The pedagogical modeling during the training of professionals of the civil protection service

Analysis of approaches to pedagogical modeling. Characteristics of the system of professional training of civil protection service specialists. Development of a model for the formation of professional competence of specialists of Emergency State Service.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 10.05.2018
Размер файла 20,6 K

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The Training Center of special-purpose of the Main Directorate

The State Service for Extraordinary Situations of Ukraine in Kharkiv region

The pedagogical modeling during the training of professionals of the civil protection service

Yuriy Taymasov, Ph.D. (Pedagogy),

Senior Lecturer


This article examines the current approaches to the pedagogic modelling, characterizes the current state of the system of professional training of specialists of fire and rescue service, which points to the need of improving the compliance with the modern requirements. The author develops the scientific and methodological model of training the professional competence of specialists of fire and rescue service, which consists of the interconnected blocks: the organization-based (covering the target component, the normative legal and scientific support); the content-activity that distinguishes the consecutive stages (preparatory, primary, resulting); the effective one that shows the success of the developed functioning of scientific and methodological model and connected with the definition of criteria (the personal, informative, analytical and evaluative), the indicators of development of professional knowledge, skills and abilities and levels of development of the professional competence (the beginner, sufficient, and high one). The ways of realization of the scientific and methodological model are ground and indicated the need for further development of a mechanism with the aids of evaluating the effectiveness of implementation of the model into the educational process of establishments of Emergency State Service of Ukraine.

Keywords: the civil protection service, training, a specialist, a competence, a professional competence.

Юрій Таймасов. Педагогічне моделювання при підготовці фахівців служби цивільного захисту

У статті проаналізовано сучасні підходи до педагогічного моделювання, схарактеризовано сучасний стан системи професійної підготовки фахівців служби цивільного захисту. Розроблено модель формування професійної компетентності фахівців служби цивільного захисту, яка складається зі взаємопов'язаних блоків: організаційно-цільового; змістово-діяльнісного; результативного і пов 'язаного з визначенням критеріїв (особистісний, змістовний, аналітико-оцінний), показників розвиненості професійних знань, вмінь та навичок і рівнів формування професійної компетентності (початковий, достатній, високий). Обґрунтовано шляхи реалізації моделі та вказано на необхідність подальшої розробки механізму оцінки ефективності впровадження моделі у навчальний процес навчальних закладів ДСНС України.

Ключові слова: служба цивільного захисту, підготовка, фахівець, компетентність, професійна компетентність.

Юрий Таймасов. Педагогическое моделирование при подготовке специалистов службы гражданской защиты

В статье проанализированы современные подходы к педагогическому моделированию, охарактеризовано современное состояние системы профессиональной подготовки специалистов службы гражданской защиты. Разработана модель формирования профессиональной компетентности специалистов службы гражданской защиты, состоит из взаимосвязанных блоков: организационноцелевого; содержательно-деятельностного; результативного и связан с определением критериев (личностный, содержательный, аналитико-оценочный), показателей развитости профессиональных знаний, умений и навыков и уровней формирования профессиональной компетентности (начальный, достаточный, высокий). Обоснованы пути реализации модели и указано на необходимость дальнейшей разработки механизма оценки эффективности внедрения модели в учебный процесс учебных заведений ГСЧС Украины.

Ключевые слова: служба гражданской защиты, подготовка, специалист, компетентность, профессиональная компетентность.


Emergency situations prevention and elimination, causing enormous damage to the society and nature, make it necessary to improve professional training, retraining, professional development of personnel and, in general, the activities of the civil defense service specialists of the State Emergency Service (hereinafter SES) of Ukraine. Especially it should be noted, that professional activity of the civil defense service specialists of the SES of Ukraine is connected with actions in extreme situations, the elimination of fires and directly influences on the safety of the individual, society and the state, which causes increased requirements to professional and personal qualities of employees.

The professional training improvement of the civil defense service specialists is an important factor in improving the efficiency of solving the tasks of the SES of Ukraine.

As one of priority problems of SES of Ukraine training system, an increase in the level of professional retraining of employees was identified.

The solution of this task is connected with the development and implementation of pedagogical models for the professional competence formation of the Civil Defense Service specialists [1; 2].

The purpose formulation of the article and the tasks. The purpose and tasks of the article consist in substantiating the pedagogical model of forming the professional competence of the civil defense service specialists in the process of professional training.

The main material description of the article

The solution of this problem was to develop a pedagogical model for the professional competence formation of the civil defense service specialists in the process of professional training.

Defining professional competence of the of civil defense service specialists of SES of Ukraine as a difficult procedural, dynamic system, it is possible to apply a modeling method, that allows to describe an object from the point of view of its structure and functions, and as result, to reveal its integrative properties.

In the methodology of modern science, modeling is defined as a method of researching objects on their models - analogues of a certain fragment of natural or social reality; construction and study of models of really existing objects and phenomena and constructed objects; a theoretical method of studying processes and states with the help of their real (physical) or ideal, first of all, mathematical models; the method of indirect practical or theoretical operation of an object, in which the object is not directly investigated, but uses an auxiliary natural or artificial system that is capable to replace the studied object at certain stages of knowledge and gives, eventually, information about an object that is modeled [3; 4; 5].

