To the problem of activation of the cognitive activity of mentally retarded students at the lessons of the course "Geography of Ukraine"

Formation of socio-economic knowledge of mentally retarded students. The use of information and computer technology training, non-traditional forms of lessons to enhance their cognitive activity in the framework of the course "Geography of Ukraine".

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Дата добавления 13.10.2018
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To the problem of activation of the cognitive activity of mentally retarded students at the lessons of the course «Geography of Ukraine»


At the present stage of special education development in Ukraine, the issue of increasing the level of education and upbringing of children with special educational needs remains relevant. The effectiveness of the correctional work aimed at creating the appropriate conditions for the implementation of the internal capacity of the mentally retarded child, assistance in overcoming and compensating for deviations in his/her development depends on the creation of special conditions for education and training, which will ensure not only overcoming the difficulties in learning, but also activates cognitive activity of students in a special school.

Therefore, the problem of finding new and improving traditional forms and methods of teaching mentally retarded students at geography lessons is very topical.

Analysis of relevant research. The teaching process of mentally retarded students in special schools is aimed at assimilating a certain level of knowledge, skills and abilities, correction of the defects of their cognitive sphere (H. Dulnev, I. Bhazhnokova, V. Voronkova, I. Yeremenko, T. Lifanova, T. Porotska, V. Siniov, et al.). In a number of studies of I. Bhazhnokova, A. Hrihoriants, R. Kaffemannas, B. Lyki, V. Lipi, T. Lifanova, A. Lutsenko, L. Odinchenko, A. Raynma, V. Sineva and others, the improvement of teaching methods is one of the conditions for activation and the cognitive activity development of mentally retarded schoolchildren, and improving the correctional quality of work in general.

Aim of the study. The aim of the article is to reveal the issue of the means of activation of the cognitive activity of mentally retarded students within the framework of the study of the course «Geography of Ukraine» on the basis of ascertaining stage of the pedagogical research.

Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of the results of the ascertaining stage of the experiment.

Research results

In specialized secondary schools for mentally retarded children among the school courses "Geography of Ukraine" nowadays takes one of the leading places in the formation of the identity of a citizen of Ukraine, ensuring the study of the native environment, which contributes to the development of ethnic, territorial, and state patriotism. The school course "Geography of Ukraine" can be considered the initial stage of the socio-economic education of mentally retarded high school students, which gives students knowledge of production activity, contributes to the purposeful assimilation of modern socio-economic terminology necessary for the organization of personal life in a market-oriented economy, ensures full functioning of the personality in the surrounding world and its inclusion in social relations.

In order to determine the state of formation of socio-economic knowledge of the mentally retarded students in the framework of study of the course "Geography of Ukraine" in the 9th form of the special school, we needed to outline the methodology and organization of the ascertaining stage of the pedagogical research.

During conducting to the ascertaining study it was foreseen to decide a number of tasks:

1) to determine the level and qualitative characteristics of formation of the socio-economic knowledge in the mentally retarded senior students;

2) to diagnose the socio-economic knowledge of students with intellectual disabilities;

3) to outline possible ways of forming socio-economic knowledge among students with intellectual disabilities in the course of studying the course "Geography of Ukraine" (Grade 9).

These tasks were solved in three stages: theoretical-propaedeutic, experimental-practical and generalization.

120 high school students of 16 classes with the diagnosis "Mild retardation of light-weight degree (F-70)" took part in the experiment. The study was conducted in 2016-2017. The analysis of students' acquisition of geographical knowledge, offered by the curriculum, was conducted in natural conditions, which did not interrupt the educational process. At the ascertaining stage of the study in order to get the most complete picture of the state of the problem and to find out the real state of using the material-technical and methodological base of the education institutions, was conducted a survey of teachers who have professional experience. 40 teachers and 20 pre-school teachers of special general education institutions for children with intellectual disabilities in Lviv, Poltava, Sumy, Kharkiv, Donetsk, Zhytomyr regions took part in the survey.

During ascertaining experiment, we identified a number of significant disadvantages associated with the assimilation of geographic knowledge and skills of socio-economic content of mentally retarded high school students.

A significant number of methodologists and scientists indicate that a major role in the study of geography plays determining the ways of organization of the cognitive activity of schoolchildren. In addition to reproductive activity (perception and reproduction), a significant place in the class should be occupied by productive, partial research activity of students, that most effectively activates the cognitive activity of the mentally retarded students. Yu. Babanskyi, L. Zankov, I. Lerner pointed out this aspect of the knowledge formation.

