New management technology as a modernization factor of high professional education for future musicians
The study of problems concerning the ways of transforming higher musical education. Specification of features of modern teaching methods, increasing the effectiveness of professional music education, diversification of education and cultural services.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.05.2018 |
Размер файла | 19,8 K |
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Odessa state music Academy named after A.V. Nezhdanova
Department of General and special piano
New management technology as a modernization factor of high professional education for future musicians
Shevchenko L.M. the candidate
of pedagogical Sciences,
associate Professor
Formulation and justification of the relevance of the problem
The reforming of national educational system within the bologna initiative made greatly actual the problem of content innovatization, forms and methods of training future musicians, who'll continue their study in different kinds of high educational establishments. It is determined by following factor: nowadays the art-market and art sphere witnessed an intensive development also we can see the diversification of learning and cultural service. In such conditions the high music education as well as the music-pedagogy need according standardization of further degrees: bachelor - master - doctor.
Despite the number of certain achievements [1, 5, 6], actual professional music education has the following problems:
- Insufficient status of theoretical aspects of its development under conditions of European integration, including selection criteria and structuring of educational content, quality assessment scheme of students' training, the optimality of its change to level pattern of organization, retraining of music tutors to solve up-to-date educative problems, underestimation of artistic and musical cultures as a society development factor;
- Absence of versatile approach for structuring of regional and international contact between music educational establishments, principles and conditions of their integration aimed on reduction to practice of innovation musical-pedagogical patterns and technologies, proper demands of community development.
Tatarnicova A. notes as a consequence, that nowadays art sphere has some contradictory trends:
- Faint tendency of artistic elite for developing and positioning of national musical art and performance on regional, national and international level, activation on musical art, producing of new cultural symbols, signs, purpose and values;
- Lack usage of innovations and creativity in musical culture and musical education;
- Human resources don't often correspond the list of professions and qualifications necessary for constructive solution of new issues in art sphere and provide current state service during the organization and carrying out cultural services.
These facts significantly maintain the study of problems, concerning the ways of higher music education transformation.
Analysis of recent researches and publications
Ukrainian and foreign scientists have comprehensively studied the peculiarities of education process for future specialists in the field of art professions and future musicians in particular. The conceptual basis of the research of the education process peculiarities includes the scientific materials on music theory (M. Aranovsky, B. Astafyev, L. Mazel, E. Orlova, N. Shakhnazarova); performance practice (G. Tsypin, A. Malinovskaya); music psychology (N. Vetlugina, D. Kyrnarskaya, K. Tarasova, B. Teplov); pianoforte development and performance (B. Muzalevsky, A. Alexeev, A. Nikolaev, N. Lyubomudrova); pianistic schools and pianistic skills development (A. Goldenweiser, G. Kogan, G. Neuhaus, S. Savshinsky, S. Feinberg); methology and practice of pianoforte education science (M. Barinova, L. Baremboim, S. Lyakhovitskaya, S. Maltsev, N. Terentieva, A. Shchyalov).
Studies of Ukrainian scientists (O. Burskaya, L. Guseynova, S. Egorova, E. Kuryshev, Y. Nekrasov, A. Rastrygina, O. Tsokur, V. Cherkassov) discover humanitarian principles of specialists professional training in the field of music and pedagogical education, development of professional, visual and creative thinking by systematization of training methods aimed at cultural and creative enrichment of students with music education. These studies also comprise various aspects of professional training of future music educators (N. Ovcharenko, T. Osadchaya); pedagogical environment of their creative self-realization (S. Irigina, L. Nechaeva), developing of professional culture and readiness of future music educators to their professional and creative life (A. Linenko).
Along with this, the peculiarities of using modern education techniques in the process of professional training of highly skilled musicians and music pedagogical specialists haven't been entirely studied yet.
The purpose of the article
In the context of developments in the socio-cultural environment the aim of the article is concretization of the peculiarities of modern education techniques, improving the efficiency of professional music education.
The main material of the study
The sociocultural purpose of the national system of professional specialists training in the field of music culture is to satisfy the following requirements:
- to form collectively and individually prominent cultural requirements, interests, requests of students and to protect their professional and educational satisfaction in accordance with new social convention;
- to create psycho-pedagogical conditions for full creative personal fulfillment of future musicians and their socio-professional groups and associations;
- to provide reproduction of the best cultural patterns and practices.
Advanced international experience has shown that the crucial role in this process [10] should be given to active learning methods and arts management technologies which help to develop personality professional and competitive musicians who will be able to meeting higher demands of art market and sphere of socio-cultural services. The positive result of the effective implementation of given technologies can be considered as future musician as specialist who has professional and leadership skills:
- to take the initiative including high-risk situations, take full responsibility, apply cultural and art history knowledge in professional activity and performance practice;
- to have good knowledge of theories, categories and methods related to learning of new musical and cultural forms, processes and practices;
- to improve and develop their intellectual and creative potential and organizational communication, searching for innovative solutions and innovations in the field of musical and performing arts, as well as musical and pedagogical activity.
