Інтеграція елементів педагогічної та акторської майстерності у процесі підготовки майбутніх докторів філософії
Огляд сутності питання застосування педагогічної майстерності. Обґрунтування формування нової, складної системи отриманих здатностей за допомогою інтеграції змісту театральної педагогіки й педагогічної майстерності у процесі підготовки аспірантів.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 13.10.2018 |
Размер файла | 26,3 K |
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Strategies for modelling of creativity of social pedagogues in the educational process
Petryshyn Liudmyla
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Department of Social Education and Social Work
Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University
Ternopil, Ukraine
Abstract. The process of creativity formation of future social pedagogues is analysed in the article. The analysis of effective forms is conducted to realize the creative component in the structure of training of future social workers: independent character of lectures, seminars, exercises. The structure of independent work is characterized, aimed at self-actualization, self-development, self-realization of creative skills of future social workers in professional activities; basic content elements of "Diary of Creativeness" are provided: define the students' own creative potential and creative abilities, give some personal recommendations on fostering a creative personality, styling program for building creativity and production of creative ideas in the socio-educational field. Based on the analysis of scientific positions, the article focuses on the effectiveness of the educational process as defined by relevant university forms and methods to be used in the formation of creative social pedagogues. Implementation and activation of creativity formation of future social workers in higher education is a prerequisite for improving the quality of education and the forming of a competitive creative professional. It will provide the creativity in the formation of future social pedagogues, which will enable the development of a solid scientific basis. Research methods used: theoretical - conceptual and comparative analysis, which substantiates theoretical approaches to the disclosure of the essence of concept of forming the creativity of future social pedagogues in higher education; structural and system analysis to determine the main components of process of forming creativity, to identify its patterns and features; generalization and systematization for defining of conceptual provisions of formation of creativity of future specialists of social sphere in higher educational institutions.
Key words: art, creativity, the formation of creativity, social pedagogues, educational process, professional training.
Стратегии моделирования креативности социальных педагогов в образовательном процессе. Петришин Людмила
Аннотация. В статье проанализирован процесс формирования креативности будущих социальных педагогов, также освещают особенности моделирования стратегии подготовки креативных социальных педагогов на основе теоретического и методологического анализа исследуемых проблемы. Проведен анализ эффективных форм реализации творческой составляющей в структуре подготовки будущих социальных педагогов, лекций, семинаров, упражнений самостоятельного характера; описывается структура самостоятельной работы которая направлена на на самореализацию, саморазвитие, самореализацию креативных навыков будущих социальных педагогов, в профессиональной деятельности. На основании анализа научно-теоретических положений, в статье сосредоточенное внимание на эффективности учебного процесса, использовании креативных методик, техник и технологий, которые необходимо системно использовать в процессе формирования креативных социальных педагогов. В статье применялся комплекс методов исследования, среди которых были использованы: теоретические - концептуально-сравнительный анализ, с помощью которого обоснованы теоретические подходы к раскрытию сущности понятия формирования креативности будущих социальных педагогов в высшем учебном заведении; структурно-системный анализ для определения основных компонентов процесса формирования креативности, выявления его закономерностей и особенностей; обобщение и систематизация для определения концептуальных положений формирования креативности будущих специалистов социальной сферы в вузе.
Ключевые слова: творчество, креативность, процесс формирования креативности, социальные педагоги, учебный процесс, профессиональная подготовка.
