The ways of forming speech competence of prospective primary school teachers in the ukrainian language & speech culture course
Problem of forming speech competence of future primary school teachers as one of the tasks in the system of skilled professionals’ training. Speech training of primary school teachers. Problem of speech competence which covers all spheres of public life.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 29.08.2018 |
Размер файла | 26,1 K |
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Размещено на
UDC 811.161.2:378.147
Iryna Lobachova
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of
Primary Education Theory and Practice Department
SHEE “Donbas State Pedagogical University”
Sloviansk, Donetsk Region, Ukraine
sbitneva. irina@ukr. net
The article deals with the problem of forming speech competence of future primary school teachers while studying the Ukrainian Language & Speech Culture course. Formation of prospective primary school teachers' speech competence is one of the most important tasks in the system of skilled professionals' training who are called to develop such speech competence of primary schoolchildren, and also to form children's attitude to speech culture, to raise love and respect to national wealth of the Ukrainian people. Much attention is paid to the problem of speech competence because it covers all spheres of public life.
So, there is a wide spectrum of aspects of the problem of speech (language and communicative) competence. These aspects are ways and methods of forming language and speech competencies in the education system (M. Devdera, I. Lapshyna, N. Yuriichuk), forming future teachers' communicative competence (L. Liubchak, L. Onyshchuk, N. Shatska), speech competence as a component of professional education (S. Makarenko, O. Neshcheret, N. Shevchenko). The outlined aspects of the problem help to do a certain theoretical analysis of the concepts “language competence”, “communicative competence” and “speech competence” and to determine the ways of forming future primary school teachers' speech competence while studying the Ukrainian Language & Speech Culture course.
The aim of the article is to define the features of the structure of the Ukrainian Language & Speech Culture course for forming prospective primary school teachers' speech competence through the proper forms of work; to offer some communicative exercises to improve speech competence.
The author suggests a certain structure of the practical study. Each lesson consists of content mini-modules such as the mini-module “Grammar” (the aim is to enrich the vocabulary of prospective teachers, master language norms of all grammar parts etc.), the mini-module “Terminology” (students work with texts of the proper subject, interpret linguistic terms, write articles to the proposed lexemes, find their lexical meaning in the dictionary of foreign words, group foreign language terms according to the fields of knowledge in which they are used), the mini-module “Business Language” (students write an annotation on a children's book, an announcement on the review of the amateur performance, a reference on a student of the group, a note in a journalistic style to a newspaper), the mini-module “Coherent Speech” (students create monologic and dialogic utterances of different types and genres, use communicatively and correctly different linguistic means according to a speech situation, express and discuss thoughts and ideas, support favourable atmosphere discussing a communicative situation). Such a structure of the practical study helps to form language, speech and communicative competences. A number of communicative exercises is proposed to improve prospective primary school teachers' speech competence: “Prove your opinion”, “Convince me, if you can”, “Mark priorities”, “Expected interview”, “Listen to me”, “Discover yourself”, “My native person”, “Just do!”, “Be Sincere”, etc.
It is proved that language and speech training of primary school teachers should be aimed at education of a highly skilled and competitive professional, who can communicate correctly according to speech culture and use all means of the mother tongue in different real life situations of communication.
Key words: life situation of communication; speech culture; speech competence; Ukrainian language; primary school teacher; language competence; communicative competence.
primary school teacher competence
Статтю присвячено дослідженню проблеми формування мовленнєвої компетентності в майбутніх учителів початкової школи під час вивчення дисципліни “Українська мова з культурою мовлення”. Увагу акцентовано на теоретичному аналізі змісту понять “мовна компетентність”, “комунікативна компетентність”, “мовленнєва компетентність”. У статті визначено шляхи формування мовленнєвої компетентності майбутніх фахівців. З'ясовано, що цієї мети можна досягти через відповідні форми роботи на практичних заняттях із курсу “Українська мова з культурою мовлення”. Автором запропоновано певну структуру цих занять: кожне заняття складається з таких змістових міні- модулів, як міні-модуль “Граматичний”, міні-модуль “Термінологічний”, міні-модуль “Ділове мовлення”, міні-модуль “Розвиток зв'язного мовлення”, що сприяє формуванню як мовної, так і мовленнєвої та комунікативної компетентностей. Запропоновано низку комунікативних вправ на вдосконалення мовленнєвої компетентності майбутніх учителів початкової школи: “Доведи свою думку”, “Переконай мене, якщо зможеш”, “Розстав пріоритети”, “Передбачуване інтерв'ю”, “Вислухай мене”, “Пізнай себе”, “Моя найближча людина”, “Спонукання до дії”, “Будь щирим” тощо. Доведено, що мовно-мовленнєва підготовка вчителів початкової школи має бути спрямована на виховання високоосвіченого, кваліфікованого та конкурентоспроможного фахівця, який може комунікативно правильно користуватися всіма засобами рідної мови в різноманітних життєвих ситуаціях спілкування.
