Theoretical bases of monitoring students' learning outcomes in maritime establishments

The article deals with the theoretical bases of monitoring students' learning outcomes in maritime establishments. Monitoring combines three important management components: analysis, evaluation and forecasting of processes in education; a set of methods.

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Theoretical bases of monitoring students' learning outcomes in maritime establishments

Kutsenko I.У.

The article deals with the theoretical bases of monitoring students' learning outcomes in maritime establishments It has been determined that in its internal structure, monitoring combines three important management components: analysis, evaluation and forecasting of processes in education; a set of methods for tracking processes in education; collecting and processing data in order to prepare recommendations for the development of the investigated processes and making the necessary adjustments. The functions of monitoring students' educational achievements are singled out: informational, research-research, formative, corrective, systematic, predictive. The object of monitoring education quality in a marine educational institution is the level of students' training, the competence of specialists, which determines the quality of higher education as a result of students' learning outcomes both from individual disciplines and from the training part. The analysis of the pedagogical monitoring formation, its tasks, and functions has been analyzed. It is determined that historical research of the monitoring problem, the background of its formation which was formed from the beginning of the 20th century, appeared in pedagogy in the 90s of the last century. It is defined, that history of monitoring development can be divided into four stages. The author noted that the formation of a comprehensive monitoring system for the maritime universities involves identifying their overall scope and specific parameters that will be monitored. The basis for monitoring the learning outcomes of students in the Kherson State Maritime Academy (at that time college) at the end of the twentieth century was assigned as exam assessment and control of the current points in each discipline. The requirements for organization of monitoring students' learning outcomes are found in STCW minimum standards of competence for assessment.

Key words: monitoring, evaluation, maritime education, learning outcomes, students of marine educational establishments, competence, assessment, functions.

Introduction. Improvement of monitoring students' learning outcomes, which is considered as one of the main mean of ensuring the quality of education is started in © Kutsenko I. V.

Ukraine. There was an urgent need in the practical significance of students' learning outcomes quality. The most important argument in aspect of widespread adoption of monitoring students' learning outcomes quality is an opportunity, which provides each student with information about the state of his training and assists him in adjusting this condition in accordance with his abilities and needs. The information obtained through monitoring will provide timely information and identify negative factors, prevent them from occurring, improve the educational process, forecast the development of the educational system and create conditions for as many individuals as possible to get a qualified higher education.

Analysis of relevant researches. Modern education determines the concept of monitoring as a steady observation of some process for the purpose of detecting its conformity with the expected result. Consequently, the monitoring students' learning outcomes is rather complicated and ambiguous phenomenon. The monitoring the quality of education and students' learning outcomes in higher educational establishments is actively investigated by Ukrainian scientists (N. Baidatska, I. Bulakh, I. Boychuk, L. Kaidalova, O. Lokshina, etc.). Among the foreign authors who investigated various aspects of monitoring activity, one should highlight the works of V. Avanesov, D. Campbell, D. Matros, N. Melnikov, O. Kasyanov, etc.

Originality. However, the scientific research suggests that not all theoretical aspects of monitoring students' learning outcomes in maritime establishments are sufficiently investigated. Also the question of how to define the concept of «educational monitoring» and «pedagogical monitoring» or «quality monitoring» is still not decided.

Main part. From the point of T. Lukina pedagogical monitoring is system diagnostics of qualitative and quantitative characteristics, including its goals, content, forms, methods, didactic and technical means, conditions and results of training, education and self-development of personality and collective [1, p. 3]. In this definition, the concept of monitoring is narrowing down to the diagnosis, which makes it difficult to use monitoring in the field of management.

In one of the psychological and pedagogical dictionaries monitoring is defined as «periodic monitoring by object of monitoring and obligatory feedback» [5, p. 104].

One of the most comprehensive studies of educational monitoring was carried out by O. Mayorov. Author gave a general meaning of the concept as monitoring in education is a system of processing, storing and distributing information about the educational system or its individual elements, which is focused on information management, allows the teacher to make records on the state of the object at any given time and gives an overview of the gnosis of its development [2, p. 121].

Thus, under the monitoring of the education quality in maritime education institution we understand the information system, which is constantly updated and replenished on the basis of continuous observation management of the state and dynamics of main components' development in order to making management decisions to correct unwanted disproportions based on the analysis of the collected data and the forecast of the further development of the investigated processes.

The very concept of monitoring in pedagogy is considered recently. Retrospective analyze of monitoring problem, the prerequisites for the formation of which formed from the beginning ХХ century, appeared in pedagogy in the 90s years of the last century. It was built on the theoretical basis of education management, developed by Y. Hartupog, G. Elnikova, K. Kaidarov, A. Orlov, V. Rindak, V. Simonov. In the last few years scientists are actively exploring issues directly related with quality education, develop technologies and mechanisms of management (O. Belkin, O. Pechot, T. Lukin, V. Zagvyazinsky, V. Evdokimov, O. Lokshina, L. Hendenstein, I. Prokopenko), including on the basis of monitoring.

Monitoring research on education has begun more than 70 years ago in the United States. History of monitoring development can be divided into several stages. student learning education

The first stage covers the 30-50s years of the last century. It was noted for the American Association education through monitoring tools for research the level of graduates' training. From the second half of the 50s monitoring is becoming as a tool. The study of the education system has also spread to Europe. After comparing the results of the first years of study in traditional secondary schools, conducted Swedish National Education Council in 1952-1959, the monitoring has become widespread. The national education systems are owned by the United States, Germany, Japan and Australia. In other words, measurement and monitoring of the learning outcomes and the effectiveness of the education system become a tool of state policy and the realization of the state educational management [6, p. 14].

