Education quality: problems and perspectives language teaching in the process of non-formal education
Analysis of the notion "quality of education". Main factors that determine efficient teaching of future professionals. Ways of modeling foreign language teaching processes in higher educational establishments from the point of quality management.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.05.2018 |
Размер файла | 17,1 K |
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National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv)
Education quality: problems and perspectives language teaching in the process of non-formal education
L. Viktorova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences,
Head Department of Social Pedagogy and Information Technologies in Education,
M. Ilyina, Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy, Phylology course
In the article the content of the notion “quality of education" is analyzed, main factors and problems that determine efficient teaching of future professionals are outlined. Problems, directions and specifics of foreign language teaching are defined, ways of modeling foreign language teaching processes in higher educational establishments from the point of quality management are discussed.
Key words: specialized training, foreign language communicative competence, professional communication, non-formal education, modeling, quality.
У статті проаналізовано зміст категорії ""якість освіти", основні фактори та проблеми, які обумовлюють успішність іншомовної підготовки дорослих у процесі неформальної освіти. Висвітлено проблеми, напрями та специфіку іншомовної підготовки, показані шляхи моделювання процесів іншомовної підготовки різних категорій дорослих з позиції управління якістю.
Ключові слова: іншомовна підготовки, іншомовна комунікативна компетентність, іншомовне спілкування, неформальна освіта, моделювання, якість.
В статье проанализировано содержание категории "качество образования", основные факторы и проблемы, которые обусловливают успешность иноязычной подготовки взрослых в процессе неформального образования. Освещены проблемы, направления и специфика иноязычной подготовки, показаны пути моделирования процессов иноязычной подготовки различных категорий взрослых с позиции управления качеством.
Ключевые слова: иноязычная подготовки, иноязычная коммуникативная компетентность, иноязычное общение, неформальное образование, моделирование, качество.
Life in the contemporary society and ongoing globalisation processes result in growing demands on educators, including language teachers in higher education. The frequently accentuated so-called postmethod approach to foreign language teaching gives teachers a lot of freedom and flexibility but also creates a large space for various types of challenges and dilemmas. These are related to issues ranging from the inevitability to perceive teaching in a broader educational context to the necessity to internalise the lifelong learning concept, bringing along the categories of formal, non-formal and informal learning.
Modern development of Ukrainian society puts forward new tasks for higher school concerning the quality of professionals' teaching. Nowadays scientists that study the question of education quality, point out that of special importance are issues of teaching specialists that speak foreign language. New strategies of language teaching put their corrections into the goals and tasks of the higher education in the sphere of foreign language study. Nowadays under the quality of foreign language teaching we mean certain level of foreign language professional and communicative competence of the graduate students, complex of psychophysio - logical properties, professionally important qualities, foreign language skills and characteristics of a professional that are formed in the process of professional training in higher educational establishment on the basis of individual psychological peculiarities, motives and inclinations of an individual.
In the documents of the Bologna process quality is described as a fundamental condition for acknowledgement, trust, compatibility and attraction in the European space. Berlin communique defines quality of education as a basis for European space creation. In order to define scientific and methodological grounds for quality management of foreign language teaching and to make project of a corresponding management system on this basis it is necessary to provide a comprehensive research of the education quality, which according to scientists [1], assumes studying a complex of problems and making management decisions to maintain quality standards in the sphere of foreign language teaching on all the levels.
In particular, the notion "quality of education" nowadays does not have any generally accepted definition and is quite controversial. Academician I. Zinkovskyi defines quality of education as a level of correspondence between requirements of an employer and abilities of a graduate student, the way a graduate student of higher educational institution satisfies the needs of a society as a group of people united by economic, industrial, cultural relations and meets certain professional conditions in terms of the obtained specialty that are needed in a certain branch of economics, organization where he/she works [2]. According to the international quality standards (ISO 9000-2008) quality of education is a balanced complex of properties and characteristics of the educational process and its result that satisfy the needs of all its participants (person, his/her parents, higher educational institution, state and society) [3, 4].
