The culture of communication as a part of a professional culture in future teachers
Professional broadcasting as a compulsory component of professional readiness of students. Rationale for the need to meet the scientific and practical needs in shaping the culture of communication and ensuring the methodological training of teachers.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 16.11.2018 |
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The culture of communication as a part of a professional culture in future teachers
Pedagogical communication is the process of organization and development of communication, mutual understanding and interaction between the teacher and the students. In the learning and teaching process, the teacher is not only to organize the cognitive, learning, educational and other activities of the students, but also to initiate the communication, as the teacher's work involves permanent and lengthy communication [4].
The need for satisfaction of scientific and practical needs in shaping the culture of professional communication requires consideration and substantiation of theoretical and methodological foundations of training future teachers, capable of solving professional problems related to professional communication; staying competitive in the labor market through mastering the necessary skills and techniques of professional communication. Therefore, examination of theoretical developments and practical experience in training future language teachers at universities enabled us to formulate the problem of this article which consists in the need to develop a concept for shaping the culture of professional communication in future teachers.
The growing attention of the society to the problem of communication culture in various areas of life, in particular as regards future teachers, the objective existence of such aspect of culture as culture of professional communication, and the urgent need to start shaping and improving it are here to determine the purpose of an in-depth specialized research.
The relevance and viability of the research are determined by the tendencies in development of the global community, Ukraine's integration into the European educational environment, and a substantial increase in the role of communication in all fields of life.
A well-developed and well-rounded specialist should be competitive in the modern and future labor market, be successful at solving professional problems based on skillful communication and cooperation with various professional categories of people.
That is why one of the most relevant problems in the field of professional training at institutions of higher education today is shaping various aspects of technological, environmental, informational, communicative culture, as well as, particularly, the culture of professional communication.
Analysis of psychological and pedagogical works as well as sociology and culture study research suggests the necessity to develop a concept for shaping the culture of professional communication which requires a thorough study of the theoretical developments on this topic.
Analysis of domestic pedagogical heritage (represented by works of H. Alchevska, M. Hrushevsky, M. Dragomanov, O. Dukhnovych, M. Kostomarov, T. Lubenets, A. Makarenko, I. Ohiienko, M. Pyrogov, S. Rusova, H. Skovoroda, M. Sumtsov, V. Sukhomlynskyi and others) testifies to the growing interest of teachers to the culture of communication which opens broad prospects for theoretical reasoning on the lines of shaping the culture of professional communication in a new set of social and cultural conditions.
Much interest is inspired by the research on personality-based orientation of the upbringing process by A. Boiko, O. Dubase - niuk, S. Zolotukhina, I. Ziaziun, N. Kichuk, V. Lozova, A. Mydryk, N. Nychkalo, E. Nosen - ko, V. Semychenko, T. Sushchenko and others. Scientists are unanimous that one of the most effective factors in shaping a cultured personality is taking into account their needs and interests agreed with the needs of the society.
In this aspect, the significant element is the idea of recognizing the exceptional and important nature of the student's personality who should be the subject of the educational process. Therewith this opinion rests on the scientific heritage of the scholars who researched the problem of shaping a human personality with a high level of culture - I. Bekh, O. Bodaliov, S. Honcharenko, V. Hryniova, M. Ievtukh, I. Ziaziun, K. Korsak, V. Kremin, N. Krylova, V. Kudin, V. Lozova, V. Luhovyi, V. Lutai, H. Nesterenko, O. Savchenko, V. Sukhomlynskyi, A. Sushchenko, T. Sushchenko, H. Trotsko and others.
Recently there have been several research works to focus on various aspects in shaping culture of communication. In particular, these include works by L. Bereznytska, M. Vasylieva, O. Vietokhov, N. Volkova, V. Hrekh - niev, V. Kan-Kalyk, I. Komarova, V. Morozov, A. Mudryk, S. Musatov, S. Olkhovetskyi, L. Palamar, M. Pentyliuk, L. Petrovska, V. Poltorat - ska, S. Riabushko, H. Sagach, L. Uspensky, Ye. Tsukanova and others, which concentrate on communicative interaction, psychological aspects of communicative training for students, pedagogical conditions for shaping communicative competence and particular communicative skills.
Consideration of research works on this issue shows that only some aspects of professional communication have been studied thoroughly, mostly the communicative one. At the same time, there are no integrated and conceptually coordinated research works concerning the technology of shaping the culture of professional communication in students of pedagogical (teacher-training) institutions of higher education.
The goal of this research is to substantiate theoretical and methodological foundations for shaping the culture of professional communication in students of pedagogical (teacher-training) institutions of higher education, and develop a conceptual model for implementing this process in colleges and universities.