The second stage in the history of monitoring development encompasses 60-70s and is characterized by the release of these studies at international level. Beginning in 1959, International Association for School Achievement launched neither international nor comparative monitoring studies in the field of education. At that time, many countries have become systematic international comparative studies of educational level reached individual subjects.

The next stage in the development of the educational methodology monitoring took place in the early 60's of the XX century in the USA and was marked by the fact that the idea of systematic conduct at the state level, the monitoring of educational processes was implemented at creation of an experimental committee under the chairmanship R. Taylor on Problems of Measuring Educational Development and holding in 1969 the first National Measurement educational progress funded by the US government. Since 1978 this initiative was enshrined in the law on periodic general measurement of educational progress. This draft post developed and formed part of the national system. In 1993 the US Department of Education produced the publication «Education in the USA and other countries», where it is held comparison of 16 indicators of input resources and achievements, numbers for the USA and 20 other countries [3, p. 102].

The third stage of monitoring research (80-90 years ХХ century) was characterized by increasing of interest in problems of definition «effective resources», «evaluation», «educational monitoring».

The fourth stage in the monitoring history began at the end 90-s of the twentieth century and continues to this day. It is noted for the fact that now the preconditions for the beginning of a new stage of comparisons pedagogy, namely: orientation to political support and scientific substantiation of research. Educational policy and education measuring and evaluating educational results gradually went to the international level, which means the need for creation International Bank of Comparative Information.

As for our country, then Ukraine announced the course to achieve the highest quality standards in education, which can be achieved through monitoring. An important condition for the effectiveness of monitoring is its procedures to the requirements of evaluation, which is the presence of clear criteria for evaluation; developed by evaluation procedures; availability of qualified experts; forms of data fixation in the course of monitoring are developed; time-based evaluation characteristics; connection evaluation with the system of making managerial decisions.

It is worth noting that monitoring directly and indirectly affects the quality of education. Indirect impact related to the fact that monitoring provides the management of the data necessary for decision-making, and direct impact already make these decisions. Direct effect is provided the monitoring procedures themselves. The students' systematic evaluation of the educational process provides managerial influence [6, p. 25]. Teachers begin to adjust their activities in accordance with the criteria, by which it is evaluated.

The main objects of monitoring are: the quality of the content education (process), implementation of curricula; the quality of the teachers' activity (procedure); management quality (process progress); quality of logistics (process resources); quality assimilation

of educational disciplines (results of the process); formation of graduates' personal qualities (results of the process).

The formation of a comprehensive monitoring system for the maritime universities involves identifying their overall scope and specific parameters that will be monitored. The maritime education and training organizations came into situation to recognize the national standards and the special maritime requirements. It is very important for the head of an educational institution to have operational, objective information about the actual state of the learning process. If necessary, it will allow him to timely provide methodological support and make necessary adjustments. Such information may be provided on a regular basis monitoring research, which is an effective tool for analyzing various aspects of the learning process. They will allow get a real picture of the effectiveness of innovations, directions of the educational development plan. However, the most important of them was and remains the value of the educational process effectiveness [7, p. 64].

So the creation and implementation of quality management systems in maritime higher education institutions is provided in accordance with international standards, ISO 9002: 2000 quality standards. However, the training of marine specialists is also guided by the requirements of the International Maritime Organization, such as Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers Convention (STCW) an IMO Model Courses for operational and management levels, which states, that one of the effective ways to reduce the risks associated with human error in the vessel navigation is to implement the highest standards of training, certification and competence of seafarers into the education process.

The example of maritime education institution is Kherson State Maritime Academy (KSMA). It should be noted that monitoring process in KSMA has some peculiarities of its organization. Students have to demonstrate competence by compulsory tests in different forms, both written tests and simulator tests, throughout the year. If they pass the tests they will be permitted to sit the final exam. The final exam form consists only of a one-hour and twenty minutes computerized test where the students have to demonstrate their total competence in the function. A passed or failed exam result determines if the students are ready to start their seagoing career, and finally are allowed to be issued with certificates. The reason for using this exam form may be related to economic reasons, logistics, availability of simulators during the exam period, or simply that the teachers' opinion are related to a computerized exam form as the best solution to demonstrate competence.

The requirements for organization of monitoring students' learning outcomes are found in STCW minimum standards of competence for assessment. The assessments designed should ensure that such underlying competencies are identified and suitably assessed in a unit of competence to develop the skills in the seafarers. The extract above also highlights that STCW encourages assessment for individual competence units and not a holistic approach to assessment. Students should be able to integrate the competence gained from individual units in STCW into a successful performance reflecting workplace standards. For example, the competence to respond to distress signals at sea should be simultaneously assessed with the ability to carry out routine duties of navigation and vessel passage monitoring, as may be required at the workplace.

Conclusions. Monitoring students' learning outcomes in the maritime educational institution is the basis for studying the quality of higher education and provides an opportunity to anticipate further steps for its increasing. Retrospective analyze of monitoring problem shows that it was formed from the beginning ХХ century, appeared in pedagogy in the 90 years of the last century. At the current stage of education development of education monitoring is considered as the main mean of controlling the conformity of on- the-obvious results of the pedagogical system to its intended objectives. Important in this context is that under conditions the actual inconsistency of the final results with the tasks initially planned, the monitoring procedures assess the achievement of objectives, orientation and causes of deviations.

Prospects for further scientific research are seen in the analyzing of the methodical aspects of monitoring students' learning outcomes in maritime establishments.


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