Functions of a history textbook for school in terms of research-based training

The role of a school history textbook in the research-based training. Its main functions. Implementation of the principles of the personality-oriented training (including the research-based approach), integrating, coordinating and educational functions.

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Functions of a history textbook for school in terms of research-based training

P. V. Moroz, Ph.D in Pedagogical Sciences, a senior researcher, a senior researcher of the Social Studies Department at the Institute of Pedagogy of the NAES of Ukraine

I. V. Moroz, a researcher of the Social Studies Department at the Institute of Pedagogy of the NAES of Ukraine

The article analyzes the role of a school history textbook in terms of the research-based training; in particularly, its main functions were determined. They are the following: implementation of the principles of the personality-oriented training (including the research-based approach), historical reconstructions as well as transformational, integrating, coordinating and educational functions. It is stated that a characteristic feature of a textbook of the new generation is learning those methods and techniques of studying that develop the ability to learn and to acquire knowledge independently by means of it. The authors consider that the implementation of the elements of a research-based study in the history textbooks provides for the structure and the content of a textbook to be the means of pupils' productive research activities, their creative activity, applying to the method of analogies, comparing different points of view and approaches to describe the events, availability of evaluation positions on educational material, reflexive comprehension of the read material.

The peculiarity of historical reconstruction lies in the complex reflection of not only material and spiritual culture, but also the feelings and the thoughts of people. In accordance with the abovementioned issues, the authors note that the school history textbook for primary schools should include illustrations, which show the reconstruction of historical events, attractions, dwellings, domestic scenes, clothes created by the scholars, and the questions as well as the tasks for them aimed at performing and modeling historical events, phenomena and processes by the pupils.

The authors notify that the transformational, integrating and coordinating functions of a textbook are aimed at the optimal use of the new educational technologies as a tutorial and other educational tools to achieve the better academic outcomes in history and the practical implementation of the objectives of school history education.

The article states that the educational function of a school history textbook is directed at the development of the pupils' self-identity and self-esteem based on understanding the social and moral experience of the past generations; respect for its past and other nations; development of value orientations and beliefs.

Keywords: functions of a history textbook, research training, competence- based approach.

Мороз П.В., Мороз І.В.


У статті аналізується роль шкільного підручника історії в умовах дослід-ного навчання, зокрема визначено його основні функції: реалізація принци-пів особистісно орієнтованого навчання (зокрема дослідницького підходу), історичної реконструкції, трансформаційна, інтегруюча, координаційна та виховна. Зазначається, що характерною ознакою підручника нового поко-ління є навчання за його допомогою методів і прийомів учіння, тобто виро-блення вміння вчитися, самостійно оволодівати знаннями. Як зазначають автори, реалізація елементів дослідницького навчання в підручнику історії передбачає, що в структурі та змісті підручника повинні бути засоби орга-нізації продуктивної діяльності учнів - дослідницька, творча діяльність шко-ляра; використання методу аналогій, порівняння різних точок зору і підходів до висвітлення подій; наявність оцінної позиції щодо навчального матеріалу; рефлексивне осмислення прочитаного.

Ключові слова: функції шкільного підручника історії, дослідницьке на-вчання, компетентнісний підхід.

Мороз П.В., Мороз И.В.


В статье анализируется роль школьного учебника истории в услови¬ях исследовательского обучения, в частности определены его основные функции: реализация принципов личностно ориентированного обучения (в том числе исследовательского подхода) исторической реконструкции, трансформационная, интегрирующая, координационная и воспитательная. Отмечается, что характерным признаком учебника нового поколения явля-ется обучение с его помощью методов и приемов учения, то есть выработка умения учиться, самостоятельно овладевать знаниями. Как отмечают авторы, реализация элементов исследовательского обучения в учебнике истории предполагает, что в структуре и содержании учебника должны быть средства организации продуктивной деятельности учащихся иссле-довательская, творческая деятельность школьника; использования мето¬да аналогий, сравнение различных точек зрения и подходов к освещению событий; наличие оценочной позиции относительно учебного материала; рефлексивное осмысление прочитанного.

