Method of discussions as one of the problem methods of study and reasonability of its application at foreign language classes
The need to modernize the educational process through interactive problem teaching methods. The feasibility of using the method of discussion in the classroom in a foreign language in higher education. Traits and features of educational discussions.
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Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 16.11.2018 |
Размер файла | 21,0 K |
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method of discussions as one of the problem methods of study and reasonability of its application at foreign language classes
Nikolaienko O.V., Senior Lecturer
at the Department of Foreign Languages for Specific Purposes
Chernihiv National University of Technology
Ushata T.O., Senior Lecturer
at the Department of Foreign Languages for Specific Purposes
Chernihiv National University of Technology
У статті розкривається необхідність модернізації навчального процесу засобами інтерактивних проблемних методів навчання. Доводиться доцільність використання методу дискусій на заняттях з іноземних мов у вищих навчальних закладах. Розглядаються характерні риси та особливості навчальних дискусій. Висуваються певні вимоги щодо їх організації та проведення.
Ключові слова: метод дискусій, навчальна дискусія, диспут, проблемний метод навчання, критичне мислення, комунікація, опонент, аргументи.
В статье раскрывается необходимость модернизации учебного процесса посредством интерактивных проблемных методов обучения. Доказывается целесообразность использования метода дискуссий на занятиях по иностранному языку в высших учебных заведениях. Рассматриваются характерные черты и особенности учебных дискуссий. Выдвигаются определенные требования к их организации и проведению.
Ключевые слова: метод дискуссий, учебная дискуссия, диспут, проблемный метод обучения, кри- тическоемышление, коммуникация, оппонент, аргументы.
The article reveals the necessity of educational process modernization by means of interactive problem methods of study. The reasonability of using the method of discussions at foreign language classes is proved. The main features and peculiarities of training discussions are considered. Some demands to training discussion arrangement are stated.
Key -words: method of discussion, training discussion, dispute, problem methods of study, critical thinking, communication, opponent, arguments.
Statement of the problem
Since the 18 century knowledge of foreign languages has been considered one of the most important elements of education. This trend is also traced nowadays. As the needs and requirements of the modern society are constantly evolving, the concept of education and the methods of teaching are developing as well. Innovative methods based on the principles of activity, creativity and moderation are becoming more and more popular. One of such innovative methods is the method of discussion which is to be implemented in the modern process of education.
The relevance of the research is conditioned by necessity of educational process modernization. Modern specialist is a well-educated person, who has a fundamental knowledge in one specific sphere, capable to studying, and constantly improving his skills and qualification. Foreign languages skills are of utmost importance for him, they are an essential condition for his professional competence enabling him to work with the information available to the world community, and also to communicate with his colleagues from all over the world. Working with information in any language requires particular intellectual skills formation. That is the ability to analyze the information, select the necessary facts lining them up into a logic chain, the ability to adduce arguments and counterarguments. Starting his professional career, a young specialist faces the necessity of solving theoretical and practical problems, that requires the ability to state his ideas clearly in his native or a foreign language, orally or in written form. Good language skills are an essential feature of a well-educated person.
It's possible to make the process of mastering a foreign language more effective by problematizing the process of study. Problem presentation of material contributes to the increase of educational process efficiency, as it stimulates cognitive activity, independent search for information, and the effort of analyzing and generalization [1, p. 4]. Problem study presupposes creation of problem situations by the teacher and independent activity of finding the solutions by the students. So, problem methods of teaching such as research, search, discussion and project methods are to be used. Method of discussion is one of the methods of problem learning, which is becoming more and more essential at English language classes, and English for specific purposes classes, as it enables the integration of students' knowledge in different spheres while solving a problem, provides an opportunity to apply language skills.
The objective of the study is to consider method of discussions as one of interactive technologies in forming foreign language skills; to describe the features of discussions and their variety, to define the peculiarities of discussions' arrangement in the process of teaching foreign languages for specific purposes; to prove the reasonability of using discussions at foreign language classes.
Analysis of recent researches and publications
The problem of arranging and holding discussions was investigated by E.P. Shubin, I.M. Berman, V.A. Buhbind- er, V.L. Skalkin, M.V. Klarin, O.I. Pometun, A.V. Pyrozhenko and many other scientists. L.I. Chernyshova was studying training discussion as one of the methods of forming an unprepared speech skills; L.I. Yaroslavska considered the role of discussions and disputes at foreign language classes in the process of overcoming pedagogical barriers at higher educational establishments.
