The experience of social work in Kazakhstan on prevention of social orphanhoodial

A great attention of the government, social civic organizations to education in the last years. The main source of social orphanhood. Learning of personal adaptation at schools and kindergartens. Organization of social justice service, children's village.

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The experience of social work in Kazakhstan on prevention of social orphanhood

Baimukanova М.Т.,Kendirbekova Zh.Kh., The Karaganda State University of the name of academician E.A. Buketov

Education is a right. This is stated in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Articles 28 and 29, as well in some other. Also it is stated in Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [1].

The government and social civic organizations pay great attention to education in the last years. Supporting of programs such as the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and projects, the documents and undertakings as Education for All (EFA) are the confirmation. Despite this, according evaluation, today 77 - 93 million children in the world can not get an education, one third of them children with disabilities, the majority left without parental care [2-7]. At this time a very large number of social orphans is observed, which also has limited access to education [3].

The main source of social orphanhood - dysfunctional family that violates the rights of children. Considerable attention is paid to the development of family placement of children-orphans, support guardianship, foster families.

Obviously, to cope with the problem of orphanhood can not only arranging children in adoptive families. It is necessary to organize systematic, comprehensive prevention work with vulnerable families, aimed at reuniting the family; work on formation of children-orphans understanding «family»; promotion of a society establishing and preserving a healthy families. In this regard, prevention of social abandonment "of the necessary activities for the protection of children's rights. In this direction it is necessary to use such organizational-management mechanisms that, on the one hand, will ensure the availability of services, on the other hand, will ensure the efficiency of protection of children's rights.

Vulnerable group of children facing mainly with arbitrariness and limiting of rights forms, if lag behind in development in consequence ill treatment, poor nutrition and indifference. Basically kindergartens and schools are unable to provide appropriate support and create favorable conditions for children in similar problems. Children have quit their studies, excluded from school, children remaining in the second year and reduction of progress of the neglected children - it leads decrease the number of pupils. In consequence of this many young people are ill-prepared to compete successfully in the labor market all over the world, to the reputable and independent life, succeed and to its own maintenance.

The adjective of Education programm - the impact on education to ensure every child competitiveness on the labour market in the future, according to hэs/her abilities and needs.

For the purpose of fulfill these objectives the organization SOS Children's Village takes as basis the document "The policy of SOS Children's Village organization on target education" for the educational aspect of social work with children without parental care and social orphans. It shows the general direction and form of the organization's activities in the field of education.

The aim of the educational programme SOS KDI (SOS Children's Villages International) is to provide quality educational opportunities for all children and improving the efficiency of kindergartens and schools, where they are brought up [8].

Target education is a structured, systematic and evaluating learning process carried out in a state and private schools and kindergartens. It is based on state learning plans and covering early childhood education (kindergarten, preschool education, nursery); lower secondary education; general secondary and specialized education, including university and all subsequent stages to higher education. In most cases level of reached and officially approved target education has a great impact on a professional, private and economic status of the person and economic and social development of society as a whole [2].

The document "The policy of SOS Children's Village organization on target education" is reflected management theories of SOS Children's Village:

Developing the learning of personal adaptation. Learning of personal adaptation, supporting and providing with the organization "Children's Village SOS» based on a unique, possesing a huge potential, participating in the process of personal development and respect for each child as an individual. Education policy and program development, resource support of kindergartens and schools, teachers, as well as other academics are organization services - focused exclusively on children and formed in accordance with the personal desires of each child, his/her emotional, intellectual, personal, social and spiritual needs .

Schools and kindergartens practicing the learning of personal adaptation:

* actively involves children toward the goal to get an education, to strengthening personal needs, design personal portfolio;

* helps to explain to the children what is inspiring, stimulating and motivating in learning, and how to achieve the best results;

* attentive to the important for children decisions and views, takes into account the individual development of children;

* enable children actively participate in the forming of an educational center with their parents, teachers and the society.

* confer on matter of formation of favorable conditions in kindergartens and schools, taking into account the different needs of the individual child, as well as gender, ethnicity, religious backgrounds, abilities and health or safety appropriate to the special needs of children;

* protect children from all forms of oppression and ill-treatment;

* respected national minorities and provide an opportunity for children to learn to read and write in their native language or local dialect;

* teach children to know their rights.

