Factors of practical implementation of the content of pedagogical training in higher educational institutions of Ukraine
The use of effective methods and forms in modern higher education. Organization of forums and discussions, modeling pedagogical situations. The development of creative, cognitive abilities of students. Control of independent work on educational material.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 09.10.2018 |
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Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University
Factors of practical implementation of the content of pedagogical training in higher educational institutions of Ukraine
Kobriy Olha - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences,
professor of General Pedagogy and Preschool Education Department
Drohobych, Ukraine
Formulation of the problem. Significant changes in modern development of higher educational institutions of Ukraine are characterized by a tendency towards decreasing the time of education and simultaneously towards high-quality content of the educational process and defining modern technologies for organizing training in higher educational institutions of Ukraine in order to improve student pedagogical training, which will increase its effectiveness.
Reforming the content of higher pedagogical education involves a strategy that would correspond to a new pedagogical thinking, determine its orientation towards the integration of European education and would be carried out on the same democratic principles that form the basis for the activities of educational institutions in all civilized countries. In this regard orientation towards humanization, democratization and national values has been implicitly defined and indisputably implemented.
The documents on modern education often refer to the competitiveness and ability of graduates to carry out innovate professional activities, as well as to the use of modern technologies for training specialists.
According to the European choice of Ukraine, the principles of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the European Social Charter, which see the interests of a person (and their desire to live in harmony with society, nature and their own values) as the basis for further development of the state and the realization of the human potential of the nation; the central core of the nation's wealth is intelligence, education, social mobility, and professional experience. The need for every citizen of Ukraine is the ability to ensure that the market relations in Ukraine are in line with the European ones, to determine the priorities of economic and social development of Ukraine in the European context, and so on.
According to the Concept of the Education Content for the European Dimension of Ukraine, this will promote implementation of social- lization, values orientations of the personality, its adaptation to new social conditions, life-long learning.
Traditionally, the content of pedagogical education, as well as the content of the whole system of education, was considered to be a set of knowledge and skills necessary to master it. At the same time, social order, theoretical approaches to the interpretation of this content and practical measures for its implementation were changed historically.
Therefore, consistent implementation of the modernized education content, which must necessarily reflect new tendencies in training students for future professional activities, take into account the experience of higher educational institutions in ensuring the quality of education, will help the holistic perception of professional training.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Pedagogues examine some of the features of updating the content of the professional future teacher training (I. Bohdanova, V. Shakhov), some concepts concerning the formation of the content of their education (J. Orchard, C. Winch (Orchard & Winch, 2015)), modern tendencies in the development of pedagogical education (H. Hansen- Thomas, P. Casey, L. Grosso (Hansen-Thomas, Casey, & Grosso, 2013), C. Syr- nyk (Syrnyk, 2012)), innovative processes in the system of pedagogical teacher training (O. Akimova, I. Bekh, A. Furman), determine the ways of inclusion of the active component in the content of education and upbringing of young people (O. Vyshnevskyi, O. Korsakova).
Researchers reveal the content of the basic pedagogical training (V. Shakhov), provide the content of educational disciplines for pedagogical training in higher educational institutions of Ukraine (M. Gryniova, Z. Donets, T. Zavhorodnia, I. Ziaziun, M. Lazariev).
Analysis and generalization of modern psychological and pedagogical literature testifies that it does not contain systematic studies on important tendencies and corresponding factors of pedagogical training of the European higher education space concerning practical use of modern technologies in organizing training at higher educational institutions of Ukraine.
This requires first of all their theoretical and methodological substantiation for the orientation of the content of disciplines and teaching technologies on the values of European life.
The aim of the article is to identify the factors influencing implementation of practical training organization in order to improve teacher training in higher educational institutions of Ukraine.
Presenting main material
Professional pedagogical training appears as a kind of systemic formation, the volume and depth of which are mainly determined by the students' needs (including informational ones). It should be noted that the factors in upbringing are the elements of the external world that a person interacts with (Vysh- nevskyi, 2006, p. 499), and factors of the practical specialist training are respectively «carriers» of a quality building of the pedagogical process, «tools» to achieve success which ensure its practical embodiment. However, in this training it is important to take into account not only information but also other factors of building modern educational process successfully.
