The description of scientific approaches to preschooler’s speech development

The problem of child’s speech. The scientific approaches to child’s speech development. The individual and collective forms of child’s monologue speech. Transformational grammar. The problem of language learning by Abovyan, Mandinyan, Bahatryan, Edilyan.

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child speech development monologue


The description of scientific approaches to preschooler's speech development

Amiragyan Marianna Gigolovna, Armenian State Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovyan, Erevan amiraghyan

The problem of child's speech development still remains unsolved. Of course, there are a lot of theories about this issue, but in reality, we have children, who at preschool age can't speak fluently and correctly. They can't express their thoughts logically and speak coherently. Thus, it is important to know different scientific approaches to speech development process, and, basing on them, work out new methods and ways for improving children's speech. Therefore, in the article we have described scientific approaches to child's speech development.

Key words and phrases: speech development; language skills; preschooler; social cognition; interiorization.

Language quite clearly is far more complex human skill that we might have thought at first glance. Language acquisition by children can be seen as an important and complex step in the process of learning to talk. It is astonishing, that in a short period (up to three years old) the child acquires the language, learns its constant forms, analyses language matter somehow. The problem of language acquisition has always interested scientists. Pedagogues, psychologists, linguists gave their peculiar approaches to this problem, as a result of which, there are a lot of contrary theories that can be divided into two groups:

Approaches connected with biological theory, according to which speech development is connected with inherited factor (N. Chomsky, E. Lenneberg). It is noted, that the child inherited speech abilities which development bases on the peculiarities of child's individual development. Due to the inherited mechanism the child is able to acquire language.

Approaches connected with cognitive theory, according to which speech is considered to be a social phenolmenon (L. S. Vygotsky). It is conformed that child's speech develops due to social environment.

In the XVII century the Czech pedagogue Yan Amos Comenius emphasized the importance of child's speech development. He divided language acquisition process into four phases and connected it with the peculiarities of child's development. He mentioned that the first three years are important for fully speech utterance and the next three years are connected with the enrichment of speech basing on the perception of objects. According to him, it is better to perceive the language in practice than via rules. The Swiss pedagogue E. H. Pestalozzi said that the role of sensual sphere is very important in child's speech development. He gave the following succession of the development of child's speech abilities:

?perception of the appearance of objects, their structure and distinguishing signs;

?choice of appropriate words for describing objects;

?arrangement of words and objects;

?making sentences;

?clearing up the meaning of words; ?making a story [5, с. 24].

The Russian pedagogues also paid great attention to the problem of child's speech development. Eminent pedagogue K. D. Ushinski mentioned that during the organization of language perception process, it is necessary to realize the following objections:

?to develop child's inherited speech abilities;

?to promote conscious perception of language by the child; ?to contribute the perception of language logic through grammar [3, с. 165].

The role of Y. E. Tikheyeva in working out of speech methodology is great. She associated child's speech with the development of his/her personality. The following scientific-theoretical propositions are the bases of the development of speech system designed by her:

?child's speech improves in social environment, in the expansion of social connections, in communication with adults and peers;

?different activities contribute to child's speech, especially play and work. They create conditions for self-independent actions in language;

?the control of child's speech should be carried out in all phases of his/her life;

?special trainings are necessary and important for child's speech improvement;

?speech development is connected with the whole educational process in kindergarten [8, c. 11].

The scientists of psychological directions, formed in the XX century, tried to interpret the problem of speech development on their own. According to gestalt psychology, which is based on the theory of complete understanding (K. Kofka, V. Kelly, K. Levin, V. Wundt), speech perception is based on the principle of integrity, it is not divided into verbal phenomena. For example, in his book A. A. Leontiev mentioned, that German thinker Otto Niemeyer believed that during perception of a sentence, the grammatical structure is originally perceived as a whole [4, c. 67]. A. A. Leontiev continued that the founder of speech psychology V. Wundt, basing on introspective observations, noted that social cognition is clarified in the circumstances of studying human's surrounding and cultural values. A. A. Leontiev explained that, on the other hand, American theorist L. Bloomfield's approaches are the bases of designing the verbal expressions. It is noted that speech and its perception are the formsof behaviour (N. Miller, C. Osgood), which can be manifested like conventional reactions and has the following formation: S > r. . . s > R, where S - is speaker's signal, r - is speaker's linguistic reaction, s - is listener's linguistic signal, R - is listener's reaction [Там же, c. 22].

Child's speech development was observed from the genetic point of view by the French psychologist J. Piaget. According to him, everything that child acquires through emotional and cognitive aspects, prepares and facilitates the emergence of speech. Hence, speech process is one of the areasof child's overall development and each stage of child's development affects and promotes speech development. Thus, child's speech development acquires genetic nature. J. Piaget explained that child's cognitive development is conditioned with genetic, biological program, and occurs in sequential stages. But these stages are identified and displayed only in the interaction with the environment [6, c. 180]. He distinguished the individual and collective forms of child's monologue speech. During the individual form of monologue speech child plays alone. During collective form of speech, children play side by side but not together. Therefore, speech is not a means of communication, it helps the child to enter his/her inner world, so speech initially has ego-centric character (speech for himself/herself), after which it acquires socialized character (speech for others).

