Reforming of the structure of readiness of future specialists of the civil protection service for the health-saving activity
The analysis of scientific works on the problem of professional training of future specialists, which allow to establish the relationship between the professional activity. The problem of training of future specialists of the civil protection service.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 24.08.2018 |
Размер файла | 21,3 K |
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Размещено на
Yuriy Taymasov, Ph.D.(Pedagogy),
Lecturer of the Pyrotechnic and Special
Training Department National University
of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Kharkiv
The article presents the analysis of scientific works on the problem of professional training of future specialists, which allow to establish the relationship between the professional activity of a specialist with the process of preparation and the state of readiness for the implementation. The problem of training of future specialists of the civil protection service for the health-preserving activities in the pedagogical theory are characterized. The structure of readiness of future specialists of the civil protection service for the health protection activity is substantiated and the following structural components are emphasized: the motivational, cognitive, operational-activity, reflexive and analytical. The present state of the training of future specialists of the civil protection service for the health-saving activity is analyzed.
Keywords: the civil defense service, readiness, a specialist, healthcare, the professional activity.
professional training civil protection
Юрій Таймасов, кандидат педагогічних наук, викладач кафедри піротехнічної та спеціальної підготовки, Національний університет цивільного захисту України, м. Харків
У статті наведено аналіз наукових праць з проблеми професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців, який дозволив встановити взаємозв 'язок професійної діяльності фахівця з процесом його підготовки та станом готовності до її здійснення. Охарактеризовано проблему підготовки майбутніх фахівців служби цивільного захисту до здоров 'язбережувальної діяльності у педагогічній теорії. Обґрунтовано структуру готовності майбутніх фахівців служби цивільного захисту до здоров 'язбережувальної діяльності та виділено такі структурні компоненти: мотиваційний, когнітивний, операційно-діяльнісний, рефлексивно-аналітичний. Проаналізовано сучасний стан підготовки майбутніх фахівців служби цивільного захисту до здоров'язбережувальної діяльності.
Ключові слова: служба цивільного захисту, готовність, фахівець, здоров 'язбереження, професійна діяльність.
Юрий Таймасов, кандидат педагогических наук, преподаватель кафедры пиротехнической и специальной подготовки Национальный университет гражданской защиты Украины, г. Харьков
В статье приведен анализ научных работ по проблеме профессиональной подготовки будущих специалистов, который позволил установить взаимосвязь профессиональной деятельности специалиста с процессом его подготовки и состоянием готовности к ее осуществлению. Охарактеризовано проблему подготовки будущих специалистов службы гражданской защиты к здоровьезберегательной деятельности в педагогической теории. Обосновано структуру готовности будущих специалистов службы гражданской защиты к здоровьезберегательной деятельности и выделены следующие структурные компоненты: мотивационный, когнитивный, операционнодеятельностный, рефлексивно-аналитический. Проанализировано современное состояние подготовки будущих специалистов службы гражданской защиты к здоровьезберегательной деятельности.
Ключевые слова: служба гражданской защиты, готовность, специалист, здоровьесбережения, профессиональная деятельность.
Introduction. The literature analysis, connected with the problems of future specialist's vocational training, allows establishing the interrelation between the expert professional activity with the process of one's preparation and state of readiness for the implementation. It is shown in continuity and interconditionality of the functions of these pedagogical systems (the preparation acts as means of forming the readiness to the activity; the readiness is a result and an indicator of training quality and is implemented, checked in activity; activity acts as the purpose of preparation and at the same time performs the functions of its regulation and correction).
An important result of the future civil defense service specialist's training to the health-saving activities is formation of cadet's readiness for implementation of health-saving activities.
The formulation of purpose and the tasks of the article. The purpose and the tasks of the article are based on the analysis of scientific sources and the specifics of the work to substantiate the structure of the future civil defense service specialist's readiness to the health-saving activities and highlight the structural components that will positively influence on this process.
The Statement of main material. The
personality readiness to the activity is defined by many factors, among which there are such major: the system of methods and purposes, the existence of professional knowledge and abilities, the direct personality inclusion into activity in the course of which requirements, the interests and motives of obtaining the essential, significant, most modern knowledge and abilities are actively formed.