Ключові слова: життєва ситуація спілкування; комунікативна компетентність; культура мовлення; мовленнєва компетентність; мовна компетентність; українська мова; учитель початкової школи.
Статья посвящена исследованию проблемы формирования речевой компетентности у будущих учителей начальной школы при изучении дисциплины “Украинский язык и культура речи”. Внимание акцентировано на теоретическом анализе содержания понятий “языковая компетентность”, “коммуникативная компетентность”, “речевая компетентность”. В статье определены пути формирования речевой компетентности будущих специалистов. Выяснено, что эту цель можно достичь через соответствующие формы работы на практических занятиях по курсу “Украинский язык и культура речи”. Автором предложена определенная структура этих занятий: каждое занятие состоит из таких содержательных мини-модулей:мини-модуль “Грамматический”, мини-модуль “Терминологический”, мини-модуль “Деловая речь”, мини-модуль “Развитие связной речи”, что способствует формированию как языковой, так и речевой, и коммуникативной компетенций. Предложен ряд коммуникативных упражнений на совершенствование речевой компетентности будущих учителей начальной школы: “Докажи свое мнение”, “Убеди меня, если сможешь”, “Расставь приоритеты”, “Предполагаемое интервью”, “Услышь меня”, “Познай себя”, “Мой близкий человек”, “Побуждение к действию”, “Будь искренним” и т. п. Доказано, что языковая и речевая подготовка учителей начальной школы должна быть направлена на воспитание высокообразованного квалифицированного и конкурентоспособного специалиста, который может коммуникативно правильно пользоваться всеми средствами родного языка в различных жизненных ситуациях общения.
Ключевые слова: жизненная ситуация общения; коммуникативная компетентность; культура речи; речевая компетентность; украинский язык; учитель начальной школы; языковая компетентность.
Problem setting in general. Such legal documents as the Law of Ukraine “On Education” (2017), National Doctrine of Education Development (2002), the State Standard of Full Secondary Education (2004), “The West-European Recommendations on Language Education...” (2003) emphasize on forming a high level of prospective professionals' speech training. Thus, linguistic education should become an integral part of professional one, professionals are not required a language as a total combination of rules, but as a picture of the worldview, a means of cultural life in society, a means of self-formation and self-expression of a personality [5].
Forming speech competence of prospective primary school teachers is one of the most important tasks in the system of training skilled professionals, who are called to develop such speech competence of primary schoolchildren, and also to form children's attitude to speech culture, to raise love and respect to national wealth of the Ukrainian people. Much attention is paid to the problem of speech competence because it concerns all spheres of public life. Therefore, mastering language competence by a prospective primary school teacher is necessary due to the fact that a new structural component of language teaching is introduced into school practice. These are intrasubject connections of studying each theme with vocabulary, phraseology, morphology, syntax, speech culture and stylistics. So the linguistic content line of its functional aim is getting closer to the speech one, that helps to achieve the main purpose of studying the Ukrainian language at comprehensive school. It provides the proper level of a personality's communicative competence.
The latest papers and publication on the problems. In the scientific field the problem of competence arises in the context of learning language skills (Ch. Osgood, D. Heims, N. Khomskyi), speech skills (H. Bohin, O. Kidron, N. Shatska). The problem of communicative and linguistic competences is studied by A. Bohush,
I. Zymnia, V. Pavlov, D. Heims, O. Shakhnarovych. Speech competence as a component of professional activity is explored by S. Makarenko, O. Neshcheret, N. Shevchenko. The problem of competence is relevant in studies devoted to optimization of professional education (N. Kuzmina, A. Markova, L. Berestova, N. Hrishanova). Also there is a wide spectrum of aspects of the problem of language, speech and communicative competences. These aspects are ways and methods of forming language and speech competences in the education system (M. Devdera, I. Lapshyna, N. Yuriichuk), forming prospective teachers' communicative competence of (L. Liubchak, L. Onyshchuk, N. Shatska). The outlined aspects of the problem help to do a certain theoretical analysis of the concepts “language competence”, “communicative competence” and “speech competence” and to determine the ways of forming speech competence of future primary school teachers while studying the Ukrainian Language & Speech Culture course.
The aim of the study is to define the features of the structure of the Ukrainian Language & Speech Culture course for forming prospective primary school teachers' speech competence by the proper forms of work; to offer some communicative exercises to improve speech competence.