According to O. Koretov [6, 24], G. Serikov [7], V. Slastonina [8], M. Fitsuli [9] and other scientists, that an object was model of other object (original), it has to have the following characteristics: to be system; to have a certain similarity to the original; in some parameters to differ from the original; to replace the original in certain relations in the course of the research; to provide a possibility of obtaining new knowledge of the original as a result of a research.

The analysis of professional competence formation process of civil defense service specialists of SES of Ukraine as systems has to be based on a certain abstraction in combination with empirical researches. Therefore as an object of a research not the system, but its model undertakes.

In the pedagogical model of professional competence formation of civil defense service specialists of SES of Ukraine proved and developed by us we have allocated the following interconnected blocks: organizational and target, substantial and activity and productive.

Thus, the organizational-target block covers the target component, regulatory and scientific support.

The target component contains the purposes and problems definitions of professional competence formation process of the civil defense service specialists of SES of Ukraine and is the basis for designing the expected results. An ideal prototype of functioning model result, we define the high development level of professional competence formation of civil defense service specialists in the course of vocational training. pedagogical modeling emergency state service

For its achievement it is necessary to solve the problems providing actions for intermediate achievement results which allow providing complete formation of professional competence structural components.

The normative provision of the professional competence forming process of the civil defense service specialists in the process of vocational training of the SES of Ukraine is made by the following documents: Laws of Ukraine “About education” (1991), “About the higher education” (2014), the Code of civil Defense of Ukraine (2013.), State standard of vocational training 5161.L0.75.25-2009, the resolution of the Cabinet of Ukraine from 7/26/2001. No. 874 “About improvement of preparation system, retraining and professional development of the managerial personnel and experts in the sphere of civil defense, the Decree of the Ministry of Emergency Service of Ukraine No. 444 from 7/1/2009. “About the adoption of Manual on the organization of vocational training and post degree education of persons of the private and the commanding structure of civil defense bodies and divisions”.

Scientific providing is formed by the positions of systematic, competent, humanistic, axiological, and person-oriented methodological approaches and didactic principles: scientific, humanization, context, dynamism, communication theory with practice.

So, system approach allows studying regularities of professional competence of the civil defense service specialists in the course of vocational training as certain system, to investigate structural and functional communications of its components.

Within humanistic approach process of professional competence of the civil defense service specialists in the course of vocational training has to provide humane approach to a man, his life and health.

Axiological approach allows investigating the basic axiological concepts and categories, the maintenance of professional values, to prove the basic conceptual provisions of vocational training of civil defense service specialists in the course of vocational training on the basis of an axiology.

Competence-based approach creates conditions for designing the competence-based focused educational space and the competent focused teaching and educational work with cadets which is directed to professional competence formation of civil defense service specialists in the course of vocational training as a certain system.

From a position of the personal focused approach, recognition of the identity of the civil defense service specialists in the course of vocational training by the subject of professional activity is provided; orientation to comprehensive attraction of personal experience of the cadet in professional competence formation process of civil defense service specialists in the course of vocational training as means of self-realization of the personality.

The projected pedagogical model includes the principles of cadets training, important for professional competence formation process of the civil defense service specialists in the course of vocational training, namely:

- Scientific character - implementation of the process formation of the civil defense service specialists' professional competence in the course of vocational training on the basis of modern achievements of pedagogic, psychology and theory and a technique of professional education;

- a humanization - providing in the training course of the civil defense service specialists in the course of vocational training of respect of their human dignity, mutual respect, the human relation to each other;

- a context - a training process orientation of the civil defense service specialists in the course of vocational training on the specific, vital goals of cadets, on their professional activity improvement taking into account spatial and temporary factors;

- dynamism - gradual development by the civil defense service specialists in the process of professional competence vocational training throughout the training period;

- communication theory with practice - usage of special theoretical knowledge for the implementation of practical tasks related to professional activities.

The essence of the content-activity block is that the content of training specialists in the civil defense service should be aimed at the formation of motivational-value, cognitive-operational and reflexive-evaluative structural components of their professional competence.

In the course of this block realization it is possible to allocate consecutive stages:

- Preparatory - motivation formation of the civil defense service specialists to improve their professional competence, updating their professional and universal humanistic values;

- The main - special knowledge, skills system formation. The realization of formation process of the civil defense service specialists' professional competence is planned to be enabled by means of a complex of tools, forms and methods of the educational cognitive activity organization of listeners who will allow achieving the objectives of pedagogical model functioning most adequately.

- Resulting - takes the important place in professional competence formation of the civil defense service specialists as it promotes not only successful realization of this process, but also introduces amendments in its implementation. The main objective of this stage is a formation of abilities to carry out a professional behavior reflection.

The productive block shows success of pedagogical model functioning and is connected with determination of criteria, indicators and formation levels of the civil defense service specialists' professional competence.

The created professional competence of the civil defense service specialists is the result of the offered pedagogical model.

Conclusions and further researches prospects

In the training course of the civil defense service specialists it is important to create the professional knowledge, abilities, qualities and practical experience, which is necessary for achievement high qualification, and use of these achievements in further office activity. For this purpose we have proved and have developed pedagogical model which gives the chance to solve set of tasks for the formation comprehensively and harmoniously developed identity of the civil defense service specialists with the high level of professional competence. Further development demands mechanisms for assessing the effectiveness of the pedagogical model introduction in the educational process of the educational institutions of the State standard of vocational training of Ukraine.


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Стаття надійшла до редакції 10.07.2017

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