In the structure of the future civil defense service specialist's readiness to the health-saving activity we allocate the following structural components: the motivational, cognitive, and operational and activity, reflexive and analytical.
The motivational component of the future civil defense service specialist's readiness to the healthsaving activity is characterized by the presence of motivation for cadet's vocational training, which will allow carrying out the health-saving activities.
The formation of the future civil defense service specialist's readiness to the health-saving activity means the formation of those necessary motives, motivations and installations, granting to mental processes and qualities of such properties and states that will enable to effectively organize the healthsaving activities and optimally manage it.
The basis of the identifying the motivational component is the fact that in the general psychological context, motivation is a complex factor in influencing the behavior of the individual, since it is implemented as needs, interests, goals, ideals that directly determine the human activity. The positive motivation is defined as a system of values determined by the person and adjusted to the values of the future professional activities content.
The human activities, including the educational, are always caused by certain motives. In modern scientific literature the concept “motive” is considered in various aspects. Yu. Boychuk, N. Morozova and
L. Slavina define the concept “motive” as everything that induces the activity of the child, carrying to this concept not only objects of objective reality and the phenomenon of consciousness, but also requirement [2, 4]. According to A. Gusak, it is possible to speak about motive in case the subject of requirement not only is recognized as such, but also will cause this or that act of goal-setting [3, 128]. V Merlin understands the concept “motive” as the mental conditions and properties of the personality which characterize any rather narrow, the private and changeable relation of the person to certain objects and the phenomena of the outside world [5,199]. A. Turchynov interprets the concept “motives” as conscious motives. Motives may be desires, feelings, interests and other phenomena of consciousness [7, 107].
The cadet's behavior and activity can be caused by the various motives, however among them; it is always possible to distinguish one, the most important. Such motive, as a rule, becomes meaningful, that defines the general orientation of educational activity, its place in the system of the person relations and values.
Depending on the content of activity, M. Artyushina, A. Kotikova and G. Romanova allocate such groups of motives: the professional (connected with a certain professional activity); informative (connected with obtaining new knowledge); widely social (desire to have a certain position, a role in society, to raise the social status, prestige),tightly social (desire to communicate, the aspiration to have the status within the specific social group), procedural and substantial (process and content of activity); material (an opportunity to provide itself with the high salary); achievements (the aspiration to achieve certain results in activity); utilitarian (the aspiration to get direct advantages or to avoid danger (low passing score, in order to avoid service in Armed Forces, etc.) [6, 27].
It is necessary to distinguish the concepts “motive” and “motivation”. The concept “motivation” is wider concept, than “motive”. The first time it was used by A. Schopenhauer, the concept “motivation” is also still interpreted by different ways: as system of motives: motives, requirements, interests, aspirations, purposes, inclinations, motivational installations or dispositions, ideals; as “set of the incentive factors defining activity of the personality; all this are the motives, requirements, incentives, situational factors inducing behavior of the person”; as the set of the factors supporting is also directed, define the person behavior; the system of the processes which are responsible for motivation and activity; as the system of motives in its defined construction, hierarchy; as “the special condition of the personality which is created as a result a ratio of personal interests, requirements and opportunities with object of activity in the course of physical training promotes definition of the purpose and means of its achievement”.
Therefore, authors consider the concept “motivation” in two ways: 1) the motivation is the system of the factors causing activity of an organism and define orientation of the person behavior (requirements, intentions, the purposes, interests, aspirations) 2) the motivation is a characteristic of process which provides the behavioral activity at the certain level; in other words - motivation.
The motivation for the vocational education in general is not the amount of motivation for studying individual subjects, but the new, more complex formulation that has its own specific features. The motivation for learning consists of many factors that constantly change and enter into new relationships with each other.
The cognitive component of the future civil defense service specialist's readiness to the health-saving activity reflects presence at the cadet set of professionally focused knowledge, which is necessary for the implementation of a health-saving activity.
