Organization of vocational education for adults as current tendency of skilled workers training in EU countries (by example of Great Britain)

Studying the main priorities that the UK government has set for this initiative: developing skills and knowledge to increase the productivity of the workforce through creativity, innovative thinking; increasing the participation of adults in learning.

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УДК 377.3-053.8 (410)

Organization of vocational education for adults as current tendency of skilled workers training in EU countries (by example of Great Britain)

Andriy Vornachev,

PhD in Philology, Senior research fellow of the Laboratory for foreign vocational education and training systems Institute of vocational education and training of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

In the article the author by example of Great Britain investigates organization of vocational education for adults in the scales of an initiative of lifelong learning being one of the current tendencies as to skilled workers training in EU countries. The main priorities set by the UK Government for the initiative are considered. These are as follows: developing skills and knowledge for a productive workforce through fostering creativity, innovative thinking and enterprise; increasing and widening participation in learning including basic skills; raising standards in teaching and learning. It is defined that adult education can be undertaken in a community, through voluntary organizations, in companies and businesses, further education colleges and higher education institutions. Most community and leisure learning provision, while it may be part-funded by a body such as the local authority, carries a financial cost to the individual. Government's general strategy relying on encouraging adults to take up vocational training opportunities, with a strong focus on the learner's needs rather than on the institutional interest of the providers is analyzed. The strategy includes the following programs: Employer Training Pilots encouraging employers to train low-skilled employees; Individual learning accounts intending to widen participation in learning and encourage individuals to take responsibility for their own learning; Business/company learning accounts to stimulate learning in small businesses by providing them with the knowledge of how to link training needs with business growth; Online information services; Adult literacy and numeracy in Scotland; Training of disabled etc.

At the end the author concludes that every year vocational education for adults receives greater attention from the UK Government; this results in encouraging employers to train low-skilled workers, opening vocational training centres, establishing a range of programs to involve adults in vocational training, and financial support for those willing to acquire qualification.

У статті автор на прикладі Великобританії досліджує організацію професійного навчання дорослого населення у рамках ініціативи навчання упродовж життя, що є однією із сучасних тенденцій підготовки кваліфікованих робітників у країнах ЄС. Розглянуто основні пріоритети, які уряд Великобританії встановив для цієї ініціативи, а саме: розвиток умінь та знань для збільшення продуктивності робочої сили за допомогою заохочення до креативності, інноваційного мислення й слушної ініціативи; збільшення та розширення участі дорослих у навчанні, включаючи оволодіння основними навиками; підвищення стандартів викладання й підготовки. Встановлено, що дорослі можуть отримати освіту за допомогою спілок, волонтерських організацій, у компаніях і на фірмах, в коледжах подальшої освіти й закладах вищої освіти. Якщо дорослі навчаються за посередництвом громад, то їхнє навчання фінансується місцевою владою.

Проаналізовано загальну стратегію уряду Великобританії щодо заохочення дорослого населення до професійного навчання у вигляді низки програм, як-от: Експериментальні навчальні проекти для роботодавців, що мотивують їх навчати робітників, які мають недостатні вміння і навики; Індивідуальні грошові виплати для навчання, що мають за мету розширити аудиторію тих, хто навчається, й заохотити окремих осіб взяти відповідальність за своє навчання; Грошові виплати для навчання малого бізнесу, щоб стимулювати навчання осіб у малому бізнесі, забезпечуючи їх знаннями щодо зв'язку їхніх потреб у навчанні із загальним ростом бізнесу; Інтернет-послуги;

Розвиток навиків у дорослих відносно письма й математики у Шотландії; Навчання дорослих із обмеженими фізичними можливостями тощо. Наприкінці статті автор робить висновок про те, що з кожним роком професійна освіта для дорослого населення дедалі більше користується увагою в уряді Великобританії, що виражається у всебічній підтримці роботодавців щодо підготовки кваліфікованих кадрів, відкритті центрів професійного навчання, заснуванні низки програм для залучення дорослих до професійного навчання, а також у фінансовій підтримці тих, хто бажає здобути чи поліпшити кваліфікацію.

