Using modern techniques, technologies, methods and teaching facilities in educational process of pedagogical university (on the example of video content application)

The ways and methods of the stimulation of the students-philologists’ cognitive activity and interest to linguistic knowledge, to the development of their intellectual initiative and the creative approach to the research by using video technologies.

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UDC 378.091.33-028:811.161.1

Using modern techniques, technologies, methods and teaching facilities in educational process of pedagogical university (on the example of video content application)

N. M. Matorina,

M. V. Strilets

The article focuses on the ways and methods of the stimulation of the students-philologists ' cognitive activity and interest to linguistic knowledge, of the development of their intellectual initiative and the creative approach to the research by on the basis of using video technologies in the educational process. The observations show that at the universities there is no systematic approach to using video content in the teaching and upbringing process, including the classes of the linguistic cycle, although applying this technology presents great opportunities in learning, leads to a number of positive effects. Undoubtedly, using video materials makes the learning process more lively and interesting, increases the motivation of students, and promotes their activation. All the more obvious it is the need for strict adherence to certain didactic requirements for the video content used in the learning process.

Attracting video materials is still an unused reserve, a real opportunity to optimize the process of teaching students and educate in them the qualities necessary for the future teacher- philologist, the most important of which is the ability of constructively critique realization of the pedagogical experience for the purpose of the most expedient and productive use. The diversity, creativity and effectiveness of using video materials in the educational process of the pedagogical university in the language classes should certainly motivate lecturers to use them widely in teaching; and the experience of organizing the classes in the linguistic cycle at the Philological Faculty of Donbas State Pedagogical University allows us to conclude that modern students are technically and psychologically ready for using video content in the educational process.

Key words: Linguodidactics, educational process, cognitive activity, video technology, video material, educational disciplines of the linguistic cycle.

У статті описано засоби й способи активізації пізнавальної діяльності студентів-філологів та їхнього інтересу до лінгвістичних знань, розвитку інтелектуальної ініціативи й творчого підходу до дослідницьких пошуків завдяки застосуванню в навчальному процесі відеотехнологій. Спостереження свідчать, що у вишах відсутній системний підхід щодо використання відеоконтенту в навчально-виховному процесі, зокрема на заняттях лінгвістичного циклу, хоча застосування цієї технології надає великі можливості в навчанні, призводить до ряду позитивних ефектів. Безперечно, застосування відеоматеріалів сприяє підвищенню мотивації студентів до отримання знань. Водночас потрібно усвідомлювати необхідність послуговуватися в роботі з відеоконтентом певними методичними засадами.

Залучення відеоматеріалів - це ще не використаний резерв, реальна можливість оптимізації процесу навчання студентів і виховання у них необхідних майбутньому вчителю-словеснику якостей, найважливіші з яких - здатність конструктивно-критичного осмислення педагогічного досвіду з метою найбільш доцільного і продуктивного його використання. Різноманітність, креативність та ефективність застосування відеоматеріалів у навчальному процесі педагогічного ВНЗ, безумовно, повинні мотивувати викладачів усебічно їх використовувати, а досвід організації занять лінгвістичного циклу на філологічному факультеті Донбаського державного педагогічного університету дозволяє зробити висновок про те, що сучасні студенти технічно і психологічно готові до застосування відеоконтенту в освітньому процесі.

Ключові слова: лінгводидактика, навчальний процес, пізнавальна активність, відеотехнології, відеоматеріали, навчальні дисципліни лінгвістичного циклу.

В статье описываются пути и способы активизации познавательной деятельности студентов-филологов и их интереса к лингвистическим знаниям, развития интеллектуальной инициативы и творческого подхода к исследовательским поискам на основе применения в учебном процессе видеотехнологий.

Наблюдения свидетельствуют, что в вузах отсутствует системный подход к использованию видеоконтента в учебно-воспитательном процессе, в том числе и на занятиях лингвистического цикла, хотя применение этой технологии представляет большие возможности в обучении, приводит к целому ряду положительных эффектов. Безусловно, использование видеоматериалов делает процесс обучения более живым и интересным, повышает мотивацию студентов, способствует их активизации. Тем более очевидной является необходимость строгого соблюдения определенных дидактических требований к используемому в учебном процессе видеоконтенту.

Привлечение видеоматериалов - это еще не использованный резерв, реальная возможность оптимизации процесса обучения студентов и воспитания у них необходимых будущему учителю-словеснику качеств, важнейшие из которых - способность конструктивно-критического осмысления педагогического опыта с целью наиболее целесообразного и продуктивного его использования. Разнообразие, креативность и эффективность применения видеоматериалов в учебном процессе педагогического вуза на языковых занятиях, разумеется, должны мотивировать преподавателей широко использовать их в обучении, а опыт организации занятий лингвистического цикла на филологическом факультете Донбасского государственного педагогического университета позволяет сделать вывод о том, что современные студенты технически и психологически готовы к применению видеоконтента в учебном процессе.