Systematic shaping of the culture of professional communication in students of pedagogical institutions of higher education will promote improvements in the quality of their professional training, forming an active and sensible citizenship and life philosophy, and facilitate their all-round professional and personal development. This research is based on consideration of the culture of professional communication as an integral element of professional culture for a future specialist.
At the present stage of development, vocational education does not ensure proper readiness of future specialists to perform their professional and social duties in terms of having a proper culture of professional communication.
This research is based on understanding of shaping the culture of professional communication in students of pedagogical (teacher-training) institutions of higher education as a complete pedagogical process aimed at their mastering the basic knowledge of professional communication, development of their communicative skills and bringing up the personal qualities which are significant for the culture of professional communication.
Presently there is a tendency towards the change in the functional structure of the teacher's influence on the student. While it has been dominated by the informational aspect throughout the entire history of the mankind, today teachers lose their leading role as the source of new information due to rapid development of mass media. At schools, another side of the teacher's role is beginning to prevail - that of being a guide in the world of knowledge. At universities, the informational function of the teacher is still at a high level. However, appearance of new textbooks and use of computer-assisted technologies will also affect the model of communication with the teacher. Functions of self-control, self-organization and self-assessment will be more actively transferred to the student. Teachers will be able to assist students in choosing their path in life and professional development, in seeking their own working style, in overcoming obstacles in learning and dealing with personality-related problems [16].
Every era in development of mankind is characterized with a certain type of culture. Similarly, every area in a person's life and activity has certain characteristics. At the early stage of a child's life, some basics of culture are laid down, including basic culture of behavior and communication. Starting from such base, the person strives to improve throughout all of their life. This intention is stimulated by the ever-burning desire to discover something new in the surrounding world to maintain one's bearings.
The culture a child joins since the earliest age is many-sided. It encompasses art culture, the culture of self-determination, economic culture, the culture of politics and law, intellectual and moral culture, environmental and physical education culture, the culture of communication and family interaction, as well as professional culture. We have analyzed that it is the culture of communication that is closely interwoven with all the other components, and the culture of psychic activity is directly related to a person's general culture of living [9].
A person finds its most prominent expression in cooperation with others while performing their professional duties. The culture of behaving, speaking and listening often affect results of professional activity. It is in this aspect that we can discuss professional culture, that is, the compliance of behaving, speaking listening an d speech in professional activities with the generally recognized standards and principles, primarily moral principles, as well as with the job-specific requirements. Engaging in a certain activity, a person does not only demonstrate their moral qualities but also uses them to influence others while pursuing a goal. There is a number of professions where people have to both know and comply with certain moral principles, because the object of their activities is a human being.
Professional moral is what characterizes all-human moral values (standards, principles and notions) in terms of particular professions. The subject dealing with peculiarities of professional moral is professional ethics. When professional ethics is discussed, we mean moral duties reflecting attitudes of a representative of certain profession towards the object of their work, their colleagues, partners and the society in general. First of all, these include understanding their moral responsibilities and willingness to perform their professional duties [6].
The core notion of professional moral is professional duty which interleaves with the notion of responsibility. Professional conscience is the quality to help a specialist to analyze results of their work in terms of universal moral values. It also involves such notions as professional honor, dignity and justice. Professional tactfulness affects relationships with other people and solving work-related problems in the course of communication.
Communication between people facilitates their ability to feel and sympathize, experience and share feelings. At the same time, rules of ethics depend on a person's moral culture and reflect its essence - that is, motives, needs, goals, mindsets etc. Besides, the moral side of ethics is closely connected to that of esthetic nature. The rules of ethics directly connected to morals are politeness (the skill of behaving in a polite way), tactfulness (the skill of limiting one's behavior in relationships with other people), correctness (the skill of keeping one's behavior within the boundaries of propriety without hurting others' pride), good manners (the skill of behaving properly in any situation).
Throughout all of their live, a person is constantly in the course of formation and development. Since early childhood, a person acquires certain moral standards and rules of etiquette. However, their behavior changes depending on the circumstances of life. To a certain extent, it depends on individual peculiarities of a person - temperament, character and abilities. The people who failed to accept ethical norms and rules of etiquette and acquire techniques of human communication, become aggressors; allowing themselves to be rude, they can easily humiliate others and turn them into objects to express their annoyance on. In the end, such people may become socially dangerous.
Speech behavior, in the opinion of I. Zymnia [5], is expressed in the manner and nature of speech acts, including somatic activities. As well as other kinds of social activity, speech behavior is subject to control of the society. First of all, is it subordinated to widely recognized standards of literary language - orthoepical, lexical, phraseological, morphological and syntactical. The culture of language behavior is preconditioned by reasonable choice and organization of speech means which allow, in every particular communicative situation, to solve communication tasks effectively with observance of linguistic and ethical norms. However, ever act of professional communicative interaction requires non-standard speech creativity as it is built with consideration of many circumstances such as the situation of communication, individual peculiarities of the partner in communication, their emotional background, the nature of relationship between the partners and so on.