В статье автор на примере Великобритании исследует организацию профессионального обучения взрослого населения в рамках инициативы обучения в течение жизни, что является одной из современных тенденций подготовки квалифицированных рабочих в странах ЕС. Рассмотрены основные приоритеты, которые правительство Великобритании установило для этой инициативы, а именно: развитие умений и знаний для увеличения производительности рабочей силы с помощью креативности, инновационного мышления и дельной инициативы; увеличение и расширение участия взрослых в обучении, включая овладение основными навыками; повышение стандартов преподавания и подготовки. Установлено, что взрослые могут получить образование с помощью сообществ, волонтерских организаций, в компаниях и на фирмах, в колледжах дальнейшего образования и заведениях высшего образования. Если взрослые учатся при посредничестве общин, то их обучение финансируется местной властью. Проанализирована общая стратегия правительства Великобритании относительно заинтересованности взрослого населения в профессиональном обучении в виде ряда программ, а именно: Экспериментальные учебные проекты для работодателей, которые мотивируют их обучать рабочих с недостаточными умениями и навыками; Индивидуальные денежные выплаты для обучения, цель которых расширить обучающуюся аудиторию и поощрить отдельных лиц взять ответственность за свое обучение; Денежные выплаты для обучения малого бизнеса, чтобы стимулировать обучение лиц в малом бизнесе, обеспечивая их знанием относительно связи их потребности в обучении с общим ростом бизнеса; Интернет-услуги; Развитие навыков взрослых касательно письма и математики в Шотландии; Обучение взрослых с ограниченными физическими возможностями и т.п.

В конце статьи автор делает вывод о том, что с каждым годом профессиональное образование для взрослого населения все более привлекает внимание правительства Великобритании, что выражается во всесторонней поддержке работодателей относительно подготовки квалифицированных кадров, открытии центров профессионального обучения, учреждения ряда программ для вовлечения взрослых в профессиональное обучение, а также в финансовой поддержке тех, кто желает получить или повысить квалификацию.

Introduction. One of the urgent problems of modern society development is employment of adults, and this, in turn, depends on improvement of training or retraining of skilled workers among this type of population for different sectors of economy. But nowadays a lot of adults are not able to find a decent job, among other things, due to the lack of necessary skills. To eliminate this gap in the EU countries, specifically in the UK, lifelong learning has been launched, which provides vocational training for citizens of all ages throughout their life.

Analysis of researches and publications on the issue. The issue under study has been investigated mainly by foreign researches, specifically: N. Cuddy, T. Leney, S. Allais, A. Bouder, M. Coles, T. Oates, P. Ensor, G. Granville and others.

The subject of the article is to study by example of Great Britain organization of vocational education for adults in EU countries.

Statement of the material. Usually lifelong learning in England, Wales and Northern Ireland relates to the study that takes place after a young man finishes formal education. In Scotland, lifelong learning has a broader meaning, namely "from the cradle to the end of life." Conventional vocational training in the UK is aimed at students who are over 19. It involves full-time and distance learning, on-the-job training, and adult training courses (including unemployed ones) developed according to social needs. learning creativity innovative

In the UK each individual who has finished school decides himself questions as to a further education, except cases when the work requires some initial skills (individual approach). Although the government realizes the growing importance concerning improvement of skills and values of workforce, the sphere of training is abandoned at the discretion of employers (voluntary approach). Great Britain shows relatively high performance in terms of short-term vocational training courses for adults, but the overall level of qualifications here is lower than in some EU countries.

Recently vocational education has been increasingly attracting the attention of government officials. The governments of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have established priorities as regards lifelong learning and particularly adult training. As already noted, in Scotland lifelong learning strategy focuses on the idea of learning "from the cradle to the end of life" and access to education for all citizens [1]. In Wales the Government considering lifelong learning specificates expanding access to different types of adult training [2, p 12].

The UK government has set the following priorities for lifelong learning:

- development of skills and knowledge to increase labor productivity by means of encouraging creativity, innovative thinking and relevant initiatives;

- increasing and expanding participation of adults in education, including mastery of basic skills;

- raising the standards of teaching and learning.

The UK government believes that although voluntary approach to vocational training provided by employers has increased their participation in training at work, this is not enough, taking into account the problems: Britain needs basic skills that are essential for sustainable development, yet distribution of skills and values among the adult population is uneven. Since the time when in 2000 a resolution on training and professional skills was adopted, the government has outlined its plans in two official reports (White Books). In the latest one, published in March 2005 [3, p. 25], which establishes a series of actions as to improving professional skills, special attention is aimed at:

- priorities of employers' needs, ensuring their easy access to high quality personnel training;

- helping employers to use professional skills of workers to achieve greater success in business over the long term;

- motivation and support for students;

- allowing colleges and educational organizations to be more attentive to the needs of employers and learners;

- creating a national professional alliance based on partnership between the government, labor unions and employers.

