Assessment of future marketing experts’ professional thinking creative component maturity
The need to create scientifically based conditions for the development of professional thinking of future marketers in the process of professional training. The main components of the creative component of thinking students of the specialty "Marketing".
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 11.10.2018 |
Размер файла | 25,0 K |
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Assessment of future marketing experts' professional thinking creative component maturity
Nataliia Shevchenko, Doctor of Psychology, professor, head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Education, Zaporizhzhia National University, 118, Hoholia Str., Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine,
Natalia Kuchynova, PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), senior lecturer, Department of Socio-Humanitarian and Fundamental Training, The West-Donbas Institute of the Private Joint Stock Company “Higher education institution “The Interregional Academy of Personnel Management”, 400/1, Dniprovska Str., Pavlohrad, Ukraine
professional thinking student marketer
The relevance of the study is due to the need to create scientifically grounded conditions for the development of professional thinking offuture marketing experts in the process of training. The paper aims to present the results of the empirical study revealing the peculiarities of the development of the creative component of professional thinking of students majoring in “Marketing”. The article reveals the structure of marketing experts' professional thinking creative component, which includes the following constituents: motivational, cognitive-divergent, emotional-volitional, and communicative. According to the determined structure of marketing experts' professional thinking creative component, the criteria and indicators of every constituent have been substantiated. The generalization of the results of theoretical analysis and empirical research allowed to determine the levels of the maturity of the creative component of the professional thinking of future marketing experts: high, higher than average, average, lower than average, low, and to state its slight increase (with a decline during the third year) during the studies at a higher educational institution.
Keywords: professional thinking, creative component of professional thinking, marketer, motivational component, cognitive-divergent component, emotional-volitional component, communicative component, integral assessment, levels of maturity.
Наталія Шевченко,
доктор психологічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри педагогіки та психології освітньої діяльності,
Запорізький національний університет, вул. Гоголя 118, м. Запоріжжя, Україна, Наталя Кучинова, кандидат психологічних наук, старший викладач кафедри соціально-гуманітарної та фундаментальної підготовки, Західнодонбаський інститут ПрАТ «ВНЗ «МАУП», вул. Дніпровська, 400/1, м. Павлоград, Дніпропетровська обл., Україна
Оцінка розвитку креативної складової професійного мислення майбутніх маркетологів
Актуальність дослідження зумовлена необхідністю створення науково обґрунтованих умов розвитку професійного мислення майбутніх маркетологів у процесі професійної підготовки. Мета статті - презентувати результати емпіричного дослідження особливостей розвитку креативної складової професійного мислення студентів спеціальності «Маркетинг». У статті розкрито структуру креативної складової професійного мислення маркетолога, яка включає такі компоненти: мотиваційний, когнітивно-дивергентний, емоційно-вольовий та комунікативний. Відповідно до визначеної структури креативної складової професійного мислення маркетолога обґрунтовано критерії та показники кожного компонента. Визначено, що критерієм розвитку когнітивно-дивергентного компонента є сформованість когнітивно-дивергентного мислення за показниками: допитливість, розвиток уяви, складність мислення, невербальна та мовленнєво-мисленнєва креативність. Критерієм розвитку комунікативного компонента - комунікативна компетентність, яка характеризується показниками ініціативності, активності у спілкуванні, схильності до самопрезентації. Критерієм розвитку мотиваційного компонента визначено мотивацію досягнення, показником якої є мотивація прагнення до успіху. Критерієм розвитку емоційно-вольового компонента є готовність до ризику, а показниками - готовність до ризику та рішучість у діях. Обґрунтовано вибір психодіагностичного інструментарію дослідження кожного структурного компоненту креативної' складової професійного мислення маркетолога: методика «Мотивація досягнення» (модифікація тесту- опитувальника А. Мехрабіана, запропонована М. Ш. Магомед-Еміновим), методика «Діагностика невербальної креативності» (короткий варіант тесту Е. Торренса в адаптації А. М. Вороніна), методика «Діагностика мовленнєво-мисленнєвої креативності» Т. В. Галкіної, Л. Г. Алексєєвої, методика «Діагностики особистісної креативності» О. Є. Тунік, методика виявлення «Комунікативних і організаторських схильностей» (КОС-2) (В. В. Синявського, Б. О. Федорішина). Подано результати емпіричного дослідження особливостей розвитку структурних компонентів креативної складової професійного мислення студентів-маркетологів І-IV курсів та динаміку впродовж навчального процесу. Узагальнення результатів теоретичного аналізу та емпіричного дослідження дозволило визначити рівні розвитку креативної складової професійного мислення майбутніх маркето- логів - високий, вищий за середній, середній, нижчий за середній, низький - та констатувати її незначне зростання (зі зниженням на ІІІ курсі) упродовж навчання у вищому навчальному закладі.