Стратегії моделювання креативності соціальних педагогів в освітньому процесі. Петришин Людмила
Анотація. У статті проаналізовано процес формування креативності майбутніх соціальних педагогів, також висвітлюються особливості моделювання стратегії підготовки креативних соціальних педагогів на основі теоретичного та методологічного аналізу досліджуваних проблеми. Проведено аналіз ефективних форм реалізації творчої складової у структурі підготовки майбутніх соціальних педагогів, лекцій, семінарів, вправ самостійного характеру; описується структура самостійної роботи; наведено основні змістові елементи «Щоденника креативізації. На підставі аналізу науково-теоретичних положень, у статті зосереджена увага на ефективності навчального процесу, використанні креативних методик, технік та технологій, які необхідно системно використовувати у процесі формування креативних соціальних педагогів. Активізація формування креативності майбутніх соціальних педагогів у вищих навчальних закладах забезпечить формування конкурентоспроможного креативного фахівця. У статті застосовувався комплекс методів дослідження, з-поміж яких були використані: теоретичні - концептуально-порівняльний аналіз, за допомогою якого обгрунтовано теоретичні підходи до розкриття сутності поняття формування креативності майбутніх соціальних педагогів у вищому навчальному закладі; структурно-системний аналіз для визначення основних компонентів процесу формування креативності, виявлення його закономірностей та особливостей; узагальнення та систематизація для визначення концептуальних положень формування креативності майбутніх фахівців соціальної сфери у ВНЗ. моделювання з метою моделювання педагогічної системи формування креативності майбутніх соціальних педагогів; праксиметричний метод для аналізу передового та масового педагогічного досвіду професійної підготовки майбутніх соціальних педагогів у вищих навчальних закладах.
Ключові слова: творчість, креативність, процес формування креативності, соціальні педагоги, навчальний процес, професійна підготовка.
Introduction. The present state of society in Ukraine requires creative orientation on professional education process, a certain novelty that might result in the formation of a creative personality, capable of creative activity and creative search in the professional sphere. At the same time, the aim of modern education is to create competitive specialists in their field, able to implement creative and innovative approaches during their professional activities. Therefore, one of the requirements for the specified purpose realisation is the implementation of creative and teaching technologies in the learning process that will regulate the formation of creative personality in the process of training.
Analysis of recent research and publications on the problem considered.
The problem of formation of creative personality of future specialist is explicitly disclosed in scientific works and studies, in particular in the field of dentistry: the theory and practice of professional development of a future specialist in the conditions of higher educational establishments Goncharenko S., Grinev V, Grebenyuk G., Kushnir V, Lozova V, Meschaninova O., Nisimchuk A., Romanenko M., Sikorsky P., Sushchenko L., Shpak O.; the theory of the formation and development of a creative person Andreyev V, Bozhovych L., Hilbukh Yu., Kichuk N., Luk O., Milyako V, Sysoev S.; the theory and practice of social pedagogy Bezpalko O., Galaguzova M., Zvereva I., Kapskaya A., Laktionova I., Myshchik L., Mudrik A., Ryzhanova A., Orzhehovskaya V, Polischuk V, Savchenko S., Kharchenko S., Stefan L., Yarkina T.; the theory and practice of training specialists in the social sphere (social worker and social teacher) were reflected in their research by Ukrainian scientists Grig I., Gur O., Dubaseniuk O., Yevtuh M., Zvereva I., Kapska A., Karpenko O., Kovchina I., Myshchik L., Kharchenko S.
The article deals with the most undeveloped problems of training of creative social educators / workers, and it consists in the fact that the process of professional training of future social educators should be based on creativity and creative interaction, which serve as a systemic factor in the formation of creativity of the individual and an important condition for the professionalization of the future social pedagogue. In addition, the process of forming creativity should combine a number of certain characteristics: the intellectual features of creative activity, which predetermine the creation of something new, extraordinary, still unknown, as well as the preliminary selection of knowledge and skills necessary to create this new; personal qualities that promote productive actions in a situation of uncertainty and creative choice; the creative abilities inherent in the rejection of sterility and stereotypes in the judgments and actions that are the basis of creative activity.
Thus, the aim of the paper is to conduct scientific and theoretical analysis of the problems of creativity formation of the future social pedagogues during the educational process in the university. Research methods used: theoretical - conceptual and comparative analysis, which substantiates theoretical approaches to the disclosure of essence of concept of forming the creativity of future social pedagogues in higher education; structural and system analysis to determine main components of the process of forming of creativity, to identify its patterns and features; generalization and systematization for defining conceptual provision of formation of creativity of future social sphere specialists in higher educational institutions.
