Leading ideas of modern training of manager of education
The presentation of the pedagogical content of the concept a modern teacher as a manager of a comprehensive educational institution. The aspects of the lecturer activities. The leading ideas of his training in the contemporary market of services.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 11.07.2018 |
Размер файла | 19,1 K |
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Leading ideas of modern training of manager of education
B.I. Matorin
UDC 378.147: [37.011.3-051:005]
Matorin Boris Ivanovich - Senior Lecturer, Russian Language and Literature Department, Donbas State Pedagogical University (Sloviansk, Ukraine). E-mail: matorinb@ukr.net.
The article presents the pedagogical content of the concept a modern teacher as a manager of education. The leading ideas of the modern training of the education manager are outlined. It is proved that a manager of a comprehensive educational institution is a who is able to creatively perform professional managerial and pedagogical activities, constantly developing in it as an individuality.
Key words: Pedagogical management, education manager (manager of education), modern teacher as a manager of education, managerial and pedagogical activities.
Маторін Борис Іванович - старший викладач кафедри російської мови та літератури Донбаського державного педагогічного університету (м. Слов'янськ, Україна). E-mail: matorinb@ukr.net.
У статті описано педагогічний зміст поняття сучасний учитель як менеджер освіти. Окреслено провідні ідеї сучасної підготовки менеджера освіти. Доведено, що менеджер загальноосвітнього навчального закладу - це професіонал, здатний творчо здійснювати професійну управлінсько-педагогічну діяльність, безперервно розвиваючись у ній як індивідуальність.
Ключові слова: педагогічний менеджмент, менеджер освіти, сучасний учитель як менеджер освіти, управлінсько-педагогічна діяльність.
Б.И. Маторин
В статье раскрыто педагогическое содержание понятия современный учитель как менеджер образования. Охарактеризованы ведущие идеи современной подготовки менеджера образования. Доказано, что менеджер общеобразовательного учебного заведения - это профессионал, способный творчески осуществлять профессиональную управленческо-педагогическую деятельность, непрерывно развиваясь в ней как индивидуальность.
Ключевые слова: педагогический менеджмент, менеджер образования, современный учитель как менеджер образования, управленческо-педагогическая деятельность.
Problem definition and its relationship with important scientific and practical tasks. The National Doctrine of the Development of Ukraine's Education in the 21st Century, the State Program "Education" ("Osvita") (Ukraine of the 21st Century), the State Program "Teacher", the Laws of Ukraine "On Education" and "On Higher Education" define the main goal of higher education as the training of a competent pedagogical worker, competitive in the market of educational services, who can orient in the related branches of knowledge and technologies of organizing the educational process and is capable of self-organization and continuous professional self-improvement. Modern school needs a teacher who is able to implement innovative projects, to search for the most rational and effective methods and forms of organizing education and upbringing, to solve a complex of strategic issues of the development of school organization.
The problem of training pedagogical staff has always been relevant in society. The current state of training future teachers at higher pedagogical educational institutions requires improving the quality of this training. In particular, readiness of a graduate of a pedagogical university to professional teaching activity includes the need to form a future teacher as a creative manager of education - a person with creative and organizational capabilities of the leader, a broad world outlook, special training, the ability to generate ideas and make decisions under the conditions of instability, constant changeability of the economic situation [1].
Analysis of recent researches and publications, which initiated the solution of the given problem and on which the author relies. In recent years, many dissertations devoted to improving the content of the future teacher training have been defended in Ukraine. In particular, the problem of improving the content and process of training of teachers is considered in the studies of V.I. Baydenko, O.O. Bulavenko, O.I. Barabolya, Yu. V. Vardanyan, O.I. Ivanytskyy, L.M. Kravchenko, V.V. Kryzhko, I.O. Mamayeva, V.V. Menderetskyy, O.V. Ovcharuk, O.I. Pometun, T.I. Svyrenko, V.P. Serhiyenko, V.P. Symonov, A.I. Trotska, A.V. Khutorskyy, V.D. Shadrykov, V.D. Sharko, V.V. Shcherbakova and others. However, existing studies provide only a brief overview of the problem of preparing contemporary teachers as future managers of education and do not cover the problem in full, because the authors of the relevant works have not set such a task.
The aim of the article is to characterize the pedagogical content of the concept of a modern teacher as a manager of education, and also to outline the leading ideas of modern training of the education manager.
Presentation of the main research material with full justification of the received scientific results
At school, the personality of the teacher is a priori, and he serves as a manager: managing groups of children, solving a complex of ideological problems, planning, determining the specific conditions of the educational process, organization, motivation, stimulation [2; 3]. The concept of pedagogical management simulates the role of the teacher, emphasizing the need for an expert to understand the policy, strategy and tactics of the institution, its technological, procedural, ritual and aesthetic values. The main direction of the management work of the teacher V. Krizhko considers improving the content, methods and techniques of learning, upbringing and development of children. One of the important factors in the management of the teacher's activities is improving the curriculum and the training process, which is directly related to his functions: "...although the programs (strategy and principles) are not the responsibility of the teacher, their successful implementation (tactics) depends on the definition of reasonable amounts of material to each lesson, the limits, the sequence of studying, evaluation and refinement of the curriculum based on personal experience" [2, p. 36]. The concept of pedagogical management (sometimes also called "school management") allows teachers to coordinate curricula in accordance with the number and specifics of pupils in the classroom, their inquiries, purposefully choose methods and experiment with them.