Ключові слова: професійне мислення, креативна складова професійного мислення, маркетолог, мотиваційний компонент, когнітивно-дивергентний компонент, емоційно-вольовий компонент, комунікативний компонент, інтегральна оцінка, рівні розвитку креативної складової професійного мислення маркетолога.
Rapid transformations in the Ukrainian economy necessitate the formation of such a type of thinking, which makes it possible to independently update knowledge, improve one's own professional level, think critically and find new, original ways to address professional challenges. That is why the important task of the national higher education is to train specialists who have a sufficient level of professional competence and meet the requirements of the modern society. Finding ways of developing creativity as a component of professional thinking of future professionals is of particular significance nowadays.
Peculiarities of professional thinking of specialists of various fields are presented in the works of domestic and foreign scientists: problems of professional thinking of students (Valillullina, 2007), research of professional thinking of economists (Herzen, 2005), professional thinking of psychologists (Gura, 2013), features of professional thinking of teachers (Dzhelelova, 2008), professional and creative thinking of future foreign language specialists (Zasekina, 2000).
Professional thinking is an important component of professional mastery, which ensures the successful performance of professional tasks, the adoption of optimal solutions in a particular area of activity, the embodiment of professional competence of the individual and the condition of his or her professional development. The Science and Education, psychological peculiarities of professional thinking of a marketing specialist include analyticity, strategy, integrity, systematicity, and creativity. Ergonomics, creative intuition and ingenuity are features of professional thinking of a marketing expert.
Various aspects of creativity development are considered in the works dealing with psychological structure of creativity (Barysheva, 2013), peculiarities of communicative creativity (Belousova, 2004), development of the creative component of professional thinking of future teachers (Malii, 2011), psychological mechanisms of the development of personality creativity (Puzep, 2006), emotional and motivational components of creativity of the individual (Savrasov, 2012).
Despite the presence of a very broad spectrum of research studies of professional thinking of future specialists in various fields, the issues of professional thinking development are left unresolved, taking into account the specifics of the chosen specialty, in particular, its creative component for future marketing specialists.
Aim and Tasks
The paper aims to present the results of the empirical study of the peculiarities of the development of the creative component of professional thinking of students majoring in “Marketing”.
To study the peculiarities of the development of the creative component of professional thinking of students- marketing experts, the following tasks were set:
1) to describe the criteria and indicators of the development of the creative component of professional thinking of future marketing experts;
2) to identify the levels of the maturity of future marketing experts' professional thinking creative component.
The research hypothesis implies that the creative component of the professional thinking as a holistic system formation is determined by the harmonious development of the motivational, cognitive-divergent, emotional- volitional and communicative components, and under ordinary conditions of vocational training is not properly formed.
Research Methods
To study the level of the maturity of marketing experts' professional thinking creative component, a psychodiagnostic toolkit has been selected that provides the reliability and validity of the results: Achievement Motivation Test (modification of A. Mehrabian's questionnaire proposed by M.Sh. Magomed-Eiminov) (Fetiskin, 2002), Personal Creativity Test by O. Tunik (Fetiskin, 2002), Non-Verbal Creativity Test (short version of E. Torrance's test in the adaptation of A. Voronin) (Voronin, 1994; Torrance, 1974), Speech and Thinking Creativity Inventory (Galkina, 1993), Communicative and Organizational Tendencies Test (Fetiskin, 2002), Personal Creativity Test by O. E. Tunik (Voronin, 1994).
Research of the development of the creative component of professional thinking of future marketing specialists was carried out on the basis of Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia National Technical University and The West-Donbas Institute of the Private Joint Stock Company “Higher education institution “The Interregional Academy of Personnel Management” (Kyiv).
The sample was composed of students of І-IV years of study majoring in “Marketing”. The total number of subjects - 279 people, of which 68 respondents - first- year students; 70 - second-year students; 72 - third-year students; 69 - fourth-year students.
The processing of the data was carried out using the taxonomy method by Z. Helveg, the processing of statistical data was carried out on the basis of Expert Choice and Microsoft Ehsel-2013 applications, as a result of which a comprehensive integrated assessment of the levels of the development of the creative component of professional thinking of students-marketing specialists was revealed.