Ключевые слова: функции школьного учебника истории, исследова-тельское обучение, компетентностный подход.

Problem statement. At the current stage, dynamic and highly controversial changes in human development put forward the new requirements for education, particularly, the historical one. The main requirement for the modern education is its functionality and the ability to meet the social demands on time. In particularly, in the report of the UNESCO International Committee on Education for the XXI century “Education: A Hidden Treasure”, it is emphasized on the decisive education role in the issue of the lifelong development of a personality as well as the development of the whole society. The recommendations of UNESCO are directed, mainly, at the guarantee of the conditions for the formation and the development of a personality's creative potential. This potential is necessary for the solution of four principal tasks: how “to learn to discover”, “to learn to act”, “to learn to exist together with others”, and even “to learn to live” [11].

However, traditional training is unable to ensure the conditions for the development of pupils' creative abilities to the whole extent as in this process, pupils' focus and energy are mainly concentrated not on not on the formation of the necessary competencies but on the content of the comprehended material. Effective teaching is only possible if a pupil applies to the knowledge gained by the min the learning activities and everyday practices. Such knowledge is memorized deeper, is used consciously, and becomes a stimuli to expand them in pupil's inner motivation. textbook personality research educational

The abovementioned circumstances actualize the need to develop the new approaches to both the content and the process of teaching history in schools. The main means of implementing the activity-content line in the current curriculum on the history and the formation of the pupils' subject competencies is, of course, a textbook, because it is a material support of the subject content and the means of its implementation. As it was notified by O. Savchenko, a modern textbook must have the features of a certain educational technology for a teacher to see the future scenario of the training activities in the process of reviewing its content [13]. Correspondingly, the priority task for reforming the school historical education at this stage is to develop and to create textbooks, which are based on the use of such techniques and learning technologies that ensure not only successful mastery of a certain system of knowledge, but also the development of the skills and acquiring knowledge independently. One of the ways to solve this problem is to implement the research-based approach in school history books. Accordingly, an important task is to determine the functions of a school history textbook in terms of the research-based training.

Analysis of the recent researches. It is impossible to solve the practical problems related to the definition of the functions of a modern textbook on history without the analysis on theoretical studies that cover both the research-based education and the challenges of creating textbooks on History. The didactic function of a history textbook was considered by V. Beylinson, V. Bespalko, N Burynska, L. Velychko, D. Zuev, Ya. Kodlyuk, O. Pometun, S. Trubacheva, L. Tsvetkov and many other scholars. Despite the significant lay-outs of didactics specialists, the problem of the functions of a textbook on history is relevant today. It is reasoned by the fact that, as it has been noted by D. Zuev, the listed set of didactic functions does not claim perfection, but is rather a point for the further studies [6, 61].

In various aspects, research activities were covered in the writings of such scholars as K. Bakhanov, V. Hnyedasheva, V. Holoborodko, T. Kudryavtseva, A. Leontovych, I. Lerner, A. Matyushkina, M. Makhmutova, O. Pometun, O. Savenkov, S. Syerova, A. Syrotenko and others. These works not only reveal the role ofresearch in the development ofpupils' individuality, but also identifies the key ways to implement these activities in the educational process and school textbooks.

Theoretical problems of creating modern textbooks on history, principles and techniques of the authored design of a history textbook were studied in the writings of K. Bakhanov, V. Vlasov, Ya. Kambalova, Yu Malienko, O. Pometun, A. Prykhodko, O. Truhan and others. They developed the methodological requirements for the content and the structure of the history textbooks. A common thing for these authors is that they consider the ability to work with the textbook as a component of subject competence.

