for whom democratic society is a center for disclosing creative opportunities as well as meeting personal and social needs. Therefore, the research on «democratic education» of future teachers has become especially important in terms of democratisation of social relations and education, as well as a prerequisite and also an adequate response to the process of democratisation of society. «Democratic education» in a pedagogical university may be implemented by various complementary means like, introduction of special courses through democratisation of the content of general and specialised courses as well as by extracurricular work. In addition, it may be fostered by democratisation of governance of pedagogical universities, through university autonomy, introduction of state and public management mechanisms of governance by involving NGOs, establishment of supervisory boards, and development of student governments, etc.

Not reducing the role of all these means of «democratic education» that can be implemented by pedagogical universities, the present research will focus in more detail, on the potential of special courses. Specifically, we shall consider social needs, problems and prospects of introduction of the course «Fundamentals of Democracy» in pedagogical universities.

First, we shall note that a social need in the course that would deliberately cultivate and spread knowledge about democracy, democratic practices and lifestyles in students of pedagogical universities is being felt from the very beginning of establishment of democracy in our country, and also derives from the recognition that there is no alternative to the democratic way of further development of the Ukrainian society.

According to the teachers and students who participated in the pilot project, the course «Fundamentals of Democracy» is necessary and complete. «Being created at the intersection of established disciplines such as politology, social philosophy, sociology and cultural studies, the course « Fundamentals of Democracy «creates and recreates an atmosphere of democratic findings that permeate the educational process in the vertical and horizontal dimensions, thus forming a democratic worldview of both students and those who teach it» [2, p. 11].

Concerning its content, the course «Fundamentals of Democracy» as a basis for civic education and in addition to understanding of modem democracy, its concepts, types and manifestations, ideals, principles and values, democratic institutions, democratisation etc, includes legal and economic knowledge and also information on the functioning of public authorities. Besides it provides knowledge of principles of person and citizen with regard to the authorities in particular, tolerance, pluralism, patriotism, criticism, and teaching such essential components of civic life as human rights, constitution, elections, expression of popular will that is able to shape the worldview of free, responsible, demanding, and self-critical individuals [3, p. 14].

The main objectives of the discipline «Fundamentals of Democracy» are to form a system of knowledge about democracy and its role in modem society, motivation to master the basic democratic values and principles as well as their use in practice. Furthermore, it aims to promote mastering democratic principles of life and acquiring practical skills to analyse materials of various resources and mass media; drawing impartial and reliable conclusions, forming own opinions, discussing and defending it; participation in decision-making, arising responsibility for their implementation and being engaged in practical activities as well as using mechanisms for human rights protection.

The adoption of the new Law «On Education» from July 1, 2014 resulted in the lack of listed disciplines of which a block of mandatory courses was formed (prior to the adoption of the Law there were 16 such disciplines). Reform of higher education no longer provides for the respective roles of the Ministry and since then compiling a list of mandatory disciplines has been the prerogative of the higher educational establishment as it is with the right of students to choose university, its programmes and certain disciplines within the programme. The reason for it is the refusal to use complex humanities disciplines in universities as a means of ideological influence on students.

The question of reduction or increase in sociohumanitarian training, introduction or removal of certain disciplines is given at the mercy of the universities. Such an approach makes pedagogical universities largely responsible for the future of Ukraine, which is known largely to depend on teachers, because teachers are assigned to high and difficult mission of spiritual renewal and education of future generations, and also development of a tolerant society in Ukraine. Those whose professional activities will focus on the formation of the younger individuals' cognitive and behavioral norms that include the ability to think, analyse, ask questions, draw conclusions, participate in public life, as well as the ability to be oriented in and adapt to new social conditions, protect their interests, respect the interests and rights of others, etc., should be prepared properly.

Hence the course «Fundamentals of Democracy» is an important part of future teacher training to implement civic education, both directly and through interdisciplinary relationships. However, the issue about the introduction of the course shall be decided by individual universities.

