Euroclub in general educational establishment as a center of forming of a tolerant person due to application of a civil education in the establishment

The influence of civil law education on the formation of personality in a multicultural world. Description of the Bdzhelka Euroclub's experience in creating an activity environment for students to acquire positive experience in social activities.

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Дата добавления 16.11.2018
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UDC 37.034-053.6.

Euroclub in general educational establishment as a center of forming of a tolerant person due to application of a civil education in the establishment

Podcherniaieva N.D., Postgraduate Student at the Department

of General Pedagogics and Pedagogy of the Higher School

H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

У статті порушено проблему пошуку нових засобів формування толерантної особистості. Здійснено спробу довести, що упровадження громадянсько-правової освіти в закладі сприяє формуванню особистості, здатної до життя в полікультурному суспільстві. Наведено досвід роботи євроклубу «Бджілка» Харківської спеціалізованої школи № 73 зі створення діяльнісного середовища для набуття учнями позитивного досвіду соціальних дій.

Ключові слова: акція, команда волонтерів, правова освіта, проект, толерантна особистість, шкільний євроклуб.

В статье затронута проблема поиска новых средств формирования толерантной личности. Предпринята попытка доказать, что внедрение гражданско-правового образования в заведении способствует формированию личности, способной к жизни в поликультурном мире. Приведены опыт работы евроклуба «Пчелка» Харьковской специализированной школы № 73 по созданию деятельностной среды для приобретения школьниками положительного опыта социальных действий.

Ключевые слова: акция, команда волонтеров, правовое образование, проект, толерантная личность, школьный евроклуб.

The article touches upon the problem of searching for new means of forming a tolerant personality. An attempt has been made to prove that the introduction of civil-law education in the institution contributes to the formation of a personality capable of living in a multicultural world. The experience of the Euroclub “Bdzhelka” of Kharkiv Specialized School No. 73 on the creation of an activity environment for the acquisition of positive experience of social action by schoolchildren is given.

Key -words: action, team of -volunteers, legal education,project, tolerant personality, school Euroclub.

Formulation of the problem. Modern young people need to be prepared for life in an open European society, social activity, civil competence, realization of their part in life and confidence in its ability to influence positively changes in the society. education multicultural social

Pupils have to gain an experience of civil status in school and mainly through the devel-opment of democratic culture, learning principles of tolerance, forming of essential civil and social competences, learning political, legal, social and economical knowledge. Pupil must be prepared for living in an open European area. All these things make it important to create civil education system at school.

Analysis of recent research and pub-lications. Scientists have developed some methodical aspects of civic education: Y. Zawalevsky has been researching the formation of a civic orientation of the individual in extra-curricular work; Y. Oleksin has studied methodical principles of forming of features of senior citizens' civic education in the process of teaching history; T. Smagina presents the methodology of civic competence forming at jurisprudence lessons.

Setting a task (the purpose of the article). The main purpose of civic upbringing of the present, as defined by O. Sukhomlin- skaya, is to prepare young people “for life in a civil democratic society, an interconnected world; recognition and acceptance of values that are main determinants of this society” [2, p. 3]. P. Verbitskaya follows the same point of view, which emphasizes the assimilation of fundamental notions of society - its values [1, p. 39-44].

The purpose of the paper is to identify new ways of forming a tolerant person through the introduction of civil law education in an institu-tion on the example of the activity of Euroclub “Bdzhelka” of the Kharkiv Specialized School № 73.

Presentation of the main research ma-terial. The main task of this system at school № 73 is bringing up a citizen, a patriot who will be able to live in multicultural, pluralistic society, have civil competence, know his rights and duties, be able to influence any changes in society, respect human rights. Components of civil and legal education in school № 73 are:

- Teaching subjects of civil and legal edu-cation for alternative hours of the curriculum for the fifth form;

- Creating different centers for gaining more positive experience in social activities (The Children's rights center, School Euroclub);

- Organizing school life in a way, which will promote democratic behavior of members of the teaching-educational process (months of civil knowledge, involving pupils in law making, organizing different competitions, projects, including international ones, which are held within youth democratic movement).