Taking into consideration the diversity of the category under investigation, it is obvious that to maintain high quality level it is necessary to provide the corresponding level of all the functional components of the educational process and to achieve their coordinate interaction.
Analysis of the scientific literature shows that in the context of the specified problem modern science has quite a wide range of theoretical and practical achievements. Still it is necessary to mention that most of research works are devoted to elaboration of analytical and economic model of graduates' teaching quality evaluation. This, in our opinion, can be explained by the fact that only pedagogical knowledge is not enough to solve this question. Of great interest are scientific papers in which the issues of quality of foreign language teaching in Ukraine are analyzed. Thus, in the works of a group of ukrainian linguists headed by S. Nikolaeva [5] the basics of language policy are defined and modern approaches to teaching foreign languages in terms of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of European Council are analyzed.
quality education foreign language teaching
Indeed, positive changes in the foreign language teaching system in Ukraine are connected with the introduction of common European level of foreign language competence; new pedagogical and information and communication technologies; increase in variety of languages studied in the higher school; realization of early teaching of foreign languages (from the 1st of September 2012 new state standards for the primary school came into force, which assume compulsory study of a foreign language from the 1st class and from September 2014 - study of the second foreign language in 5th class) with further advanced study in the middle school, secondary technical schools and higher educational establishments.
Analysis of recent researches and publications
Questions of quality of professionals' teaching, methodology of complex evaluation of graduates' readiness for professional activity, creation of evaluation system are the research objects among a wide range of Ukrainian and foreign scientists: L. Anysheva, O. Velychko, V. Dolyatovskiy, I. Zinkovskiy, L. Vitkin, P. Kativets, P. Kuleshov, E. Meleshko, I. Mykulionko, V. Steschenko, A. Subetto, I. Taturan. Some aspects of the problem of students' teaching quality are elaborated by M. Beskin, V. Boltyanskiy, A. Botvinnikov, G. Vladymyrskiy, I. Vyaltseva, M. Iroshnikov, I. Kolyagin, G. Monakhov, O. Pyshkalo, A. Semushyn, Z. Skopetc, A. Stolyar, I. Teslenko, A. Fetisov, R. Habib, R. Tcherkasov, M. Chetverukhin, S. Schwartzbud, M. Yagodovskiy.
Purpose. Goal of research is to outline questions connected with the quality of foreign language teaching and to find ways of its improvement.
Methods. To solve these mentioned tasks the complex of methods is used: analysis, systematization, generalization of philosophical, psychological, educational, and methodical literature, conceptual and comparative analysises.
Results. In pedagogics [6, 7] the notion "quality" - is a system methodological category. It reflects the level of correspondence between result and the final goal. In the World declaration on higher education adopted on the International conference on higher education in November, 1998 it is stated that the quality of higher education is a diverse notion that covers all the aspects of higher educational institution work - educational and academic programs, educational and research work, academic teaching staff and students, training base and resources [8]. In the wide sense quality of education can be viewed as a well-balanced correspondence between process, result and the educational system itself with goal, needs and social norms (standards) of education [9]; in narrow sense - as a list of requirements to person, educational environment and educational system that are implemented on certain stages of person's education and correspond with certain number of indices.
According to the majority of scientists (N. Moskalenko, I. Potai, I. Schaidyr and others) quality of education is a composite index of the modern society development in certain temporal dimension, that is why it should be viewed within the dynamics of changes that characterize the state in the context of world tendencies: it moves towards consolidation and integration into the world community or opposes it, placing its own interests ahead of everything. It is a social characteristics, not an object of competition or political argument in the estimation of country development on the certain stage of its formation. In the UNESCO policy paper it is mentioned that quality of higher education is a notion characterized by numerous aspects and mostly depends on contextual boundaries of this system, institutional tasks or conditions and standards in certain discipline [10].
