Participation in socially beneficial activity: a prerequisite for effective professional training of future foreign language teachers
Identification and analysis of some main characteristics of socially useful activities of students in higher education. Analysis of the using of various types of socially useful activities in the process of training teachers of foreign languages.
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Дата добавления | 12.05.2018 |
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Participation in socially beneficial activity: a prerequisite for effective professional training of future foreign language teachers
Chernionkov Yaroslav Oleksandrovych
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Linguodidactics and Foreign Languages
Formulation and justification of the relevance of the problem
Ukraine's entry into the European linguistic community, the latest changes in the Ukrainian education, educational reform, and recognition at the state level, the feasibility of introducing a foreign language in all educational institutions was the subject of stakeholder discussions of teachers, scholars and parents. In modern conditions foreign language is seen as a means of communication and exposure to other people's cultures. It gradually becomes the dominant strategy of foreign language teaching in our country. Recently, in pedagogy, as in many other fields of science practices and working methods at higher education institutions are changing, and the main problem is the maintaining of students' studying interest in general and foreign language in particular.
In our opinion, socially beneficial activity, as one of the educational means of future teachers' training of foreign languages, is designed to some extent to solve the problem in the process of training future teachers of foreign languages.
Socially beneficial activity is a type of labour activity aimed at creating material and spiritual wealth to meet the needs of society according to their structure and size. The degree of public usefulness of any work is characterized by its importance to society, measured the effectiveness of specific labour [8].
Analysis of the recent research works and publications. The problem of social activity of the individuality was the center of attention of foreign scientists: (I. Kant, A. Adler, John Dewey, A. Maslow, E. Erikson and others). Significant contribution to the development of this issue was made by native researchers: (B. Ananyev, G. Andreeva, L. Bozhovych, I. Bekh, I. Kon, T. Mal'kovs'ka, I. Miloslavova, A. Mudrik, N. Ponomarchuk, A. Rean, S. Kharchenko and others). Features of formation and development of social activity in different age periods have been deeply studied by psychologists: P. Blonskyi, Vygotsky, O. Leontyev, S. Rubinstein, A. Petrovskyi and others. In pedagogical researches of P. Atutov, A. Zosymovs'kyi, V. Korotov, G. Filonov a very important task was to determine the conditions conducive to the manifestation of social activity of students. Mass and the best pedagogical experiment of formation of a socially active person was analyzed in the works of I. Bekh, B. Vulfov, P. Kananykhin, T. Mal'kovs'ka, A. Mudrik, N. Ponomarchuk, M. Rozhkova, L. Spirina, G. Filonov, M. Yashchenko and others. The active nature of social activity, the character of which is determined by the social goals of the activity, was investigated by Y. Anufriyev, L. Arkhangels'kyi, G. Arefyeva, T. Bogdanova, K. Tokaryeva, V. Yadov.
G. Kaznov, O. Leontiev, O. Lishin, G. Nikolaev, S. Teterskyi, D. Feldstein point out that the involvement of teenagers in various forms of socially beneficial activity provides the most intense development of their social activity, so far as a socially significant activity meets the needs of a student in self-esteem and creates conditions for deployment of certain forms of relations, recognition of the real significance of an adolescent as a member of the society. While scientists consider the public beneficial activities as an organized system of volunteer activities of civil nature, realizing that the youth helps the community and environment and makes a positive contribution to the development of society, state [5].
In our professional activities, we observe sometimes the moments when the lack of school preparedness of a student does not allow him to comprehend promptly and fully the educational process in studying a foreign language. So, we hear the request from students to provide them with some individual activities to learn a foreign language at least to some extent (in other words, to gain at least some points). The solution to this problem we see in the social activity of a student in the framework of socially beneficial activities. The relevance of this study is undeniable in modern conditions, as they allow students to use their potential fully, perhaps even in a different field.
The purpose of the article is to identify and analyze some of the basic characteristics of socially beneficial activity in higher educational institution. The task of this research is the analysis of using different types of socially beneficial activities in the process of training foreign language teachers.