Nowadays the idea of an activity component is being actively introduced into the concept of the content of pedagogical education, and the ways to fill it are being outlined. There are clearly traced tendencies in the formation of dialectical thinking, organization of young people's creative activity, integration of educational disciplines; there are dependencies between causes and effects, interconnections and analogies between phenomena, determinacy of processes, etc. At the same time, information (knowledge and skills) remains an important structural component of the content of any discipline; it becomes the basis for development and upbringing.
Orientation of the pedagogical process to the versatile harmonious development of personality sets concrete tasks before each of its participants. New requirements for the educational process, caused by radical changes in the way of student life are met by modern educational technologies, introduction of which in the practice of organization of training in higher educational institutions of Ukraine contributes to the development moral values in students in order to improve teacher training, creation of the atmosphere of community and gives opportunity for a teacher to become a true partner and co-participant in work. After all, transition to a high-tech information society is accompanied by processes of globalization and international integration of world education.
Transition to a democratic structure of the educational process corresponds to modern transformations in the European space of higher education. Independent activity of each student is the main prerequisite for his/her development as an agent of democratic relations (an agent will act as a free person only in the position of an independent personality). Therefore, the effectiveness of actions of an agent depends on personal inclusion in activities that begin only when the agent is aware of the limited choice of means available and begins to look for new ones.
Individualization of educational activity as an important benchmark for the successful implementation of educational process is also realized within the framework of differentiated learning (in conditions of mass work), which involves division of all students into conditional groups with homogeneous psychological characteristics and level of training. Orientation towards acquisition, search for information, independent work, which takes into account the multilevel content of education (reflected in multilevel programs and textbooks), reduction and redistribution of information (which does not reduce the possibility of familiarity with information) change the traditional functions of teachers. Such a practice of training, for which information is offered not for memorization, but for its use in creative work, corresponds to the implementation of an activity approach to the definition of the education content.
Increasing the efficiency of each person's activity will, of course, depend on the consideration of the structural content of the disciplines, the quality filling of the informative, axiological and activity-creative components of this content. As it turned out, the achievement of the educational and developmental goal of education will be fostered both by information and tasks aimed at stimulating creative activity of personality as well as adopting an appropriate attitude towards it in the form of representations, views, beliefs, judgments, ideals, etc. This ensures the possibility of developing a personality capable of implementing an independent life choice, shaping one's own destiny, assuming responsibility for one's own life on the principles of freedom and democracy (according to O. Savchenko, not to resist, fight and win, but to protect, nurture everything that ennobles human life, to create a humane atmosphere in society). Return to the spiritual roots of the nation on the principles of humanism focuses on a decent person with moral virtues and laws of kindness and mercy. After all, the outlook of each participant in the educational process is determined precisely by the values that make up the basis for him/her, which value orientations a person assumes. In this context, O. Savchenko speaks of «adaptive educational opportunities», which include «the formation of the intentions and skills of conflict-free life in society, respect for the rights and freedoms of every person in the minds of pupils». Pedagogy of tolerance originates from here, and it contributes to the formation of «social communication - the ability to support group interaction, to have a good command of the linguistic and cultural vocabulary of society». At the same time, the scholar emphasizes: «The humanistic image of education is the organization of joint activity, creation of conditions for self-development, care for understanding students' inner world, their successful socialization in society» (Savchenko, 1996, p. 21).
Large-scale studies on the processes of modernization of the education content related to humanization, orientation to national values, democratization and active development of this content concerning qualitative filling of its components predetermine the need to use Christian principles in the structure of the content of education and upbringing, taking into account national peculiarities and traditions.
As O. Savchenko rightly observes, «modern understanding of humanistic values of education is based on anthropological and socio-cultural coordinates», since a person is not a means, but the purpose, and pedagogical realization of such values implies proper assessment of the «natural basis of man» and «increase in the general culture of personality, assimilation of national and universal values, and this requires intensification of the cultural orientation of education» (Savchenko, 1996, p. 21). Therefore, for the sake of the integrity of the structural construction of the content of pedagogical disciplines, it is important to fix their connection with practice and life, which ensures successful professional activity in future and obliges to combine theoretical work with practical activities, organization of discussions, modelling pedagogical situations, classroom activities with independent ones, learning with practice. Complementing the informative component with the axiological and activity-creative (represented tasks) ones will help to ensure qualitative professional pedagogical training of the future specialist, which will be manifested not only in his/her level of knowledge but also in the development, upbringing, and practical training.