Improvement of the education quality and equal access to it is one of the primary tasks of modern state policy in the sphere of education, national priorities and background for state national security, condition of citizens' right to education [11]. Development of the national education system under modern conditions taking into consideration fundamental changes in all the spheres of social life and historical challenges of XXI century demand rethinking of the achieved results and concentrating efforts and resources on solving the most urgent problems that retard the development, do not give possibility to maintain new quality of education, adequate to the current historical epoch. In general, the specified problem reflects the world tendency of educational systems' innovative development because the world community admits that education, welfare and health are the main factors of person's quality of living and quality of education is the main goal, priority of civil society development. European community considers quality of education as an object of social unity and consolidation of national education systems. In particular, in EU agreement it is stated that European community will promote the development of high quality education by encouraging cooperation between EU member countries and, if it is needed, to support and supplement their actions, showing respect for their responsibility for teaching content and organization of educational systems, cultural and linguistic diversity. Such social choice is not accidental as it is connected with geopolitical competition between countries namely in the sphere of intellectual resources because in hi-tech informational society quality of education is the main argument in maintaining the level of person's life and professional competence, development of human potential necessary for satisfying the needs of an individual, society and state. According to some estimates, the problem of education quality is nowadays connected with the development of new information civilization of ХХІ century [12].
Taking into account the existing provisions of the European education, important aspects of maintaining its quality are: complete, constant, transparent and objective character of monitoring the education quality; quality and accreditation that are closely connected with each other and put forward new tasks concerning the usage of European quality standards. That is why Ukraine's participation in European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA system) is compulsory. Quality control should be concentrated not only on the control of educational process, staff, scientific and methodological support, resource base and so on, but, first of all, on the academic performance rating of students and especially graduates, defining their competence and ability to satisfy the demands of labor market that implies the possibility of external evaluation as well. For higher educational institutions of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine the system of external evaluation can be supported by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), European University Association (EUA) and European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE) so it may be possible to evaluate educational programs outside the country according to general criteria.
The above mentioned European agencies that control the quality of higher education in educational establishments have elaborated common guidelines on maintaining quality among all Bologna process European member countries and have adopted the standards in this sphere that are oriented to internal maintenance of education quality and also to maintenance of quality of the operation of agencies of external quality maintenance.
Achieving a brand new status of a modern society is impossible without massive improvement of the level of advanced professionals' training including those employed in the educational system that, in its turn, should solve the tasks connected with foreign language teaching.
Definition of the searching for "quality" process implies the analysis of questions connected with the quality of students' education, infrastructure and educational environment. That is why the quality of higher education can be viewed as a scheme.
During the last decades [13] certain stereotypes that point out the achievements in the sphere of education quality have been formed, among them: searching for ways of quality improvement implies different efforts that include all types of teaching activity; the way we work, experience gained, skills that are used, knowledge and relations - all these have origin in previously obtained education; world competition demands changes in the organization of education: quality revolution made educational institutions reconsider the goal of their existence; conditions should make the person who is willing to study sure that he/she can do everything to improve quality.
In the world practice different approaches are used to evaluate the quality of higher educational institutions' performance: reputational (usage of expert mechanism for evaluation of professional educational programs level and educational institutions in general), resultative (measurement of quantity index of higher educational institution performance) and general (based on the principles of Total Quality Management and requirements to quality management systems of International Organization for Standardization). Nowadays ukrainian universities develop quality systems using general approach.
On the basis of O. Velytchko's [3] investigations we can mention that evaluation of the education quality is made in the following directions: as a social ideal of person's education; results of his/her educational activity; process of education and training organization; functioning of the educational system and so on.
Thus, important or even key aspects of the quality management system are the factors that define it and are described in the general quality system as external factors, internal factors and management [14]. Such external factors are: level of quality requirements (consumers, progress, opponents); presence of the suppliers of capital, labor force, materials, energy, services; working legislation in the sphere of quality and work of state bodies. Internal factors of the enterprise are: resource base (finance, equipment, infrastructure); staff (qualification and motivation); project quality (clever design); performance quality (usage of advanced technologies).educational service management implies estimation of enterprise organization and management including quality management system that consists of marketing; relationships with clients (contracts, service); quality control on all the stages of production; prompt response to quality problems.