Ключевые слова: лингводидактика, учебный процесс, познавательная активность, видеотехнологии, видеоматериалы, учебные дисциплины лингвистического цикла.

Formulation of the problem. At the present stage of reforming higher education in Ukraine, great importance is attached to using new teaching technologies that enable the intensification of the learning process at the university. An effective means of activating the cognitive activity of students- philologists and their interest in linguistic knowledge, developing their intellectual initiative and the creative approach to research searches is undoubtedly using in the educational process various kinds of video materials, since using teaching methods involving all the senses leads to exceptional growth of the degree of assimilation of the educational material in comparison with the traditional methods (according to the UNESCO, a person remembers 12 % of the heard and 25 % of the seen, while the audiovisual perception is assimilated to 65 % of the information). Consequently, a class with the use of the video technologies is the most intensive form of education, which is based on one of the oldest and basic methodological principles - the principle of visualization. cognitive activity linguistic technology

The observations show that at the universities there is no systematic approach to using video content (video materials, video fragments, video tours, video films, video projects, video recordings, videograms, videophonograms, etc.) in the teaching and upbringing process, including the classes of the linguistic cycle, although applying this technology presents great opportunities in learning, leads to a number of positive effects: enriching the classes with emotional colour; facilitating psychologically the process of assimilation; stimulating and intensifying a keen interest in the subject of knowledge; improving the quality of education; increasing the lecturer's and student's productivity, contributing to the rational distribution of the time of the class; helping intelligibly to explain the material, making it interesting, etc. The appropriateness of using video materials is explained by their availability, since they can be recorded from various sources; having got certain experience of using video equipment and video products by both lecturers and students; possibility of the lecturer's more active creative activity, and so on.

Analysis of recent publications. Studying the problems of using video materials in the educational process is contained in the works by G. G. Gorodilova, A. I. Shchukin, A. N. Leontev, T. I. Kapitonova, M. N. Anikina, L. P. Pressman, S. G. Shapovalenko, N. D. Shakhmaev, Iu. Krylova, N. M. Rumiantseva, A. E. Oganezova, G. G. Malyshev, G. I. Rozhkova, A. Iu. Shcherbakova, S. P. Zolotnitckaia, A. A. Andreev, S. A. Valetko, G. G. Gubin, B. I. Kruk, O. B. Zhuravleva, M. Merdok, E. A. Pavlova, E. N. Solovova, L. V. Shcheglov, T. P. Leonteva, R. K. Miniar- Beloruchev, B. V. Beliaev, M. A. Skatkin, A. Iu. Kornienko, O. I. Rudenko- Morgun, I. E. Ershova-Babenko, A. K. Novikova, E. F. Kositcina, I. V. Chirik and others. At the same time, the linguo-methodical materials devoted to the problems of using video materials in the classes of the linguistic cycle, including those ones in the Russian and Ukrainian languages, are, in our opinion, insufficient (Kositcina, Chirich, 2017; Leonteva, 2008; A. I. Shchukin, 2008, etc.), which predetermines the choice of the theme of our publication and becomes evident concerning the appropriateness and effectiveness of investigations in this direction.

The purpose of the article is to characterize the basic didactic approaches while using video materials in the linguistic teaching of the students.

Statement of the basic material. Training video materials (training videos) is a modern, effective form of presenting the educational content, indispensable in the context of e-learning (for full-time, mixed or distance education). By video technology, we mean a set of ways and methods of teaching and learning, based on using various kinds of video materials and allowing more successful implementation of a particular methodical approach. The following modern video technologies can be identified: a) using authentic video materials; b) developing video projects by learners; c) conducting video conferences, etc. Training video materials are a compilation of educational videos that correspond to the lecture and practical course and allow to organize various forms of teaching work in an interactive format. Video materials contribute to a better understanding of the educational material by increasing the information density, the degree of perception, emotional saturation.

It should be named the main theoretical and methodological prerequisites for using video materials in the educational process in the classes of the linguistic cycle at the university.

When working with video materials, it is very important to remember the main methodical technique: you need to enter the video into the structure of the class, explaining the purpose for which the show is being performed, what students should understand during the viewing process; video aids are not just watched, they need analyzing. One of the lecturer's tasks is to teach analytical work with video materials.