The essential feature of every person's behavior culture is the use of a system of nation-specific stereotypes, accepted forms of communication meant to establish and maintain contact. In the process of communication, the teacher is bound to create a corresponding communicative environment to stimulate the student's speech activities. It is important to avoid looking for errors or inaccuracies in the student's speech but to express real interest in exchange of information, emphasize advantages, abstain from demanding immediate answers or interrupting, let the student have time to think. The style of speech is an important characteristic of verbal and non-verbal behavior. As we all know, sociolinguistics distinguishes two main types of that, formal and informal styles. Functional styles of language behavior differ by the choice of vocabulary and means of expression. The teacher should be flexible enough to switch from one style to the other with consideration of the specific communicative situation. It is evident that developing an individual style of a specialist's language behavior takes quite a long time. The individual style of language behavior is expressed through a certain manner of self-expression - vocabulary, intonation, mimic and pantomimic. At the same time, professional ethics suggests certain speech discipline, strict observance of literary standards which prohibit the use of vernacularisms, slang etc. both in formal and informal communication [8].
One of the important determining factors of language behavior is the skillful organization of a dialogue which helps to solve effectively a range of varied tasks: achieve mutual understanding, use various approaches in interpretation of discussion-related problems, create situations with free choice of personal position, and adjust one's own actions based on the received feedback [10]. Dialogue as a form of communication is the process of the partners' mutual development. In a situation of dialogue, two personalities generate a common psychological space and create a united emotional «co-existence» where influence ceases to exist but gives way to a «psychological unity of the subjects where they unfold the creative process of mutual discovery and development, and create preconditions for self-influence and self-development. Being adequate to the subject-subject nature of the human nature, a dialogue is the most relevant form to organize most productive and personality-developing contacts between people [7, p. 51]».
Except its improvisational nature, another important thing is expressiveness which helps to reinforce the meaning of the word. The culture of language behavior suggests consideration of one's expressive manifestations, their critical assessment and conscious use of language abilities in communication. It has been noted that many people tend to show stereotypical emotional self-expression which is undesirable. Expressiveness of language behavior is determined by using expressive means of various levels. At the lexical and semantic level, it depends on the choice of vocabulary. Emotions are expressed by interjections, particles and conjunctions. At the syntactical level, speech expression is connected to using exclamatory and imperative constructions, incomplete sentences, rhetorical questions, anaphoras (repetition of the word or grammatical structure at the beginning of the sentence) and epiphoras (repetition of the word or word combination at the end of the sentence), inversion. The imagery and metaphorical nature of the word act as means of speech expressiveness, that is, as a way to operate speech forms with figurative meaning. Expressiveness of the spoken word is determined with a complex of non-verbal manifestations - intonation, mimic and gestic - ulatory. The meaning of non-verbal communication is immense as it can perform all main functions of language elements and in fact, replace a substantial part of oral speech. All the abovesaid applies to the so-called communicative technique. When talking about technique of communication or communicative technique, we should mean the set of methods (means) used in the course of communication in order to achieve the desired results of communication [16]. The communicative technique is, in fact, the basis for pedagogical techniques. Pedagogical techniques are a set of skills that help the teacher to express themselves in a deeper and more accomplished way, and achieve optimal results in pedagogical activities. It includes the skill of pedagogical communication, the technique and culture of speech, mimic, pantomimic, professional self-regulation of the teacher's mood etc. Which is more important in pedagogical communication: perfect command of the communicative technique or the ability to establish relations at the strategical level? If we suppose that effectiveness of communication is primarily determined by the technique, that is, by mastering the communicative knowledge and skills, then most teachers will not stand out by the effectiveness of their pedagogical communication. The only visible difference would be that determined by experience. That is because the technique of pedagogical communication is given too little time and attention in professional training of a teacher. Most of them acquire their skills in a somewhat chaotic way - as a part of their experience gained in the course of teaching work. Hence, it would be logical to assume that teachers with a long-term school teaching experience should possess better communicative competence and be more effective in communication. That is true, to some extent, but obviously there is no direct connection. In many cases, young teachers become more effective in communication in comparison with their older colleagues. It can evidently be explained by the fact that acquisition of communicative experience differs depending on a person. People differ by the level of competence due to varied communicative mindsets, differences in personal and emotional development, that is, due to differences in basic strategic orientations. Some orientations facilitate acquisition of the necessary skills and techniques of communication and therefore enhance effectiveness of communication, while others hamper successful formation of communicative competence. It is evident, though, that at the same time personal qualities, mindsets and orientations don't always ensure complete effectiveness of communication without application of a corresponding communication technique [8].