Supporting these reforms will help create Framework for Achievement, which is being developed to provide a simple qualification structure for individuals and employers.

Also, in its official report, the government has acknowledged shortcomings of the previous development of leadership and managerial skills of workers of small and medium enterprises, especially at the mediate management level and offered “The national employer training program” which will promote Employer training pilots concerning development of skills and values and will include support for the development of leadership and managerial skills of workers of small and medium enterprises with particular emphasis on training under the supervision of an instructor and on-the-job training [3, p 34].

In an official report entitled as "Skills and values of the 21st century" dated 2003 the government has already presented a project of free training for anyone who has no basic skills in order to be hired. This would help the unemployed to get the second qualification level. After several debates this project began operating in 2006. In addition, the government provides great support (as regards funding and availability) to obtain professional skills of a higher level, namely level 3 qualification in the field of engineering and compatible highly qualified professions [4, p.14].

The distinction of British education lies in its flexibility, promoting people who have not received formal training or qualifications still have them later. However, there are many obstacles for training disabled people.

Along with basic principles of the reform as regards training youths from the age 14 to 19 and the professional skills strategy, in 2005 Disability Discrimination Act was revised and expanded. This act prohibited disabled people discrimination concerning employment and vocational training [5, p.22].

Traditionally, vocational training involving employers in the UK is voluntary and is not regulated by the state, or is discussed with social partners (trade unions). Thus, there is no legal obligation that would force employers to train their staff, unless required by regulatory rules for licensing organizations or individuals.

The Government, the Confederation of British Industry, and trade unions constantly encourage employers' initiatives as to adult training at a workplace. To increase the overall level of training at a workplace and to involve as many trade unions as possible, the law currently allows branches to choose for their trade unions individual representatives responsible for training. With help of Trades Union Congress the Government has allocated resources for establishment of a training fund to encourage unions to expand their activities in terms of training provision, such as eliminating the gaps in the basic skills of their members. In Scotland financing of the Scottish Union Learning Fund by the executive body is part of a strategy to address the issues on workers' professional skills development.

Vocational schools of public and private sectors offer a range of vocational training courses for people with a focus on their needs. Education and training for adults are carried out by several institutions, including institutions of higher and further education; training providers, namely, vocational schools, companies or individual employers; adult education centers under the supervision of local authorities engaged in training issues, and Workers' Educational Association. In addition, training via the Internet has been widely adopted.

Adults can be trained with help of unions, voluntary organizations, companies and firms, colleges of further education and higher education institutions. If adults are trained through the mediation of communities, this training is funded by local authorities.

In the UK there is a big difference in training which is offered by a variety of employers, even if they belong to the same industry or sector. The type and quality of training also differ. Only 40% of training financed by employers results in obtaining qualifications or partial qualifications. Yet a significant percentage of training is associated with introduction to the specific character of a profession or safety rather than getting common skills. The most common form is an incompany training followed by obtaining further education at colleges. Much of the on-the-job training is conducted by immediate chiefs, supervisors or experienced colleagues.

The general UK government's strategy is designed to encourage individuals to have the opportunity to learn. Special attention here is paid to the needs of the audience more than the needs of institutions or agencies that provide training services [6, p.31]. At the list below there are programs and initiatives that exist in the UK to provide vocational training for adults:

1) Employer Training Pilots.

These pilots encourage employers to train workers who have insufficient skills and values. They were launched in 2002 in order to reimburse the employers' money that they pay to their workers who attend training courses outside regular hours to improve their skills. By 2005 this pilot had helped to receive training to almost 18 000 managers and 80 000 workers with insufficient skills and values or professional qualifications;

2) Individual Learning Accounts in Wales and Scotland.

This initiative aims to expand the audience of people enrolled in training, and encourage individuals to take up training. This scheme of scholarships for teachers who have three or fourth year work experience is valid from 2000. These teachers independently decide how to spend the money on their professional development;

3) Business Learning Accounts.

