The content and structure of the readiness of future foreign medical specialists for the communication in the professional sphere
Devoted to the problem of the professional preparation in the medical universities. Reveals the concept of readiness to choose a profession, for professional activity and of the future foreign professionals of medicine to the professional communication.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 10.05.2018 |
Размер файла | 22,0 K |
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Zaporizhzhya State Medical University
The content and structure of the readiness of future foreign medical specialists for the communication in the professional sphere
УДК 37.091.26:81'276.6:61] - 61 - 057.875 - 054.6
Zhanna Rahrina, Teacher of the Language Training Department
The article is devoted to the problem of the professional preparation in the medical universities. The result of the university training is the readiness of the future specialists for work in the professional sphere and its important part - the professional communication. That is why the article reveals the concept of readiness to choose a profession, readiness for professional activity and readiness of the future foreign professionals of medicine to the professional communication. The author emphasizes that the readiness for the choice of the profession is the part of the career choices formula: the wishes, abilities, needs. The readiness for the future profession activities is realized as a complex of social and pedagogical phenomenon which includes the individual traits and psychological system of the professional knowledge and skills that ensure the success of the professional and educational functions.
The researcher underlines that the readiness of foreign medical students for the professional communication can provide its competitiveness as a future professionals. The professional competitiveness is also one of the reason of the formation and development of students ' motivation for the language learning.
Keywords: the professional communication, thereadiness for the professional communication, the future foreign medical specialists.
Ref. 8.
Жанна Рагріна, викладач кафедри мовної підготовки Запорізького державного медичного університету
Зміст та структура готовності майбутніх іноземних спеціалістів-медиків до спілкування у професійній сфері
У статті розкрито поняття готовності до вибору професії, готовності до професійної діяльності та готовності майбутніх іноземних спеціалістів-медиків до професійного спілкування. Проаналізовано структуру готовності майбутніх іноземних спеціалістів-медиків до професійного спілкування. Конкретизовано, що готовність майбутніх іноземних спеціалістів-медиків до професійного спілкування складається з мотиваційного, діяльнісно-змістового, комунікативного та результативного компонентів. Виокремлено показники сформованості кожного з компонентів готовності.
Ключові слова: готовність до професійного спілкування, майбутні іноземні спеціалісти-медики, професійна комунікація.
Жанна Рагрина, преподаватель кафедры языковой подготовки Запорожского государственного медицинского университета
Содержание и структура готовности будущих иностранных специалистов-медиков к общению в профессиональной сфере
В статье раскрыто понятие готовности к выбору профессии, готовности к профессиональной деятельности и готовности будущих иностранных специалистов-медиков к профессиональному общению.
Проанализирована структура готовности будущих иностранных специалистов-медиков к профессиональному общению. Конкретизировано, что готовность будущих иностранных специалистов-медиков к профессиональному общению состоит из мотивационного, деятельностно-смыслового, коммуникативного и результативного компонентов. Выделены показатели сформированности каждого из компонентов готовности.
Ключевые слова: готовность к профессиональному общению, будущие иностранные специалисты-медики, профессиональная коммуникация.
Formulation of the problem. The social and economic situation in Ukraine that accompanied with the modernization of practical health care and higher education, demands the improving the quality of the medical care and the professional preparation of the future specialists. That is why nowadays one of the most important tasks for teachers of medical schools is to prepare the competent professionals who will be capable to solve the professional issues. The result of the university training is the readiness of the future specialists for the work in the professional sphere and its important part - the professional communication.
Analysis of the main studies and publications. The problem of the future foreign medical specialists' preparing for the communication is the subject of the different pedagogical researches by S. Borzenko, N. Galskova, S. Radchenko, S. Vorobyova, A. Zernetskaya etc. They emphasize that the key to the successful professional activity of the foreign medical specialist is not only in the necessary knowledge, but also is in the formation of skills and abilities of the professional communication that consists of direct communication with the patient and his family while providing professional medical care.
However it is important to analyze the problem of the forming of the future foreign medical specialists' readiness for the professional communication first of all because the specificity of the object affects the whole educational process.
Purpose of the article is to identify and clarify the nature of the concepts of “readiness”, “readiness for choice of profession” and “readiness for professional activities” in order to clarify the concept of “readiness for the future foreign medical specialists' communication in a professional sphere” and determine the main directions of its formation, its content and its structure.
Presenting the main material
Analysis of the literature shows that scientists have different definitions of the concept “readiness”. Some of them [1, 6] say that readiness - is a fundamental condition for the successful implementation of activities, electoral activity, which leads to the identity of the future performance. Others [3] consider this term as a system-installation to work on positive or as the presence of certain abilities [4] .
The same as O. Sazonov, we believe that the readiness for the choice of the profession is the part of the career choices formula [7, 120]:
- I want (the choice of the subject and the goals of the future profession, determination the personal capacity);
- I can (professional interests, inclinations, abilities, health, performance, necessary knowledge, skills);
- I need (civic maturity, sense of duty, etc.).
The emergence of the state of preparedness for certain activities begins with setting goals based on the needs and motivations. The next step is the developing of the plan, installations, models, schemes and strategies for the future action and the actual substantive action.
There is an important that the formation of the state of preparedness relates to the different needs of the individual, including professional. This is readiness for the future profession that is realized by scientists (N. Kichuk, L. Kondrashova, A. Linenko, O. Moroz, V Slastonin, G. Trotsky and others) as a complex social and pedagogical phenomenon which includes individual traits and psychological system of professional knowledge and skills that ensure the success of professional and educational functions.