The integration of the physical and spiritual training processes on the basis of self-determination in the course of vocational training is provided the formation of cadets of such knowledge in the sphere of the health culture in a healthy lifestyle: understanding of professional activity organizational structure; understanding of diagnostics value and timely correction of spiritual, physical and mental development and the condition of the person for saving health; the knowledge of regularities and features of spiritual, physical and mental development at different stages of the person ontogenesis; knowledge of criteria of norm evaluation and deviations of spiritual, physical and mental development; an existence of ideas of ways and means of correction and rehabilitation; understanding of adaptive character of reactions (adaptation) of person to the action of geographical, climatic, social and educational factors; the ideas of existence of requirements to the habitat for saving health, the adult and elderly person; knowledge of age norms and representation about touch, motor and central violations of communicative behavior and the speech; existence of representations about typological features of the healthy person [1, 47].
T. Dyachenko states that “in the training of physical rehabilitation specialists the focus should be placed on: the doctrine of health, adaptive reactions and resistance of the body; the development of a new methodology of physical rehabilitation, defining a close relationship and interaction of its theoretical positions with their practical implementation in the conditions of a special psychomotor training; the improvement of the medical complex psychophysical training skills; the formation of knowledge concerning the modern methods of donorologic diagnostics in the practice of mass surveys of the population; the computer modeling of test programs for assessing the level of health, its damage, physical preparedness of rehabilitants; health monitoring of different age groups” [4, 55].
The operational and activity component of the future civil defense service specialist's readiness to the health-saving activity characterizes the presence of designing, constructive, performing and analytical- reflexive abilities and skills of the implementation of health-saving activities.
According to R. Bikmukhametov, in the process of professional training, the student is expected to develop such skills in the sphere of health culture: the ability to evaluate state educational standards, training programs, curricula and educational technologies from the point of view of influence on the physical and spiritual aspects of health subjects of the educational process; possession of diagnostics methods and human body systems research, an ability to assess the level of functional state of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems of a healthy and sick person; an ability to define the mental and physical working capacity, readiness for systematic loads during the different age periods; an ability to estimate physical activities and to define their compliance to the age and physical fitness of the person; an ability to define an exhaustion level of the healthy person after physical and mental activities; an ability to define contraindications to execution of physical and mental activities in connection with age, the state of health; an ability to make the database of personal anthropometrical and psycho physiological indices of the person in the course of its development; the ability to determine, according to functional indicators, the ability of a person to adapt to changing climatic, geographical and social conditions; the ability to direct the process of education and upbringing in accordance with the individual peculiarities of spiritual, physical and mental development of a person; an ability to carry out the pedagogical activities for training with the knowledge of the structure and functions of an organism, their change at actions of adverse factors of the external environment, an infection and a hypodynamics, an ability to train people to estimate the physical condition, to reveal the harmful factors which are negatively influencing on health, to use the physical activities, natural factors and other available means for preservation and promotion of health [1,47].
The reflexive and analytical component of the future civil defense service specialist's readiness to the health-saving activity reflects the presence of the cadet the social creativity and the ability to selfeducation and self-development for the effective health-saving activity.
The professional activity of the civil defense service specialists conform the modern requirements which constantly change in connection with the scientific achievements and information technologies changes. At the same time, it is not enough to direct efforts to mastering the cadet's necessary knowledge, skills, and it is also necessary to direct efforts to initiation of a reflection position to them and on its basis - installations on self-development and self-education.
In the form of specially organized reflexive actions cadets have to conduct micro researches of the achievements at the solution of educational and professional tasks, find difficulties in actions and pass to their judgment, the analysis of the reasons and factors which have caused them. The reflection as the integrated characteristic of the identity of the civil defense service specialists is the necessary component of the professional formation and formation of readiness to health-saving activity.
The effective implementation by the future civil defense service specialist's to the health-saving activity requires the reflexive reconsideration and creative transformations by cadets of the accumulated experience, overcoming its stereotypes, going beyond of a classical health-saving activity. The achievements of social creativity by cadets of high level are assumed by their ability to find quickly and to effectively apply non-standard, the original creative solutions of professional situations in health-saving activities.
Conclusions and prospects of further researches. Thus, the structure of the future civil defense service specialist's readiness to the healthsaving activity which includes the motivational, cognitive, and operational and activity, reflexive and analytical structural components is defined and proved. Being guided in the course of vocational training by the principles and rules of self-development of the future civil defense service specialists, it is possible to bring closer the level of professional qualities of cadets to those requirements which will be provided in the future in formation of the model of the future civil defense service specialist's readiness to the healthsaving activity.
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