Preparation of future teachers of educational industry is "Technology" to innovative pedagogical activity

The author exposes pre-conditions for the scientific decision of the problem probed by us from preparation of future teachers of educational industry "Technology" to innovative pedagogical activity. Accents attention on essence of pedagogical innovations.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 11.05.2018
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Drashko E.N.

Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University

In the article an author exposes pre-conditions for the scientific decision of the problem probed by us from preparation of future teachers of educational industry «Technology» to innovative pedagogical activity. Accents attention on essence of pedagogical innovations, innovative pedagogical activity, readiness of teacher to innovative activity. In the article the system of forming of readiness of future teachers of educational industry is offered «Technology» to innovative pedagogical activity.

Keywords: pedagogical innovations, innovative pedagogical activity, readiness of teacher to innovative activity, levels of readiness.

teacher technology educational

Драшко О.М.

Криворізький державний педагогічний університет



У статті автор розкриває передумови для наукового вирішення досліджуваної нами проблеми з підготовки майбутніх учителів освітньої галузі «Технологія» до інноваційної педагогічної діяльності. Акцентує увагу на сутності педагогічних інновацій, інноваційної педагогічної діяльності, готовності вчителя до інноваційної діяльності. У статті пропонується система формування готовності майбутніх учителів освітньої галузі «Технологія» до інноваційної педагогічної діяльності.

Ключові слова: педагогічні інновації, інноваційна педагогічна діяльність, готовність вчителя до інноваційної діяльності, рівні готовності.

Драшко Е.Н.

Криворожский государственный педагогический университет



В статье автор раскрывает условия для научного решения исследуемой нами проблемы при подготовке будущих учителей образовательной отрасли «Технология» к инновационной педагогической деятельности. Акцентирует внимание на сущности педагогических инноваций, инновационной педаго- гиеской деяльности, готовности учителя к инновационной деяльності. В статье предлагается система формирования готовности будущих учителей образовательной отрасли «Технология» к инновационной педагогической деяльности.

Ключевые слова: педагогические инновации, инновационная педагогическая деятельность, готовность учителя к инновационной деяльности, уровни готовности.

Raising of problem in a general view and its connection is with important scientific and practical tasks. The problem of innovations in professional activity pedagogical workers is related to general strategy innovative development Ukraine in the context claim post-industrial vector public advancement, globalization and development informative revolution.

New requirements to professional preparation of future teachers are pulled out in Laws of Ukraine «On education», «About higher educa- tion», to the National doctrine development formation Ukraine in ХХІ age, State standard base and complete secondary education, Conception type studies at senior school, Conception universal middle education (12-years-old school). In logic the probed problem speech goes about the socially personality conditionality integration competency, cultural, and personality oriented going near the purposeful change aims, terms, maintenance, facilities, methods, forms activity of subjects pedagogical process, which a novelty, high potential increase efficiency activity, to provide ability long duration useful effect, co-ordination aims and results; co-ordination of external stimuli and internal possibilities pedagogical collective is to the purposeful converting educational environment from existing to innovative.

For today the scientific decision problem preparation future teachers educational industry «Tech- nology» there is special pre-conditions to innovative pedagogical activity: functioning on the base of UNESCO of the Asiatic center pedagogical innovations is for development education; innovative motion leading universities of the world is for alteration school education; a searching orientation domestic and foreign didactics is on the ground methodology of the research going near studies; creation and functioning of the underback system is in the field of development the applied researches school practice; acceptance of Charter innovative culture, educational policy of Ukraine and others like that. Innovative activity in industry of education is regulated the proper normative documents: By the law of Ukraine «On innovative activity», by Statute «About the order realization of innovative activity in the system formation of Ukraine».

Analysis last researches and publications.

Depth, actuality, multicomlpex of the declared problem brought over to it attention as domestic so foreign scientists. Analysing their works, we were able to select next basic directions of researches. Yes, for example, in researches of V. Kurilo, O. Lo- rensova, In. Palamarchuk, And. Subtasty, V. Pin- chuk, M. Potashnik, O. Saranova, O. Khomeriki, N. Yusufbekova but other attention is spared to determination of structure, conformities to the law of functioning and development of innovative processes in pedagogical system. The history-pedagogical analysis of the stages origin, embodiment in practice and distribution innovative pedagogical ideas is exposed in the labours V. Zagv'yazins- kiy, L. Podimova, O. Popova, V. Slastenin but other The researches O. Abdullina are dedicated the problem of examination, evaluation and selection educational innovations, monitoring innovative educational processes, L. Burkova, L. Danilenko, O. Ionova, V. Kal'ney, O. Kas'yanova, M. Klarin, Т. Koshmanova. Such scientists as O. Kirichuk, O. Orlov, V. Palamarchuk, V. Rindak, N. Fedor- ovata other send scientific interests to the study and generalization world pedagogical experience of innovative direction, development methodological bases becoming innovative establishments of education and improvement control the system by them. Results research social culture problems innovative activity, which accent attention on the subjects innovative transformations it is presented in the publications of K. Rodzhersa, M. Potashnik, A. Prigozhina F. Yusupova but other theoretical methodological bases preparation teachers to innovative activity ground V. Dokuchaeva, N. Klokar, O. Kozlova, K. Makagon, Yu. Maksimov, T. Poni- manska, Skul'skiy.