According to V. Kovalchuk, modern state of modernization of the teacher training system can be implemented by shaping the contemporary's outlook starting with primary school, creating methodological culture as a system of socially-tested principles and methods of organization and construction of theoretical and practical activities, developing fundamental professional and moral qualities of a future teacher (Kovalchuk, 2004, p. 13). To ensure this, the researcher concludes, «it is necessary to «train a qualified teacher capable of developing a worthy member of one's nation, prepare a pupil for life in an ecological, political, legal, economic, cultural and educational social environ- ment» (Kovalchuk, 2004, p. 16).
Along with traditional forms of learning in higher educational institutions of Ukraine, within which student independent creative work is provided, the non-traditional, non-standard forms of work occupy an important place: problem-solving lectures and seminars, business, role and didactic games, electives, special courses and special seminars, individual research tasks, problemsolving groups of students, public universities, workshops, round tables, etc. It is very important for the teacher to be able to evaluate the results of both collaborative work and work of each member in particular, because contribution of each participant in the pair must also be noted and marked.
Positive psychological climate in the organization of educational activities as an important factor in the implementation of modern information technology in pedagogical training of a future specialist depends on the organization of pedagogical interaction, relationships between participants in the educational process. This means that at all stages of the organization of educational activities, the teacher should display wisdom and tact, positive emotions, not reproach students for their low success, physical defects or negative behavior. After all, the main task of the teacher is to create such an environment, which is ensured by the appropriate relationships that would provide moral assistance, stimulate students to become better. The basis for introducing the necessary adjustments into the educational process, improvements in the management of educational and cognitive acti- veties is control over students' learning activities, which is carried out in combination with self-control and provides an opportunity for each student to see the results of learning (test assignments of various levels of difficulty are often offered for the purpose of its objectivity). The results of the control over the educational activities are, of course, expressed in its assessment, that is, in determining the level of performance, creative problem solving ability.
Another factor in successful pedagogical approach to practical training in higher educational institutions of Ukraine is the use of various sources for the development of their training. In order to form ideas about improving higher educational institutions functioning, the student should study various documents and publications (printed or oral statements), identify the results of teaching practice, and study professional experience of teachers.
Attracting Internet resources, telecommunication networks for planning and conducting classes in higher educational institutions allows student to work at an individual pace, to cooperate with peers and the teacher. Nowadays we can witness the development of the Ukrainian Internet sector, intensification in introduction of Internet services in various spheres of public life, digital broadcasting, further development of multichannel telecommunication networks and further computerization. Therefore, young people's training, built on the use of information technology, on-line courses improve their orientation in future, which allows using their very valuable time (learning) not only for learning but also for self-training and participation in it (Taylor, 2010, pp. 193-194).
Therefore, the teacher performs not an informational function, but managerial one and becomes, in essence, a consultant in students' independent study. After all, the role of the teacher is not only to ensure the transfer of knowledge from one generation to another, but to be a person of culture and all- manly values, the leader of the ideas of state-building and democratic change. It leads to providing conditions for acquiring professional skills, preparation for self-education, increasing dignity and intelligence, as well as various innovative reforms in education. higher education discussion student
So, while working with computer technologies, the role of the teacher becomes a kind of «conductor» of students' educational activities, since the teacher actually supports and directs their creative searches, and relations with students are based on the principles of cooperation and mutual assistance. In such a way we break with the traditional style of classroom learning (when reproduction of the initial material by students prevails) - now the volume of conducting creative, research works increases.
Weak levels of information dissemination and consideration of public needs, low presence in the global media space and excessive dependence on foreign states (and the media structures) cause a real threat to the national security of Ukraine and a significant foreign influence on the consciousness of Ukrainian citizens. Moreover, national consciousness of Ukrainians is disorientated by the presence of the remnants of the totalitarian imperial Soviet era in the cultural space of Ukraine, while important cultural practices (reading books, periodicals, visiting theaters, cinemas, museums, etc.) are in decline. Hence, increase in social significance of education systems, assistance for representatives of new generations of Ukrainians in receiving education require to focus on the pedagogical approach to professional training for the purpose of their successful professional socialization in the twenty-first century and as a means of assimilating their national cultural heritage, which means getting a world-class profession. All this raises the issue of improving pedagogical skills, specialist professional development and effective implementation of modern technologies in student pedagogical training.