Thus, the introduction of the course «Fundamentals of Democracy» is an important factor in educational influence on young people, filling with content the democratic norms and values that are being formed in their spiritual world under the influence of the real processes of democratisation. Of particular importance this course is for students of pedagogical universities, who - in the future - themselves have to perform the task of civic education and education of future generations. The latter requires that the basis of civic culture for future teachers must include high moral virtues, patriotism and awareness of duty and responsibility towards society and the homeland.

The first steps toward the realisation of the project «Education for Democratic Citizenship» took place only in 2009, when three manuals for teachers, headmasters, and teachers of postgraduate teacher education were translated and published in Ukraine.

In particular, it is the textbook «We Live in a Democracy. Lesson Plans on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education for Secondary Comprehensive Schools» which was developed by Council of Europe experts as a tool for teachers who teach different subjects and work in civic education. The material in this textbook is presented in an easy, accessible way that allows its use when teaching a special course as well as teaching particular modules and themes in different disciplines [4, p. 212].

The textbook «Democratic Governance in Schools» provides educators - headmasters, head teachers and teachers - with guidance, resources and tools due to which it is possible to create a democratic school. The authors of the textbook - headmasters of schools from Sweden and the UK - offer a set of techniques for self-analysis and evaluation of different aspects of school activities, as well as suggest an algorithm of changes in key areas of school life, provide examples of successful experience and dispel established myths about the loss of power during democratic governance [5, p. 100].

The textbook «Education for Democratic Citizenship» is addressed to teachers of the system of postgraduate education to train teachers to live and work in a democratic society. The materials of the textbook present new effective forms and methods of teacher training, as well as qualification requirements for their professional competence with respect to teachers teaching democracy [6, p. 92].

The pilot project of the Council of Europe, Ukraine and Switzerland «Promoting Education Development for Democracy in Ukraine and Switzerland» providing for a trilateral dialogue on education for democratic citizenship and human rights education and also its role in Ukraine and Switzerland is also worth noting. In years 2011-2012 based on the Draft, the Council of Europe, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine and the centre for International Projects in Education IPE (Switzerland) launched a Swiss-Ukrainian pilot initiative to raise awareness of the Council of Europe Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education (Recommendation CM/Rec (2010)7), which was adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 11 May 2010.

It should be noted that teaching democracy to students of pedagogical universities differs from the corresponding teaching at the rest of universities. Features of teaching democracy to students of pedagogical universities include gaining knowledge about modem democracy, its principles, ideals, values and practices. Besides, they provide for the formation of the future teachers' developed social, political and civic competence, a mature social position and tolerance. It also develops the students' necessary technological skills on selection and design of teaching methods, conducting lessons, extracurricular and afterschool activities in the context of the objectives of civic education as the components of the overall process of socialization, which results in the involvement of a particular individual in society. For helping the younger generation to become active citizens, involves much more than providing them with factual information about the Constitution or the judicial system of their country. Teachers should provide practical and conceptual knowledge, facilitate the formation of a number of skills and abilities, and also promote mastering certain attitudes and values. Therefore, democracy training of future teachers, in our belief, is an important component of the formation of their professional competences in terms of humanisation of education.

Teaching democracy in terms of pedagogical university is impossible without the introduction of democratic principles into the educational process and teaching practice. These principles, according to L. Kondrashova are:

- providing educational process with personal direction, creating conditions for personal growth, the emergence of subjectivity of each pupil (student);

- creation of individual educational trajectories, integration of standard plans and programmes along with individual programmes of personal development;

- transition of pupils (students) from the position of objects of educational aspirations of teachers into the position of subjects of their own education;

- formation of responsibility of the members of the educational process for their own results and educational achievements;

- increase of participation of students in planning and organisation of the educational process, structuring its content, the choice of forms, methods, means, and the degree of responsibility for its results;

- harmonisation of the intellectual and emotional factors of the educational process that is the basis for its humanisation and democratisation, reduction of psychological trauma of teaching situations and improving the efficiency of educational activity of the individual;

- creation of an atmosphere of freedom of choice according to the possibilities and abilities of the individual and situations of success for each participant in the educational process [7, p. 14-15].