In 1999-2000 academic year a conception of civil education in school has been created. On own initiative and under the leadership of our history and law teacher a children union called Children's rights center has been set up.

A Children's rights center includes itself a team of volunteers referred to as “We are to-gether”, a laboratory of social researches and the law and psychological consulting-center also known as “School solicitor”. This center team was open for all comers; gradually pupils of all forms began taking part in its work. This union has become the center of interesting and useful ideas, has given a chance for pupils to influence the politics of an establishment. It's acting on democratic base; it also has its own President, which is chosen in democratic way.

In academic year 2000-2001 with the help of local executive committee the classroom of children's rights has been created. It has become the headquarters and the center of communication of non-indifferent pupils.

Children worked at the project “My rights in my school”. Within this project children's rights and the convention for children's rights were learnt; discussions with other schools were held, the monitoring of children's rights in our school was conducted and creating of more democratic relationships in school was initiated.

In academic year 2001-2002 School Euroclub “Bdzhelka” took part in the V and the VII Ukrainian nation-wide competitions “Human rights: knowledge, attitude, protection”.

Also such courses as “Human rights”, “Tol-erance”, “Practical law”, “Social planning” were introduced. Starting with the 6 form children have begun learning a course called “Children's rights”.

School Euroclub “Bdzhelka” worked at the project “Children's rights at children's home”. Within the project some psychological training with children at children's asylum were conducted. Its purpose was to prove them that living at the children's asylum is better than living in the streets; volunteers told children about children's rights and how to use them, helped with the organization of some holidays. Working at the children's asylum children understood that authority of the family as an institution is being lost, it's the family that makes a real citizen of a man; children have learned how to communicate and listen to each other and at least be tolerant.

In academic year 2002-2003 in the center some new projects were created and carried out, such as “Your rights in your school”, “Equal to equal - about children's rights”, “Let's restore children's health”. Within the project “Equal to equal - about children's rights” School Euroclub “Bdzhelka” was helping young invalids in their self-expression, volunteers also showed them they have got lots of abilities in this world. In a project “Let's reinforce children's health” Euroclub has propagandized among pupils a healthy way of living, composition and drawings competitions were organized; the state of children's health in Kharkiv was studied and causes of children's diseases were researched.

In the year 2003 School Euroclub began the collaboration with social organizations and bodies of local self-government: Center of social services for families, children and youth; service dealing with the minors; Office of Public Prosecutor of Frunzenskiy district; Committee on families, and youth of Kharkiv municipal council, local Center “Trust” and others. “Bdzhelka” shared our thoughts with people at the Ukraine nation-wide radio in a programme called “Shcolyada”.

In academic year 2003-2004 “Bdzhelka” took part in Ukrainian nation-wide competition on removal of illegal children's toil - project “No!to children's exploitation”. In this project Ukrainian legislation concerning children's work was learned, illegal forms of children's toil and their consequences were analyzed, different competitions among pupils were conducted with purpose of drawing their attention to this problem, the “round table” meeting with pupils of schools № 145 and № 101 was conducted. School Euroclub “Bdzhelka” appeared on the television in the programme: “Dialogs about school”. Results of work on this project have been published in a newspaper “Kharkivyany”.

School Euroclub extended business-like relations with interested social organizations such as Kharkiv justice group, women's company “Nadiya”.

Within the program “Equal to equal” the team of volunteers was created in the institution. During these years twenty six volunteers have been prepared and received certificates of juvenile-instructors.