The exposition of main material
A special kind of socially useful activity of people is the work aimed at preparation for life of the younger generation in accordance with the economic, political, moral, aesthetic goals of the society. Pedagogical activity in high school has extremely important social value, since we are talking about the formation of the future specialist, the level of preparedness of which depends largely on economic, political, social, cultural development of society. Pedagogical activity at higher education institution is an activity aimed at training of a highly qualified specialist, able to find his/her place at the labour market; to be actively involved in political, social, cultural and other spheres of life of the society [6].
According to B. Kedrov, V. Sadovskyi, D. Feldstein and others, we need to develop a specially organized system of socially beneficial activities for targeted impact on the personality of the teenager. Under such a system scientists understand dialectically contradictory unity of many types of socially useful activities, the interaction of which gives a coherent organization, which carries out purposeful influence on formation of valuable qualities of a human personality [9].
D. Feldstein, having based on the scheme of psychological analysis of activity, proposed by A. Leontiev, distinguishes between the following structural units of the public beneficial activities of a teenager. A special activity that is driven by the motive for personal responsibility and provides detailed relationship of students as a particular form of involvement of the society and development of their social activity. Public utility acts directed to specific objectives, by which the need of teenagers in self-expression as individuals is realized and the opportunities for its development are provided. The deployment of the multidimensional relationships of adolescents in the system of groups is a condition of achievement of the set goals in different acts of community service activities. Thus, accordingly to scientists
O. Leontiev, O. Sapogova, D. Feldstein, formation of a socially beneficial activity involves the building of a system of explanation based on the needs of adolescents to express themselves in public affairs, the need for communication, draws it into the system of social relations [1].
We consider socially beneficial activity as a multifaceted and a multistructural process with a high level of motivation, which is aimed at improving students' foreign language through their social activities, public and extracurricular activities that brings benefits to both society and to a student personally. In the process of such a work the student's experience and the level of socialization of each person are improved. Also, the level of students' knowledge and skills in mastering a foreign language is enriched and improved through the communicative nature of the activity.
In our doctoral dissertation we consider the following types of socially beneficial activity of future foreign language teachers:
- Extracurricular activities of students (mass forms (evenings, mornings, competitions, contests, KVK); group forms (clubs: speech, drama, cross-cultural, literary, translation, home reading); individual forms (memorization of passages of prose and poems, learning songs, compilation of notes, role work);
- Research activities (scientific clubs, problem groups, educational workshops, science laboratories, discussion clubs);
- Out-of-class activities (any activity of students, which occurs in the context of a high school, but not directly related to the curriculum, aimed at the formation and development of professionally significant qualities, which help their personal development, expansion and deepening of professional competence) [4];
- Especially important condition of formation of the professionally oriented humanistic environment of the university is co- creative design (teachers and students) of public beneficial activities, when students have the opportunity to propose and realize own ideas and to choose those activities that they would like to join [3];
- The use of the media and the Internet in extracurricular activities in English;
- Volunteering is a modern, quite popular and efficient way to organize socially beneficial activities of young people.
Let's consider all the types in more details:
> Extracurricular activities of students. In higher educational institution, it seems appropriate, to form subject groups with linguistic, pedagogical disciplines, circles of oratory art, taking part in which develops communicative and professional competence, forms the personality of the future teacher-philologist. Phonetic societies promote the philologists to the impeccable mastering foreign pronunciation using the staging of performances, plays which develops professional activities, and creativity, and acting skills of future teachers. In the translation clubs students develop translation skills, study the classification of kinds, models of translation, typology of translation transformations at various levels. In such clubs love to foreign language, activity, diligence, commitment, tolerance and other spiritual values are formed.
> Research activities. The most common forms are subject groups whose objective is familiarization with certain issues of science, a deeper study of specific issues of this science, mastery of the principles, methods and techniques of organization and implementation of research, developing of students basic skills necessary for further self-study work. During the 1st year of study we can organize a problem group: Individualization of the process of studying a foreign language in modern conditions". The themes can be approximately the following: «Individualization of the process of studying a foreign language in modern conditions». (Theoretical); «Individualized work in training for the dialogical speech». (Practical); «Individualized work in training for the monologue broadcast». (Practical);
> «Individualized work in training for listening and comprehension». (Theoretical-practical);
> «Distance and innovation system of students' independent work». (Theoretical); «Independent self-work of students in a foreign language». (Practical); «Collective-group self-work of students in a foreign language». (Practical); «Individualized work during the analysis of open lessons/activities in a foreign language». (Theoretical-practical).