In relation to preparation of teachers of labour studies, its different aspects are presented in numerous dissertation works: In. Vitrenko, I. Goli- yadv. Sidorenko probe the features graphic preparation teacher of labour studies, In. Kuz'menko, D. Tkhorzhevskiy expose the system organizationally pedagogical terms from practical preparation students to the leadthrough of employments in educational workshops, V. Kurok grounds the specific integration of educational disciplines in the structure preparation teacher to labour education schoolboys, B. Simenach exposes the mechanisms of development creative capabilities students in the process their professional preparation, V. Te- shenko develops the model providing intersubject connections in maintenance preparation teacher labour studies, M. Khovrich accents scientific interests on preparation students to realization of professional orientation work, L. Khomenko probes preparation teacher labour studies to constructing, design, development of technology and making sewings wares and to many other.

The detailed enough study of such works brings us over to the conclusion about really existent contradiction between a legislative and scientific base in relation to the innovative decision of problems of labour studies of students in the system school education and braking of such process through insufficient preparation of teachers of labour studies to innovative activity.

Selection of unsolved parts of general issue.

In educationally -- pedagogical practical aspect all of these pre-conditions especially actualice a requirement in forming of teacher with strategic innovative thought, mobile, apt at active innovative activity, subject oriented to the reflexive conduct in constantly making progress development non-standard educationally -- pedagogical situations which take a place in the conditions of modern hi-tech informative society. In the context

object and article of our scientific interest all of it predetermines re orientation preparation teachers of labour studies in accordance with the update primary objective, tasks and semantic direction school educational industry «Technology».

Purpose of the article and task. All that expounded higher induced us to the analysis features preparation students as future teachers of educational industry «Technology» to innovative pedagogical activity. In this article we aim to expose theoretical approaches and practical realities of preparation of students of VNZ as future specialists to professional innovative activity.

Taking into account the put purpose, consider necessaryto systematize such constituents of the probed problem as: readiness teacher to activity in the context of ultimate goal an educational-ed- ucate process, innovative activity of teacher is in the context didactics its comprehension, providing preparation teacher to innovative activity dynamics in results.

Exposition basic material of research. The theoretical layer of our research allows us to lean against certain conclusions and positions. For example, researches of V. Borisova are conducted, L. Grigorenko, O. Moroza, O. of Yaroshenko, G. Chikanovoy but other prove that does not exist the unique and comprehensive readiness, but is readiness to the certain type of activity. At the same time readiness is the system, which consists separate components, which include ability and skills (organizational, communicative, gnosticism, structural and others like that) which are formed on the basis of external and internal terms [6].

The analysis of researches from a theory and method trade education testifies that question readiness teachers to activity it is enough developed. This problem in works of scientists contacts with different aspects: by readiness of future teachers to aesthetically beautiful, innovative, research activity, to pedagogical co-operation (M. of Vievska, V. Borisov, O. Gantry); by readiness of future teachers to professional activity (O. of Abdullina, And. Aleksyuk, Is. Belozercev, And. Boyko, Ya. Bolyubash, In. Cooper, O. of Gluzman, С. Goncharenko, Gramme. Grebenyuk); by readiness to realization separate functions of pedagogical activity (Yu. Bogdanova, In. Dorokhina, L. Kondrashova, С. Manukova, O. Proskura, G. Shtel'makh but other). Important for our research is position authors in accordance with which readiness to pedagogical activity is probed in the context of personality approach and understood as interactive quality of personality of teacher, well-off to the effective studies and education of the young generation. Thus huge majority of the mentioned research workers abandon oneself to the idea about co-ordination of the use of «forming terms» and «preparation» in description of purposeful pedagogical influences on personality with the purpose of providing of its readiness to pedagogical professional activity [2].

From the point of view meaningfulness of theoretical base for the probed problem among labours of the Ukrainian and foreign scientists, devoted consideration separate aspects of forming readiness future teachers to innovative professional activity, will mark, in the first turn, the monograph of L. Po- dimovoy and In. Slastenina, candidate's dissertations of M. Duki, Н. Klokar, O. of Gantry, Gramme. Kravchenko, Н. Krickoy, And. Protasovoy, Yu. Rudinovoy, L. Sedovoy, L. Strucenko but other For them to a certain extent the tasks exposure theoretical-methodical and practical principles forming of readiness future teachers are untied to innovative professional activity. In particular, grounded and measures, directed on forming for the future teachers positive attitude toward innovative professional activity (L. Strucenko), development of divergence pedagogical thought, are experimentally checked up (N. Kricka, L. Sedova), the terms forming for the teachers readiness appear to creation of educational innovations (M. of Duka, And. Protasova, Yu. Rudinova), the questions becoming pedagogical workers are examined as subjects of educational innovations in the conditions of pedagogical education, the factors of progress innovative activity teachers are determined (Н. Klokar, O. of Gantry, Gramme. Kravchenko).