In addition to determining qualitative education content, the use of effective methods and forms (within various learning technologies) and their optimal combination, the factors of practical organization of training in democratization of student pedagogical training are also orientation of the pedagogical process to the general purpose of education, designing the democratic structure of an educational institution, individualization and differentiation of student educational activities, positive psychological climate, control over student educational activities and its assessment in combination with student self-control and self-assessment, the use of various sources of education content development.
Prospects for further research relate to the analysis of pedagogical tools for the implementation of the content of modern pedagogical training in practice, the use of interactive methods and tools, forms of individualized learning (taking into account job analysis for training future specialists).
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Factors of practical implementation of the content of pedagogical training in higher educational institutions of Ukraine. Kobriy Olha - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor of General Pedagogy and Preschool Education Department, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, Ivan Franko str., 24, Drohobych, 82100, Ukraine (olha_kobriy@ukr. net)
It is substantiated that the orientation of the pedagogical process to the versatile harmonious development of a personality brings forward concrete tasks before each participant. After all, the transition to a high-tech information society is accompanied by the processes of globalization and international integration of world education.
It has been established that in addition to orientation of the pedagogical process to the general purpose of education, the factors of practical implementation of the content of students pedagogical training are: determining qualitative content of education, the use of effective methods and forms (within various learning technologies) and their optimal combination, also designing a democratic structure of the educational process, individualization and differentiation of students educational activities, positive psychological climate, control over students educational activities and its assessment together with self-control and self-esteem, the use of various sources of educational content.
The emphasis is placed on the fact that, for the sake of integrity in the structural construction of the content of teacher training, it is important to record the relationship of academic disciplines with practice and life, which ensures successful professional activity in the future, and obligates to combine theoretical work with practical activities, organization of discussions, modeling pedagogical situations, classes with independent activities, training with practice. Qualitative filling of the informative, axiological and activity- creative components of such content will be manifested not only in awareness, but also in the young people's development and upbringing.
There have been considered the opportunities of the individualization of educational activity in the implementation of the content of the students pedagogical training, which involves the division of all the students into conditional groups with homogeneous psychological characteristics and the level of preparation, as well as positive psychological climate (in the organization of educational activities), control over the students' educational activities carried out in combination with self-control. This allows each student to see the results of training, which are expressed in setting the level of performance tasks, the ability to solve the problems creatively.
The author has studied the influence of the Internet resources, telecommunication networks for planning and conducting classes in higher educational institutions, which allows students to work at an individual pace, cooperate with peers and the teacher. There is a change in the traditional style of the educational activity when the reproduction of educational material is dominating; the volume of conducting creative work, projects and research work is increasing.
Keywords: factors, content of education, pedagogical training, individualization, work, forms and methods, independent educational activity.
Acknowledgments. Sincere thanks to scientific staff at V.O. Sucho- mlynskyi State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine, in particular Prof. Olha Suchomlynska.
Funding. The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: Funding from Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University permitted this research completion.
УДК 378.1.011.31
Чинники практичної реалізації змісту педагогічної підготовки фахівців у закладах вищої освіти України. Кобрій Ольга - доктор педагогічних наук, професор кафедри загальної педагогіки та дошкільної освіти, Дрогобицький державний педагогічний університет імені Івана Франка, вул. Івана Франка, 24, Дрогобич, 82100, Україна (olha_kobriy@ukr. net)
У статті обґрунтовується важлива роль сучасного змісту освіти, ефективних форм і методів демократизації педагогічної підготовки майбутнього фахівця. Доведено, що орієнтація педагогічного процесу на різнобічний гармонійний розвиток особистості ставить конкретні завдання перед кожним його учасником.
Встановлено, що чинниками практичної реалізації змісту педагогічної підготовки студентів, окрім зорієнтованості педагогічного процесу на загальну мету освіти, визначення якісного змісту освіти, застосування ефективних методів і форм (у межах різноманітних технологій навчання) та їх оптимального поєднання, є також проектування демократичної структури навчально-виховного процесу, індивідуалізація і диференціація навчальної діяльності студентів, позитивний психологічний клімат, контроль за навчальною діяльністю студентів та її оцінювання у поєднанні із самоконтролем і самооцінкою, застосування різноманітних джерел розвитку змісту освіти тощо.