> Out-of-class activities. It is possible to allocate such forms of out-of-class activities of foreign language: 1) competitive, 2) media, 3) cultural-mass, 4) political-mass. Each group of these forms includes specific actions. The events of competitive nature: competition, game, contest, quiz and other. The events of Mass Media are: newspaper, ad, newsletter, oral magazine, the digest, the exhibition quiz and other. The events of cultural nature: evening of the festival dedicated to the folk traditions of his/her native country or the country which language is studied; night- portrait, dedicated to the life and work of the famous: writers, poets, composers, actors and so forth; evening-meeting with interesting people; the evening chronicle in connection with significant events; morning tales and others. Events political and mass character: forum, festival, press conference, fair solidarity, teleconference and others [7].
> Co-creative design (by teachers and students) of socially beneficial activities. The teacher has the opportunity to implement the above tasks during Supervisory hours, where it is possible to configure a student group to work together by the systematic conduct. Students can prepare for upcoming holidays, put forward new ideas for their organization and conduct, discuss the problems they encounter in the learning process, carry out the joint project work. The results of many years observation convince us that it contributes spiritual values such as kindness, solidarity, creativity, tolerance, tact, etc., to the formation of future teachers. If co-creative design activity is organized pedagogically correct, it unites students and teaching staff, promotes students' interest in studies, their activity and sociability. Future teachers learn to articulate and prove their viewpoints embracing the principles of elocution, public speaking skills in the process of creative activity [3].
> The use of the Media and the Internet in informal English. While learning a foreign language we use all the possibilities of the Internet (where possible), in particular, all service possibilities of the WIKI and MOODLE. In our professional activities, we introduce communicative exercises to improve foreign language mastery: Learning to Learn, BYOD, bricolage, project method, method of statements stimulation, newspaper and magazine articles annotation.
When using Learning to Learn method students assess their own studying process and the results of it (communicative approach). Bring Your Own Devices is a pedagogical principle in which students use all available gadgets (smartphone, laptop, and tablet). «Bricolage"»in education is the use of everything you want for studying in addition to specially created tools like textbooks. There are two types of this technology:
1 - to take what is at hand and use in a different capacity; 2 - to create something new from the existing old. Project Work: the primary use of the project method in teaching a foreign language is the ability in the mastery of students' communicative competence, i.e. practical mastery of a foreign language. Method of statements stimulation: it is a teacher, who can be a good example of this technology, while creating a situation where one participant needs to convince others about the benefits of any phenomenon by using certain cliches. Newspaper article annotation: this type of work contributes to motivation of learning the English language and is an effective means of formation of foreign cultural competence.
> Volunteering. This activity is only gaining its popularity nowadays. Socially beneficial and project activities in a foreign language studying can be organized in the form of language camps during vacation with the assistance of native speakers - volunteers from foreign countries, where it is possible the implementation of socially significant projects in a joint volunteer actions. Volunteering is a unique adventure giving a perfect opportunity to explore the country from the inside, to perfect a foreign language and just have a great time with people from different parts of the world, get international experience and meet new people. For others, it is an opportunity to realize their ideas and ambitions, to contribute to the development of the society and help other people. Thirdly, it is a foreign language practice and a sort of self-development, a great way to overcome the language barrier, a good chance to see the country, its traditions especially from the inside of it. Of course, there is another advantage of it, that's a budget option to travel and a unique opportunity to make friends from all over the world. The volunteer project should involve about 10-20 participants from different countries, who have come together voluntarily to perform some useful work -- for example, to organize a festival for children [2].
social useful student teacher
Conclusions and prospects for further researches of direction
We understand that our observations are only a part of the created program of our studies of this issue. We see prospective investigations in further observation and practical implementation of the created program of socially beneficial activities of the III- IV year students in higher educational institutions in the process of their professional training.
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