In academic year 2004-2005 school Euroclub took part and became a winner in Ukainian competitions: “Citizen”, “I'm saying “No!” to violence towards children”, municipal competition “I am against drugs, smoking and AIDS”, sent their works to Ukrainian competition “Ukraine in Holokost”, which was organized by the Center for studying Holokost in Ukraine. Volunteers took part in municipal intellectual game “Debates” and conducted intellectual games “Debates” between pupils and teachers of the institution, between pupils' teams of school № 73 and school №101 in municipal congress of children's organization.

In limits of participations in Ukrainian compe-tition “Citizen” a project “Make present of glad-ness to children” was worked out. The purpose of the project was to make a present of gladness of communication to children of regional orphanage for minors. Thanks to this game children learned how to understand others and take decisions in unusual situations.

Work under this project extended business-like relationships with the bodies of power and municipal self-government. The Department of education of Kharkiv municipal council, Committee on the problems of families, children and youth helped to make clear some problems of children being out of control. School Euroclub took part in the regional meeting of volunteers which was set up by the regional Centre of social services for families, children and youth, and in the 7th regional meeting of juvenile-instructors on the programme “Equal to equal”.

In June 2005 School Euroclub took part in the work of a camp of volunteers of the local Center of social services for families, children and youth called “Dovira”, where learned effective communications and received diplomas.

In academic year 2005-2006 the Euroclub carried out the project called “Give gladness to children” as a winner of social action of pupils of Ukraine “Citizen-2005” has been represented in The Supreme Council of Ukraine. School Euroclub “Bdzhelka” got presents from the Su-preme Council of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Min-isters of Ukraine, the Association of teachers of history and law “The New Day”.

The pupils of 8-11 forms began to study an integrated course “European studios”. The con-tent of the course is a complex of knowledge, skills, habits and competencies which will pro-mote an active participation in political, legal, economic and cultural life of modern society and up-bringing a child as a conscious citizen of Ukraine and Europe.

Direction of the school educational process of the educational establishment to social education discovered many pupils which are socially active. They took part in different social researches and social projects, initiated the work of the “Center of Children's rights”.

The experience of social education gained over these years, the entry of the educational establishment into an open educational space with the assistance of an Association of leaders of schools of Ukraine (participation in such in-ternational programs as “Ukraine-Netherlands”, “Education and management”, the UN devel-opment program “Creating safe surroundings for Ukrainian young people”, in project of In-ternational fund of revival “European studios in Ukrainian schools”, in projects of associated schools of UNESCO) allowed to select further more scaled way to development of social ed-ucation: forming the social self-consciousness in the context of common European education.

In June 2005 the Headmistress of school T. Michailenko went throught the training on the basis of the Central institute of continuous education of teachers in Warsaw on the point of creating and arranging the work of school euroclubs.

After the presentation of school Euroclubs of Poland and talks about Euroclubs which are already created in Ukraine it became clear that School has all conditions for creation of the Youth civil organization School Euroclub: the desire of pupils and teachers, the experience of collective useful activities, the understanding of Ukraine's eurointegration prospective.

That is why the 2005-2006 academic year was a year of birth of the School Euroclub. So school administration began to create modern classroom which resembles well-known euroclubs. Transforming furniture for introducing different types of interactive forms of work; modern multimedia communication equipment, informational and methodical materials on the priorities of strategic development of Ukraine in the context of eurointegration. The School Euroclub (SE) was born due to common ideas of pupuils and teachers. Time has come when useful activities in the context of common human and common European values can be evaluated.

Principles of School Euroclub are: dialogue - autonomy - tolerance - pluralism - policultur- alism -personal responsibility for a matter en-trusted. Its motto: «All of us are different - all of us are equal».

The basic objectives of the School Euroclub are: to promote the processes of eurointegration in Ukraine; to conduct meetings, festivals, competitions and conferences with the aim of experience exchange and discuss actual problems; to promote education and upbringing of youth in a spirit of European values; to create conditions for youth to realize its rights; to in-fluence positively the life of society; to form young people's skills of communication and protection of their rights (law-abiding reaction to law-breaking behaviour); to create conditions for creative self-realization and harmonious de-velopment of a person.