However, in terms of reforming school education in general and history in particular, when, on the one hand, the content of the school curriculum, new textbooks are periodically changing, and on the other hand, there is an acute shortage of the special scientific and methodological studies that establish effective ways of formation of the research skills to work on the most important means of teaching, a textbook, the problem under consideration requires the special scientific and experimental study and the specification of the ways to solve it effectively.

Formulation of the article purposes (setting a problem). The objective of this article is to reveal the functions of a modern textbook on history in terms of the research-based training.

Main body. Implementation of the personality oriented, activity- based and competence-based approaches to learning declared in the State Standard of secondary education (2011) requires high-quality textbooks that promote the learning of educational content by pupils, provide an increase in the formation of key and subject competencies of the pupils [5].

Implementation of these approaches in teaching practice, combined with the dramatic changes in the structure of the material and the discharge rate makes significant changes in the educational process. In particular, in the information society, a learning priority is to ensure the conditions for the development and the self-realization of each individual that must become an objective of a modern history textbook, in particular, that teaching technology, which is applied in it. Analysis on the current trends and contradictions of the school history education provides an opportunity to identify research-based training as one of the promising areas of this search. Therefore, we consider that a prominent didactic function of a textbook on modern history is implementing the principles of the personality-oriented learning, including the research-based approach. Research-based studies forbid any mechanical “transfer” of the educational content and its components such as expertise, knowledge, abilities and skills that result in the pupil's activity, in the process of his/her own activities.

In our previous publications, we reviewed different approaches to the definition of the terms “research activities” and “research-based training” in detail and provided the authored definitions [9; 10; 15]. Based on the analysis of the psychological and educational literature and textbooks, we concluded that the main ways of implementing the research-based approach in the history books are the following: 1) problem of material presentation; 2) development of the skills to formulate assumptions, hypotheses by means of a system of the specially designed tasks; 3) development of the skills with a variety of information sources and versions; 4) development of the skills to analyze the training material as well as primary sources; 5) formation of the skills and the abilities of self-education, the formation of the active ways of learning; 6) the development of pupils' ability to take up a research position, apply to the elements of the research-based activity [7; 9].

It is noteworthy to state that the concept of a history textbook is founded on the research-based approach as the primary means of training schoolchildren; it comes from the fact that it has to ensure the possibility of pupils' independent work with a textbook both in the classroom and at home, the conditions for the development of the ability to explore, analyze historical events and phenomena, critically evaluate historical information. [12]

In this context, it is important to implement the principle of a personal goal-setting, which provides for the compulsory conditions for the pupils' self-determination in the educational material, their academic outcomes at the lesson, in the course or the certain theme [14]. Therefore, the pupils' work with textbooks must start with the organization of the their special activities that are designed to motivate learning, update the existing knowledge and understand the text. In this context, the style of the paragraphs headings is significant; the psychologists find it a trigger, a “Start” for the integral process aimed at understanding the sense of reading [3, p. 48].

A paragraph headline that is formulated properly updates the pupils' knowledge, stimulates the ability to guess (a reader tries to predict what's going on in the text), develops cognitive interest, becomes a beginning of a dialogue with the text, which directs the work in the future. Question headings are especially valuable for stimulating the pupils' cognitive interest, according to the psychologists. The intention of such headings is “to make a child face with a problem” before reading the text; contribute to the assumptions, hypotheses so that to ascertain whether the hypothesis is confirmed after reading the text [3, p. 50].

We believe that in the modern history textbook, a differentiated approach to the pupils should be implemented depending on their individual features, so that a text book could provide an opportunity for the individual advancement and offer different levels of tasks with the result of the pupils' creativity proper that will help to realize the pupils' natural abilities in practice. We agree with the opinion of O. Pometun who thinks that they should include not only the knowledge of dates, reflection of biographies of historical figures, historical events and phenomena, but also include the summarizing and the final questions that require a comparative analysis of historical facts and events, identification or explanation of the causes and the interrelations between the historical events and processes, and express pupil's attitude to the historical events or figures. The content and the formulation of these tasks can be both traditional, for example, “how...” “why...” “explain...”, “compare.”, “prove that.” and so on and the ones that encourage the equal dialogue between the readers of the author of the text, such as “perform an event.”, “express your opinion.”, “assess an event (or a figure).” etc. [12].