The introduction of the outlined democratic principles into the organisation of the educational process is aimed not only at its democratisation, but also at realisation of the social demand for teacher training who are able to teach and educate the generation of the era of globalisation and information revolution. It also aims to prepare the future creators of new life in Ukraine with developed national consciousness, political culture, spiritual and ethical features; individual culture as well as culture of interethnic relations and planetary consciousness. To ensure such a massive social order the future teacher must not only acquire knowledge, methods and techniques of educational work, but he himself must be a honorable citizen of the state with clearly defined moral priorities. Hence, the problem of developed civic competence formation and strong social position of future teachers that can play an active role in the preservation and multiplication of social values arises. democratic education pedagogue public

Civic competence is usually seen as a set of educational elements, consisting of a system of knowledge, skills, experiences, and emotional values, personality beliefs that help people understand their place in society, his duty and responsibility to compatriots, motherland and state. Being an integrated quality of personality, civic competence of a teacher includes social, ethical, professional features, strong-volitional and intellectual qualities, experience of educational activities, civic competences needed to achieve socially significant goals and positive results. In the content of civic competence of future teachers the following components are distinguished:

- cognitive (knowledge and norms making up the civic content and determining readiness for civic education, education and self-education in professional activity);

- operational and procedural (professional knowledge, skills and abilities, that define the functional readiness for civic education and training, and practical realisation of civic position, civic competences);

- value and motivational (motivation, mental attitudes, value perceptions that interiorisate ideological perception of values and norms of civic culture; determine the orientation of the individual, internal incentive factors in civic education and self-education) [8, p. 33].

Teaching democracy to students of pedagogical universities is also achieved through mastering teaching techniques, formation of technological skills in choosing and designing teaching methods, conducting lessons, extracurricular and after-school activities, especially in the context of the objectives of civic education. Active interaction of the subjects of training (teachers and students), a wide use of problem-searching, gaming and creative teaching methods, not only increases the level of intellectual autonomy of students and contributes to their pedagogical thinking, but also strengthens the social position of future teachers by making them reliable leaders of civic education and upbringing of the younger generation.

This approach allows transforming the concept of teacher training from the authoritarian «mentor» to the organiser of different kinds of activities for the development of real «experience» of students, being counselor and assistant. This approach is fully consistent with the model of teacher training developed by D. Dewey, who proceeded from the fact that teachers should work in schools where «imposition from above is opposed to self-expression and personal development; free activity - to restriction of discipline; learning through experience - to studying from books; mastering skills and abilities for achieving vital objectives - to multiple repetitions; training for more or less distant future - to maximum use of current possibilities; dynamics of a changing world - to static targets and materials» [9, p. 328-329].

The authors of the textbook «Education for Democratic Citizenship» indicate the following forms of education that future teachers should acquire at a sufficient degree and be able to use them in practice in different circumstances:

- inductive training, which means providing the audience with specific situation tasks and making generalisations on this basis (instead of teaching methods that start with specific concepts);

- active learning - learning by doing (and not only through lectures);

- relevant training, in which educational activities are focused on real life events of the school, college or the outside world;

- cooperation that is encouraging group work and collaborative learning;

- interactive training - learning through discussions and debates;

- critical training, aiming at developing the students' independent thinking and their ability for debates;

- participation - providing students with opportunities to contribute to their own learning, for example through the development of discussion topics, research, self-evaluation of ones knowledge and knowledge of colleagues [6, p. 28].

Usually special attention in this context is drawn to the interactive methods that require active students' participation in the mastery of training material and constant, active, positive interaction of all participants in the educational process.