Presentation of the main material of the study
Learning a foreign language in general, which includes different types of speech and intellectual activity, contributes to forming students' skills of thinking, of perceiving information critically, identifying the main idea and finding means and arguments to prove and substantiate it, and therefore improves understanding of any theoretical material. Mastering codes of rational speech communication, rules of conducting discussions facilitates formation of critical thinking and responsible attitude to speech, that are considered to be the most important requirements to a modern specialist.
Discussion in general sense (comes from Latin discussion that means research) is consideration of an issue by a group of people. A conversation of two or more people always has some elements of discussion: controversy and contradictions are always present in our lives. The necessity of reaching agreement is an obligatory condition of the existence of human society.
Method of discussions is a type of group methods of active learning, which are based on participants' communication while solving the training problems [6, c. 58]. The synonyms of the word “discussion” are debate, dispute, controversy, exchange of views, conversation, and talk. All these notions characterize discussion as a form of communication. In the pedagogical sense it's a method of arranging the process of study with the application of group research, consideration, public debate of problems, issues, expressing students' opinions proving them with arguments. Discussion is one of the well-known in the history of pedagogics methods of teaching. In ancient times it was being successfully used at gymnasiums and academies of ancient Greece to train young people. The expression “in a dispute, truth is born” is referred to discussion methods.
In pedagogical practice discussion is actively used as a method of students' critical thinking development, of communication and discussion culture development, encouraging students' activity and initiative.
The main features of training discussion are:
- topicality, urgency, divergence, and problem existence.
Any discussion is based on the problem. Its choice is determined by topicality and urgency from one hand, and convenience and reasonability in the process of study from the other hand. That's why the main goalposts in topic selection should be
• correspondence of the topic to didactic goals;
• value, timeliness and significance for all members of society;
• readiness of discussion participants (moral, emotional, psychological and knowledge).
- Motive and purposiveness. A problem issue is followed by intellectual difficulty, stimulation of cognitive activity, desire to solve the problem and express own point of view. In such a way the discussion motive appears. Problem stating, its analysis, finding solution take place while group discussion resulting in forming conclusions, their discussion, verifying, and possible finding the final common solution.
Discussion methods application in the process of study at higher educational establishments contributes to complete or partial solution of such problems: participants' awareness of their own views, opinions and estimates on the issue discussed; development of students' independent thinking; developing respect and understanding to the opponents' points of view; developing the abilities to provide constructive criticism of the existing points of view, including the opponents' views; developing the ability of to accepting criticism; developing the ability to frame questions and value judgements clearly, to listen without interrupting the opponents, to participate in disputes; developing the skills of team work, the ability of suggesting multiple solutions, of making resumes; developing the skills of delivering a speech in public, advocating own views and principles.
Discussions are often identified as polemics and controversies. However, as opposed to conflict and battle of opinions characteristic of polemics and controversies, discussion is characterized by purposiveness and intention to reach a compromise. That's why discussion may be considered as a consolidating activity, as opposed to a controversy which is a separating one. Its goal is to reach a maximum possible degree of agreement of its participants on the issue discussed. The conclusion of the discussion should be not a summary of the stated points of view, but an objective opinion, that is supported by all the participants of discussion or the majority of them.
One of the main characteristics of discussion is its argumentativeness. Discussing an issue, each participant opposing interlocutor's point of view, proves his own one giving arguments. The ability to prove own point of view is an essential term of discussion culture.
Participants of discussion have to constantly prove or disprove some points, persuade their opponents. That's why a polemicist needs to think clearly, to plan his speech logically, to give well-reasoned answers, that is to possess high standards of thinking culture. Communicative effect of a message greatly depends on person's logical culture, as no arguments will work if they are not logically arranged. The success of a discussion also depends on the ability of the participants to operate the notions and terms properly. That's why before starting the discussion it's necessary to specify the meanings of the major terms, and to clarify how each of the participants understands this or that notion.
One of the most important demands of discussion culture is mutual respect of the opponents. Unfortunately, it's often observed that the participants of the discussion are intolerant to people thinking differently. Striving to understand the opponent, respectful attitude to his beliefs are the necessary preconditions for successful discussion of a problem.
Applying method of discussions while teaching a foreign language is an efficient means to form basic skills of public speaking and developing communicative competence in general, as except language skills development, discussion also favors to the basics of elocution skills formation.
Characteristic features of discussion method of study are: team work, active communication of participants while working, verbal communication as a main form of interaction, exchange of views scheduled in accord with time limits and particular order of participation, but based on self-organization of all participants; orientation on educational goals achievement.
Any discussion has three stages:
- Preparation. At this stage the topic of discussion and the problem are stated, main issues of discussion are outlined, rules, order, time limits are set, roles are distributed, and didactic materials are handed out;
- Holding discussion. At this stage participants deliver their speeches, expressing their points of view, debates take place.
