Worldview education of future foreign literature teachers: professional outlook characteristics and maturity

Diagnostic and methodological support of the process of ideological training of future teachers of foreign literature in the direction of the formation of their professional outlook. The contradictions arising in the process of University education.

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Дата добавления 11.10.2018
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In the situation of European educational integration and Ukrainian society transformation which requires the university education to perform its leading social role reproduction of the intellectual, creative and cultural potential, it has nearly stopped to carry out the functions of worldview formation of the graduates who have chosen humanitarian-pedagogical professions.

In particular, ignoring ideological training of pedagogical staff in domestic Universities is explained by the recent breakdown of totalitarian organizational pattern of education that was focused on the communist world outlook formation (Talanova, 2007). Recently pluralistic views and postmodernism epoch outlook, mitigating any values, norms, ideas have become popular in the society (Khrienko, 2005).

Besides, despite essential contribution of scientists to the study of the issue of pedagogical outlook, pedagogical thinking and conscience (Tsokur, 1998), the aspect of professional outlook formation of future foreign literature teachers still remains understudied.

That is why the following contradictions occur in the process of university education acquisition:

- between understanding the necessity of the formation of future foreign literature teachers' professional outlook and inconsistency of conceptual basis concerning the definition of its essence and structure, criteria and indicators.

- between real possibilities of improvement of the level of their professional outlook and imperfect methods essence and structure of professional outlook, levels of prouniversity education.

- of their practical implementation in the course of the university world outlook formation.

Thus, the mentioned contradictions point to the necessity of scientific and theoretical justification of the issue of future foreign literature teachers' professional outlook formation, because it is an important factor of intellectual, sociocultural, moral, ethical and worldview development of students especially in new multicultural conditions of the school environment.

The paper aims to justify the necessity of developing the conceptual-theoretical and diagnostic-methodical provision of the process of worldview education of future foreign literature teachers with the aim to form their professional outlook.

The research tasks are as follows:

- to outline the essence and structure of professional outlook of future foreign literature teachers as a final result of their worldview education;

- to distinguish criteria and indicators, characterize maturity levels of the respondents' professional outlook;

- to identify the real state of ideological training foreign literature students, in particular in the aspect of the formation of their professional outlook.

Research Methods

The following theoretical research methods were applied in the study:

- analysis and generalization of scientific literature on the issue with the aim of finding out the state of outlook training of students in the course of university education;

- synthesis in order to distinguish specific features of future foreign literature teachers' professional outlook;

- concretization for its essence and structure justification;

The following empirical research methods were applied:

- sociological survey (questioning and interviewing) of the students and lecturers according to a specially designed questionnaire with the purpose of identifying content and forms of organization as well as contradictions of ideological training of future foreign literature teachers;

In particular, the specially designed questionnaire was given to the students for self-evaluation. Besides, university methodologists were suggested to carry out expert assessment of the respondents which provided an opportunity to define intensity of manifestation of every component of professional outlook of future foreign literature teachers according to the nine-point scale, among the following basic criteria:

- patriotism, activity in promotion of traditions and ideals of foreign literature;

- focus on preservation of native and other cultures;

- personal affiliation to spiritual ideals of the nation, analytical and reflexive abilities, independence of thinking, adequacy of considering problems and challenges of education in the field of literature and pedagogical civilization in general;

- ability for literary development of students;

- focus on reaching moral and ethical ideals, inspiration for the multicultural education of students;

- the state of satisfaction with the choice of pedagogical profession responsibility for pedagogical decisions implementation.

The research was carried out at the departments of Romance and Germanic Philology and Foreign Languages Departments of the following universities: Izmail State University of Humanities, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Padagogical University, V.O. Sukhomlinskyi Mykolaiv National University, Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University, Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University.

978 Master-degree students majoring in Foreign Literature took part in the study aimed at examining their professional outlook level.

The study was based on the author's methodology (Romanets, 2013). The assessment of the levels of the future foreign literature teachers' professional outlook maturity was carried out by experts (leading specialists of the Departments of Foreign Literature of the above-mentioned institutions and teaching methodology experts who supervised during internship) in the process of pedagogical activity of the students during lessons. For this purpose, the author's diagnostic questionnaire was used, which made it possible to measure the components of the professional outlook of future foreign literature teachers according to the twelve-point scale, taking into account the following parameters: the type of the lesson and its developmental and educational effect (the components of the students' theoretical thinking are formed: analysis, synthesis, comparison, systematization; presenting the leading ideas, concepts, ensuring a high level of intellectual and speech activity of students), the content of the educational material (if its corresponds to the current level of literature, deep insight into events, issues, facts), teaching methods, moral and psychological climate of the lesson, etc.

Theoretical Study Results

Adhering to the general philosophical point of view on the essence of the worldview as a basic category (Batalov, 1988), we understand professional outlook as a formation of the personality of a foreign literature teacher as a system of socially relevant pedagogical views, convictions and values that define humanistic, creative and aesthetic character of his/her work, personal style of management of literary development and multicultural education of the growing generation.

Possession of professional outlook characterizes a foreign literature teacher as socially mature and responsible pedagogical process subject, creative organizer of literary education and multicultural worldview development of the students, who is able to make independent constructive choice and plan the most efficient educational technologies, to block harmful influence and to resist spiritual impoverishment of social environment.

The essence of professional outlook of a foreign literature teacher, in our opinion, involves the contribution to the correlation of phenomena and events of a certain pedagogical reality with the system of generally accepted pedagogical views and ideas, cultural values and humanistic ideals, permeates psychological structure of educational activities, influencing their components diagnostics, assessment, planning, communication, reflection, aim and tasks formulation.