Theoretical Study Results
The choice of research methods was preceded by scientific literature review, which helped to distinguish the constituents of marketing experts' professional thinking creative component: motivational, cognitive- divergent, communicative, and emotional-volitional. The motivational constituent is characterized by the following indicators: motivation for success, creativity, selfdevelopment; coherence of motives, values and goals;
understanding social significance of work results. The parameters of the cognitive-divergent component involve mobility, plasticity and originality of thinking; associativity; intuitive ability; the ability to transform and forecast; ingenuity; imagination; experience of creative (productive) activity. The communicative component is characterized by ease in communication, a tendency for selfpresentation, independence, emotional stability in communication, tendency for manipulation, expressiveness and attraction. The emotional-volitional constituent has such indicators as emotional stability, professional endurance, readiness for risk, determination in decisionmaking, organization (Shevchenko, 2016).
The theoretical analysis allowed to determine the criteria and indicators of the development of the constituents of marketing experts' professional thinking creative component. The maturity of cognitive-divergent thinking is the criterion for the development of a cognitive-divergent constituent (Guilford, 1967; Torrance, 1974; Kholodnaya, 1992; Chernetskaya, 2013), that is the ability of a future marketing specialist to produce a significant number of new ideas and images, the desire to resolve non-standard tasks in professional activity. Communicative competence is a criterion for the development of the communicative constituent (Belousova, 2004; Kabachenko, 2000; Ro- zova, 2007; Sannikova, 2001), that is, the mastery of primary communication skills in communication, selfpresentation and methods of active communication. For the motivational constituent, the achievement motivation was chosen as the development criterion (Zanyuk, 2002; Ilyin, 2002; Puzep, 2006). Willingness to risk is considered to be the criterion for the maturity of the emotional- volitional constituent, which is manifested in the future marketing specialists' mastering of the techniques and methods of actions in situations of uncertainty and the formation of an individual style of behavior in a risk situation (Zenasni, 2009; Savrasov, 2012; Khabibullin, 2008).
Research Results
Analysis of the results according to the Achievement Motivation Test (modification of the test questionnaire by A. Mehrabian proposed by M. Sh. Magomed-Eiminov), which was aimed at examining two motives - striving for success and avoiding failures, has shown that at different stages of professional training, the students' motivation for the achievements has significant differences. The highest rates of motivation for the desire to succeed can be observed among first-year students (32.4%) and fourth-year ones (29%). For the second-year students, this indicator is 7.14%, and the third-year ones - 14.3%. The rest of the students have manifested the motivation to avoid failures. Such a difference in the data according to the year of study can be explained by different attitudes of students to the results of learning and their ability for selforganization.
In the process of examining the cognitive-divergent constituent of the creative component of professional thinking, levels of maturity in non-verbal creativity, speech-thinking creativity, the complexity of thinking, imagination and curiosity were assessed.
A high level of non-verbal creativity was found in 9.3% of I-IV-year students and a higher than the average one in 12.2% of the respondents using the Non-Verbal Creativity Test (short version of E. Torrance's test in the adaptation of A. Voronin). Most students have shown an average (41.2%) and below average (21.5%) levels. Low levels of non-verbal creativity were observed in 15.8% of the respondents. Such results can be explained by the fact that a significant number of our sample students have shown poor ability for transformation and ability to deviate from stereotypes that are essential for the professional work of marketing experts in creating new products and services, developing brand names, creating promotional products, etc.
To study the maturity of the cognitive-divergent constituent, the results of measuring the verbal and (verbal) creativity of the students according to two indices were important: originality and uniqueness by Speech and Thinking Creativity Inventory (T. V. Galkina, L. G. Alekseeva).
The processing of data according to the index of the originality of speech and thinking creativity has shown that 6.1% of sample students have a high level. The level above the average was found in 15.8% of students. The highest rates were determined by the average level of speech-thinking creativity - 46.6% and the level below the average - 26.5%. 5% of the students had a low level of verbal creativity according to the index of originality.
According to the index of the uniqueness of speech and intellectual creativity assessment, a high level was found in 4.7% of the students, above the average level was peculiar for 12.5%, the average one - for 41.6%, below the average one - 30.5%. Quantitative indicators of the low level according to the uniqueness index exceed the indexes of originality and make up 10.7% of the entire sample. The obtained results show that the majority of the students are characterized by stereotype thinking, weak ability to present original ideas in a verbal form. This can negatively affect marketing experts' work, which is associated with the design of advertising materials, company slogans, etc.