Акцентовано увагу на тому, що задля цілісності структурної побудови змісту педагогічної підготовки фахівців важливо фіксувати зв 'я- зок навчальних дисциплін із практикою та життям, що забезпечує успішну професійну діяльність у майбутньому і зобов 'язує поєднувати у навчанні теоретичну роботу з практичною, організацією дискусій, моделюванням педагогічних ситуацій, аудиторні заняття із самостійною діяльністю, навчання із практикою. Якісне наповнення інформативного, ак- сіологічного та діяльнісно-творчого компонентів такого змісту виявлятиметься не лише в інформованості, а й у розвитку і вихованні молодих людей.
Розглянуто можливості в реалізації змісту педагогічної підготовки студентів індивідуалізації навчальної діяльності, що передбачає поділ усіх присутніх на умовні групи з однорідними психологічними характеристиками і рівнем підготовки, а також позитивного психологічного клімату (в організації навчальної діяльності), контролю за навчальною діяльністю студентів, що здійснюється у поєднанні із самоконтролем.
Ключові слова: чинники, зміст освіти, педагогічна підготовка, індивідуалізація, робота, форми та методи, самостійна навчальна діяльність.
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презентация [1,4 M], добавлен 06.02.2014The applied science model. The basic assumptions underlying this model. Received and experiential knowledge. Oldest form of professional education. The most advanced modern teaching strategies. Projects for the development of creative abilities.
презентация [156,0 K], добавлен 09.03.2015Investigation of the main reasons English language jelly. Characteristics of the expansion content Total Physical Response; consideration of the basic pedagogical principles of its use in teaching language inostannomu junior and senior school age.
курсовая работа [40,2 K], добавлен 21.02.2012History of school education system in the USA. The role of school education in the USA. Organisation of educational process in American schools. Reforms and innovations in education that enable children to develop their potential as individuals.
курсовая работа [326,6 K], добавлен 12.01.2016Disclosure of the concept of the game. Groups of games, developing intelligence, cognitive activity of the child. The classification of educational games in a foreign language. The use of games in the classroom teaching English as a means of improving.
курсовая работа [88,5 K], добавлен 23.04.2012Studying the system of education in Britain and looking at from an objective point of view. Descriptions of English school syllabus, features of infant and junior schools. Analyzes the categories of comprehensive schools, private and higher education.
презентация [886,2 K], добавлен 22.02.2012The development in language teaching methodology. Dilemma in language teaching process. Linguistic research. Techniques in language teaching. Principles of learning vocabulary. How words are remembered. Other factors in language learning process.
учебное пособие [221,2 K], добавлен 27.05.2015Problems of child's psychological development. "Hot-Cold" games (for children till 7 years old). Intellectual Eye Measurer. Definitions and classification. Assessment. Computer, teacher's version. Mathematics. Statistics (for training of banking workers).
реферат [46,3 K], добавлен 19.09.2015Italy - the beginner of European education. Five stages of education in Italy: kindergarten, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, university. The ceremony of dedication to students - one of the brightest celebrations in Italy.
презентация [3,8 M], добавлен 04.04.2013Principles of asr teсhnology. Performance and designissues in speech applications. Current trends in voise-interactive call. Difining and acquiring literacy in the age of information. Content-based instruction and literacy development.
курсовая работа [107,9 K], добавлен 21.01.2008Features of training of younger schoolboys and preschool children. Kognitivnoe development of preschool children. Features of teaching of English language at lessons with use of games. The principal views of games used at lessons of a foreign language.
курсовая работа [683,5 K], добавлен 06.03.2012The employment of Internet in teaching Foreign Languages. The modern methods of teaching 4 basic skills. The usage of Internet technologies for effective Foreign Languages acquisition. Analysis of experience: my and teachers of Foreign Languages.
курсовая работа [2,3 M], добавлен 30.03.2016The bases of teaching a foreign language. Effective methodology of teaching a foreign language as a second. Using project methods in teaching. The method of debate. The advantages of using games. Various effective ways of teaching a foreign language.
курсовая работа [679,3 K], добавлен 21.01.2014