We believe that a systematic introduction of questions and tasks that involve providing the problematic situations to the content of the educational material in a textbook is an effective means to form the pupils' research skills.

The principle oftraining performance provides for the pupils' creation of educational products in the classroom [14]. In this way, the more educational products differ from conventional designs, the more are they valuable. That is the reason why that a history textbook should include tasks that would encourage pupils to create their own, original educational products in the form of small historical stories, imaginary excursions in the antique cities, essays, short messages, sketches, etc. [9; І4].

We consider that it is necessary to encourage a pupil's own view on the issue, his reasoned conclusions and self-evaluation. At the lessons, the discussions of different opinions and points of view, the defense of the alternative creative works on one theme promote tolerant attitude of pupils to the opinions and the results of the others. Furthermore, the pupils' simultaneous presentation of various works on the same issue assures a special tension of training, encourages the participants to self- develop and experience a heuristic search for the solutions [14].

The principle of academic reflection. The educational process must be accompanied by its reflexive realization of the education subjects. Reflection provides for the teacher's and the pupil's realization of their activities, understanding of their roles in the educational process itself. For the implementation of this principle, not only the pupils' knowledge is crucial, but also their emotional state. It is important to ask the questions on reflection in the end of the paragraph, for example, “Continue a sentence ”: “Today I learned... at the lesson, “Now I know that...”; “I like history because.”; “I was interested (not interested) in the class because...” “After this practical lesson, I know.; I can.; I am able to. “ and so on.

Thus, the primary content and the purpose of the research-based training are to transform any pupil into a subject of their learning activities, characterized by the formula “I learn” not “I am taught”. It can be achieved only through the complete self-learning activities of pupils, which should primarily cover the personal training and educational motives.

Until recently, a textbook was considered as the main source for teaching pupils some compulsory information as information function was the leading one. Performing the systemizing function in the textbook had to ensure the strict sequence of educational material and orient pupil sat mastering the techniques of scientific systematization [6, 71].

In our view, information and systematizing function in the history textbooks should be considered and implemented comprehensively, as unstructured information cannot benefit the pupils. A specific feature of historical science is the presence of reconstruction as a necessary structured element, closely related to the fact that the historical theory includes a historical fact [8, 102].

Based on the analysis on philosophical, historical, and historiosophical sources, we have identified the second important function of a textbook on history that is historical reconstruction. Determination of this feature allows the fulfillment of such textbook functions as informational and systematizing ones that have been previously defined by the professionals in the area of didactics.

The very term “historical reconstruction” is now used in two senses. In one of them, it means an activity that sets a scientific purpose and method using a role-playing game and a scientific experiment to solve problems and ensure the deeper study of the issue under consideration. Currently, historical reconstruction of certain events (battles, tournaments, etc.) is often provided. However, in this article, we use it in the second sense. Historical reconstruction is found by the scholars as a cognitive way that lies in the imaginary (mental) reconstruction of the essence of the historical phenomenon in the individual, specific, often imaginary form. A feature of historical reconstruction is the comprehensive reflection of not only material and spiritual culture, but also the feelings and the thoughts of people. It follows from the characteristics of the object of historical knowledge who are people that are conscious and have their feelings and ideas [4, 196].

It is noteworthy to state that in the secondary school, pupils clearly manifest the ability to specify, illustrate, and represent the content of concepts in the certain images and ideas. The peculiarity of the imagination of teenagers is their tendency to personification and dramatization of the events under consideration. It is imagined components that are the basis for the techniques of personification and dramatization to be actively implemented in a school history textbook. Besides, a large role in understanding the text is played by the imagination that can and should be formed by means of a textbook. In the formation of pupils' historical concepts, the role of imagination is caused by the indirect nature of historical knowledge when an idea is not directly perceived and reconstructed [2].