Direction of work of the School Euroclub: spreading information about EU; conducting meetings, receptions, festivals, competitions and conferences for exchange of knowledge and discussion of problems of present interest; establishing cultural, scientific, business contacts with young people from the EU and Ukraine; arranging collaboration with youth social organizations, leaders of educational institutions and interested juridical and physical persons in Ukraine and beyond it; promotion of foreign languages studying, computer sciences and information technologies; participation in publishing activities, preparation of infobillboards and packages; participation in competitions and projects; participation in exhibitions and other cultural activities; conducting educational and entertaining activities (competitions, quizzes); preparation and conducting international round table discussions, parliamentary games, and other forms of activities aimed to raise the level of youth competence in principals of EU activity and its structures; collaboration with the bodies of state authorities and local self-government, non-governmental organizations and schools of the city; providing the protection of rights and freedom of youth, its honors and dignity.

The Structure of the School Euroclub: the body of the Supreme administration of School Euroclub is a school conference; the Controlling body is the council of SE which is headed by the President. He is elected on the democratic basis; the commission for inspection is the main body of internal control; Secretariat is the structure that registers official documentation and arranges activities.

The following sections and centers act in the School Euroclub: Intellect-center (School scien-tific community; Club of intellectual games “De-bates”; Political club); The center of information culture (Press center; Center of computer communications); The center of children's right (Team of teenagers-instructors - volunteers “We are together!”; Laboratory of sociological researches; “School solicitor” (consultancy on psychological and legal issues); The public re-lations center; Ecological center; Foreign lan-guages club “Lingva”; The sport and health center “Be healthy!”; The club “Relax!”: The center of creative development of youth and children.

One of the most important points of the meeting in Poland in June, 2005 was the question of defining of ways of forming a `european' teacher: the rise beyond the national dimension; European knowledge and point of view; multi-cultural attitudes, language competence; common qualifications; mobility; European measure and standards of quality. The purposeful work with the idea of going out into open educational area and forming modern European outlook which a teacher has, the ability to take in modern mobile pedagogical technologies has been planned in the secondary special school № 73.

That is why Euroclub classroom has double meaning: the headquarters of the Euroclub and the training center for teachers of our city, who want to work according to modern educational standards.

The Tolerance Day (November, 16 1995) when General Assembly of UNO adopted the declaration on principles of tolerance. Its aim is to draw everyone's attention to the problem of the lack of tolerance in the world, the necessity to resist aggression between people and states. The EU is an example of tolerance between peoples of Europe, the objective and condition of democracy.

The creation of the School Euroclub in of Kharkiv specialized school № 73 is a natural thing. So the opening of the Euroclub took place on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the day of Tolerance.

Enormous work had been done by the day of the opening of the School Euroclub. A competi-tion on the best emblem and motto of the club was held among pupils. Schoolchildren made national emblems, flags and national clothes of member-countries of the EU.

The Center of children's rights has worked the status and structure of our youth organization School Euroclub. Structural centers were organized and the responsibilities were worked out and distributed.

The competition on children's drawings “I am the European” was held among pupils of 5th-8th forms. The essay competition was held in 9th-11th forms. Pupils of 1-4 forms made drawings on the topic “Ukraine is a European state”. In their works pupils thought over the meaning of words `being a European' and what European integration means to Ukraine.

Every form chose a member-country of the EU. Pupils began to study its history, cultural, social, political state and the prospective of de-velopment. During the week there were quizzes, competitions among forms' newspapers on the topic “Tolerance Day”, “Countries of the EU”, the Internet forum concerning civil education. The leaflets telling about the work of the School Euroclub were issued. The first issue of “EURONEWS” school newspaper was published.

The day of November, 16 has become a real triumph of tolerance and social activity of pupils and teachers.