At this stage results are summarized, a resume of all suggested views is made, the options of further application of the achieved results are discussed, the process of discussion and the contribution of each participant are evaluated.
Discussion can be used as a method and as a form, i.e. it can take place in the frames of other events, being one of their elements. For example, method of discussion may precede the project method or may be a part of project work. At higher school education any types of discussions can be used. Application of this method is determined by the matter that it gives an opportunity to concentrate students' attention not on the language itself, but on the problem, to shift the focus from the linguistic aspect to the content, research and solve the problem by means of a foreign language. While using the method of discussion at higher educational establishments, and in foreign languages teaching in particular, it's necessary to consider the peculiarities of this method. Discussion at a foreign language classes is different from a discussion taking place in real life, in politics, science, public life, first of all by its goals. It's not so important to find solution of a problem, as to gain experience and certain skills, apply and improve existing knowledge and skills in the process of discussion. The second, developing, function is concerned with stimulating students' creativity, developing their logical skills, ability to think independently, to give arguments and prove their points of view, and also with general speech culture formation, culture of discussion and public speaking. The third function, educative, is concerned with students' social competence formation. Organization of students' group work contributes to strengthening interpersonal relationship, develops cooperation in educational microsocium. In the process of discussion they learn to interact with each other, find some contact points, come to an agreement on some issues, develop a common strategy and tactics, sometimes to give up and compromise. Particularly important skill, formed at discussion classes, is the ability to listen to the opponent, respect his point of view, and understand or at least try to understand his arguments. It's the ability that is often missing in the real life, and its lack results in multiple conflicts and quarrels. In this concern the educative value of discussions is difficult to overestimate.
One more peculiarity of discussion classes is conventionality of situation. It's characteristic of studying a foreign language out of the language environment. No methods end equipment give an opportunity to create the real language environment and substitute native speakers. At classes immersion in language environment is possible only by means of specially selected and methodically arranged training materials. That's why using discussions in educational process, it's very important to pay much attention to the preparation stage. It's necessary to think over and distribute the roles, arrange the order of speech performances, and also consider the linguistic part of the event: certain material should be studied previously, corresponding vocabulary and grammar structures should be studied and revised. It doesn't mean that the teacher is responsible for everything and the students are prevented from making choices and creativity. The teacher should only guide a discussion, outline the questions for discussion, select interesting problem situations, and students are responsible for the rest of work: searching for information, selecting and analyzing the materials. Students may be actively engaged in choosing the topic of discussion, stating the problems, determining the stages of discussion, time limits, making conclusions, etc. The goal of the teacher is to create the situation of development, providing the students with independence and responsibility for choice and decisions making. The linguistic part of discussion should be carefully planned and provided by the teacher. The teacher usually doesn't participate in discussion. He usually directs the course of discussion, and doesn't correct any grammar or vocabulary mistakes made by the students, as it interrupts the students' speech, slows down the discussion, and distracts the students from the point of the issue discussed. Moreover, some students are afraid to make a mistake and prefer to keep silent and not to participate in discussion. Though, the teacher cannot avoid reacting to mistakes at all, as there are some mistakes that cause misunderstanding of the statement, and result in breaking communication. The lecturer as a leader of the discussion, may use such methods: 1) record mistakes in the process of the discussion, and postpone their correction till the last stage when conclusion is made, emphasizing as a separate criterion of discussion evaluation grammar and vocabulary correspondence of speeches; 2) correct some mistakes at once in the process of discussion in the form of clarification questions or in the form of grammatically correct pronunciation of the expressions having been said by the students [10.С.32]. One more difficult aspect for the students is the necessity to speak only a foreign language without using their native tongue, as on the one hand it's difficult for them to control themselves being excited in the process of discussion, and on the other hand, there's a desire to say more than the limited vocabulary allows. So, the demand to speak only the foreign language should be made before the discussion starts.
Making conclusion, it should be mentioned that method of discussions enables not only to develop speech culture, but also encourages students to search for the solution of the problem independently, that results in creative thinking culture formation. Applying the method of discussions to the process of studying a foreign language together with other problem methods contributes to intercultural communication formation, which gives an opportunity to train a specialist able to communicate efficiently with foreign countries' representatives. It's also necessary to emphasize that application of discussions while studying a foreign language at higher educational establishments gives great opportunities for the students to develop their language and communicative skills, stimulates interest to the subject and helps to master grammar and vocabulary material. It's possible to state that it's reasonable to use discussions at all levels of studying foreign languages at higher school as they make the classes bright and dynamic.
educational discussion language higher
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