Support parents as the primary guardian and educators of their children. Parents are the main person taking care of their children and responsible for their upbringing and education. Learning personal adaptation particularly needs understanding, proper support and direct involvement of parents in the early stages of child development;

Organization affects the process of obtaining the target education by parents, adoptive parents and guardians, and they assumed responsibility to getting target education by children, аs well as to protect both their own and the children's right to education;

Support the view "Early childhood - the key to success" and respect their parents as "first teachers";

Allows parents and other guardians to improve parenting (upbringning) skills and develop the necessary skills to properly maintain abilities, directed on a way of development and learning of children of younger age;

Involves parents actively participate in parent committee, school-board, work with teachers, participate in life of children's institutions and organizations;

Teaches parents to protect the right of the children to obtain quality education;

Prepare parents for the child attended the school as possible to older age, considering ability and interest of each.

Offers parents the available information on target education and necessary program, affects them providing private educational support or pay scholarship.

Support children or parents if they want express the protest and take measure concerning any form of oppression and restriction on rights in educational institutions attended children.

To invest in the quality of teacher training. Main person providing quality education are teachers and heads of educational institutions, the center of which is a child. Teachers implement private centralized direction are able to make and use the appropriate teaching methods and lectures. They support and appreciate students and their parents, and build a right relationship with them. SOS Children's Villages stimulate teachers in the sphere of the learning personal adaptation by increasing their professional competence.

Teachers implement private centralized direction:

* create conditions for individual and self-differential learning and conduct a personal portfolio for each child;

* evaluate the success of each child in the learning process;

* adapt the curriculum according to the needs of each child;

* appreciate and respect different educational tendencies.

Organization «SOS Children's Villages»:

* use of time and resources to prepare high-quality staff, learning during work, professional growth of teachers and support their rights and achievements;

* participates in strengthening the capacity of teachers, principals and other school staff;

* operates in the preparation of educational staff in the sphere of learning personal adaptation and working out a comprehensive developmental curriculum.

Developing partnerships with the aim of sustainable development. Тhe government assumes primary responsibility in the structure of any state. The organization is working with the government, local associations, donors, civil society, UN and other international organizations in the field of education, as well as schools and kindergartens for sustainable development education and to guarantee high quality and efficiency of the curriculum. The organization unites the efforts with other gain the trust organizations and conclude partnerships at local, national and international level. In order to enhance the role of the main responsibilities of the parties used the following:

support collaboration of interested parties, schools and kindergartens;

trainings, mutual learning, education exchange, professional development;

invest in the infrastructure and material base;

influence to the effective formation of educational institutions and the process of improvement;

to develop the learning of individual adaptation, using as a practical example the schools and kindergartens of Hermann Gmeiner.

Creation in every state of schools and kindergartens of Herman Gmeiner will be planned, if done preliminary socially economic expertise will show the necessity of new program development, in case of shortage or inability to strengthen of all existent educational funds. There are no such schools in Kazakhstan, and it is related to a developed system of secondary education. For example, in Kyrgyzstan this project was realized in 1998, and in 2002 opened a school to support of gifted children from low-income and poor families, and it was named after H. Gmeiner. Currently, 70 orphans and 130 children from low-income families get free education at school. At school get an education 478 student, 222 of which urban children whose parents pay 4 thousand soms and 142 student are paid from 15% to 75% of the cost of education. In the schools are created all necessary conditions for the successful realization of learning process. No more than 25 students are taught in classes.

Organization of social justice service. SOS Children's Villages are expended money from the fund to getting target education, sustainable development of vulnerable group of children, and pay particular attention to their rights and realize their possibilities. The family also encourages children to claim their rights on education: strengthening the capacity of private person and associations responsible for education, and advocates for the protection of the rights to receive free, equal, inclusive and quality education. Kindergartens and schools are encouraged and headed by SOS Children's Villages are based on human rights principles, form the civic skills and active citizenship, promote environmental education of children needed for sustainable development.

In Kazakhstan today social work is carried in SOS Kindergartens in Almaty, Astana and Temirtau cities. Pre-school education is the most important part of the educational process, and SOS kindergarten work in Almaty is aimed to this. Kindergarten is operated on the territory of SOS Children's Villages. It is attended by children from a one and half to seven years. These are the smallest inhabitants of the village, as well as children from low-income families of the city. Teachers and educators develop the intellectual, social and physical abilities of the children in a playful way. Provide them with the additional high-quality food. Kindergarten in Almaty began functioning in February 2007. In kindergarten There are four groups of 20 children. A total of 80 children aged 4 to 7 years. Kindergarten has a target group, which includes children whose right to education is violated. Strengthening families and prevention of social orphanhood (single-parent families, single mothers, families with children, low-income families), these are programs of Children's Villages SOS. In August 2011, the target group in Almaty kindergarten amount to 35 children [9].