It is worth mentioning that according to license requirements of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, the quality of education in certain higher educational establishment is characterized by such key integral indices as state of resource base, scientific, educational, methodological and information support of the educational process, quality indicators of the teaching staff.
According to the results of the international project "National system of quality and mutual trust in the higher education system (TRUST)", program Tempus IV of the European Union in Ukraine, that are more or less connected with specialized (sponsored by government agencies) educational institutions, the world-acknowledged conditions of educational systems' successful development are: choice and competition, decentralization and autonomy, responsibility for the results [15]. Among most important anti-crisis measures for higher education quality maintenance system in Ukraine, experts point out the following:
creation of the national definition of the notion "quality" on the basis of best european practices and knowledge triangle. Nowadays a wide range of Ukrainian experts can name neither general requirements to the quality of education nor generally accepted definition of this notion that meets modern demands of Ukraine;
development of own revolution strategies in higher educational establishments on the basis of global concept as a unique system of values that will take into consideration their specifics and goals. Every higher educational institution has to work out its own unique evolution strategy with regard for both global and national system of values that reflects main needs of the society and specifics of the higher educational establishment;
elaboration of transparent procedures of quality maintenance for the evolution of higher educational establishment in accordance with the chosen system of values. Procedures can differ for various institutions especially when they are of different types. Still one should be common for all the institutions - procedures have to be available and open for the society and also help to achieve, support or improve the quality of education and to be based on the following conditions-axioms: high qualification level of the teaching staff; motivation of all the participants to improve the quality of education; information transparency on all the levels of higher educational system; sufficient resources and their equitable distribution on the basis of the quality achieved; flexibility of educational content; mobility of the teaching staff and students; academic freedom, self-sufficiency and independence.
Quality monitoring procedure has to be conducted by an independent agency that will estimate the performance of higher educational establishment (or other academic resources) according to national quality global concept and system of values of the institution;
autonomy of the higher educational establishment after the culture of quality maintenance is formed.
Current state of the national higher education proves the fact that the existing centralized strict control system has negative influence on the efficiency of quality maintenance system. Key solution of this problem lies in the self-organization of a system, limited only by general rules. Every state higher educational establishment is totally under control of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine (sometimes - another state body), its behavior is reactive - it can't make independent decisions. Thus, it can't bear responsibility for its performance and its results, executing orders "from above" that causes only short-term effect [15].
According to many scientists and experts, one of the key factors that directly influences the quality of education and teaching future professional is the teaching staff of the higher educational establishment and elaboration of the corresponding foreign language teaching model [16; 17].
Elaboration of the foreign language teaching dynamic model, analysis of the didactic principles, language teaching programs for university students, provisions of competence - based and personal approach in education have allowed to discover a range of conditions for successful foreign language proficiency in professional activity: professional attitude of teachers to foreign language study; wide choice of methodological tools that minimize time and tension of study, possible language "anxiety" and also individual peculiarities of students. Special attention needs to be paid to the investigation of psychological peculiarities of foreign language skills development because only their relevant level can help to achieve the final goal of foreign language study. Moreover, there is a need in elaboration of methodological and pedagogical issues of foreign language teaching from the point of self-estimation, self-efficiency and formation of high level of interpersonal communication.
One of the ways to improve educational process in such a case is to explore the specifics of foreign language professional communication, search for diagnostic resources and development of students' foreign language skills that is extremely important because of the necessity to maintain successful and efficient foreign language interaction in the process of solving professional tasks.
Discussion. On the basis of the analysis of world and domestic experience in the sphere of education quality systems' elaboration we can argue that foreign language teaching quality of the future professionals is a complicated multi-level phenomenon that unites strictly established departmental norms, complex of internal and external factors of educational process organization, specific conditions of foreign language skills formation. Perspective ways of professional foreign language teaching quality optimization are: professional selection of applicants, formation of student body using psychological diagnostics, methodological aspects of academic performance and communication skills estimation; monitoring of foreign language teaching process in order to correct teaching techniques that are used.
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