Discussion. During the organization of an educational process aimed at fostering creative personality of future social workers, there is a need to reanalyse and modify the content of professional training of future social pedagogue. In addition, it is advisable to change all the components that determine the state of the educational process in the universities and define specific forms and methods of its organization, to create appropriate educational and material resources and adapt educational technology in the process of creativity formation of the future social pedagogues, which will allow most effectively implement the tasks in the object-subject interaction of the future social pedagogues, faculty and university staff. We shall note that in the process of creative personality formation, the preferred methods and forms are those that contain some creative and exploratory components and closely interact with fields of theoretical, methodological and personal-professional training of social pedagogues.
The most effective ingredient for creativity formation in the structure of future social workers trainings are lectures, seminars, workshops, research, and teaching practice. At the same time, both educational and psychological forms should be used, that will be relevant in shaping the creative formation of the future social workers.
Since the lecture is the most important form of educational process organization in university and contributes to the motivational component implementation during the creative mastery of both knowledge and creative work in the professional field, the activation of future social workers activities, we believe it is appropriate to use problematic lectures, lectures that involve production of creative ideas, lectures-workshops, interactive lectures, lectures-press conferences. The types of lectures stated above will raise analytic-synthetic activity of an object (future social workers), assist in the production of creative ideas that provide creative knowledge based on creative search for the solution of the social and educational problems, the further implementation of creative expertise. The scientific theory revealed that the lectures of various types belong to non-imitating methods that lead to activation of creative and cognitive activities of students. Lectures should be flexible, differentiated, it should be conducted due to the study of the subject, the specific audience, and psycho- educational process of learning patterns [8, p.6]. In the context of our study, the contents of lectures is interpreted as the construction of a problematic situation conducted by the teacher. This problematic situation in object-subject interaction encourages future social workers to show the creative initiatives within the representation of a creative solution of a social and educational problems and positive motivation to mastery of creative activity.
Application of problematic lectures during the creativity formation of future social pedagogues lies down to adherence to the following claims to the structure of the problematic situation: information that will require a solution to be versatile and encourage students to realize their own valuable orientations in the representation of their own creative ideas; problem that requires a creative solution should meet the demands of the educational process; problem should generate creative initiative to the future social pedagogues, enable the representation of a creative and non-standard solution [3; 4; 10].
Problem lecture should be used during the study of regulatory disciplines for «Bachelor of Social Pedagogy», «Pedagogy of gifted education», «Basics of special education» and «Social and educational work in the community». Currently, a lecture with embedded pauses is rather topical. This research has adapted in the method and further it will be called lecture on producing creative ideas. This form of lectures provides rapid succession attention of students, which in turn alters the activity to enhance creative thinking and mental activity of students. Lectures, oriented at producing creative ideas, aims to enhance the learning process and apply to it a creative component that leads to the emergence of conscious motives (the manifestation of creative initiatives, strive for the creative fulfilment, representation of a creative solution to the problem) within the lecture conduction. However, we structured the lectures aimed at producing creative ideas due to the scientific theory of a researcher Prosetskyi V, who, by considering the nature of intellectual creativity in terms of conversion of potential creativity into real one, stated that creativity is a combination of imitation, creative imitation, emulation, and real reproductive work, based on creative ideas [9]. During the lectures, we used the pauses that provided future social workers with the opportunity to produce creative ideas for solving situational tasks of socio-pedagogical character presented in lectures.
Lectures of this type were used to study subjects of normative character of students with educational qualification of «Bachelor of Social Pedagogy», particularly «Pedagogy of Family Education», «Basics on work of the social pedagogue», «Fundamentals of eloquence». For example, in the course «Pedagogy of Family Education» there is a study of the topic «Family in the system of educational institutions: social work of an educator with the parents». Students were offered three breaks of 5 to 10 minutes to produce creative ideas that would characterize the features of the work of a social pedagogue with a family in various types of educational institutions. During the pause, the students represented the slide images of three educational institutions: family, relatives, and educational institutions. Students, the future social workers, in the form of analytical tables had to represent the creative idea of working with families in each of the mentioned before educational institutions.