In order to study the cognitive-divergent constituent, the results of the diagnostics of curiosity, imagination and complexity of thinking according to Personal Creativity Test by O. E. Tunik were processed. The analysis of the results show that the high level of curiosity is peculiar for 12.5% of the first- and fourth-year students. Indicators of higher levels were found in 23.7% of the subjects. Most students showed an average curiosity level (44.8%). The level below the average was found in 16.1% of the sample students, and the lowest one - in 2.9% of the subjects.
Somewhat different results were obtained concerning the examination of the respondents' imagination. Thus, the high level of imagination was found only in 3.9% of the students. The level above the average was found in 17.9%. A significant proportion of students (41.6%) had an average level of imagination. The level below average was characteristic of 23.7% of the students, and the low one - 12.9% of the respondents. Based on the results obtained, we can conclude that the respondents have insufficient level of imagination, which is very necessary for them to fulfill creative tasks in their work: development of new products, creation of products for the promotion of goods and services, etc.
An important indicator of the cognitive-divergent constituent is the level of complexity of thinking, which characterizes the ability of the subject to set challenges, identify perseverance and independence in achieving goals, find complex ways to solve problems, etc. The analysis of empirical research of personal creativity have shown that it is according to this indicator that the lowest results were obtained. Thus, a high level of the complexity of thinking was found in 4.7% of the students. The level above the average was peculiar for 17.9% of the subjects. In most students, the average level (47.7%) and the low level (23.7%) could be observed. A low level of this indicator was found in 6% of the respondents. Those having a low and below low levels of complexity in thinking may have difficulties in work when analyzing market conditions, planning, promoting goods and services, studying consumer behavior and forecasting supply and demand, etc.
The communicative constituent plays a significant role in the field of “human-human” work type. The ability of a marketing specialist to quickly and easily make contacts, interact with consumers, competitors, and partners is an important condition for their success. The results of the study on this component show that a level above high of communicative skills was found in 12.9% of the students, and a high level - 17.9%. This level indicates that students demonstrate initiative in communication, quickly find friends and constantly strive to expand the circle of contacts.
The average level of communicative skills was found in 41.6% of the respondents. 17.9% of the subjects had indicators of the level below average. The low level of communicative skills was peculiar for 9.7% of the students.
Investigation of readiness for risk was carried out according to Personal Creativity Test by O. E. Tunik. Thus, a high level of readiness for risk was found in 7.9% of the students, and below average - in 23.7%. This suggests that more than 30% of future marketing specialists are decisive in making decisions, do not avoid risks in order to achieve guaranteed results. The average level was found in 41.6% of the respondents. The low level of readiness for risk was diagnosed in 23.7% of the students, and the low level was peculiar for 3.1% of the respondents. Thus, almost 30% of future marketing experts do not show initiative in expressing their thoughts; they lack decisiveness to defend new ideas and tend to support commonly accepted views.
In order to obtain statistically significant results regarding the peculiarities of the development of the creative component of professional thinking of the students, it was necessary to determine the standard indicators of levels of its maturity separately for each group of students depending on the year of study. To this end, integral estimates of every constituent of the creative component were calculated and a comprehensive integrated index was obtained (Table 1). The acquired quantitative indicators according to psychodiagnostic methods were the input data for the assessment of the general level of the maturity of the creative component of professional thinking. The realization of this task was carried out by the taxonomy method, which allows to organize the investigated objects (components), which are characterized by a set of signs.
The analysis of the indicators shows that the mean value of the integrated assessment was found at the level from 0.316 to 0.434 in the I-IV-year students. The maximum value is defined in the range from 0.459 to 0.617.
The highest mean and maximum values were found among the students of the fourth year of study. The lowest rates of these values were observed in the third-year students.
Since the maximum values for the methods used were considered as the reference value in the taxonomy method, then the resulting values of the overall level of the creative component of professional thinking of marketing experts can be divided into groups, choosing a certain step of the partition. When dividing into 5 groups, the step 0.2 is chosen. At that, 1.0 is considered to be the reference level.
We received a scale of division into 5 groups, which were defined as levels of the creative component of professional thinking maturity: 0-0.20 - low level; 0,21-0.40 - lower than average; 0.41-0.60 - average level; 0.61-0.80 - higher than average; 0.81-1.0 - high level.