The Russian psychologists believed that child's speech development has social-historical nature. The perception of speech is defined with the emergence of types of activity, where the role of communication is important. In contrast with J. Piaget, L. Vygotsky noted that child's speech initially has social nature and the first function of speech is communication. Further interiorization and personalization of social speech lead to the emergence of inner speech. In other words, inner speech derives from outer-social speech, and ego-centric speech is a unique transitional phase between social and individual - inner speech [2, c. 35]. If psychologists are interested in how the language system is used in speech activity and communication, linguists are more interested in how the child perceives the structural elements of language with phonetics, lexicon and grammar sides. Here we also can see contradictory approaches.

In the XIX century the German linguist, philosopher V. Humboldt believed that perception of language by child is not merely acquaintance with words but the growth of language abilities during years, which doesn't mean mechanically perception of language, but increase of linguistic abilities. N. Chomsky came up with his theory known as transformational grammar. He noted that during mastering the language, there is an interaction between internally organized structures and language material. With the help of these internal structures the child is able to modify the language material, which he has perceived. In the book `Language' by V. P. Clark, P. A. Eschholz, A. F. Rosa, N. Chomsky was the first who mentioned that grammar is aninternal phenomenon, it exists in human's consciousness. He noted that children are born with universal grammar, with the help of which they distinguish morphemes from adults' speech, use them making countless sentences [9, p. 162].

Great psychologist and linguist F. A. Sokhin's scientific researches have their impact on understanding child's speech developing process. He thought that speech development bases on child's basic understanding of linguistic phenomena. He suggested the following directions describing child's speech development:

?structural direction, the essence of which was the formation of different structural levels of a language system (phonetics, word-formation, grammar). Its perception occurs when a child creates new words, in a result of which he/she perceives formative means and capabilities for word formation;

?functional direction, which was connected with the appropriation of coherent speech when in communicating with adults, on the basis of dialogue speech, a child perceived monologue speech;

?cognitive direction, which based on basic understanding of language and speech phenomena by a child, when the first linguistic notions were formed, when a child realized what the word, sentences were, how they are constructed [7, c. 14].

The Armenian pedagogues, such as Kh. Abovyan, St. Mandinyan, A. Bahatryan, G. Edilyan also emphasized the problem of language learning. Kh. Abovyan, talking about the importance of child's speech development, noted that the role of the surrounding objects, nature observation, human's activity is great. He notedthat it wasuseful when children are asked to tell what they saw or heard. He emphasized the importance of vocabulary enrichment, the usage of synonyms and polysemantic words [1, c. 6-7]. Gh. Aghayan designed themethodology of language teaching and literacy. He divided the process of language learning into five stages and emphasized the importance of each stage. He also suggested his own approaches and methods for solving problems of each stage [Там же, c. 417].

Thus, there are many divergent approaches to child's speech development process, the authors of which were rightly trying to find out the regularity of language perception. But in order to understand the process of child's speech perception and promote its development we should not accept or ignore any theory, but to put forward a structural approach, which will sum up the approaches mentioned above and be directed to the solution of the problem. It means that in order to design new ways and methods for child's speech development, pedagogues should base on child's inner abilities of language learning. Hence, we can say that:

?child is born with congenital preconditions of language appropriation;

?the development of congenital preconditions is impossible without social environment;

?in the process of language learning, a child controls the language material internally, conforms it to internal structures, absorbs and understands the language;

?pedagogical approaches of child's language teaching should base on the peculiarities mentioned above and new ways for language development.

Therefore, a child is born merely with congenital preconditions of language appropriation and their further development occurs with the influence of social environmental and teaching process, when a child internally controls his/her own speech during communication with both adults and peers. Pedagogues should take these peculiarities into account and work out methods and ways basing on child's inner abilities. During language teaching, pedagogues should not introduce demands to children, but accept children's internal demands for language learning.


1. Армянские педагоги: в 2-х кн. Ереван: АрмПУ, 1958. Кн. I. 585 с.

2. Выготский Л.С. Мышление и речь. М.: Астрель, 1934. 352 с.

3. Гончаров Н.К. Педагогическая система - К. Д.Ушинского. М.: Педагогика, 1974. 212 с.

4. Леонтьев А.А. Речевое воздействие. М.: Наука, 1972. 142 с.

5. Песталоцци И.Г. Избранные педагогические сочинения: в 2-х т.М.: Педагогика, 1981. Т. 1. 334 с.

6. Пиаже Ж. Избранные психологические труды. М.: Просвещение, 1969. 448 с.

7. Сохин Ф.А. Развитие речи детей дошкольного возраста. М.: Просвещение, 1984. 223 с.

8. Тихеева Е.И. Развитие речи детей раннего и дошкольного возраста. М.: Просвещение, 1967. 214 с.

9. Clark V.P., Eschholz P.A., Rosa A.F. Language. N.Y.: St. Martin's Press, 1984. 354 p.

10. Gardiner A. The Theory of Speech and Language. Oxford: British Academy, 1969. 348 p.

Проблема развития речи ребенка по-прежнему остается нерешенной. Конечно, есть много теорий, посвященных этой проблеме, но на самом деле у нас есть дети, которые в дошкольном возрасте не могут говорить свободно и правильно. Они не могут выразить свои мысли логически и говорить согласованно. Таким образом, важно знать различные научные подходы к процессу развития речи и, основываясь на них, разрабатывать новые методы и способы улучшения детской речи. Поэтому в статье мы описали научные подходы к развитию речи ребенка.

Ключевые слова и фразы: развитие речи; языковые навыки; дошкольник; социальное познание; интериоризация.

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