Within the formation of a creative personality, we should provide a creative interaction between teacher, a subject, and future social workers, the objects, through lectures, workshops, which are to be used during the courses while obtaining the educational qualification of «specialist of social pedagogy», series of training courses of professional training, including «Professional communication technologies», «Innovative technologies within social and educational activities». Lectures- workshops encourage students to apply creativity, creative thinking, and, thus, form themselves as creative professionals in the sphere of rendering social services. Lectures-workshops provide 20 minutes of free discussion of a topics as well as skilled representation of creative ideas on the basis of the knowledge obtained and use of creative techniques that were previously studied at the beginning of the lecture, and after the summary of the material took place. Topics of lectures-workshops should be distinguish by the prior preparation of the lecture topics together with a group of students: the lecturer outlines the key aspects of the topic, that should include creative component, and future participants of the lecture, which should produce the idea on the basis of learned material, think about the subject and make the necessary notes for the free discussion and justification of their own creative suggestions of a practical nature.
The scientific theory outlines three types of lectures- workshops: content, democratic, and experimental lectures- workshops. The content and experimental lectures should be used in the study course «Innovative technologies in social and educational activities», and a democratic form of lectures and workshops are to be used during the study of the subject «Professional Communication Technologies». Thematic lecture-workshop is to be primarily used during the first theoretical study module within the course «Innovative technologies in social and educational activities». We shall note, that the work of students, the future social workers, should provide for adjustment of creative ideas of an innovative nature. The process itself should be directed at controversial discussion of creative proposals and acceptance or rejection of creative forms of addressing social and educational problems.
The experimental lecture-workshop is to be used in the second module of the course «Innovative technologies in social and educational activities». This lecture should be focused on the use of creative techniques that contribute to the development of students', the future social workers, creative thinking, unconventional vision of problems, produce creative solutions to problems. The lecturer shall listen to all solutions to social and educational problems and in the end of the lecture indicates positive and negative aspects, that students voiced during mastering creative techniques. The particular feature of intuitive creative techniques is that the students can generate many creative ideas and associations for a short period. These methods are best suitable for the group work, as one idea leads to another. In this case, we use antisocial card that provides further creative activities in solving professional problems.
Overall, we have identified the following basic rules in dealing with intuitive techniques: any idea in the creative process is useful; no estimates can be given during the search of ideas; none participant is entitled as the author of an idea; the more ideas expressed, the better it is for solving the problem.
Discourse creative techniques are characterized by a systemic approach. These techniques make it possible to clearly analyze the problem, study its smallest details, cover the problem completely, create a proper approach to the problem and develop its constructive solution. Combined creative techniques unite the elements of both intuitive and discursive techniques. They combine the intuitive phase of information gathering and brainstorming with the stages of logical and structured creative thinking of each individual.
Democratic lecture-workshop is to be used within the course «Professional Communication Technologies». Named technology is focused on the usage and practice of brainstorming lectures (brainstorming) and case method. During the lecture, the lecturer provokes a creative activity of students, the future social workers, and leads to the sharing ideas on the topic and positions that are contrary to certain canons, rules, conditions, and which are the basis of provocation and incitement to find creative solutions to problems, creative initiative and creative fulfilment. creativity social pedagogues educational
The positive effect of lecture-workshop lies in: activation of the students ' creative abilities; implementation of the principles of creative self-expression and fostering of a creative position; development of the interest in the subject, including its creative nature to the passive students; activation of intrinsic motivation, particularly for professional reasons (representation of creative problem solving, creative professional fulfilment); provision of creative strategies in teaching, learning, and improving the quality of teaching learning material; creation of a positive environment for creative object-subject interaction; studying of creative abilities and skills on the basis of creative knowledge.