Table 1. Integral Assessment of Marketing Specialists' Professional Thinking Creative Component
Ik |
1st year |
2nd year |
3rd year |
4th year |
value |
level |
value |
level |
value |
level |
value |
level |
Mean value |
0 .434 |
A |
0 .412 |
A |
0 .316 |
BA |
0 .426 |
A |
Maximum value |
0 .568 |
A |
0 .529 |
A |
0 .459 |
A |
0 .617 |
AA |
The analysis of the obtained results shows that in the students of the 1st and 2nd years of study, the maturity of professional thinking creative component corresponds to the average level (according to the mean and maximum values). For the third-year students, the level is lower than the average (according to the mean value) and the average level (according to the maximum value). The highest indicators were found in the 4th-year students. Thus, according to the mean value, the average level was determined, and according to the maximum one, higher than the average one was revealed.
Table 2. Empirically Detected Levels and Indicators of Marketing Specialists' Professional Thinking Creative Component Maturity
levels |
Indicators of the Creative Constituent of Professional Thinking |
High |
The domination of the motivation for success, the need to overcome obstacles and achieve high indicators in labor and self-improvement, the desire for self-fulfillment; interest in everything new, rejection of stereotypical solving of problem tasks, ability to produce a significant number of new ideas, high level of creative imagination, increased vigor and initiative in creative activity; developed communicative skills, active desire for communication; the ability to make decisions, risk aversion, etc. |
Above average |
The presence of the motivation to succeed, the need to overcome obstacles in achieving results, perseverance in solving the tasks set; interest in the new, the desire to solve non-standard tasks and ability to produce new ideas, sufficient level of creative imagination; activeness in creativity and expression of ideas; initiative in communication, the desire to expand the circle of contacts; the ability to make independent decisions in difficult situations, etc. |
Average |
The combination of the motivation of both the desire for success and the avoidance of failures; partial need to overcome obstacles in achieving results; superficial interest in the new and the tendency to stereotypical way of solving problems; partial manifestation of the ability to produce non-standard ideas, the average level of creative imagination; the desire to make contacts; moderate risk appetite, partial manifestation of activity and vigor in solving professional problems. |
levels |
Indicators of the Creative Constituent of Professional Thinking |
Below average |
The presence of motivation to avoid failures, the absence of the need to overcome obstacles and achieve significant results; a tendency to avoid problems, failures and punishment; negative expectations in solving tasks; selective interest in the new, passivity to the promotion of new ideas, domination of stereotypes in ways to solve problems; the desire to simplify the solution of complex tasks, the insufficient level of creative imagination; fear of risks and of expression of one's own opinion; the desire for communication, shyness with strangers, difficulties in establishing new contacts with people. |
Low |
Domination of the motivation to avoid failures due to the need to avoid mistakes in solving professional tasks; low interest in the new and unusual and disinterest in finding original ideas and non-standard ways of solving problems, low level of creative imagination; passivity in solving complex tasks; absence of risk appetite and initiative in expressing one's opinion; poor communication skills. |
We believe it is necessary to give a detailed description of the levels of the maturity of the creative component of professional thinking of future marketing experts relying on interpretive interpretations of the psychodiagnostic techniques applied (Table 2).
The determined levels can be used for assessing the impact of psychological and pedagogical influence on the development of the creative component of professional thinking of future marketing specialists in the process of training.
The article reveals the structure of a future marketing experts' professional thinking creative component, which includes the following constituents: motivational, cognitive-divergent, emotional-volitional, and communicative. According to the determined structure of the creative component of professional thinking, the criteria (the maturity of cognitive-divergent thinking, communicative skills, achievement motivation, readiness for risk) and indicators (curiosity, imagination, complexity of thinking, nonverbal and speech-thinking creativity, initiative, activity in communication, propensity for self-presentation, motivation for success, readiness for risk and decisiveness in decision-making) of every constituent have been described. The choice of psychodiagnostic tools for the examination of every constituent of the creative component has been substantiated. The results of the empirical study of the peculiarities of the development of the creative component of professional thinking of students majoring in “Marketing” have been presented. The integral assessment determines the level of the maturity of the respondents' creative component of professional thinking. The research has shown that a significant number of 1-3rd- year students have an average level of the investigated quality. The higher than the average level is peculiar for the 4th-year students. Based on interpretations of psychodiagnostic techniques, indicators of maturity levels have been defined and their detailed characteristics have been presented, which can be used to assess the impact of psychological and pedagogical influence on the development of the creative component of professional thinking of future marketing experts.
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