Presentation of basic research material. One of the main skill of a prospective primary school teacher is intensive communication which is performed both on a horizontal line and on a vertical one, in an educational institution and beyond it, in written and oral forms, by a contact way and indirectly, and serves as a main means of solving multi-level pedagogical tasks.
A person-centered technology helps to activate the internal mechanisms of selfdevelopment, self-realization in variety of professional and pedagogical communication; gives opportunities to enjoy the realization of his/her own development; forms the readiness of the person to act according to the values of professional and pedagogical communication; creates a system of actions aimed at applying communicative knowledge in solving different communication issues in interpersonal interaction and information educational environment; forms communicative skills and personal communicative experience that is the basis for further professional self-improvement and development.
The basis for development and improvement of communicative skills forms future professionals' speech competence. In scientific literature the essence of speech competence is defined as knowledge of expression rules of the intellectual content by the language means, mastering the necessary operating structures and skills to implement (compatibility, accuracy, adequacy, exactness of using expressive means of language) this type of activity [1]; active, directed, motivated, substantive (content) process of rendering and understanding formed and formulated thoughts (expression of will, feelings) through the language, aimed at satisfying the communicative and cognitive needs of a person in the process of communication [2]. The concept of “speech competence” implies that a person mastering the language of the environment, to which he/she belongs, builds not only an individual system of knowledge about this language (language competence), but also a system of knowledge about the rules of using linguistic signs (speech competence).
In fact, speech competence should be considered in unity with language and communicative ones. Thus, the language competence is defined as a total combination of specific skills needed for speech contacts and for mastering language as implicit knowledge that helps speaker to understand and make utterances; as learning and understanding language norms of phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, orthoepy and using them correctly in speech activity [4, p. 56 - 73].
Communicative competence implies the use of verbal (oral), paraverbal (tempo, intonation) and non-verbal (gestures, mimicry) means of transferring information depending on a purpose, place and time of a communication situation [3].
Today, it is observed the communicative activity orientation of language learning in the education space. The main task of learning the Ukrainian language is training a linguistically competent person with a high level of communicative competence based on the system of knowledge about the language and its grammatical structure; a distinct language personality who has mastered a significant vocabulary and the basic norms of the literary language and also is able to express freely thoughts and feelings in oral and written forms, in any style and genre according to the proper situation of communication.
Teaching the Ukrainian Language & Speech Culture course has the same goal. Thus, each practical study of this course aims at forming students' language, speech and communicative competencies focusing on the professional training of future professionals. Each practical lesson consists of the following content mini-modules: mini-module “Grammar”, mini-module “Terminology”, mini-module “Business Language”, mini-module “Coherent Speech”. The mini-module “Grammar” is aimed at actualizing the students' basic knowledge, consolidating and improving it; enriching the prospective teachers' vocabulary, learning language norms of all grammar parts; increasing knowledge with new information of different sources, including the Internet; teaching students to use reference literature, catalogs, etc. There are various linguistic trainings aimed at developing language, speech, spelling and punctuation skills of prospective teachers.
Practicing in the mini-module “Terminology” has some peculiarities because primary school teachers should be competent in different fields of knowledge. Thus, each practical study has its thematic orientation confined to certain branch of knowledge. Students work with texts of the proper subject, interpret terms, write the glossaries of the proposed lexemes, find their lexical meaning using the dictionary of foreign language words, group the foreign language terms according to the fields of knowledge in which they are used. Students also have an individual task to compile the terminology vocabulary based on the textbooks of primary school.
Another component of professional teacher training is mastering business language that implies the ability to create various business documents. Exercises in the mini-module “Business Language” are aimed at the professional training of future teachers. Students write an annotation on a children's book, an announcement on a review of the amateur performance, a reference of the groupmates, a note in the journalistic style to a newspaper, invitations for teachers to celebrate the school anniversary, the thesis of the answer to the proposed plan of the practical study using linguistic illustrations of the books for reading for the third form.
The structural component of each practical lesson is the mini-module “Coherent speech” aimed at forming students' speech and communicative competence. Future teachers learn to create monologic and dialogic utterances of various types, kinds and genres, to use communicatively and correctly different linguistic means according to the speech situation, to express and discuss thoughts and ideas, support favourable atmosphere discussing a communicative situation.
Thus, let's give some examples of communicative exercises for the formation and development of speech competence of future primary school teachers while studying the Ukrainian Language & Speech Culture course.
1. “Expected interview”. Every student writes down questions to answer for himself/herself. Then the participants choose partners, exchange with their questions and interview each other.