In addition, features of democratic education to students of pedagogical universities who in the future will be educators of the youth in the spirit of humanism and social tolerance, include consistent tolerance development as the basis of modem pedagogical communication of teachers and pupils, teachers and students. Naturally, the way to tolerance in today's students who are to become tomorrow's teachers must be conceived during pedagogical training in higher educational institution. In order to change others, we have to change first of all, ourselves. If a teacher has a high level of tolerance, than he is confident, open-minded, nonlegislative, and friendly in attitude to the students and acts as their mentor, and in relation to colleagues - as their adviser.

The teaching model of tolerance development is achieved primarily through understanding of the subjects of the educational process. Consequently, it can be identified as a hermeneutic approach to the formation of communicative tolerance of future teachers, through which an opportunity is given to appeal to the sympathetic, compassionate understanding on the basis of mutual understanding, cooperative and conventional principles.

In the formation of tolerance among students of higher pedagogical educational institutions, in accordance with the teacher training model developed by M. I. Yakibchuk, the following training and educational stages can be highlighted: informational and persuading, analytical and interiorising, experimental and practical, and also structurally multiplier. The informational and persuading stage includes forwarding information on communicative tolerance of the individual and persuading students that communicative tolerance is not only a human value but also an inherent part of their future professional activity. It is the use of the system of pedagogical initiation and «emotional infection» to encourage the students' communicative tolerance development in teaching humanities disciplines. The analytical and interiorising phase covers analytical activities of students during the classroom and extracurricular activities concerning internalisation of the principles of tolerant communication, i.e. the formation of internal structures of the human psyche by accepting cultural norms of social activities. The experimental and practical step envisages improving the skills and abilities of tolerant interaction between students based on solution of communicatively rich teaching situations, problematic tasks and doing exercises in the process of teaching. The structurally multiplier stage aims to intensify regulatory expressions of tolerance in educational and professional interactions by «multiplying» (multiplication) the ideas of tolerance and tolerant relations [10, p. 249].

Therefore, education for democracy students of pedagogical universities occurs in the context of establishing their civil and general professional competence, mature social position and developing tolerance.

Thus democratic values of students of pedagogical universities and their possible linking beyond educational means, deserve special attention.

Democratic values are the personification of the importance of democracy as a philosophical ideal, its appeal for most people, the reason for which democracy is worth defending and due to which it is an element of political consciousness of millions of people gaining new fans worldwide. And finally, the participants of the above- mentioned project «Democratic Education» and the authors of the textbook «Fundamentals of Democracy», which was prepared in its framework, indicate the following values that should be extended and developed under conditions of democracy:

- citizenship and civic attitude - which anticipate developed social consciousness and individual self-esteem, the ability of humans to realise their own interests and defend them in the interests of the whole society;

- competence and responsibility which are oriented toward civic vigilance and awareness, understanding that «consumer» attitude to the achievements of democracy could lead to its loss;

- freedom (negative - as liberation from dependence oppression; positive - both political and cultural conditions for the development of personal skills and realisation of aspirations);

- constitution and constitutionalism - as the final guidelines, principles of social coexistence of people in a democratic community; - freedom of conscience, freedom of speech;

- human dignity - the cultivation of which makes a civilised society, exalts man, that is why it should be largely directed by civic education;

- moral autonomy - the right to a free and fair self-determination;

- privacy;

- civic association - which focuses humans on sustainable and conscious interest in social life, in solidarity, trust, mutual support, and willingness to act to protect social interests;

- social order, based not on the denial or prohibition of conflicts but their managing by procedures, guidelines, awareness and experiences [3, p. 38-50].

Contemporary college students are in its majority advocates of democratic reforms, and therefore - democratic values as such. However their formation is controversial because of the heterogeneity of the student audience, among which there is a certain proportion of students who are far from democratic values. They are infected by extreme socialist or nationalist phraseology and influenced by the social environment in which the political growth of the students occur. Traditionally the following factors of democratic values of students are distinguished:

a) factors of social and political environment (microenvironment);

b) the impact of the close environment (microenvironment - family, peer groups);

c) the influence of the media (including the Internet technology) and culture;

d) the factor of education, training and democratic selfeducation of the individual.