In today's educational environment, еру interactive lectures with the use of interactive technologies are also widely used for training social pedagogues. These lectures are used to ensure the active participation of students in the learning process and provide them with an opportunity to discuss some common points; at the same time multimedia technology allows students to receive the information simultaneously in several senses. The interactive lectures together with multimedia technologies are to be used in learning self-selected subjects, including «Creative Pedagogy», «Social and pedagogical innovation in the formation of professional competence» for students obtaining the educational qualification of «Master». During their implementation, we offer students to view some video information, which contains the elements of animation and demonstrates the basic content elements of «creative pedagogy»: place of creative pedagogy among other sciences, categories of creative pedagogy, basic approaches to creativity in educational and professional activities, methods and means of activating creative thinking in learning creative identity formation as a competitive professional social services. In the course of the lectures within the named courses, while considering the creative pedagogy, one must first submit its definition, then form categorical apparatus, analyse the approaches.
The content of the lecture should be budded with a help of power point presentation. We shall note that in the basis of comparing creativity to creative work, lies the characteristics of creative personality, model of creativity and creative process are described. During the interactive lectures, students have the opportunity to ask questions, discuss the subjects, express their opinions, apply creative abilities to find innovative ways to self-realization and self-actualization as a specialist future social pedagogues.
For the course «Social and pedagogical innovation in the formation of professional competence» we should use interactive lectures using gaming techniques that have to perform several functions: training, self-realisation, developmental, and social. During the learning process we used, in particular, such educational games as developmental and social [10, p.103]. The essence of the game is to build on the positive attitude towards the received creative knowledge and skills, to develop readiness to use them in a professional environment; to foster selfregulation and self-creative activities, as well as active and creative expertise to make optimal positive decisions in the professional field. In order to provide the most optimal result in the formation creativity as professional and personal use property of future social pedagogues, we used the lectures and press conferences. They aim to study the same courses and are to provide: formation of students' need for creative activities in the professional field and its social significance; representation of student learning by using creative techniques, tactics, techniques, resulting effectiveness of creative professional activity of social pedagogy; professional enrichment of students, future social workers, creative knowledge formation in the training cycle; creative representation of knowledge and skills and their application in the social sphere of future social workers, as conference reports, lectures.
To implement the preset goals, students should have prepared the conference messages according to the definite theme and develop its multimedia support. The press conference included the review of conference reports on social and educational topics, including solving social and educational problems using creative techniques and methods. By using them future social workers should show their professional competence as an expert and student obtaining Master degree.
Thus, adaptation and synthesis of the lectures as the basis for the formation of creative educational technology for the future social workers gave us the opportunity to state the following: to train bachelors, lectures on the problem of producing creative ideas are to be used, they will direct them primarily to the fact that future social pedagogues receive creative knowledge and produce on its basis own creative ideas and proposals; for students obtaining Master degree, we offer to use adapted lectures and workshops of three types (content, democratic, experimental), which in their turn predicted mastering of theoretical and practical training material derived from creative techniques, as well as methods aimed at developing and optimizing creative abilities and skills; for Masters, we also offer to use interactive lectures and lectures-press conferences, based on obtained knowledge while obtaining bachelor degree, which aim at implementing creative competence of future social workers while professional training. When using adapted lectures, we should pay attention to the implementation of the following functions: informational, that helps form a system of knowledge about creativity; motivational, which is responsible for developing motivational component aimed at creative activities of future social pedagogues; training, that is responsible for the development of creative thinking and encourages usage of creative ability within learning activities.
We note here that the use of the described types of lectures will enhance efficiency in training social workers, form the knowledge base of creativity that will be the basis of future creative social workers capable of creative profession.
Together with lectures, we shall use workshops that help solve the following objectives: training and educational goal, which provide the acquisition of practical knowledge about creativity; self-education goals that help shape the creative preparedness of future social workers and the development of a stable social position.