2. “Prove your opinion”. Students are divided into two teams and offered to discuss the phenomenon, fact, event, etc. Representatives of the first team name all advantages of the discussed phenomenon and members of the second one deny them (students produce a common opinion and captains report it).
3. “Mark priorities”. Students number professional and communicative qualities of a teacher due to the degree of significance according to their views and beliefs. Then during the discussion students justify their ratings and ranking priorities.
4. “Convince me, if you can”. The task of the participants in the communicative process is to learn how to use the methods of persuasive influence. They prepare a speech on a certain subject, an individual conversation with a student, explain a new material. Criteria for analysis are logic of material presentation, ability to reveal the main idea, speech culture (grammatical correctness, phrasal emphasis, optimal tempo), appearance (mimicry and pantomime, behaviour).
5. “Listen to me”. These exercises help to check and develop attentiveness, ability to express one's opinion accurately. The leader says some phrase (about the weather, school, feelings, etc.) and suggests everyone to repeat what they have heard. As a result of the discussion there are some differences in its understanding. One member of the group comes into the room. The leader says a short phrase that he/she has to say to the second participant and he/she says to the next ones. The last member says the heard phrase to all participants.
6. “Discover yourself”. The exercise is aimed at cognition of students' strong traits, the development of ability to think positively. Students have to tell about their strong traits; their preferences, their values that give them a sense of self-confidence in different speech situations avoiding some utterances about their own mistakes and selfcriticism. The monologue is taken for 3 - 4 minutes. Students should not specify details or interrupt the story and talk one by one. After it the leader gives a sheet of paper, pencils to students and suggests them to write their strong traits (both mentioned traits and those they think about). Then students get cards with a list of qualities which are important for effective pedagogical communication and determine the degree of importance of each of them by appropriate assessment. In groups of 2 - 3 students for sympathy they consult during 15 minutes how to use their strong traits for doing something valuable and then they gather together and share their impressions.
7. “My native person”. One student tells about his/her nearest person in life (for 5 - 7 minutes) and the other student has to retell this story. Other students of the group analyze their utterances: Whose information is superficial? Who has understood his/her problems while talking or listening? What were his/her feelings? Describe his/her mimicry, posture, breathing, gestures, etc. What helps (interrupts) him/her?
8. “Just do!”. The aim of the exercise is to improve ability to appeal to others, to emphasize on those aspects that help to achieve a purpose. Students have to imagine situations in which they would like to appeal to others, discuss the speech situation and motivate the other participants to actions.
9. “Don't refuse me”. One student asks a question to his/her partner who cannot give an affirmative answer, or gives a task that cannot be performed. The partner must say his/her disagreement so as not to pronounce the words “no” or “not”. This exercise is performed in pairs or in a circle.
10. “Avoid unnecessary words”. The essence of the exercise is that all participants one by one tell about words and habits in their communication that they want to avoid in their speech.
11. “Be Sincere”. Students are given a card with the beginning of the utterance (Especially I don't like when ..., I really want to forget that ..., One day I was frightened by the fact that ..., In unknown society I feel ..., To my shame be it said ..., Especially I lose my temper when ..., etc.) and they have to continue it without training. Students listening to the speaker's intonation and voice estimate sincere of the utterance. If the aim is achieved, the exercise is continued by another student, if it is not - the speaker is allowed to try again.
12. “I am a genius”. The exercise is aimed at harmonizing the inner world, achieving success of labor, mutual understanding and collaboration. The task of the exercise is to be treated as a clever, good, kind, strong individuality. Say about yourself with respect and love. Find nice and convincing words: polite words, epithets (“My dear friend, good genius, sincere and kind, beautiful and strong, healthy and gentle!”); compliments (“Your sincere smile is so amazing! You look very young!”). Choose the kind of activity you want to achieve success and do everything for this (“I know that you can do it. That's fine! Sit and write! You cannot do it? Try again and again!”).
Thus, students doing these exercises activate their knowledge of the compatibility of language units; exactness of using linguistic units; knowledge of expressive speech means and peculiarities of their use depending on the form of speech utterance; knowledge of using linguistic forms according to the type of speech.
Summary. Reformation of education requires new approaches to teaching the Ukrainian language, when person's socialization takes place through a word. It is proved that language and speech training of primary school teachers should be aimed at education of a highly skilled and competitive professional, who can communicate correctly according to speech culture and use all means of the mother tongue in different real life situations of communication.
Therefore, the methodological content of each practical study of the Ukrainian Language & Speech Culture course is forming language, speech and communicative competences of prospective primary school teachers. The prospect of further research is to develop a system of linguistic exercises to improve speech competence of future professionals.
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