The results of ascertaining experiment showed a low level of socioeconomic knowledge of students and the lack of ability in using previously acquired knowledge in new situations. The results which were obtained by us allowed to draw conclusions about the necessity of identifying and systematizing methods and learning forms that would contribute not only to the correction of the disruptions of the intellectual activity of mentally retarded students, but also to enhance their educational activity.

The educational process activation in pedagogical literature is considered as the improvement of methods and organizational forms of educational work, which provide active and independent theoretical and practical activities of schoolchildren. The special methodological literature highlights dependence of the educational activity of children with intellectual disabilities on the right choice of pedagogical conditions (V. Bondar, V. Hruzynska, I. Dmytriieva, I. Yeremenko, V. Lypa, L. Odynchenko, V. Petrova, T. Porotska, T. Sak, V. Siniov, L. Stozhok, O. Khokhlin, et al.).

The analysis of methodological, psychological and pedagogical literature allowed concluding that among the most important means of activation of the students' educational activities in geography classes can be attributed: problem-based learning; use of art works, music and painting; use of information and computer technologies; use of didactic games; use of creative tasks; use of non-traditional forms of conducting lessons.

Problem-based learning. The problem-based presentation of knowledge is a method of teaching, in which the teacher not only gives students ready knowledge (final conclusions of science), but also reproduces, to a certain extent, the way of their discovery.

In the problem-based learning, scientists distinguish between tasks that cause problem situations on the one hand and the problem situations themselves as the state of the students thinking process - on the other. Tasks which create problem situations are called problem tasks. These tasks may include practical tasks, questions, various kinds of intellectual tasks, etc. In all these cases, the corresponding tasks will be called problem-based - "problem task", "problem issue", etc. Such assignments contribute to active work and cause interest in learning.

Use of works of art, music and painting. The use of the excerpts of artistic works during formation of the socio-economic knowledge provides the activation of students' cognitive activity by means of relying on the sensory experience of children and their own observations. Conditions are created for the upbringing of aesthetic taste, love for the Motherland, a sense of patriotism. The teacher uses poems, short stories in order to create emotional coloring, emphasize the beauty of nature, its greatness. The use of artistic words in teaching can be the method of students' activation of cognitive activity.

Many researchers, in particular N. Bukhalova, N. Zahrebelna, I. Koliada, L. Moskvina, N. Poralo, H. Tsvikalska, V. Yurovich, and others, were engaged in the problem of combining fiction with other educational disciplines of general education institutions. Scientific works of B. Breze, T. Yelisieieva, S. Kiseleva,

V. Siniov were devoted to the activation of cognitive activity issue of intellectually disabled students.

The most successfully in expanding and deepening the geographical knowledge of students with intellectual disabilities were the works of the writers M. Hohol "Taras Bulba" (an excerpt from the Step's strip), and "Evenings on a Farm near Dykanka" (excerpt "The Dnieper River"); M. Kotsiubynskyi "Intermezzo" (excerpt "Sea"), "Shadows of forgotten ancestors" (excerpt "Carpathians"); M. Poznanskyi "About our Ukraine" and others like that.

The modern paradigm of the educational process is a closer combination and interaction of the technical and natural components. The computerization of the educational process of the natural cycle acts as an integration phenomenon. The combination of geographic education and computer technology has, in comparison with traditional training, a number of advantages: the computer is a link that leads to interaction of all organizational forms of educational and cognitive activity of students - lessons, control lessons and independent work; computer technologies facilitate the activation of students' learning activities. It means not only reproduction of information, but also its operation. The use of computer technologies facilitates to transformation of the amount of knowledge received into one's own convictions; computer technologies have great motivational capabilities. The analysis of information gives opportunities to choose the programs that, by interaction, are suitable for the formation of socio-economic knowledge in mentally retarded senior students:

1) MapInfo is a geographic information system that collects and displays spatial data as accurately as possible;

2) "3-D Atlas of the Earth" - a program created by the French company Anuman Interactive. It is an interactive 3-D Atlas of the Earth, which, with an accuracy of one centimeter, recreates the virtual model of our planet;

3) "Tourist atlas of the world of Cyril and Methodius" contains information on geographical location, historical and economic features, natural and climatic conditions and places of interest of any country in the world. It includes over 100 geographic maps, 900 photos, 25 video clips and information from the Encyclopedia;

4) Google Earth - a three-dimensional Earth-based application that combines the power of Google search with satellite photos, maps, terrain maps and 3D buildings, allowing access to the global geographic database;

5) Geo Information System - a reference database of all the known countries of the world. Contains general information about countries (area, population, international reduction), offers a detailed description of each country, as well as general information on the largest cities of the countries.