Taking into consideration the specificity of professional consciousness of pedagogical community (Tsokur, 1988), represented by ontological (convictions), axiological (ideals, values), motivational (demands), normative and regulating (social norms, rules), communicative (behavior patterns, adherence to traditions) components, in the professional outlook structure of a foreign literature teacher, we distinguished the following ones:

intellectual, which reflects the depth of worldview interpretation of the surrounding sociocultural (artistic, aesthetic) and pedagogical reality by a foreign literature teacher. It provides integrity and adequacy of professional understanding of scientific, theoretical state of contemporary pedagogical civilization, in particular literary and multicultural education of students; it helps to make adequate judgements concerning the efficiency of using traditional and innovative technologies in mass and personal pedagogical experience; it assists in making optimal professional pedagogical decisions concerning the pedagogical process organization, focused on providing worldview, artistic, aesthetic and literary development of students;

- axiological, showing intensity of a foreign literature teacher's professional view of an actual sociocultural and pedagogical reality, provides conviction in social importance of his/her work, reaching the highest professional, pedagogical, moral and ethical ideals; it targets a personality to acquire pedagogical professional competence and to become an organizer of literary multicultural education of the new generation;

- motivational, reflecting the degree of a foreign literature teacher's appreciation of his or her professional mission, results in his/her satisfaction with the chosen pedagogical profession, it provides stability of motives to fulfill the task of multicultural and literary development of students; maintains creativity and makes a teacher focus on professional pedagogical issues;

- the intentional one, including the function of the world perception, provides foreign teacher's acquisition of positive self-concept as a participant, organizer and manager of literary and multicultural education of students; self-confidence and constructiveness of strategies of his/her professional behavior; ability to defend his/her professional and pedagogic views, principles and ideals;

- praxeological, based on the function of world transformation, provides constant personal and professional self-development of a foreign literature teacher; his or her focus on the improvement of personal pedagogical activity and communication skills with students; responsibility for making pedagogical decisions and their implementation.

We have clarified the following criteria and indicators of professional outlook of a foreign literature teacher (in accordance with which the level of their manifestation can be estimated as follows: 1) optimal; 2) proper; 3) primary)):

- criteria: cognitive and methodological, evaluative, reflexive and critical, orientation and prognostic, integration and activity;

- indicators: scientific style of thinking, social maturity, pedagogical orientation, humanistic position, creativity.

The optimal level of the professional outlook of a foreign literature teacher is characterized by a highly developed pedagogical and creative literary thinking, based on the substantial theoretical knowledge, which provides adequate comprehension of basic problems of the pedagogical environment, certain patterns of creative literary and multicultural education of students; valid judgements concerning the efficiency of traditional and innovative technologies implementation; taking optimal decisions concerning organization of highly resultative literary and multicultural development of students.

The proper level is characterized by the dominance of scientific style of pedagogical and creative literary thinking of a foreign literature teacher based on theoretical knowledge. Implementation of empirical knowledge together with theoretical one sometimes decrease the adequacy of comprehension of the basic pedagogical challenges and problems, certain patterns of creative literary and multicultural education of students; this results in insufficient reasonableness of judgements concerning the efficiency of traditional and innovative technologies implementation; it decreases optimality of decisions concerning organization of successful literary and multicultural development of students.

The following features are peculiar for the primary level of a foreign literature teacher's professional outlook:

poor style of pedagogical and creative literary thinking, based on slight dominance of theoretical knowledge implemented together with the empirical one. This considerably limits the range of pedagogical situations, in which a foreign literature teacher reveals adequacy of comprehension of the basic problems of pedagogical environment, certain patterns of creative literary and multicultural education of students which leads to poor reasonableness of judgements concerning efficiency of traditional and innovative technologies implementation; it significantly decreases optimality of decisions concerning organization of successful literary and multicultural development of students.

Empirical Study Results

The findings are presented in Table 1.

education teacher professional

Table 1. Maturity Levels of Future Foreign Literature Teachers' Professional Outlook (initial data, in %)

Levels of Professional Outlook

University Types



















As Table 1 illustrates the optimal level of professional outlook is peculiar for a small number of the respondents (13-20%). 43-49 % of the graduates manifested the primary level of the professional outlook and only a quarter (34 -37%) had the proper level.

More thorough analysis of our findings shows that out of five leading components of future foreign teachers' professional outlook three of them are the most poorly developed, i.e. axiological, motivational, and intentional, which is indicative of the fact that the students are focused on foreign language teaching rather than foreign literature teaching in their further work after graduation.

The reason due to which they do not have a high level of the maturity of professional outlook is the lack of proper practical and didactic-methodical training within

their specialization (French literature, English literature, German literature).

Besides, interviewing of graduates and methodologists, as well as the analysis of normative-methodical documents concerning internship organization of the graduates of “Philology” specialty as future foreign literature teachers make it possible to conclude the following:

- adaptation to this professional role is possible only during school internship in the process of taking Master's degree program, thus bachelors remain unprepared for performing such professional-pedagogic functions;

- in accordance with adopted regularities, graduates of Master's degree programs have to conduct a demonstration Foreign Literature lesson, on the basis of which the successfulness of their pedagogical training as foreign literature teachers can be defined;

- there is practically no instructive-methodical supply for pedagogical practice of the graduates in the specialty “Philology” as future foreign literature teachers and if there is some it is as a rule of formal nature, that is why graduates do not feel confidently in this professional status, considering themselves to be mainly foreign language teachers;

- interviewing graduates shows that they consider a `foreign literature teacher' status less prestigious than the a `foreign language teacher' one, though the first one presupposes much wider range of subject and professional-pedagogic competences;

- in the course of Master's degree (assistant) practice the improvement of professional activity functions of future foreign literature teachers at higher educational establishments is not presupposed, or if it takes place, then only on the individual student's request.


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