No less important aspect of management in the activities of teachers and lecturers is information and communication [1; 2; 4]. A prerequisite for an effective solution to the problems of the educational process is the constant high level of information awareness of the teacher (lecturer), his knowledge of the results of investigations of psychological and pedagogical science, devoted to the improvement of teaching methods and teaching technologies, upbringing and development of the individual, consistent and systematic increase of the level of general and pedagogical culture.
The content of the activities of the teacher (lecturer) and manager, according to L. Kravchenko, V. Kryzhko, I. Mamayeva, is formed by the united components: the aim of the activities, that is meeting the needs of society and man in acquiring knowledge and preparing for independent living and working; the basic tasks, that is development of creative potential of the person; formation of a system of knowledge, skills, capacities, life skills; the object of the activities is the staff; the subject of the activities is man; the basic professional skills are perceptive, constructive, expressive, academic, didactic, communicative, organizing, investigating, special and others [1; 2; 3]. Consequently, the content of the activities of the teacher and manager is more common than distinctive. First and foremost, both the teacher and the manager are the organizers of peoples activities, leaders of the staffs. However, the teacher is perceived not as a manager, but as an employee who performs among other functions and the manager's functions, which determines the essential feature of the organization of education, its distinction from other social organizations of a social type. The teacher (lecturer) also has to provide the reserve of management personnel of organizing education, since the tendency remains providing for the formation of such a reserve among the best teachers. Management requires from the teacher to acquire a certain level of competence, in particular, the knowledge, skills, capacities that he uses in his professional activities, in accordance with the chosen strategy of self-improvement and self-development. Therefore, it is possible to use such terms as "manager of the educational-upbringing process", "school manager", "manager of education", "manager of extracurricular work", etc. V. Krizhko and I. Mamayeva note that in the modern educational system the problem of processing, adaptation and implementation of world management experience taking into account the specifics of national traditions, mentality, legislative base of education, professional orientation and other factors remains relevant. In this case, "the use of managerial achievements can substantially enrich the training of employees of the education system and increase their overall development" [3, p. 31].
It is urgent to outline the scientific approaches, the complex of which is the methodological and theoretical basis for solving the problem of forming the professional competence of the future manager of education during studying at a pedagogical university: pedagogical teacher manager training
1) one of the main tasks of the modern training of the education manager is its continuity and perpetuity; continuity of education is understood as the property of the individual, and perpetuity - as the logical interconnection of all the levels of preparation, in particular, pre-professional and postgraduate, as the law of development and self-improvement of man throughout life;
2) the idea of professionalization of the training is relevant, because it is the corps of managerial personnel of the sphere that needs to use the best technologies of the continuous training of specialists, gained by the world science and practice of management and the national science of management; the activities of the education manager are multifunctional, multi-industrious and professional, their content requires the expansion of pedagogical knowledge and the mastery of the achievements of the scientific circle, management skills, which ensures the duration of purposeful training;
3) one of the important issues is the problem of humanization and personality orientation of the training of the education manager; the issues of humanization of pedagogical activity, personality-professional development of the pedagogue in the process of management, the construction of a personality- oriented system and strategy of work with teaching staff, the formation of the personality of the teacher and manager as subjects of the pedagogical management activity are of considerable interest.
Conclusions and perspectives of further survey in this direction
Thus, the pedagogical management in education is a purposeful pedagogical activity of the manager in organizing and creating an effective system for managing the training process for future specialists, including future education managers. Consequently, the manager of a comprehensive educational institution is a person who has special pedagogical training, is a specialist in the field of management, possessing the authorities given by the owner of the educational institution or the state, fulfils the monitoring and marketing of the educational services, directs the teaching, student staffs and the auxiliary staff of the institution in accordance with its goal, educational image and socially significant pedagogical requirements. The education manager is a professional who is able to creatively perform professional managerial and pedagogical activities, constantly developing in it as an individuality.
1. Kravchenko L.M. Neperervna pedahohichna pidhotovka menedzhera osvity: monohrafiia / L.M. Kravchenko. - Poltava: Tekhservis, 2006. - 422 s.
2. Кравченко Л.М. Неперервна педагогічна підготовка менеджера освіти: монографія / Л.М. Кравченко. - Полтава: Техсервіс, 2006. - 422 с.
3. Kryzhko V.V. Teoriia ta praktyka menedzhmentu v osviti: navch. posibnyk / V.V. Kryzhko. - 2-he vyd., dopratsovane. - K.: Osvita Ukrainy, 2005. - 256 s.
4. Крижко В.В. Теорія та практика менеджменту в освіті: навч. посібник / В.В. Крижко. - 2-ге вид., допрацьоване. - К.: Освіта України, 2005. - 256 с.
5. Kryzhko V.V. Aksiolohichnyi potentsial derzhavnoho upravlinnia osvitoiu: navch. posibnyk / V.V. Kryzhko, I.O. Mamaieva. - K.: Osvita Ukrainy, 2005. - 224 s.
6. Крижко В.В. Аксіологічний потенціал державного управління освітою: навч. посібник / В.В. Крижко, І.О. Мамаєва. - К.: Освіта України, 2005. - 224 с.
7. Symonov V.P. Pedahohycheskyi menedzhment: ucheb. posobye / V.P. Symonov. - M.: Rospedahenstvo, 1997. - 264 s.
8. Симонов В.П. Педагогический менеджмент: учеб. пособие / В.П. Симонов. - М.: Роспедагенство, 1997. - 264 с.
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