The readiness for the professional communication is understood by scientists as a property of the individuals that promotes the objectives of professional activity by sharing information. professional medical university
In the scientific literature the researchers pay attention to the structure of the readiness. For example, according to the definition given by L. Kondrashova, structural components of readiness for professional activities include [4]:
- motivational (professional installation and interests);
- morally-oriented (values, professional ethics);
- cognitive-operating (professional focus of attention, memory);
- emotional and volitional (willful processes to ensure the effectiveness of activities);
- valuable (self-assessment of their activities).
Others among the major components of preparedness points [8]:
- cognitive (understanding of activity);
- motivational (wish to work, the need for successful implementation of tasks);
- volitional (the ability to control yourselves, focusing volitional forces in performing tasks).
We followed A. Petrova [1] and distinguish the next basic components of preparedness of medical students to provide professional communication:
- motivational;
- content and activity;
- communicative;
- effective.
Motivational component of foreign medical students' readiness to professional foreign language communication involves the activity in the foreign language communication in order to achieve the objectives, professional issues, obtaining positive results in this communication.
The formation of motivation in the professional field is influenced by many factors, subjective personality traits (the need for knowledge, the level of intellectual development, the abilities, etc.), the organizational form of educational activity, students' adaptability in the learning process etc.
An important indicator of readiness for professional communication is an information need, which acts as a basis of cognitive motivation. One of the motives for learning is the interest in future profession.
Among the main indicators of the motivational component we can identify the next:
1) understanding the motives of educational activity, interest, wishes to succeed, a positive attitude to the profession, activation of personal potential student;
2) motivation to succeed in a foreign language professional communication (understanding the content of statements, questions, formulating responses);
3) understanding the motives of the communicative activity and the perception of them as incentives to encourage future foreign medical specialists to develop communication skills as one of the main forms of professional interaction;
4) focus on the formation of professional and communicative competence as the ability and willingness to establish and maintain contact, program communication process, taking into account the specific medical field;
5) a positive attitude to the chosen professional sphere of activity.
The content and activity component of the readiness includes the creativity, mobilizing forces to focus on the task, self-control, the ability to manage operations, the ability to set goals and find the means to achieve this goal, overcoming doubts in foreign language communication, cognitive analysis of the language and speech material, specific rules communicative speech behavior of native speakers.
This component is directly related to the conditions of learning activities which require the special attention to cognitive needs. The component includes: working with sources of information and knowledge about the nature of foreign language training (mastering and using the necessary material). Moreover, the foreign students' readiness to professional communication ability includes dialogical and monologue skills, when vocabulary, grammar, semantic-paradigmatic and syntactic knowledge allow to communicate with native speakers without mistakes that leads to disruption of communication.
The indicators of this component are:
1) the conceptual basic knowledge about the nature and role of communication in medicine is the study of specific interactions doctor communication with the patient;
2) the knowledge of the communication tactics and strategies to overcome communication barriers and establish effective interaction with someone in the profession;
3) the ability to analyze, synthesize and organize the information.
The communicative component is in the getting the ability of foreign language communication, ability to adequately assess the condition of communication and according to them to choose the necessary language tools. In other words communicative component is in the formation and development of the communicative competence. The communicative competence is as one of the features communicatively- based learning foreign language communication. It is a combination of linguistic competence (learning the language rules) and communication as the main form of speaking (speech competence).
G. Andreeva identifies three interrelated parts of the communicative component: the actual communicative, interactive and perceptive [2].
The professional speech communication involves such actions as the presentation material, the oral exchange of information, the expression, the discussion, etc., that is why communicative aspect of interpersonal communication is characterized by the exchange of information between partners in communication, transmission and reception of thoughts and feelings, the ability to navigate in a foreign language environment [6].
The interactive aspect of the interpersonal communication is to exchange activities between the partners, the availability of true collaboration, which focuses on developing the skills to communicate and group work.
The perceptive aspect affects the interpersonal communication process of the perception and understanding of other people, forming interpersonal relationships.
The main indicators of the communicative component are:
1) the ability to apply the acquired communication skills in practice in the professional solving communication problems;
2) the ability to initiate and maintain effective communicative interaction, providing the necessary knowledge to overcome the conflict;
3) the possession of basic communication strategies: the ability to start the dialogue, to respond, etc.;
4) the ability to self-communication as a factor in the effectiveness of professional communicative interaction.
The effective component allows for the assessment of students, including and independent. Knowledge allows students to focus in addressing emerging challenges in the speech of the professional communication, to plan and monitor the progress of the speech activity and evaluate its results. All principles that ensure the feasibility and effectiveness of its study are implemented in the professionally oriented teaching of the foreign language communication. So, professionally oriented foreign language training designed to develop language, communication ability and willingness to implement a form of the direct communication (speaking, listening comprehension) and the mediated communication (reading with understanding foreign texts, writing).
Among the indicators of this component are:
1) knowledge that allows students to focus on solving the language and speech problems, to predict and control the speech activity and evaluate its results;
2) assessment and self-assessment of students' capabilities and actions to avoid mistakes that can lead to misunderstanding.
In general, it should be noted that the foreign medical students' readiness to professional communication can provide its competitiveness as a future professional. The term “competitiveness” in this case is understood as “integrative characteristic, which provides specialist higher professional status, higher ranking positions in the relevant sector of the labor market, strong demand for its services” [1; 2;]. Under the influence of competitiveness is also the formation and development of the motivation for the language learning.
From this perspective, professional competitiveness may well serve integrative measure of the quality of education, understood as the ratio of its objectives and results. Integration essence indicators of readiness of students to professionally oriented foreign language communication manifests itself in the event that they each include motivational, active, communicative, efficient components.
So we can see, readiness for the professional activities it is a complex, holistic, psychological formation, a kind of educational competence, as determined through knowledge, skills and experience of the individuals.
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