Scotland's executive authority has started this project to stimulate individuals to learn in small business, providing them with knowledge about relations of their training needs with the overall growth of the business. The project financially supports proper investment of companies in training. In Wales the project started in 2002 to reimburse companies' costs allocated to train their workers;

4) The Internet guidance Since 2000 a special information Internet guidance service that provides easy access of potential students to information and advice on different types of training has been operating;

5) Developing adults' mathematical and writing skills in Scotland.

In Scotland, there is a research organization called «Learning Connexions» (assistance in training), which popularizes the idea of strengthening the nation through education. In 2004 it launched a national campaign «Big plus» to raise awareness among citizens as for supporting adults' participation in obtaining reading, writing and mathematical skills.

Typically, in Great Britain there are special Learning and Skills Councils (LSCs) that are responsible for the programs funded by the government and related to vocational education and training at the national level.

These councils advertise training involving mass media, electronic media advertising and branded products to attract more attention of potential students and employers;

6) Training of adults with disabilities.

Learning and Skills Councils are engaged in a program relating to local training for unemployed adults with disabilities to provide them with employment or self-employment. Such students receive financial support from the Department of Education and Vocational Training (DfES). Course duration depends on individual needs (maximum 52 weeks). In total, there are about 50 suchlike vocational training courses. Many of them result in receiving National Vocational Qualifications.

7) Spare time training.

There is no requirement in law for employers to give employees outside hours for their professional development leaving this decision on employers' own mind.

Unlike other countries the UK's labor market is not highly regulated, hence giving people the opportunity to more flexible choice of profession.

Learning and Skills Councils rank first in providing vocational training at national, regional, and local levels. Regional Development Agencies also play an important role in coordinating, updating, and economic development in regions. They intend to increase competitiveness of regions, helping businesses create work places and local workers have a better stable employment, especially among the low-income population. England has 9 suchlike agencies. In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland regional development is handled by different government agencies. Regional Development Agencies are funded by six government departments (including the Department of Education and Vocational Training and the Department of Trade and Industry).

Since April 2001 in England under the supervision of the Department for Work and Pensions, work center “Plus” that provides vocational training for adults who are unemployed over a long time has been operating. In Scotland, an organization “Training for work” deals with such issues. Responsibilities concerning government funding of education in Wales and Scotland are shared between Assembly for Wales and the Scottish Parliament respectively.

Centers of Vocational Excellence, which began operating in 2000, focus on the needs of craft and technical skills of workers. The centers' departments are located mainly in colleges of further education. These centers are gradually expanding. Their network deals with key economic sectors (agriculture, engineering, health care, social services, etc.). This network operates in Wales as well.

Conclusions. So, by example of the UK we see that in this country one of the trends of skilled workers training is to organize vocational training for adults in which public authorities are directly involved, thus helping the population to be employed. The role of employers is also an important factor in this process because labor market dictates demand for skilled labor. It does not matter what age a person who seeks to gain a profession has - a number of programs and special training centers that exist in the UK will always help to do this.


1. Cuddy N., Leney T. (2005) Vocational education and training in the United Kingdom: short description, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.

2. Disability Discrimination Act (2005), (electronic source). Available at: http://www.legislation.

3. Learning through life: life through learning. The lifelong learning strategy for Scotland (2003), (electronic source). Available at: Resource/Doc/47032/0028819.pdf.

4. The learning country: a paving document: a comprehensive education and lifelong learning programme to 2010 in Wales, (electronic source). Available at:

5. 21st century skills: realising our potential individuals, employers, nation. (electronic source). Available at: http: //www.official - 5810.asp.

6. White paper: skills: getting on in business, getting on at work (2005), (electronic source). Available at: dard/publication Detail/Page1/CM%206483.


1. Cuddy N., Leney T. Vocational education and training in the United Kingdom: short description. - Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2005. - 80 p.

2. Disability Discrimination Act [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: ontents.

3. Learning through life: life through learning. The lifelong learning strategy for Scotland. February 2003 [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http: //www .uk/Resource/Doc/470 32/0028819.pdf.

4. The learning country: a paving document: a comprehensive education and lifelong learning programme to 2010 in Wales [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу:

5. 21st century skills: realising our potential individuals, employers, nation [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: http: //www .official-documents. gov .uk/document/cm58/5810/5810.asp.

6. White paper: skills: getting on in business, getting on at work. March 2005 [Електронний ресурс]. - Режим доступу: publications/standard/publicationDetail/Page1/ CM%206483.

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