The most influential among them, according to S. V. Kostryukov, is the factor of social environment. Introducing through lifestyles democratic values into the internal structure of the individual, the society almost «binds» the individual to itself, fixes in his mind the constant focus on socially significant goals and means of actions and creates the existence of isomorphic system «society - personality» in which the person appears to be an appropriate subsystem [8, p. 8-9].

Lifestyle as a factor of achieving democratic values of young people is versatile in its structure, has a «macro» - and «micro» levels. Gradually mediating deep, universal, necessary links and relations to such that are limited by only a narrow area of communication of student youth, lifestyle contributes to the transformation of society's democratic values to the internal quality traits inherent in the young generation. Selection and comprehension of the democratic values of society are due to their personal significance, that is, whether they are valuable for the personality and to which extent they contribute to the fulfillment of his goals. With this in mind, from the same democratic values college students always choose only those that are considered by them as necessary (necessary, helpful or pleasant) objects, purposes and means of satisfying their own needs. After going through this experience, having the practical experience and confirming their need, feasibility and usefulness of such values are fixed as valuable orientations of the young. However, the practice is not only validation criteria of democratic values, but also the agent of their continuous reassessment, updating and changing the whole system of value orientations of students. Transformation of the Ukrainian society has called for significant complication and differentiations in social life, and therefore to the individualisation of needs, interests and values of students. This greatly complicates their social integration.

Recently, along with traditional mass media a major impact on the consciousness of young people has been made by the Internet space. Over the years this communication channel has became available to almost everyone. At the present stage of development it is possible to talk about the formation of the Internet subculture. Like any subculture, the Internet is combining large groups of populations, forms of interests and forms of communication, and encourages the development of interpersonal relationships.

Internet space has a tremendous opportunity to spread democratic values, since it provides unprecedented access to information, empowers democratic communication.

It seems appropriate in pedagogical universities to familiarise students with an important aspect of teacher activity - volunteering - the essence of which is to create an organised system where anyone can become an active member of his community. For this purpose various kinds of voluntary actions are held by voluntary aid agencies, teams and clubs, to which students are volunteering for activities that benefit others and society as a whole.

An important role is played by self education that covers all aspects of the relation of the individual to the world. In the process of self education democratic values of students are seen in their relations to others, to themselves. Education, self-education, friendship, love, relationship to parents, teachers - everything is influenced by this process. Democratic values are «refracted» and reflected through duty, justice, responsibility, and tolerance.

In general the specificity of democratic education of students of pedagogical universities in modem Ukraine is that it should be directed not only on the reproduction of democratic values in the society, but also on the formation of a new system of social values in terms of humanisation of education. For political modernisation must cultivate democratic values, spread relevant procedures, new rules of lifestyle and behavior in non-democratic reality.

In summary, we note that democratic education is a key component of future teacher training. They should not only master the ability to live a full life in democracy, but also reproduce this ability with respect to future students and pupils, creating conditions for the formation of the citizen, for whom democratic society is the centre for the disclosure of creative possibilities, meeting personal and social needs. Despite the high appreciation of the course «Fundamentals of Democracy», this course has not become compulsory in national universities. Moreover, following the higher education reform in 2014 the issue of mandatory courses was taken off the agenda. Since then, democratic education of future teachers by means of the course «Fundamentals of Democracy», as well as other issues of training, has become the area of responsibility of the pedagogical universities.

Features of teaching democracy to students of pedagogical universities, in addition to gaining knowledge about modem democracy, its principles, ideals, values and practices include providing for the formation of developed civic competence and mature social position, deliberate tolerance development, and fostering in students the necessary technological skills in selecting and designing teaching methods, conducting lessons, extracurricular and after-school classes in the context of the objectives of civic education as components of the overall process of socialisation, which results in the involvement of a particular individual to society.

Particularly noteworthy are the democratic values of students of pedagogical universities which are being asserted not only on content, organisational, functional, communicative levels of the educational process, but also through macro factors (society influence and political processes) and micro factors (family and peer influence), mass media (including the Internet technology) and culture, self education, and extra-curricular activities of the university, including trade union and free time activities of students, participation in student government and academic circles, volunteering and many more.