Based on the abovementioned issues, we believe that a school history textbook for primary schools should include illustration, which shows the reconstruction of historical events, attractions, households, domestic scenes, clothes, developed by the scholars, and the questions as well as the tasks to them must be directed at the reflection and simulation of historical events, phenomena and processes by the pupils. The work of the pupils on illustrations should be not only descriptive but also analytical, aimed at highlighting the specific features, parts, comparison and synthesis for the pupils to understand the essence of events or phenomena, form their adequate representation and concept. For example: 1. “Imagine that you are in ancient Athens, and you are inspecting the sights of Acropolis. Using the text and the illustrations of the textbook, give an imaginary tour in the Acropolis.” or 2. “Select one of the statues, name its author and the depicted hero. Based on the text and the illustrations, determine the way the gods and the people were depicted by the sculptors ofancient Greece. Complete a sentence and write it down in a notebook: “Greek sculptures glorified such people as... because...”.

Akind ofa “bridge” in the successful implementation ofthe functions of historical reconstruction and a personality oriented technology is transformation function of a textbook on history. Theoretical knowledge, scientific methods are never directly transferred to the textbook. They are specially transformed for the better acquisition, so they are selected, grouped, drawn by the logic of learning and opportunities under the age of pupils. At the same time, educational technology of training can not be successfully implemented in the textbook without learning the peculiarities of the educational material, the designated number of program hours for studying the course, in other words, the teaching technology is transformed in the textbook according to the specifics of the corresponding course of history and the pupils' age.

The main areas in the transformation of the subject content and the educational technology in the process of transferring them to the level of educational material (text) in a textbook on history are the following: 1) ensuring scientific nature and access to the content for a specific age group; 2) establishing the links that are meaningful for the pupils of a certain age group between the material and life, practice, their interests and needs; 3) the optimal use of the new educational technologies in the textbook for the best learning outcomes and achieving the practical purpose of the school history education [6, 68].

In the information society, a school textbook can not be the only source of educational information. Internet, television, radio, cinema, periodicals, science fiction literature and reference books, manuals and textbooks on electronic media give so many diverse and, what is more valuable, operative information in history that any textbook cannot be competitive. However, such information is inherently tend to be fragmented. However, the history textbook contains only basic data, which is necessary for the pupils but also should provide a holistic view of the relevant historical period. A textbook is designed for the permanent use by the pupils during the year; it integrates knowledge and skills acquired by the pupils within the school curriculum from a variety of activities and from different sources. Thus, nowadays the role of integrating function of a textbook on history is becoming more significant.

In one way or another, studying history is connected to all school subjects, as well as the ideas and the concepts that their pupils have received from various sources. The author of the textbook can and should rely on knowledge, experience, skills, and abilities that are acquired by the pupils from different information sources. The knowledge and the skills acquired in the study of other subjects and out of school, helps to acquire historical knowledge and form an ability to work with historical material.

A range ofskills that are important to work with a textbook are acquired by the pupils in the process of studying the languages, in particular, drawing up a simple plan to write a story about a picture, comparing the certain phenomena, and so on. In geography class, pupils acquire the ability to work with a map. Typically, at the lessons of fine art pupils are familiar with some concepts such as art, photography, painting, types and genres of art, composition, perspective, etc. They will be operated by the author when writing a text about culture. It is significant to keep in mind that almost always among the pupils there are talented children who admire paintings or are interested in sculptures; therefore, in a textbook, an author can suggest tasks associated with drawing, sketching, manufacturing models, models, etc. However, such problems should not be compulsory. In conclusion, the integrating function helps in the selection and assimilation of knowledge as integrated ones through the use of information obtained from various sources [6, 60].