It should be noted that all pupils showed their desire to make badges and special neckties - the symbol of membership of the School Euroclub, which they tied to each other at the solemn meeting. They took their oath to be faithful to the principles of tolerance; respect to human's rights with the feeling of dignity of belonging to great affair.

On the day open pedagogical lessons on topics of the Tolerance Day, counteraction to terrorism, respect and protection of human rights and liberties were held at the institution. Thus, the 11th-b form directed by the teacher of geography S. Nedashkovska, their form-master, had a business “TV bridge Ukraine-Poland”. Key questions in it were the ones of genocide against humanity and necessity of common actions for the sake of peace. A specific lesson-game “The rights and duties of a person in society” was held on the 4th-v form. It was prepared by the teacher I. Osmachko. Pupils of the 3rd-b form learned to communicate tolerantly at the lesson called “Can you communicate?” directed by the teacher of primary school L. Krasnokutskaya. Pupils of 4th-a form learned the principles of tolerance at the game-lesson “The Joy of Life” together with their teacher N. Ryabchenko.

Pupils were well prepared for the game-com-petition “Wonderful traveling”. During the sym-bolic travel teams defended their projects at stations: “Game station”, where they showed children games of the European peoples; “Music station”, where the music and songs of European countries sounded; “Cookery station”, where the recipes and dishes were represented; “Experience station”, where the pupils demonstrated their knowledge of history, culture and economic development of EU countries.

On this day one could hear speaking in Ukrainian, Russian, English, German, French and even Chinese languages as all these languages are taught at school. And pupils of 5th-b form staged and performed the fairy-tale “Three little pigs” in English. It was directed by their form-master D. Simonenko.

The solemn conference of Euroclubs of school №73 and lyceum № 149 became a significant event. “Youth strives to positively influence changes in society”. And it is very important to note that authorities, local bodies of self-government, community support the initiative of youth. It became clear that the Euroclub has associates and partners.

After summarizing the Tolerance Day in school № 73 children received diplomas and gifts.

The creation of Euroclub caused great interest among our pupils. Almost all of them were talking about taking part in the work at this pro-ject. They take their main information from the Internet, mass media. Pupils have created the plan of a project “European Union: yesterday and today”, which they will develop during the next school year.

In December, 2005 the school took part in a project “Saint Nikolay's assistant” as a part of nation-wide project. Its purpose was to help disabled people.

In February, 2006 was carried out the first meeting of teenagers-instructors and teachers - instructors according to the programme “Equal to equal”.

In May, 2006 the Day of Europe was held at our school.

The pupils decided to tell about our club's work to young people with limited possibilities of the organization “Hope”.

Twenty two pupils of 10th-v form took part in social action “Citizen-2006”. The topic of the project was “Equipped stop”. The purpose of this project was to learn how to use our right of passing decisions, to influence positively the life of society, to attract the attention of municipal and district power bodies to necessity of equipping the tram-stop “The 604th microdistrict”.

To carry a debate “European integration of Ukraine: pros and corns” with the Euroclub “Rainbow” of the Lyceum № 149; to organize school profile camp it was compulsory to speak foreign languages. Laboratory of social re-searches of the Centre of children's rights was planning to learn our district inhabitants' opinion about European integration. There is a hope that Euroclub will have lots of partners among pupils of Ukraine and all Europe.

Conclusions from the conducted re-search. From the above it can be concluded that one of means of forming a tolerant personality is the school Euroclub, through which an activity environment for the acquisition of positive experience of social action is created in the institution, the students learn principles of tolerance, and necessary civil and social com-petencies are formed.


1. Вербицька П.В. Понятійний апарат громадян-ського виховання особистості. Вісник Житомирського державного університету. Педагогічні науки. 2009. №43. С. 39-44.

2. Сухомлинська О.В. Громадянське виховання: спадщина і сучасність. Управління освітою. 2005. № 24, грудень. С. 3.

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