In addition, the teacher has multimedia means, the Internet and programs for creating tasks for test control.

For basic knowledge updating it is appropriate to use the slide presentation, the adapted piece of the scientific film, the audio or video recording, etc. For example, in 9th grade at the Lesson "Protection of Natural Resources of Ukraine" for a better understanding by students of educational material, one can use an excerpt from a series of films "Unique Ukraine. Episod 2. The Synevir Reserve" (movie access mode: At the stage of checking the homework, students can be offered simple test tasks, like filling out a table or a schematic representation of the material. The possibility of using information and communication technology to simulate various complex phenomena can become indispensable in the course of explaining the new material. Using the appropriate program, the teacher can not only tell, but also demonstrate to students this or that phenomenon or property of the object, which in real conditions is impossible to reproduce.

Use of didactic games. The business game is an important methodological tool for activation of cognitive activity when forming socioeconomic knowledge in group work. This is one of the effective alternatives to traditional teaching methods. The contents of business games intertwine the knowledge and skills gained from studying geography and practical knowledge gained in life. The business game helps not only to master the educational material, but also to intensify intellectual activity, contributing to a more profound understanding of information by students. This learning form, as an experience shows, requires a long-term training of teachers and students.

Such famous teachers as J. Comenius, J. Pestalozzi, K. Ushynskyi drew attention to the importance of the game in the educational activities of children.

The role-playing game at geography lessons is particularly widespread. This kind of games is conducted in groups; it allows joint planning of educational activities, mutual discussion and control. This form contributes to the students' activation, including disadvantaged students. Teamwork gives students the opportunity to express their thoughts, their attitude to what is happening, thus forming in students the ability to communicate with each other.

For example, at the lessons of forming knowledge on the course of socioeconomic geography of Ukraine, it is advisable to conduct the following geographic games: "Give name to the geographical object", "Train", "The smartest geographer", "Who knows more geographic objects", etc. Didactic games and exercises, included in lessons or extracurricular educational activities, are aimed at the formation and consolidation of students' knowledge of the physical and geographical position of Ukraine (crossword "Borders of Ukraine"); main cities (games "Cities of our country", "Geographical names", "Travel on the map", "Oral crossword", crossword "Regional centers", etc.).

Use of creative tasks influences the activation of students' learning activities at geography lessons. The use of such methods and forms, aimed at the development of students' creative potential, is possible during the non-traditional lessons. In order to give each student the opportunity to manifest himself at the lesson he needs to be given the opportunity to make a choice on his own.

The modern pedagogy determines the following main ways of developing creative competence in the educational process: creative development games, an individual approach, solution of creative tasks.

Lessons with the use of children's fantasy belong to non-traditional (active) training sessions. At such lessons children have positive feelings, an atmosphere of emotional uplift is created. Lessons that use children's imagination lead to less stress and fatigue. Fantasy is the ability to create new images, reworking the previous experience.

Thus, the creative tasks of non-standard lessons of geography unite children, give them the opportunity to self-assert, lead to cooperation with the teacher, to joint search of the truth, contribute in the long run to development of the student's civic position.

I. Varfolomiieva believes that computer training has become widespread today, and interest in it is growing all the time. It interests students by its originality, satisfaction from the process of communicating with computer and the effectiveness in obtaining geographical knowledge. The main advantage of the method of learning with the use of computer is that it gives a great and diverse information in the formation of cognitive interests of students; demonstrates techniques for transferring geographic knowledge in a short time that is interesting to students.

The main thing in forming the educational interests of students with computers' help is to create interesting curricula and their implementation in the educational process. This is considered to be one of the most urgent issues of modern geography teaching methodology.

In order to enhance the educational and cognitive activity of students with intellectual disabilities at the lessons of geography of Ukraine, it is appropriate to use non-traditional approaches in teaching.

Lessons with the use of children's fantasy belong to non-traditional (active) training sessions. At such lessons, children have positive emotions and the emotional atmosphere improves.