In addition, it should be noted that during the seminars, systematic deepening and consolidation of student knowledge takes place on the topic of creative activity in the professional sphere. When selecting seminars for Bachelors and Master degree, we should follow the common didactic requirements, including concepts of availability, problematic, scientism, unity of form and content [1; 3; 4; 5; 7].
Depending on the material of lectures and assignments that the teacher have set for the successful implementation of creative formation of future social workers, we offer the following specific form of seminars: seminars-discussions, seminars-conversation (for bachelors'), which are aimed at providing the following tasks: provision of systematic repetition, deepening, and consolidation of knowledge about creative nature of knowledge and the importance of creativity as personal- professional property of a specialist in the sphere of social services; formation of students' interests, motives, and beliefs about the need for creativity as a professional property for a specialist in the sphere of social services; workshop, seminar, training, which basically implement the following tasks: formation of creative skills and ability to apply them in the future career; ability to use creative professional knowledge to solve practical problems; case-seminar and workshop- scenario (for masters), which will regulate the following tasks: ability to make optimal use of theoretical knowledge about the nature of creative activity and systematically apply creative skills and abilities in the professional field; implement creative expertise in the social and educational work [6].
The most effective forms of seminars for future social pedagogues in the process of their creativity are the seminar-discussion, seminar-training, and seminar- scenario. During the seminar-discussion, we consider it appropriate to use creative technology (Bionics, PUL for written collection of ideas, techniques, cluster method, galleries method, collective notebook), which are aimed at achieving the following results: future social workers learn to clearly, logically, correctly form their creative ideas, be able to justify them, be able to listen to your opponent and gain experience of creative activity. We propose to choose seminars-discussion within the study of the following subjects: «Pedagogy of talent», «Special Education» and «Social and educational work in the community».
During the training of students with the higher educational qualification of a specialist, we propose to use training-seminars, which should focus on the following tasks: optimization of knowledge about creativity as a personal-professional property; formation of creative skills, keeping individual instances of creative independence and activity in the process of producing creative ideas. Within the study of the courses of «Professional Communication Technologies» and «Innovative technology in social and educational activities» we recommend using the following creative trainings: «Development of Creativity by S. Hipius», «Creativity and Innovations» by O.Kyrychenko, «Training of the Creativity» by M. Nikultseva. While structuring the seminar-training, we should employ group training sessions that are the most effective while teaching social and human sciences. Interpreting training seminars in the light of fostering creative future social workers, we should add such methods as discussion, brainstorming, role play, problem discussion microgroups. It should adhere to the natural way of seminar structuring, which is not necessarily has compulsory structure.
Particularly important for creativity formation of future social workers, in our view, are the usage of designed scripts of seminars for students with educational qualification of «Master». These forms of work should focus on identifying creative competence in the professional field and its interpretation in addressing social and educational problems of various kinds. During the seminar-scenarios we need to implement the following objectives: enhance methods of fostering creativity; identify barriers to the formation of creativity of future social pedagogues; create a willingness to use creative knowledge and skills in the professional field; develop the abilities to implement creative competence in the professional sphere.
It should be emphasized that the seminars-scenarios should regulate expression of the practical results, which is creative development stage character, that consist in solving social and educational problems and will have preventive, corrective, preventive, educational, and evolving nature in the various social and educational fields. This kind of workshops should be employed while mastering disciplines of self-selection, intended for students obtaining master's degree (Masters of Social Pedagogy), including: «Creative Pedagogy», «Social and pedagogical innovations in the formation of professional competence». We can also use scenic elaborations on the following theme: «Scenarios of social performances for students of different age groups», «Believe in yourself» (focused on children with special physical needs); «Wholehearted love is natural» (for young people), «It all starts with the family», «Honour your mother» (family event), «Take care of your health from the young age» (for high school students), «I am the way God created me»(festival for disabled children), «Hear your friend»(for children with impaired hearing). While constructing and interpreting seminar-scenarios, we should add to their structure the necessary components of the art technology, case method. In addition, the structuring of the seminar-scenario should be in accordance with following structure: outline the direction of stage action; nomination of creative ideas to build a scenario of socio- educational nature; adoption and implementation of compatible ideas of analysis; grouping of creative ideas according to the structural elements of the scenario (scenario plan formulation, determination of episodes script climax , the definition of conflict); construction plan scenario (scenario theme, idea, major episodes, composition, actors , theatrical means, the name of the script); determine the order of the episodes and script processing; debriefing.