For the full development of children in the Kindergartens it was created favorable conditions in the groups by the technology «Step by Step». It is equipped with music gymnasium, there are methodical (logopedic) study, which is equipped with the necessary modern teaching aids and didactic games. There are 12 teachers in the kindergartens. Among them: with the higher education - 9, with incomplete higher education - 2, secondary special - 1. In 2010-2011, all the teachers were certified and received a certificate of assignment or confirmation of qualification. Department of Education assigned and confirmed by the highest qualification category. From 2007 to 2011, teachers of kindergarten had passed annual refresher course in public fund «Step by Step», as well as the National Institute for Management and scientific-pedagogical personnel of the education system and in the Municipal Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining of Education [9-11].

In terms of prevention of social orphanhood in the above regions: approved and implemented the Program of housing support the SOS youth Program of the semi-independent living; Social work centre «Ойын BUS»; there are 5 Houses of youth. SOS Houses of youth, the program of the semi-independent living, housing programs created for a gradual transition to independent living. In Houses of youth young people begin to live independently and receive a profession. Getting a stable income, young people are moving into the Program of the semi-independent living. In this period they lead an independent life; and SOS helps young people in rental housing.

At all stages of the SOS-support and after pupils are associated with their Tutors as with family, where they can arrive at any time.

Social center « Ойын BUS» - a mobile station for the organization's shares, contributing to the development of communication skills, thinking processes, activation of creative potential of children. The program is aimed at children aged from 3 to 16 years old who need social-pedagogical support. Implement its specialists-playtechnicians (mainly social workers). It is very important that this Program promotes the development of social skills and social equality of children, presenting them about the possibilities of the surrounding world and its participation in it, understand its usefulness to society. The idea is also to inform children about different sides of life. Organizing participation in gaming activities, the team of specialists working with children in the thematic areas. Among them is the promotion of the rights of the child, the rules of the road, gender equality, prevention of HIV/AIDS. Mobility Program allows you to travel to remote areas where children have few opportunities for developing games.

New Kazakhstan in the new world gives priority to education and its social aspect in particular. The main reason is that education is not only the basis of science, but also a guarantee to become an equal with the developed country. Where there is education and social work does not stop for a minute the process of development and improvement. From the first day of independence Kazakhstan focused to the preparation of competent professionals and the problem of the education reformation of compliance with international standards. Valuing the independence appreciate the importance of education, and in spite of the economic and financial problems render it full support. Today the country carries out considerable changes in education to improve knowledge of the children without parental care and social orphans and keep them in getting education equally with others, developing different reform during the rise of global education to a new level.


education orphanhood adaptation school

1. Williams P. The International Bill of Human Rights. Entwhistle Books, 1981. 108 p.

2. The policy of SOS Children's Village organization on target education. From 27 of October, 2008.

3. Tatek A. Orphanhood, Poverty and the Care Dilemma: Review of Global Policy Trends. In: Social Work and Society: International Online Journal. Vol. 7. No 1. 2009, Pages 70-85

4. Crampin, Amelia C., Floyd, Sian, Glynn, Judith R., Madise, Nyovani, Nyondo, Andrew, Khondowe, Masiya M., Njoka, Chance L., Kanyongoloka, Huxley, Ngwira, Bagrey, Zaba, Basia and Fine, Paul E.M. The long-term impact of HIV and orphanhood on the mortality and physical well-being of children in rural Malawi. In: AIDS. No 17 (3). 2003, Pages 389-397.

5. Cluver L., Orkin M. Cumulative risk and AIDS-orphanhood: Interactions of stigma, bullying and poverty on child mental health in South Africa Cumulative risk and AIDS-orphanhood: Interactions of stigma, bullying and poverty on child mental health in South Africa. In: Journal Article - Social Science & Medicine. Vol. 69. Issue 8, October 2009, Pages 1186-1193.

6. UNICEF 2006: The state of the world's children. Retrieved February, 12, 2007 <>

7. Margaret C. Schaus. Women and Gender in Medieval Europe: An Encyclopedia.: Routledge,2006.

8. SOS International 2009: 60 years of SOS Children's Villages: a loving home for children. Accessed 23.05.09 <>


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