One of the newest learning technologies, which causes not only student's interest, but also contributes to the intensification of their cognitive activity, enhancement of the level of educational skills is project method. Basics of using project technology as one of the interactive methods of teaching in general education institutions are discussed in detail in the publications of M. Dashko, I. Oliinyk, V. Sydorenko, O. Kobernik. In the studies of V. Vernadskyi, L. Dunaievskyi, O. Palamarchuk, E. Polat, O. Shevelev, the history of the project method and its implementation in education was discussed. P. Lerner considered making project as the main form of cognitive activity of schoolchildren.

The project method is defined as a pedagogical technology, which contains a set of research, search, and problem-based methods, creative in nature. During the application of this method, the role of the teacher varies from information and control to advisory and corrective.

The peculiarities of development of the cognitive processes of students with intellectual disabilities do not allow using the project method by analogy with general education institutions. The project activity of students with special educational needs is characterized by a greater degree of teachers' interference to students' work, assistance at all stages of the project, ranging from subject selection, planning, selection of tools, to preparation for presentation and defense. Such cooperation with adults provides students with the opportunity to feel responsible for the work, causes a sense of significance and dignity, raises interest in studying the subject, broadens and deepens knowledge, forms the ability to use theoretical knowledge in practical work.

The basic requirement for teaching students in special schools is the observance of the principles of teaching children with special educational needs. S. Mironova defines a number of correctional methods for the implementation of the principle of activity and consciousness of students in learning. In our opinion, they can be used in the practical activities of special school teachers, since they are as close as possible to the basic requirements of work in the educational project:

1) activate children's knowledge in order to use their own experience;

2) accustom them to realize the results of perception;

3) accustom them to verify the correctness of their own actions;

4) compare your work with the sample;

5) enhance cognitive activity and development of individual cognitive interests of students;

6) use creative tasks;

7) form skills to use material in different life situations;

8) establish logical connections, dependencies between the known material and the new [4].

As an example, for the use of educational projects for the formation of socio-economic knowledge of mentally retarded students during of study of the course "Geography of Ukraine", we recommend working on the following topics: "Natural and mechanical movement of the population", "Crop production (branch structure of plant growing, the importance of land improvement)", "Livestock (branch structure of animal husbandry)", "Land transport: railway, road, pipeline. Transport hubs (geography of rail, road and pipeline transport)", etc.


mentally retarded student cognitive

The ascertaining experiment among students with intellectual disabilities made it possible to determine their low level of socioeconomic knowledge and the inability to use previously acquired knowledge in new situations. It is necessary to identify and systematize the methods and forms of teaching which contribute to the correction of the limitations of intellectual activity and activation of cognitive processes of the mentally retarded students. This will help to increase the effectiveness of formation of the socio-economic knowledge obtained at the lessons of "Geography of Ukraine". We classified such forms and methods: problem-based learning, use of works of art, music and painting; use of information and computer technologies; use of didactic games; creative tasks, non-traditional forms of conducting lessons, and project method.


1. Міронова, С.П. (2010). Корекційна спрямованість принципів навчання учнів з вадами інтелекту. Проблеми сучасної психології: збірник наукових праць КПНУ імені Івана Огієнка, Інституту психології ім. Г.С. Костюка АПН України, 7, 433-443 (Mironova, S. P. (2010). Correctional orientation of the principles of teaching children with mental retardation. Problems of modern psychology: collection of scientific works of KPPU named after Ivan Ohiienko, Institute of Psychology named after . S. Kostiuk of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, 7, 433-443).

2. The problem of updating the content of the geography course in teaching children with mental retardation. Retrieved from:

3. Одинченко, Л.К., Скиба, Т.Ю. (2013). Проектна методика навчання як засіб активізації навчальної діяльності учнів спеціальної школи. Матеріали конференції «Корекційна та інклюзивна освіта очима молодих науковців», (cc. 310-313) (Odinchenko, L K., Skyba, T. Yu. (2013). Method of projects as a means of activating the educational activities of pupils in a special school. Materials of the conference "Correctional and inclusive education through the eyes of young scientists", (pp. 310-313)).

4. Синев, В.Н., Стожок, Л.С. (1977). Коррекционная работа на уроках географии и естествознания во вспомогательной школе. Киев (Sinev, V. N., Stozhok, L. S. (1977). Correctional work at the lessons of geography and natural sciences in the auxiliary school. Kyiv).

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