Modern classification provides for the following types of arts management technologies, improving quality of training of music university graduates. The list includes:
- organizational and managerial and marketing technologies, providing the planning, organization, implementation and motivation of musicians' work for the implementation of specific cultural projects and types of musical and artistic activities, as well as the development of strategies for the development of professional higher music education, taking into account the requirements and trends of modern arts here in specialists of a particular specialization;
- public technologies, technologies of advertising and public relations, aimed at development and preparing for graduation, production and dissemination of advertising on opportunities and real creative achievements of music university in optimizing of professional higher music education of future musicians, the formation of interest and support for the specializations connected with music;
- event technologies have axiological, sociocultural, educational and psychological tasks, taking into account specific impact of recreational gaming and artistic activities in the organization of special events, carry out important and memorable events held by the iconic and memorable events contribute to the social and professional prestige of training system for musicians as for a creative social elite highly qualified specialists in the field of music culture and artistic execution;
- learner-centered approach, which serves for creation of more efficient information and communications technologies of musicians high school infrastructure, formation of its positive image and of corporate culture high level, enlargement of internal and external communication sphere, as well as interrelation improvement between the educational environment participants and musical public, creation of favorable moral-psychological climate and comfort in the process of professional training of music and music pedagogy specialists [8, p. 15].
According to the results of scientific research, multipurpose use of arts management methods and technologies in the system of training of prospective musicians achieves high efficiency in case of the following pedagogical conditions realization:
- formation of personal competence (awareness of social and personal significance of musician profession, high motivation to realization of musical activity and artistic execution functions; aspiration for artistic self-development, improvement of acting and pedagogical skills; ability to take stock of your advantages and limits, to chart the courses and means of corrective measures implementation);
- purposeful and systematic renovation of program and methodological supply of multilevel professional training of future musicians, aligning of their professional development content, forms and methods in accordance with standards of progressive native experience and world achievements;
- provision of priority of forms and methods of future musician dialogue educational strategy, that is in relation to the musicians high school tutor can determine «pedagogical support», and in relation to the student - «consent and deliberate acceptance of pedagogical support» [9, p. 151].
As a method, «pedagogical support» is the basis for elaboration of dialogue position of all subjects of educational process at musicians high school, that assumes observation of the following principles: concentration on potential creative, performing and technical abilities of a student; orientation on student's ability to self-overcome obstacles, occurred during his musical development; cooperation during preparation of creative work or performing project; reflexive-analytical approach to the process and result of musical and pedagogical interaction. higher professional music education
The main forms of pedagogical support at specialized piano class are:
- free choice of artistic and aesthetic, spiritual and moral position at interpretation and performing of composition;
- pedagogical optimism as teacher's focusing on positive development of a student as a personality and performing musician;
- support of his creative successes and achievements, even if they seem to be insignificant at first sight;
- comprehension and recognition of the right of all educates to have their own direction in musical self-development and creative self-expression;
- assessment of actions of a student as a future musician on the basis of individual rate of progress in mastering professional skills and achieved level of musical-creative development, which is understood as the process and result of accumulation of musical culture values, acquirement of sustainable motivation for personal and professional self-perfection as “a subject of musical art” [3, p. 334].
The experience of domestic higher musical education institutions shows that while implementing art management technologies one should take into account psycho-educational specific character of acquiring of musician profession which is reflected in:
- prepotency of students' creative self-realization motives in choosing their professional career, since the majority of students is aimed at performing activity in in musical culture and art areas;
- existence of crises during acquiring by future musicians their profession and instability in evaluation of correctness of their professional choice caused by a number of reasons (excessive romanticizing of activity of a performing musician as an expert in musical culture and art areas alongside with scant knowledge of actual peculiarities of the profession at the moment of choice; discrepancy between the ideal and real images of professional career, personal value orientation and values of current sociocultural situation, when the priority is given to wealth and public success; inadequate self-esteem);
- unevenness of professional and creative development of specialists in musical culture and art areas resulted from the instability of listeners' interests and public demand, changeability of requirements for professionalism and specialized competence of the performer which define the level of demand;
- significance of intensive development of musical and performing, intellectual and creative abilities;
- sociopsychological peculiarities of students from higher musical education institutions (focusing on creative self-realization in music art area, acute sense of individuality, artist's freedom and independence provoking strong emotional experience, proneness to conflicts and self-determination problems).
Conclusions and prospects for further researches of direction
The usage of different art management technologies in educational process in institutes of higher education makes professional development of future musicians more successful promoting its humanization and personalization. The combination of sets of art management technologies enables future musicians to develop professional preparedness for performing activity as fulfilment of the function of preserving and transmitting cultural values in a more effective way. Students who learn their future profession in terms of art management technologies implementation are notable for deep awareness of personal and world outlook positions, development of value orientation system, the reliance on ideas of personal responsibility and civic duty in relation to development of musical culture and performance, higher level of professional preparedness to continuous self-education and self-perfection.
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