Teacher's speech has to ensure solving teaching tasks and upbringing of students, that is why speech has professional, i. e. pedagogical requirements, in addition to the general culture-related standards. The teacher has a kind of social responsibility for the contents, quality and consequences of their speech. That is why the teacher's speech is an important element of their pedagogical skill. The term «teacher's speech» («pedagogical speech») is used when the teacher's oral speech is meant. Oral speech denotes the process of speaking (generation of statements) and the result of the process, i. e. spoken statements. Pedagogical speech is meant to ensure: a) productive communication and interaction between the teacher and the pupils; b) positive influence of the teacher on the conscience and feelings of the students meant to shape or correlate their beliefs and motives; c) full-value perception, realization and consolidation of knowledge in the course of the studies; d) rational organization of the teacher's practical and academic activities. The notion of «pedagogical speech» stands in close relation with another term, «communicative behavior of the teacher». In modern literature, it means not just the process of speaking and transferring the information, but the organization of speaking and correspondent behavior of the teacher, which all influence the creation of emotional and psychological environment for communication between the teachers and the students, affect the nature of their relationship, and the style of their cooperative work [3].
For characterizing the teacher's communicative behavior, the following factors are significant: the tone of speech; justified use of evaluative statements (judgments); manner of communication with students; the nature of mimics, movements and gestures that accompany the speech. Teacher's oral speech exists in two forms: a) monologic speech (a story, lecture, comment, explanation of rules, symbols, terms), extended evaluative judgments (motivation of marks during assessment of knowledge; evaluation of students' behavior or extracurricular activities); b) dialogic speech (question-and-answer talks with students). In addition, school practice may contain situations when it is necessary to exchange greetings, evaluations or utterances between teachers and students when they meet, as well as situations of joint discussion of certain academic problems, actions and norms of behavior. In such situations, forms of oral speech become interwoven. To facilitate successful completion of pedagogical tasks, teacher's speech should comply with certain requirements, that is, have certain communicative qualities. Thus, the requirement for correct teacher's speech is ensured by its standardized nature (compliance of the teacher's speech with norms of modern literary language), exact use of vocabulary; the expressiveness requirement can be satisfied with imagery, emotional and bright nature of the speech. Generally speaking, the notion of teacher's speech culture is defined by such communicative qualities: correctness, exact use of terms, propriety, lexical richness, expressiveness and clarity.
If we have a look at the works by scientists who study the problem of communicative qualities in pedagogical speech, we could imagine an ideal speech model for a modern teacher. First of all, such speech is correct, compliant with standards of modern literary language, clear and comprehensive. It is the speech free of slang, vernacularisms and informal terms. It is the speech that is rich, varied in vocabulary and adequate to the goals and conditions of pedagogical communication. Pedagogically expedient speech can be described as logical and convincing. Its intonations and melodicism are varied and expressive, the rhythm and tempo are optimal for every specific situation when communication takes place [11].
Requirements to communicative qualities of the teacher's speech are determined by its pedagogical functions. The main pedagogical functions of the teacher's speech include:
- ensuring full-value presentation (delivery) of knowledge;
- ensuring effective academic activities of the students;
- ensuring productive relationship between the teacher and the students.
Peculiarities of oral pedagogical speech as a type of public speaking:
- targeted nature of the teacher's speech (it is addressed to the students);
- the contents of such speech is perceived through two channels - sound (via words and intonation) and vision (mimics, gestures, movements);
- improvised nature of oral pedagogical speech.
Way to improve the speech skills of a future teacher:
- self-control and developing the culture of speech, creating a mindset to master correct literary speech in all communicative situations;
- self-control and developing the skills of expressive speech;
- development of general psychological peculiarities of one's personality that may create preconditions for successful mastering of speech skills and techniques [12].
Acquisition of literary language standards is a continuous process that starts in early childhood and lasts throughout one's life. That is why the teacher's personality is formed by perfect knowledge of the subject, pedagogical skills, well-tried methodology but also by the esthetic and word-shaping level of pedagogical techniques.
The teacher has to be not only a competent specialist with a high level of scientific and job-specific qualifications and good job discipline, not only a spiritually rich personality responsible for their teaching and upbringing activities at school; any teacher has to be at the same time a communicative personality with high cultural standards, good dialogue and discussion skills, who can ensure positive moral and emotional background to pedagogical interaction.
Prospects of further research suggest continued studies in this field.
teacher culture communication
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