When working with video materials, the following points should be considered: a) selecting video materials according to the language: for what purpose the material of video films is used, what productive goals are put and how the selected material relates to the educational program, the learning process; what the level of its language complexity is; b) searching for an effective technique for presenting video materials; c) changing technology of explaining the new material in comparison with its traditional presentation ^ the lecturer comments on the information appearing on the screen; d) developing assignments for the understanding of the watched video materials: students can compile various types of notes in the course of the video fragment, fill in tables, record examples; e) system controlling (for example, a test) for mastering the material, etc.; f) taking into account the stages of work on video materials: pre¬reviewing; viewing (demonstration); after-viewing.

Video materials should have the following distinctive features, which are important for the pedagogical process: a) visualization: video materials differ in visualizing the material, its «animation», the ability to visualize those phenomena and processes that cannot be demonstrated in other ways;

b) dynamism: the mobility of the displayed frames contributes to strengthening attention, causes interest and makes the process of information transfer diverse;

c) power over space and time: video materials allow to move to other countries, other epochs and many others.

Video materials should be used to explain complex topics or course issues (when other formats are less informative and understandable); to demonstrate what is inaccessible to the eye (internal structure, objects of the microworld, etc.) or to give more realism and enhance emotional impact and create the effect of the presence of the lecturer.

When using video technologies, lecturers can work in the following directions: a) using ready-made software products; b) working with the MS Office programs (Word, Power Point, Microsoft Publisher); c) working with the Internet resources (an invaluable help when working in this direction will be the training manual by Andreev, 2003); d) creating own (author's) video materials (a serious help in working in this direction will be the textbook by Kruk, & Zhuravleva, 2017).

It is also necessary to select video materials carefully: firstly, the video should contain the language material that reveals the topic under study; secondly, the sound and image must be of good quality; thirdly, the video should contain close-ups. Correctly selected video materials significantly improve the effectiveness of this training aid.

It should be named some more didactic requirements to the video materials in the language classes at the pedagogical university: the video material used should be understandable, accessible, interesting; it should correspond to the age characteristics; it should be measured out in doses; it should be systematically used during the whole year of studying; demonstrating the video material should be perceived not as entertainment, but as a material for thoughtful, serious analytical work, often performed by students themselves; the lecturer should methodically correctly introduce the video material into the structure of the class.

Conclusions and recommendations. Video is an effective aid for stimulating the speech and thought activity of students, creating conditions for implementing the learning problems, activating cognitive creative activity, raising the intellectual level, expanding their horizons.

Attracting video materials is still an unused reserve, a real opportunity to optimize the process of teaching students and educate in them the qualities necessary for the future teacher-philologist, the most important of which is the ability of constructively critique realization of the pedagogical experience for the purpose of the most expedient and productive use.

Prospects for further investigations in this direction. Studying the problem stated in this publication will continue in the applied aspect: the authors are engaged in developing the reproductive, analytical, searching and creative tasks for working with video content, which application in the educational process will allow to diversify the forms of work in the classes of the linguistic cycle with trainees; practical recommendations on integrating video materials into the educational process at different stages of studying the educational material. The diversity, creativity and effectiveness of using video materials in the educational process of the pedagogical university in the language classes should certainly motivate lecturers to use them widely in teaching.


1. Andreev, A. A. (2003). Vvedenie v internet-obrazovanie: ucheb. posobie. [Introduction to Internet Education: Textbook]. Moskow (rus).

2. Kosicina, E. F. & Chinch, I. V. (2017). Ispolzovanie videomaterialov v obuchenii russkomu jazyku. [Use of video materials in teaching the Russian language]. Vestnik associacii vuzov turizma i servisa, (11; 3), 74-80 (rus).

3. Kruk, B. I. & Zhuravleva, O. B. (2017). Ispolzovanie video v distancionnom obuchenii: dlja prepodavatelej i uchitelej. [Using video in distance learning: for lecturers and teachers]. Novosibirsk (rus).

4. Leonteva, T. P. (2008). Videotehnologii v processe podgotovki studentov jazykovogo vuza k mezhkul'turnomu obshheniju. [Video technologies in the process of preparing students of a language university for intercultural communication]. Jazyk i kultura, (4), 81-88 (rus).

5. Shhukin, A. I. (2008). Sovremennye intensivnye metody i tehnologii obuchenija inostrannym jazykam: ucheb. posobie. [Modern intensive methods and technologies for teaching foreign languages: textbook]. Moskow (rus).


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3. Крук Б. И., Журавлева О. Б. Использование видео в дистанционном обучении: для преподавателей и учителей. Новосибирск: Издательское решение, 2017. 137 с.

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