As a primary means oflearning, a modern textbook is the core around which all the other educational tools are grouped. Coordinating function of a school textbook provides an opportunity to establish relationships with other sources and means of providing objective information that constitute a system of teaching of any discipline. Therefore, it logically raises the question of educational-methodological complex, which would cover a textbook, a workbook, a notebook for thematic assessment of pupils' achievements, a reading book, teacher guides, etc. The methodological apparatus of the educational-methodological complex must be multi-level and be aimed at the development of analytical and creative abilities of pupils and provide teachers an opportunity to apply a wide range of methods, forms and methods of instruction and control of the level of pupils' achievement.

Thus, the implementation of coordination functions should contribute to the development of pupils' ability to navigate the rapid flow of scientific information, provided by the program to deepen knowledge, creatively apply knowledge in the practice. Coordinating function enriches and develops the basic elements of the content of school history courses, giving them universal character sets for the deep inner connection between school subjects.

The leading synthesizing role is played by the upbringing function of a school history of a textbook. The role of a school subject of history in preserving the historical memory of the people, the state, the development outlook and upbringing of the young man can not be underestimated. It aims to help pupils to “self-determinate in society and integrate themselves into the world.” School history education is formed and tested in the way of discussing the experience of generations and cultural resources descendants. Without the knowledge of the history of each generation would be forced to re-create a new cultural foundation of its existence. [8]

In particular, the State Standard of complete secondary education (educational sector “Social Science”) in 2011 stated that the purpose of teaching history in schools is the “development of pupils' self-identity and self-esteem based on understanding the social and moral experience of past generations, understanding the history of Ukraine and culture in the context of the overall historical process “[5].

Studying the history of the world has to give pupils an opportunity to realize the value of accumulated cultural heritage of humanity, they form a respect for its past and other peoples and states. In our view, an important historical task of education is to search public understanding and reconciliation on controversial and sensitive historical memory pages. Therefore, a selection of the content of school history textbooks should promote a positive perception of the past of mankind, tolerance towards history and culture of different nations, different social groups and parties. It is about creating a “non-conflict” memory, a historical “memory that unites the nation.” As it was admitted by P. Verbytska, it provides a positive perception of diversity and respect for the identity and socio-cultural selection of others and citizenship, manifested in the ability for constructive communication and interaction with the members of the multicultural communities [1, p. 196].

Learning the history of other nations must give the pupils an opportunity to realize the value of the mankind's cultural inheritance, to make them respect the past of their nation as well as the other nations and states [9]. Under the conditions of the polycultural world, the selection of the content of the school historical education must promote the development of such personal quality as tolerance. It includes the positive perceive of the variety as well as the respect to the identity and the sociocultural choice of other people and their communities; this choice lies in the ability to communicate constructively and to interrelate with the representatives of the polycultural community [1, p. 196].

Under such circumstances, the role of history education, which should give young people an opportunity to reflect on present form the new values and ideological orientation, adequate to modern realities is becoming more prominent [1, p. 195]. Thus, in a history textbook, there are the following educational objectives of school history education as the formation of a historical (social) identity of pupils; training the respectful and tolerant attitude to history, religion and culture of other nations; develop values and beliefs; development of creative and critical thinking; forming ideological, moral, political, artistic and aesthetic culture of pupils should be implemented.

Conclusions. Consequently, summarizing the abovementioned issues, it is noteworthy to admit that the functions of a school history textbook in terms ofthe research study are the following: implementation of the technology research study, historical reconstruction, transformation, integrating, coordinating and educational functions. The system of exercises presented in the textbook should be directed as to possess the necessary knowledge of the history and assimilation means of which the knowledge is acquired. This approach forms and activity- based aspect of modern history textbook. A characteristic feature of a textbook of the new generation is discovering the benefit of methods and techniques of learning that develop the ability to acquire knowledge independently.

Implementing the elements of a research-based training in the history textbooks suggests that the structure and the content of a textbook should be the means of productive activity of pupils (research, creative activity of a pupil, using the method of analogies, comparing different points ofview and approaches to coverage, the presence of the estimated position on educational material; reflexive reading comprehension).


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