We shall note that, in creative shaping of future social workers, the seminar-scenarios are distinguished by the ability to identify students in the aggregate and as a creative synthesis of knowledge, skills and abilities, and creative expertise.
We believe that the described interpretation of seminars in the process of creativity formation of future social workers during the professional training aims at helping to streamline the process of forming a creative personality at different levels and facilitate the deepening and consolidation of practical knowledge.
The process of modernization of higher education involves raising of an independent work of students within professional training. Self-study is a component of the learning activities of students and features selfdevelopment, self-actualization in the creative class work, involves the formation of specialist creative ability to independently generate new creative ideas, techniques and technologies that will enable it to utilize creative competence to practice in the professional sphere. Scientists are considering independent work as a way of student's activities undertaken on their own, without outside influence [1, p.100; 2; 3; 4]. We consider the independent work of students, the future social workers, as a creative and cognitive activity that is realized in the course of a creative nature of implementing creative tasks.
In our practice we have used several units of independent work of students, who have focused on self-actualization, self-development, self-realization of creative skills of future social workers in their professional activities. The first unit is dedicated to reproductive self-study type, that aims to assimilate creativity as a personal and professional qualities thorough mastery of educational material. The second unit regulates the creative type of an independent work, the purpose of which was the production of creative ideas to solve the problems and situations in social and educational spheres. The third unit orients students for independent creative work, which is a complication of «Diary of creativeness» which defines the basic forms and techniques of creative personal growth of future social pedagogues in training and implementation of creative ways to determine the competence of students. Basic content elements «Diary of creativeness» includes: determine their own creative potential and creative abilities, personal recommendations on fostering a creative personality, styling program for building creativity and production of creative ideas in the social and educational sphere. The final component of the «Diary of creativeness» was defined in the section that aimed at describing students' impressions of creative activity obtained in the process of learning themselves as creative individuals, who obtain creative competence in the profession. «Diary of creativeness» was necessary to present at seminars and workshops for the course «Pedagogy of talent», «Creative pedagogy» and «Innovative technologies in social and educational activities» and detect and consider the drawbacks, specify hints to address them in the process of creativity formation of future social pedagogues when rendering professional social services.
To organize independent work of future social workers, we believe it is appropriate to develop training manuals in electronic form that would help them to organize independent work during the internship. We propose to designate the following main structural components of e-teaching guide: slideshow materials of informational nature; structure of creative techniques that could be put into practice to improve the motivation and creative activity of children and youth; complex of diagnostic procedures to assess the level of creative activity and creative potential. The usage of electronic teacher resources provide comprehensive nature of independent work of future social workers and help them use creative knowledge, optimize creative skills, implement creative competence in practice. In addition, the material collected by students is to be of creative character and be used in the process of writing “Diaries of creativeness” scientific articles, and social projects.
Conclusions. Modern society is in need of social workers who would be creative personalities, able to generate creative ideas, with creative thinking, who avoid stereotypes, know how to skilfully apply creative skills and abilities in the professional field, distinguished creative competence in dealing with social and educational problems, and characterizes the modern competitive rendering of professional social services. Implementation and activation of creativity formation of future social workers in higher education is a prerequisite for improving the quality of education and the forming of a competitive creative professional. That will provide the creativity in the formation of future social pedagogues, which will enable the development of a solid scientific basis. The usage of the existing creative expertise to effectively solve professional tasks significantly will raise the level of professional training in the social sphere.
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