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    курсовая работа [326,6 K], добавлен 12.01.2016

  • School attendance and types of schools. Pre-school and elementary education. Nursery schools and kindergartens which are for children at the age of 4 - 6. The ideal of mass education with equal opportunity for all. Higher education, tuition fees.

    реферат [20,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2013

  • Studying the system of education in Britain and looking at from an objective point of view. Descriptions of English school syllabus, features of infant and junior schools. Analyzes the categories of comprehensive schools, private and higher education.

    презентация [886,2 K], добавлен 22.02.2012

  • Italy - the beginner of European education. Five stages of education in Italy: kindergarten, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, university. The ceremony of dedication to students - one of the brightest celebrations in Italy.

    презентация [3,8 M], добавлен 04.04.2013

  • Transfer to profile training of pupils of 11–12 classes of 12-year comprehensive school its a stage in implementation of differentiation of training. Approaches to organization of profile education and their characteristic, evaluation of effectiveness.

    курсовая работа [39,4 K], добавлен 26.05.2015

  • The basic tendencies of making international educational structures with different goals. The principles of distance education. Distance learning methods based on modern technological achievements. The main features of distance education in Ukraine.

    реферат [19,1 K], добавлен 01.11.2012

  • The applied science model. The basic assumptions underlying this model. Received and experiential knowledge. Oldest form of professional education. The most advanced modern teaching strategies. Projects for the development of creative abilities.

    презентация [156,0 K], добавлен 09.03.2015

  • Підготовка фахівця, затребуваного на ринку праці як одна з головних задач системи вищої освіти в Україні. G Suit for Education - популярна платформа, що використовується в освітньому процесі, в тому числі для організації проектної роботи студентів.

    статья [701,0 K], добавлен 21.09.2017

  • Investigation of the main reasons English language jelly. Characteristics of the expansion content Total Physical Response; consideration of the basic pedagogical principles of its use in teaching language inostannomu junior and senior school age.

    курсовая работа [40,2 K], добавлен 21.02.2012

  • Порядок проведения урока "Education in Great Britain" в 10 классе. Коммуникативная компетенция как один из основных принципов преподавания иностранных языков на современном этапе. План-конспект мероприятия "Valentine’s Day" по английскому языку.

    контрольная работа [17,0 K], добавлен 06.12.2011

  • The purpose and psychology-pedagogical aspects of extracurricular work on a foreign language. Requirements to extracurricular work. Forms of extracurricular educational work on a foreign language. Using the Internet in extracurricular work on English.

    курсовая работа [38,9 K], добавлен 19.03.2015

  • Основы обучения лексике в средней школе. Особенности активного, пассивного, потенциального словарных запасов. Рассмотрение этапов формирования лексических навыков. Комплекс лексических заданий по теме "My future profession" в 11 классе средней школы.

    курсовая работа [184,9 K], добавлен 21.06.2015

  • The employment of Internet in teaching Foreign Languages. The modern methods of teaching 4 basic skills. The usage of Internet technologies for effective Foreign Languages acquisition. Analysis of experience: my and teachers of Foreign Languages.

    курсовая работа [2,3 M], добавлен 30.03.2016

  • The development in language teaching methodology. Dilemma in language teaching process. Linguistic research. Techniques in language teaching. Principles of learning vocabulary. How words are remembered. Other factors in language learning process.

    учебное пособие [221,2 K], добавлен 27.05.2015

  • The bases of teaching a foreign language. Effective methodology of teaching a foreign language as a second. Using project methods in teaching. The method of debate. The advantages of using games. Various effective ways of teaching a foreign language.

    курсовая работа [679,3 K], добавлен 21.01.2014

  • Process of learning a foreign language with from an early age. The main differences between the concepts of "second language" and "foreign language" by the conditions of the language environment. Distinguish different types of language proficiency.

    статья [17,3 K], добавлен 15.09.2014

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