And though the labours mentioned on the whole affect only the separate questions preparation future teachers to innovative professional activity and can not be examined as fundamental, together with others, they allow to select next theoretical positions.

Pedagogical innovations are characterized as an innovation in the pedagogical systems and processes, that they are accompanied, directed on the receipt proof positive results, which substantially improve state both separate components and systems on the whole and determine progressive direction their development. In obedience to expedient describe essence innovative pedagogical activity from three positions: to stage of development innovative processes: development, mastering and use high innovations to the degree of pedagogical creation, pedagogical invention, introduction new in pedagogical practice; scientifically-practical research and innovative experiment.

To innovative pedagogical activity we understand readiness teachers of labour studies difficult, system, personality education (integrative quality his personality), which appears in dialectical unity structural of all the tools, properties, connections and relations. The structure readiness is identical the structure of the functional psychological system innovative pedagogical activity and contains such constituents: reasons, aims, informative basis and program of activity, and also decision-making block and subsystem professionally important qualities of personality [1].

Forming of such readiness is the objective process of purposeful preparation of future teachers labour studies to creation, introduction and distribution of educational innovations. Training to innovative activity students it is legitimate to subsume systems, as it shows by itself the well-organized plural of interrelated components (aims, maintenance, methods, forms, facilities and others like that) and comes forward as a subsystem of their general education preparation in pedagogical VNZ, and directed on becoming students as subjects of educational innovations. Such subsystem is provided the general and special system organization of this process.

To innovative pedagogical activity there is realization technology monitoring innovative activity important determinant effectiveness preparation future teachers of labour studies in the system of «ZOSH -- VNZ» in the context of socially personality demand and results of his pleasure [1; 3; 5].

Sure, that all of it foresees purposeful system and systematic activation of factors influence on forming of readiness of teachers to innovative activity which includes: creation of innovative pedagogical decisions, related to forming, ground of new pedagogical ideas and their introduction in the concrete pedagogical system (pedagogical openings); transformation, constructing of separate elements of the pedagogical systems, facilities, methods, terms of studies and education (pedagogical inventions); modernization and adaptation to the concrete terms already the known methods and facilities (pedagogical perfections); monitoring of effectiveness of mechanisms of including of subjects of educational process is in innovative processes; modernization of maintenance of professional activity of teachers in relation to providing individualization of the checking, self-control and estimation achievements students system on principles of unity andcompetence approach in context of social-economic requirements of labour-market, cultural approach in the context of civilization development of society (productions, sciences), personality oriented approach in the context of continuous professionally, personality self-development; permanent update of the scientifically methodical, normatively methodical, educational-methodical, technical providing educational -- an educate process.

Taking into account it is higher expounded, system of preparation future teachers of educational industry «Technology» to innovative pedagogical activity we presented as an aggregate of subsystems of methodological approaches (competence, cultural, personality oriented); subsystem of components of an educational-educate process (having a special purpose, motivational, rich in content, operation -- labouring, emotionally-regulative, evaluation-effective); subsystem of organizationally pedagogical terms (development and introduction of model of aims from preparation future teachers educational industry «Technology» to innovative pedagogical activity; creation of innovative environment co-operation subjects an education- al-educate process; realization of the personality oriented technology accumulation and use small box front-rank pedagogical experience; monitoring achievement aims on all of the stages forming readiness of future teachers educational industry «Technology» to innovative pedagogical activity); subsystem of innovative activity in the system of «ZOSH -- VNZ» in the context of socially personality demand and results of his pleasure (a complex indexes realization innovative activity of students is during the lead through of pedagogical practice; reflective estimation of achievement results).

As a result of realizable experiment by us the measure innovative activity of graduating students VNZ was set from position personality explained of such activity: awareness meaningfulness innovative activity as personal professional achievements characteristically for 27,5% of the respondents, dominant of reasons -- for 19,9%, dominant of stimuli -- 62%, indifference -- 18,1% and active voice in realization of innovative activity -- 19,9%.

If to estimate the results of introduction in an educational-educate process VNZ the system forming readiness future teachers educational industry offered by us «Technology» to innovative pedagogical activity from position creatively active, potentially productive, middle, and low levels of their readiness, have a next picture. Growth creatively active level readiness of graduating students VNZ took a place to innovative activity from 0% to 1,2%; potentially productive level -- from 12% to 27,8%); notedly the amount of the respondents diminished with the low level of readiness -- from 42% to 22%.

Conclusions and prospects of subsequent researches. Summarizing it is all higher expounded, can with definiteness talk that multidimensionalism of the probed problem, the specific of object and article of research foresees the multivector of its decision.

It is important, that the subjects of the probed process laid hands on system vision of pedagogical problem and analytical going near its decision in the context of the use innovative of developing technologies.

The important vector of decision probed problem forming at respondents ability to our opinion, adequately to estimate the own creative potential and set dependence results (as educational so professional in subsequent) the activity on such potential, forming and development for them readiness to prognostication professional potential as a subject innovative pedagogical activity.


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